Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1952, p. 2

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liltllltlll llxl alert to Muses every and Saturday night Music Endorses and his Heptones one use and dance Sboud Cornv Ball Friday Nov 213 aus ml 234 Lunch counter print Modern and old time and Admission 501 135 Diane it Baxter Friday Nov ato the music of Paxtons CKBB Hgyloft Party Dancing from 930 fun Blth Dance Guthrie Community Hall Em News 28 Music by Tom Fittendeos Mountaineers Lung counter Admiwon 50c Old Ind modern dancing to Alienate 0mm Hall every hide night starting at pm Admission 50 cents Refreshment served 103th Road Ramblers from Penetang Saturday Nov 29 from to 12 pm at Orange Hall Allandale Admission 500 135136 St Marys Parish bazaar bake sale and afternoon tea St Jos ephs Auditorium Wednesday and Thursda Dec and afternoon and eve lugs 185 Wednesday Dec is the day for St Georges Evening Guild Bazaar sale of home baking and afternoon tea from 13530 pm Bazaar and social evening from IO pm 130 Thornton United Church bazaar and hot supper chnesdoy Dec 10 Auspices Womans Associa tion Bazaar opens at pm Ad mission 75c and 35c 139440 JRev William Sif To Address Meeting Here Friday Night though only2 in the air and the residents of Sunflidale Innmfli and =Tecumsetb townships will soon be coins to the polls to elect their gcouncils or 1963 In Me the coun oil was Manned byacciamation so there will be no contest there Many of the candidates have pre pared manages to their constituents And these may be found on page not this edition Loth Grooc advertisunent in this edition announce new shoppingfeature Harem all bread wrappers will be steamed with the day of the Week tint the loaf is put on the ehelfGcod tosee nerson Swain back at Cooop after three Weatherman list notary tonight at 730 over Annual ExaminerSanta Olfl Edition beingpublished 01 Friday in conjunction with the Chamber of Connnerce Parade on Saturday morning Harry Arm strong Green Front Stores an mms that Jim McAullffe and Joan Hyslop have recentlyjoined stout Jack Coilby lnfbnns us that Ted Colbert Wellknown rarrfer rcsident has been appoint ed Used Car Sales Manager for Agrees Mee iingto more Sewage Continuedfrom page one mat Nov 17 with all manbers Welrecouunend as follows 591th Chief 1min be authorized do attend the onhool to be held at emulate Marshals Office in Toron bolaemes of Nov 17 7g momma or We yourtrafflc committee met am llwlth all members present may recommend as follows 315 council have the town council of all night palking when 15 being done and from Bust Parking ldl Incouncll tom Belch Rev William Sifft director of Humilton Youth for Christ has preached for over six years His ministry has been well received in Canada and the USA as well as in Germany and Finland where he conducted The Town of Shyner will have no election this year all offices having been filled by acclumation when qualification Saturday evening Nominations were held at the community centre Friday night Blackburn was returned as Mayor for his 15th year and Au brey Perry returns as Reeve Council will consist of Brown Somerville Cramton Ban nerman Splker and Clemencc Board of Education Alex Cul Hydro Comm lssioner Oehm Ted Finn Mayor 15 Years specinlcampgigm in the Summer of 1951 along with Jack Will Brantford and Frank Trenchurd Toronto On Friday night at oclock in the Oddfellows Temple he will have something to say of condi tions which exist in Europe and around the world at the present time as well as show 20minute itiMM colored moving film on Ger many and Finland In which will be seen the beautiful Rhine Valleyl as well as the bombed cities of Germany There are also some shots of the Helsinki Stadium where the 1952 Olympic Games were held Also on the program will be the Hamilton Youth for Christ Kings lleraldettes glrls trio A1 Mc3 Nelly and Keith Avery an unus ually fine pianist ax CthVonzant Heads ladies softball in Nwmarkets Charlie Vanzant was elected president of the Barrie dis trict ladies softball group Saturday night at the leagues annual ban quet at Stayner Vanzant succeeds Barries Doug Hedger who coached Barrie Greer Aces to the 1952 championship Elected vicepresident was Bob Watson of Barrie and Hazel Wright also of Barrie was elected secre torytreasurer for the fifth straight term gt Theleague enjoyed delicious turkey dinner Served by the ladies auxiliaryto the Canadian Legitin in Stayner and following the feast the presentation of championship awards were made to Greers Aces Dorothy Milleraccepted the trophy ob behalf of the club and crests were also given each member coach Doug Hedger said afew wellachosen remarks to the group and following the formal cere monies Social evening was heldL MAYOR BLACKBURN Deputy Returned TECUMSETH tonNSHI EACES LIVELY ELECTION AS THREE CLASHES SLATED FOR 1953 Tecumseth Township will have three election clashes in time as by qualifying time last night two candidates had qualified for Reeve We for Depltylnceve while four of the original six candidates for the Public School Board also qualified to contest the three vdcont positions on the board Albert Gilroy the presem Reeve will be opposed by Loom ard Ransom who was Reeve in 1951 George Llsk the deputy have alterations made to the exist ing building They had around 67 indigent patients eligiblefor entry into the new wing They required 99 am meld nursing care and medical treat ham Harry Mathers Roger Watson Han m0 is 9m meal ment and that was the reason the With Garfield Hall taking the new addition had been built for the Cemetery Commissioner Dominant for deptIii well Home because of the increasing Stead 0f for counctllor 4119 number of indigent patients who three remaining persons who were nominated as councillors Leonard Abernethy Ernest Elli son and Garnet Breedon receive acclamations required to be looked after The speaker went on to say that he thought the township ratepayers would have to face further levy Max Mitchell and John Bartlett near future respect did not quality or the schooll drains They were having increas board and the three may vacant ing demands made for the maintem will be contested by ErnestIrwin ance of their drainage system and John Runnels Boss McClain and they Would lust have to fat GD Ira Maison Nomination Meeting Almost 100 people were present in the Beeton Arena on Monday afternoon when the nominated candidates addressed the electors Leonard Ransom nominated for Reeve held this posltlon on the council in 1951 In his speech he dealt with many pro blems which he felt would face council In the coming year and gave an outline of some aspects of work In the township which he felt would prove advantageous to the electors The present Reeve Albert Gilroy who was also nominated said one of the main topics which council had pursued during his term of office had been in con nection with the bridge of Highway 89 It had been there for number of years and there was no doubt that improvements had been made to It Negotiations were under way lit present with the Department of Highways to have the road widened and to get proper bridge how ever The road had been In bad condition for number of years but he felt sure that any of the ratepayers in that sectionwould agree that council had done gopd job with it alt was undoubtedly 1m improvement over what it had REEVE AUBREY PERRY STEELE CORNERS Ladies of Ebenezer Church please remember our invitation to Coulsons Hill Anglican Church ba zaar Saturday Nov 20 from three to five oclock in the church base ment Miss Aileen Gardener and Howard were Sunday visitors with their brotherinlaw and sis ter Mr and Mrs Bedford of Thornton Mr and Mrs Liberty Sr of Cap reol and Mr and Mrs A1 Lilberty and family Barrie were Thursday guests last week with Mrs Por ritt and boys Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Doug Ross nee Mary Davis on the birth of baby daughter very enjoyable evening was spent Tuesday of last week atMl and Mrs Lou Neillys when they Russell been During the year they had tried to spread out the supply of gravel over the roads in the township and they had also built lhree bridges costing $25000 This seemedto be fairly good price It had been an exceptionallygood your for tllig workdgne They had he fa delegatltln ask that the westrtown line between Adjala Township be opened and it has been agreedto spend $2000 on this Each mutual polity had to pay $1150 for ditching but they received 50 per cent grant for this work We had job getting the De partment to open that oud said Reeve Gllroy While itis at prey ent passable it is by no means good road but if development war rants more expenditure think this well be done to improve it in the future think We have manage to get along very well Deputy fleeVe Nominations George Lisk the present Deputy Reeve who was again nominated to the matter On the subject of gravel for the roads Reeve Llsk said they were in bad position in Tecumseth Township because they did not have any pits where there was good stony gravel that would stand up to the necessary conditions The council would certainly be glad to hear from any members of the township who knew where they might be able to get such gravel Garfield Hall Mr Hall also nominated for the Deputy Reeveshlp said there had been lot of discussion about the nmountof money with which the township was faced in regard to expenditures of one kind and an other However they had to re member that when the townships position was compared with that of the county as whole their burden did not look too bad Nevertheless the speaker went on to state think it is time we had some representatives to County Council who could say no Expen diture Is just little too high Mr Hall went on to say that they had their Home at Beeton andof how necessary it was that they should look after these old people He claimed however that perhhps County Council had gone little too far on the project as be con sidered it to be lavish There was good possibility that the work could have been done for much more reasonable figure The cost of keeping those elderly people up there In that building ls out of all reason he concluded Thelbalhncoofthe report ori the Tooumseth Nominations CRAWFORD Est1919 Members The Toronto Stock Exchange 91 Dunlop Susannah Telephone boy2443 Evening 2388 BOARD ROOM FACILITIES DIRECT WIRE for the post said ill hisopenlng remarks that council hadhad busy year and had managed to get through Considerable amount of work Costs had gone up by about one thlrd in the county duringthe past year he pointed out and that was one of the reasons why their taxes were up One of the items respons ible for this increase had been the new wingwhich had been built on to the Home for the Aged at Bee THERES STILL TIME to have bright cheery drapery installed in your rooms in timefprhollduy festivities Kr and Mrs George Poacher Willowdele spent the weekend with theirparents Mr and Mn Poacher Burton Ave Major and Mrs LumBond have just returned from an ocean voyage to Nassau and Cuba where they had gone for welcome home trip after Major Locuaond had returned from years service in Korea as Iicld Cashier with Head quarters 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade They flew to New York from Toronto and proceeded to Nassau and Cub on the 88 Na sau which was formrly the SS Europa of World War fame The family will proceed to Ottavvn to which city the Major has been JUST Allelon CORN FM WE TUMBLERS STEMWARE HOSTESS PLATES GLASSWARE SALAD SETS RELISH DISHES BONBONS DICK STEELE Englishillhtua diff 3110p COB com nAYFIKLD posted to assume command Of all overseas pay accounts for 25th and Tlth infantry Brigades at Army Headquarters Mrfand Mrs Armand Marlon Midland visited Mr and Mrs Matthew Dovling over Sunday Bicycles built for sale In ports of India and Africa are fitted with cushioned pedals to accommodate barefoot riders reading machine that utters syllables and whole words in syn thetlc language has been invented for the purpose of reading to the blind will be published In Friday edition of The Butte Em iner There were so may nomlnltlon meeting on Mon dny we had terrific mount of bopy to handle end our types setting facilities could not cope with 11 of at the same time nor CHOCOLATE Fudge Sundae with vanills or chocolste ice cream 23c LUNCH AT BIIYSIINS ICE CREAM CANDY ls colourmum CO gm IIFIII culos TERRIFIC VALUEoHEREFORD YHONR 2385 SPECIAL 41 CORNED BEEF REAL SAVINGI DOLEFANCY SPECIAL FRUITCOCKTAIL n26 CLAIKSOLD LONDON TOWNE MINCEMEAT TREMENDOUS VALUE OUTSTANDING VALUE HOME TOMATO CATSU galvanic FRESH on swnsr Cusp BEEF TIIIIGIIBS nohnnnss lull roast BEEF PORK SOAP POWDER OXYDOL SPECIAL rt25 SPECIAL I35 FEATUREI 20 snoln CUT lb nouEn llllISlIlII 39c 29 gt 49 CHLDWELLSSAUSME FINE AssrlcrmsmAs Moles cmwmkomuu ennui1n BEEE surf 23c FINE ASSORIMENICHRISTMAS ms CANDY 60th FINEASSOkTMENTCHRISTMAS CHOCOLATEscIMMOIls CLARKSPLUM SHORTBREADw99g puoomc 3353 39 entertained the Lake ton The cost of the new Wing hall John Bell Spent the Weekend in been $396000 but $50000 Of that was Toronto the guest of his brother levied andthe rest was acquired 9maisu1dnslemMranct lumen mmjhesaleofhondskg drew Bell Reeve Liskwenton to express his view that he felt itvwould have WinPrim For Heifers gtAbcerbetternrtnrrenovauon Congratulations to Mr and Mrs on the old building had been Stuart McQuarrle who took prizes started first They had found that for all their heifers including when the new win was almost an name AThephonesright beside my bedfllst at the Royal Winter Fair Select today from the largest drapery stock in Simnoe County AUSIMLIAN SAXONIACUTMIXED CURRANIS no2 PEEL SOLDEELIWOEDEF allsllls my liltilli the con then lt1nosr TERMS AverLanceii TORI 34 BAYFlELDST choleratall Lid4 to pee hadvbeen necessllry to gt gt Succumb Murine Notroublrllfoli7 Which WWW allvioby IIIde trawl with to IIln motioned 19

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