Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1952, p. 8

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81m and sour tenet mung thing about Our observance of Christmas column in mkinmight not show outwardly too to them to the editor Same complimentary and others are an Madly but all are inter esting out show that at least two or three new read the weekly meditation The most frustrating lling is to spend eorlstderabiei time on an important and contro vertial mbyect and find not soul apparently has ever glanced at it Sometimes it is hard to refrain fmnt putting in another column answering seine oblection for ex ample the man who does not likei tbe Revised Standard Version of the Bible or the woman who does not think we are Christian And we have in mind to do somethingi in answer to the person who askedg for presentation of the new dis coverics in the realm of science But on this the conclusion of one year of Life and Living it is the personal letters which we should look forward to to say nothing of zlike to share with you The first comment was from Mrs who liked the idea of the Winn and particularly the titleI She quotes thought remembered Jrom an oldEpworth League meetl ing in Metropolitan Church many years ago Life is the rounding out and the filling up of the thought of God concerning us And she comments this has been theralpha bet of white and Living Another letter which we will lnot identify paints this picture At present this community is in dreadful conditionit makes oncs heart ache Christ came to call the sinners to repentance but we have only righteous peoplehere very Those 90 per cent who jnever go to church say they are better than the hypocrites who do The church attenders simply wont iattend Wednesday night meeting for Study and Prayer even the DC minister will have nothing to do with it In fact chnesday night is usually their night for sociala Now the Pres minister has gone and just such few We never have an elder attend1n the little group even there are several who refuse to kneel and so veryfew to lead in prayer writer rm Minesing apples clates the Sensible Santa Claus andCareiess Carols columns We heard there was quite bit or dis cussion over Bow to Drink In But it was thePoor responsewhich comes much difference from the ordinary one but inwardly to the close ob server think there would be difference We of course have good sited slice of family prayers Mth the Christmas story from one of the Gospels as the Bible reading and short remlnder of the purpose for which He came which was to die for our sins Then we are again reminded that all the Joy in our lives comes from Him for He is the sole auth or of that article do not think it is necessary to go into monas tic separation at this time but rather feel that we can by making much of the hymns Bible prayer and thanksgiving as family lift the day out of the ordinary and mundane materialism which has gripped it into day in which Christis central We end our Christmas with long hymn sing around the tree which the kiddies the grownups Well it has been an interesting twelve months for us If God wills and if you are still interated We hope to brng you Christian viewpoint on various matters of Life and Living for some time yet Let us know what you think for thinking is treasure and gift Thank you for your many let tels pro and con Tecumseth TWp Candidates at Nomination Mtg Leonard Abernethy who later received an acclamaiion as coun cillor to Tecumseth Township Council said in the course of his address after nomination on Mon day afternoon in the Beeton Arena that he felt it was time they needed some fresh faces in the council He rounded off his brief address by remarking that he thought great deal of their expenditure might be unnecessary An outline of some of the work ivhlch had gone on within the township within the past year and of some of the problems which they would undoubtedly have to face in the near future was given by Ern lest Ellison who also received an mfmhhonigcgwougug neclamation as councillor tent our daily reply would be to quote the gures of the NewsYolk Surveyollthepurchasing power of and District as reported firsthand in The Examiner years the avenge income was Domed Lillie 83600 but this year in some use Then there was the nriiclI which the question Are retest ants Devout It was reprinted in alcouple of papers and one lady just about had us joining her climb Again missionary friend takes usto task over ourattitude toward devils This arose outrof the discussion on Faith Healing which was misunderstood in few places We do believe in Faith Keeling but we also intend to keep alivegali the critical faculties at our As for the devil we find there the same mystery whicts mm our knowledge andsexperienoe of God The wind and you hear 21h maat lhbut you do not it comesorwhither it oestfson everyone who is of the8pirit and we sup more devil jcently somevof our brea ve agreed with the com Korea The Rev LR is away outof is for the us torecogo Government and admit toxins rated nations Assem ords it should be likenlranco pain we think we drill columns in in we are to deny hatfia my this been also to say about the modern atonhhas be Garnet Broaden the third nom thee to receive an acclamation as councillor said that they had come through very hectic year in which they had managed to achieve afairamount of work Everything seemedato be in shape for snow plowing although thissllikgmany other things cost quite bit of money and there Was never too much of that lying around Garfield Hall who had spoken earlier when nominatedfor Deputy Reeve did not addrem the meet ing in respect othisnomination as councillor remarking that he had said all that he had wished to say School Board Nominations John Bartlett who was chair man of the school board last year but who did not qualify after ination told the meeting that he felt they had had good year de spite the fact that costs Were going up They had spent something like $45000 but ithad to be remembered that this was spread out otter 17 choois and there was always con siderable maintenance work espe cially on somegof theoler buildi lngs Education costs were going up but this could not be blamed on the board Teachers salaries had goneup by roughlyitioo per teach erdurinx the year but evenso they were sniinorgettinrasmuch money as some clerks were in the city and even in some of the small at towns Mr Bartlett went to say that he was sure all thos people living in thedownshi felt that it was right that titer school buildings should be kept in good state of repair No on would want to see themaor any of their public build ings look dilapidated lrwin John Runnels end Ross McClain who also addressed the meeting all referred to the fact thattheythought the board had do agood years work AN militias WANT an 139 cnuncnlu Mr and Mrs Beverley Davis of Campbeiiford were ris itors with Mr and Sloan Bluebird Group GA Tbe Bluebird Group of the GA were entertained at Mn Lawrence Wiggins Newton Robinson on Fri clay evening Nov 14 delicious supper was served by the hostess after which the Mitt period was spent in making and decorating folios to mid the years work The devotional period was in charge of the president with Helen Fitzsim mons twisting Minutes were read and few items for Christmas program planned Next meeting to be held on Dec Kay Sloan treasurer reported proceeds of bazaar about 315 Roll call an swered by nine girls was the GA Aim Background for the study book chapter was street in Kangro India Open front stores drygoods and rugs fruit and vege tables and candy store In front sat sacred cow An interesting talk on the different castes and their religions an outline of the hospital Leper Colony and school was also given by the leader Pat Rowe and Helen Fitzsimmons sang the descent of Jesus the Very Thought of Thee with soprano ac companimeni Object and name it contest on India was won by Lida Beamish and Helen Fitzsimmons Some music was enjoyed Meeting closed with prayer Mrs Ronald Allan and children and Mrs Mac Constable and boys were down to theSanta Claus pal ado on Saturday morning Thomas spent the weekend in Toronto Mrs Christian attended the Royal Winter Fair and Miss Joy Christian Kingston and Miss Joan Saint Toronto accompanied her home for the weekend Mrs Glenn Kinnear and Miss Mary Sloan spent couple of days in Buffalo The Ladies Bridge Club met at Mrs Stewarts on Tuesday evening Mrs Allan held high score goodly number of Churchill citizens enjoyed the turkey supper in Lefroy United Church on Thurs day evening Miss Norma Willson Orillla spent the weekend with her moth or dedication service will be held in St Peters Church on Sunday Dec at 230 pm Churchill is growing new dwelling is almost completed on Highway 11 and one on County Road pt lot 16 Mr and Mrs Patchell Sandra and Donna of Toronto visited at Sloans on Sunday Mrs Dan Sinclair Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Relve Mr aners Allan Todd were in Toronto Sunday Crokimlo Pyty The Mission Band held brokin ole party in the basement of the church Saturday evening In spite of the rain there were eight tables All presentjenjoyed good time Sunshine Missionlland Sunshine Mission Band was held at the home of the Sawyer girls Sirtce Connie Nagel has moved away Mdrgaiet sawyer was elect ed secretary The rollcail was answeredby verse in the Bible It was decided to have crokinole party on Nov 22 in the Churchill United Church basement at pm The admission is 10c Everybody welcome The treasurers report was given by Gail Lucas Marilyn Todd gave thecripture Mrs Constable led in prayer and also BETHESDA Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Raymond McMnstcr were Mr and Mrs Herman McMaster Toronto Mrs Ada McMoster Barrie Mr and Mrs William Wheeler and Garf visited relatives in Toron to in the past week Mr and Mrs Ab Marling Mr and Mrs Oswald Jones and Clarence Munroe attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto on Friday We are glad to report that Mm Rod Gallaugber is home from the hospital and is getting along as well as can be expected Mr and Mrs Stephenson and family Bairie and Mr and Mrs Harry Mayes Minesing visit ed on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Chalmcr Maycs Mr and Mrs Fred Morrisand Leonard Groves Lefroy visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Carmen llindle Sawyer At the conclusion of the business session the convench of Agriculture and Canadian Indus tries Mrs Hughes and Mrs Kneeshaw took charge Mrs Hughes introduced Mrs Wright of the Hollows Mrs Wright show ed the members beautiful floral sprays and variety of flowers that she had made and illustrated her talk by making flower showing the different types of paper and wire used in constructing various sprays and flowers Two short readings and contest were on joyed by the members Members are reminded that the next meeting will be on Dec at pm at Mrs Harold Bells CRAWFORD to Dont tell Cauchybut think played the whole 8rd quarter on the other team BornTo Mr and Mrs Albert Gow nee Joan Squibb in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Nov 10 1952 son BornTo Mr and Mrs Charles Stone nee Clara Copeland at Lord Dufferin Hospital Orange ville son Nov 20 1952 Mrs William Copeland is spend ing couple of weeks with her daughter and soniniaw in Orange ville Mr and Mrs Sherwood Bailey and son and Miss Shirley Bailey and Henry Nevills visited on Sun day with Mr and Mrs Ed Bailey lsraov WI To Hear Major Mills chroy W1 will meet in the com munity hall Dec at 815 to hear Senior Major Mills of the Salvation Army Barrie bring Christmas message Dont forget your Christ mas gift for the tree Gifts to be given to the Salvation Army for disposal Everyone Welcome EXAMINER WANT All PHONE 2414 no all no when kidnsylfillto iii bonus KID EY TBYAN ache tired feeling disturbed rest often ioliow Dodd Kidney Pills Iliuiu late kidneys to normal duty feel bettersleep Hum belief Itlk boil mu letDodda at any numu drug atom Ywm depend on Dodo list 1919 Members The Toronto Stock Exchange 91 Dunlop StreetBorrle gavethe study book Grace Saw yer arranged the program as fol lows Stanley Todd Sandy Conw stable and Jean Matchett gave poems Ruth Prosser and Gail Lu cas gave stories The meeting closl ed by singing Jesus Loves Me followed by Mizpah benediction dainty lunch was served Mr and Mrs Grenville Hughes and tWodaughterswere in Terran to on Monday to see the Santa Claus parade Mr and Mrs Roy Stauffer of PlattsVille spent the weekend at LouNelllyYs Student Teachers Here Two student teachers from To ronto are having weeks expera lanes in teaching in our school At present there are dOpuplls en rolled Womens Institute November meeting otGilford WI was held at Mrs Cannofns on Tues day afternoon Nov ill with the president Mrs Bellinthe chair The motto was It isnt the illdivld uel er the army as whole but the everlasting teamwork of every bloomin soul Bo call was an swered by Why fennelr when should have holiday bits can nom reporIed regardingigthe prd gram for the GirlfClttbiwork for the coming year Very interesting and comprehensive reports were given byline delegatestogthe Area Convention Mrs Heirloom Mrsj If HugheyMre Toddandldrs Eben Telephone Day2443 Evefningg2388 BOARD ROOM FAClLlTlES DlRECT WIRE ilutopia Garage Operators Get Explanation On Jet Aircraft Simcoe branch of the Garage Operators Association met at St Josephs Auditorith Ihurarhy Nov ill Forlwaive manhole were present special guests were mpresenthtive and Mr president of North York George Dangerfield president of the Simcoe branch introduced the visitors and Mr Cody spoke about the highway billboards used by the garage operators of Ontario urging the membm to continue support of this advertising b0 that the mo toring public will realize the ad vantages to be gained by patroniz gxm garages who display member Thc highlight of the evening pro gram arranged by Torgis Automo tive Ltd was presented by mem bers of the RCAF from Camp Bor den FO Gallop was introduced by Horace Pratt who in turn pre sented Sgts Buchanan Dygcrt Oimstead and Hopton These gen tlemen are specialists on jet air craft and each explained certain aspects of the F86 Sabre jet and the Gil17 turbo jet engine The instructors suokc on the airframe electrical system indictments and motor of the F86 one of the worlds greatest jot fighters All members of the ambition enjoyed the evening and the pro gram concluded when the lucky draw was made Jim Knight Oril iia was the winner and took home the ibicken Suggest LaborDay Two Weeks Laler Assist Tourism Midland Free Press Herald Thai Labor Day holiday should be observed two weeks later than at present was suggested at the an nual meeting of Huronio Historic Sites and Tourist Association in Ollia Douglas Oliver secretnlydreasur or of the Canadian Tourist As sociation said the idea is rapidly gaining favor both in the United Shades and Canada Eorly Labor Day holiday this year had cut $15000000 off On tarios tourist businem To set the holiday back by two weeks would take the strain off resort operators and add $30000000 to Ontarios tourist trade he maintained Winterize Accommodation Resort operators would have to winterize their accommodation to take more of September businex but the results would more than compensate them Scptemibel is 0nd of the finest holiday months of the year in Mr Olivers opinion Tom Johnson director of the departmedt of travel and publicity told blowfh storical attractions of ware being increasingly bummed WQlhecwiiih the sun that mdretuebodrtotislis than ever visitedOntario this Your he one the program recently lntroduced for grading summer rel sorts hotelszlnd motel accomznodat tiomand said that 1300 oneslar certificates of appmvalhhahem granted These are moving ofgneaj vglue to tourists Mr Johnsonlptpil H5 Control Excavating Itlshingham suggested tliat somethingshould be done to con troi archaeological excavations in Ontario to makesurethnt many of the treasures on which we base our lonmvledtgeof our past arenot car tr cl Judi oiEuIHrcdes Im specialist in my own line and when Iwsntsbmethingin someof is field Ijust naturally go to specialist in that particularlinc of wor 33 So when managed to saves tidy sum and wantedto boysolne securitieiit went straight to anexpert matters salads leading investment dealer for adviceAtteleonsideringiny on imminent rettuiromenls for security income Whollyo they feooniiiitided builds and stocks the to bagel took their iddvicsnd can result my invcttmonta liars turnedioutvcry well indeeddi mentioning securities telephone us We specialized in hlvoatlnents for nearly irty yeifsandlue believe youwill find our experience nonlede and facilities helpfulin decidi subdivide ried out of the countrylby foreign diggers both amateur and profes sional Amhaeologlst Kenneth Kidd or the Royal Ontario Museum said thatrthe people of Ontarioare as much responsible for the despoila lien or our historic sites as are any Americans welcomed its Archaeologists iieiweilcomed theadvemt ofsklll insulth loot tiltiiiliiiii Still iiiltil Fifsiir ItiiifilCUtO Wampum Wisdom stimulusembitteth into btnthauditmouid be muycdlmmm is done bybotb Canadians and Americans Be pointed that mmhhamhasbeendonebypluwv ing to Indian village sites situated on privately owned farms Mr Kidd warned tint our pree ious itineran resources are rapid iy running out and said at bill is being drafted for diet protecv lion The Oregon Trail lies six feet deep in chalk rock near Guernsey easternjlyomiag is you an ljuur purse Andrews Presbyterian anv JAMES raaouson BIA Minister MR MAURICE BAKER Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY NOVEMBER 30 1952 11 am MORNING WORSHIP Broadcast over CKBB through courtesy of the Barrie Kiwanis Club plumEVENING WORSHIP The Minister at both services 815 putYrs Fireside Meeting ll ensmm onuacn scnoon i215 pugYoung Peoples Bible Class BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH REV EUGENE BEECH BA Minister MR HAROLD DEMPSEY MRS CAMPBELL Organists SUNDAY NOVEMBER 30 1952 945 deant School If armBeginners Dept 11 minMorning Worship Conducted by the Minister Dr Henry of Central Technical School Toronto will deal realis tically with Temperance pulpSound Film Its the Brain That Counts iioliy Sunday School pm Holly Church Service pm TAKE TIME TO BE HOLY tax Grace Gospel Hall 37 Mary St Barrie 945 amUNDA scuoor 1100 amBREAKING or BREAD who pmgXJOSPEI MEETING well 800 pm roams SERVICE Essa Rood Presbyterian Church REV MUIR an Minister Mil FRANK ncreaan clonal bA SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1952 10 amChurch9ellool 11 amNursery Class 11 am and pm MR McLARNON 815 pmYoung Peoples Meeting The Salvation Army so COLLIER sr The Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR MILLS Commanding Officer LT WOOD Assistant SUNDAY NOVEMBER 30 1952 an march woman will conduct weekend services Throughoutlhe Canadian Territory this coming sunday will be celebrated as gt alpinestunted eeting Evnaroan is waacoam mucosa pomThe Adult Bible Class Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA Bl Minister LLOYD rurroao Organist and Choirrnmul SUNDAY NOVEMBER so 1952 Welcome ssavlca The Hills From Whence enacth Our Help THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 urnJunior Intermediate and Senior Depts 11 mNursory Beginners and Primary Departments pJnEVENING SERVICE Values Which The Physical Eye Cannot See 015YPU FIRESIDE WI TRINITY CHURCH Rev dePENClEB WRIOBT Rector tunnow COMMUNIONW to amSUNDAY 3011001 11 antMORNING PRAYER ANn SERMON pniEVENSONG Preacher for the day Theector Everyone warmly welcomed lf gal Collier St Baptist Church Independent SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3031952 945 sunBIBLE SCHOOL Classes for all ages Worship Services at 11 um and pm Rev Harry Thibideau missionary with MidMissions and serving in Northern British Columbia gltliiil be the special speaker at both services VISITORS conblALLY WELCOME Central United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA Organist and Choirmaster WARREN MchEAN SUNDAY NOVEMBER 30 losz 945 aimSunday School ll amBeginncrs and Priniary 11 am and p111 mav mums cooxsrowu come to Gods House on His Day b1221 msr BAPTISTCHURCH REV LUCK BA RD Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY Organist SUNDAY NOVEMBER301952 SUNDAY SCHOOL 950 suit 11 arnMomingWorsllip panRev Ledrevoof orillia Ilhe FRIENDLY CHURCH EAlur Gaokhasii Church of England ALLANDALE RECTOR Rev NewtonSmith 830 amnoaveomulon it smsamomvmo reams painEVENING Plum fAffiiistedMIh the Bedtecostaissembllerof cm 20 MULCASTFIRST BARBIE havaauiiunssarnsron SUNDAYNOVEMBER 301 1952 loatheSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS llamaMOIWNG WORSHIP 700 pinsCooperatingln Hitting floating Campaign outemwsuremole Bdrriev Tatar Fmefhayri Thoma Salvation yr molesting

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