Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1952, p. 7

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Eustan sun warms Morale of North Korean people said to be at catastrophic Mi depths according to Allied inbolllgenoe survey ltalian Communist Party carols elements from rimFascist group to form omitted from agalnst foreign occupation Atomic Energy Commission to probe possible leakage of data following recent American Hbomb tests Communist China gearing up in preparation for first FiveYear Plan Britains officials in quandary as atom spy due to leave prison in few weeks Danish Government announces western defense facilities in heartland are being expanded KOREA One of the mrevmiing illSm lnto what is going on in North Korea comes from an Allied intelli gence survey which was recently concluded showing that the rm lority of pupulation would admin ly welcome United Nations offen sive if it would terminate the war This startling announcement which was mlcassad in Tokyo stat ed Civilian morale in North Korea had topped to catastrophic dmmn Tho survey compiled by Gen Mark Clarks Far East Command says an allout Cmrmrunist offen sive is extremely remote and near ly immible from supply stand point One of the main points in the re port is that North Korea would probably collapse immediately without Russian and Chinese Com munist booking Troop morale at the Communist front is said to be good but the soldiers are being fed at the cost of nearstarvation among civilians About 15 per cent of North Kor eas food production is confiscated for the Communist armies and the Communist loaders are maintainiru control only through irondistcd police state methods The report concludes great percentage of the population of Korea is now of the opinion that the increased bombing effort is prelude to Unitchations offen sive Even more important is the attitude of the majority of the pop ulation which now would welcome United Nations offensive to term inate the war ITALY Opposing the Atlantic Pact the Italian Communist Party has en rolled certain elements of the neo Fascist Movimento Socialista Ital iano in common front against foreign occupation Whit this would indicate is that the Communist faction is against Amerimn aid and the North At lantic Treaty Organization in Italy Now from the amalgamation of the two groups has come the for mation of thcihtriocAVCormnittee of Youth against VForei gn OccupaL tion The new organization has been organized by the Communist Pantxanslits president remivgs $100 month it isreported as sal ary and adequate expenses for the llilalian Communist Party funds There is ml doubt that more will be heard in the futuieover this new group which will obviously play major role in Communist offen sive against the West USA The Congressional Atomic Energy Submission according to state ment issued in Washington is now Do review the questioner possible security slips which might have oc curred in the recent Hbomb tests Senator Brutkc Hickenlooper who disclosed thou prob into leakages was pending also an nounced that We are ahead of the Communists in this grim impeti tion for nuclncr powera unripe tiic tint wbidhthey inwmrced wo The Senator went on to warn however Before they think about waging war they had best stop look and listen Senator Hicklenlooper made his statement shortly alter government ofcials disolosed investiations are under way throughout the KW task force in the Pacic to determ in if mtricted data has been relt vealed Authorities were apparently con cerned ahmt the ow of eye witness letters de scribing what was called historys first hydrogen bombmaplosion CHINA Early next year an mdustna constructw drive is expected in thetorm of Chinas Plan and in program on for Oohuriurlist Chinasam Ve being mode gree of increased drlvingpower swam the game Flaming Omnmissionfhas been establlslal under bhe leaderzdup Km Kong rockoned in beoue of the thingy would elbow the central governmem to asomne more ceri milled and unified leadership to meet iargescaie economic and cul tural conuction schemes begin ning next year GREAT BRtTAlN Officials in inodon are in sane thing of quanrhry at the prescr time due to the fact that the west ern worlds first atom spy is due nor release from jail in few weeks Dr Alan NunuiMay all admitted Communist is thecentral figure in the position which has arisen When released he will actually have more freedom that ordinary tourisb in Britain Foreigners in Britain mun keep the police in formed as to their whereabouts May will have no such strings at tached The scientisthas never publicly repented tor pasng vital atonuc secrets to the Russians while work ing in Camda He was given ll year sentence but under British judicial working he received time off for good behaviour and in ac tual fact only served six and half years of Ms sentence Source of mumlament how ever is that May got off with lighter sentence than is sometimes handed out for armed robbery even when the robbers got away without cent DENMARK In an official statement just re leased by the Danish Government it is announced that western de fence facilities in Greenland are being expanded There have been no details given but informed sources have pointed out that recently Denmark and the United States had agreed on con struction of at least four huge bases on the big island acros the North Pole from Soviet Russias Arctic doorstep United States forca new main tain three bases in Greenland 0n Greenlands west coast there 15 instruction work going ahead which has been admitted by the government It is the huge new base at Thule the existence of whmb was disclosed only last Smurf return to the Barrie Skating Club classes after an unavoidable absence or two weeks made us more than ever delightedwitn the success of the trainingbelng given by our instructress MrsMurlel Whyte This type of mass instruc tion is unique in gure skatmg as far as we know and the are most gratifying We attribute the success of the method rst to our histructress who is not only beautiful skater butalso skilled itetrlclhelt with sound gogical pr cip es poss essing abilityqto draw out her pupils and abre less skill in using every mate of ice time to the best advantage Then werthink the social atmos phere of large groupat work tends to relievetension and pro vide healthy spirt of competi tion and anincgnl1 39elllle theiskillsof the more advanced skaters in each group hour last column we outlined theailns and some of the object ives of our club Today we are going to explain the organization 6f theskatirlg program Skaters groups Primary69 members 1W Inter tee1349 years 20f age be Brediided into five years of age 100 molt103me or age 78 FRlDAY NOVEMBER 2i 1952 WATCHING LITTLE PATIENTS at dinner in Severance Hospital in Soul are left to right Nelison United Na tions welfare officer from Denmark D1 Murray hospital director Major Hiltsman officer commanding 2am Can adlan Field Dressing Station RCAMC Col Mayfleld US of the hospital one circle and forward outside rolls back to starting point Tm for Group Forward and backward skat ing with stops Forward inside rolls or across width of Arena complete one circle forward inside rolls back to starting point Circle Eight Righi Outsrde Forward Left Outside Forward tracings each foot As you see these tests are based on gures which provide the basic skills of all figure skating Free skating and dancing are taught in the classes but are not used in the tests Each class has one perlod of classainstruction per weekand one period for practice During the practice period private instruction isigiven to those desirng lt As the club membership is so large and the practice timelimited you may have sorne time to wart for your lesson remember that less onsare allocatedjn order of ap plication and all reservations will be honored Here we emphasrze the importance of being present and on time lfor your lessons as they are run on strict time sched ule The Senior clam is not divided into groups and is stressing the dance forms of figure skating as this was the deisire of the men hers At present the Dutch waltz is near completion and the Swmg Dance will be commenced shortly grssmfbeon depict in this cldsijhat NinthMylo feels that large number of Senior signers will bcready to take the Prelim inary Dance Test oLthLCarladiau Figure Skating Association next spring points Up the unusu fal progress of class which has been in foperationgfor oilfys ween Congratula ons Seniors Testairr these form the group working for admission to the Barriettcs This group will be counted on to pro Army and Major 0e Gordy Port Credit formerly of Barrie Senior Protestant Chaplain 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade The Canadian Brigade had just given $1300 towards support um DISTRICT COLLEGIATE ide several numbers for the1m nivalarid will also be prepared to represent the club at outof town demonstrations All mem bers of the former Belles Senior club members test skaters those Who have passed the CFSA tests and members of group of the Intermediate class areeligible for this class period of practice is given follow ing the Intermediate class on Mon day The ice committee is providing anotheropportunity for skaters to practice figures dancing and free skating Every Saturday from one to two pm there will be patch periodfortl skaters mem bers of and groups of the In termediate class and Seniors This period will not be presented by the club but will be selfsustaining Schedules will be posted each week skaters must sign in ad vancc There are still few club crests available which may be obtained from members ofthe ice commit tee at the rink Mr and Mrs Bob Ramsay hon orary members of our club paid visit at our Family Hour session two weeksago We have missed them and it was good to see them onthe ice and to talk to them They expressed their delight in the success of the lsed tovisit us again Make it soon Well see you at the Arena ltgt Canadian In Europe Bouts From The Camp Borden Citizen Christmas ems club and prom By LDRNA CUNNINGHAM Better late than nevereven with rugby news What We hear from Mr Nesbitt is that Barrie Seniors defaulted to Niagara Dis trict in the seminals Midland Junior Bwinner lost in the finals to Cobourg 50 Orillia lost 5512 to Saltflect in the seminals and Allistbn Senior Bs won their semi final round Remembrance Day On Monday Nov 10 the Cullen giate held its Remembrance Day service in the school auditorium The service opened with the play ing of the prelude from Bachs Fourth Cantata by the Band un der the direction of Mr Fisher This was followed with the sing ing of the hymn God Our Help In Ages Past by the stud The scripture reading The Souls of the Righteous bras talc en by Jane Perkins and while the students stood Bud Cockhilrn president of the Student Council Section 2Poges to 16 for Joe Cardy Formerly of Barrie with Patients at Seoul Hospital ERE Last Saturday they did it in Tr route week from tomorrow theyll be doing it here in Barrie Already on the radio theyre doing it every morning Presently our ears eyes and brains will be 23 sailed on all sides by the sound and fury Guess what Right it is now late fall and the Early Winter Festival casts its shadow before it right down to Remem brance Day it you hadnt realized it before you will soon Christmas is coming and that Nicholas per son has already descended upon us Personally we hate to call it Christmas any more for we fail to see the connection between the Salvation of the World and all this buckstering on Main Street The festival which start to begin this week should perhaps be call ed The Winter Solstice Holiday or The Late December Feast or DetsbegoodtotheKids Week or the EverybodyBuySomcthing Campaign Its patrons of course are the merchants of Main Street its god is either the dollar or the stomach were not sure its ritual is the shopping trip and the wrap ping paper its motivation is based entirely on tradition and what we have been brought up on and its National Defence Photo read the names of the students who had given their lives in the Secqtld World War bly observed one minute of com plete Silence The Last Post and Reveille were played by trio of trumpeters Emery Rowe Ralph Loughecd and Jack Clemmens Marion Pickles soloist with the Glee Club who will be remembered for her solo at the opening services of the new wing on Nov sang Brother Man An address was given by the Rev Burgess followed by the singing of the hymn Vali ant Hearts and God Save the Queen On Remembrance Day Tuesday Nov 11 Bud Cockburn placed wreath at the cenotaph in re membrance of the students of the BDCI who gave their lives in World War II Intercollegiate Volleyball Intercollegiate volleyball was played in the new gymnasium on Wednesday Nov 12 the Barrie girls meeting the Alliston girls team This was the rst volley ball game to be played in the new gym since the opening or the collegiate addition The seniors played rst and the Allistpn girls won by score of UN Assembly Pmsidcntfjpem Meeting Batters Two top Canadian boxers of the 27th Canadian infantry Brigade jHannover Germany will travel to lserlohn and Berlin next month to square off against British talent They are mom GrayiDFC ol1vklngAlla and Paddock orifllldmonton both medi hers ofWD companyof the Loyal FEdmonton Regiment 1st Canadian Infantry Battalion They were so looted from 18 entrants non th CanadiandBrigado for the British Army of the Rhiawtearn and will Lcoi Gray that ti on c0 known contend was Warrant Officer in eRCAFdutins the Settled Paddocka hea proyide wh Iesome incean results are mild feeling of hen evolcnce and paternalism together with guilty sense of materialism and gluttony Now of course few mix in with this little romantic reli gion about cradles and lambs and shining stars but it doesnt really affect them very much Its nice to think once or twice about the Baby Jesus and Mary etc etc but the rest of the story about Crosses and lashes and hypocrisy doesnt very well so we con centrate on shepherds and the an gels AND WE ENTIBELY MISS THE TRUTH Do you recall the warning of the Christ in Revela tionbecause you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold will spew you out of my mouth How can the Church recover the true meaning of the Birth of the Christ This is not child rens festival at all It is for 4316 Top scorer for Barrie was Carole MacDonald with ve points in the junlo game Alliston won Following thisttlcchtire assemiagmlt of and um out grownups It is for understand the meaning WW carnation It to for whom the event is find point in hiatnry It is for whom the Babe in Christ the Redeemcrdms Saviour of the world ml Creation and the Storm we rice for Sin Perhaps the Church gin to dissociate or the secular celebration andmmmm birth of her Lord Church ought minor but her own people offer spiritual acknowledgement of event and sharply those who are afrming to Many congregations Milt form or family devotion or on the morning of the Day Cors lain denominations always hug Christmas service or Mass and some have service the night before Perhaps the Churchcs oughfqh begin with their annual School Concert There have Sunday School Concert which were indistinguishable from if secular efforts of the school What relevance is in drill of little girls in little boy rubbibg his SWIM and reciting about mince pleat or vulgar farce about catpic operation and livclritten And to crown it all some chm dances in with white wig hoho couple of time anti brings out the inherent selshness in every child present Nor is this at Montana have observed the whole at first hand for the last and have felt it eating like ulnar her into the spiritual life church Let quickly that there an Schools where the and stand the meaning of tilt and their programsare What we mean is this ly here is the spot whaietllo distinction between th and the world needs to in boldly in our world always takes that sacred and blasphemes it recognition The Clanch also never yield or go along with gourmets tbs traditionalilts She most time top scorers for Barrie were Lorraine Campbell and Joan Bruce with eight points Pat Wilgar was scorer Lesley Harris was timer and Ruth Chant ler was referee After the game both teams Al liston and Barrie were served refreshments in the new cafeteria The job was undertaken by the Barrie team manager Shirley Christian Em Preview Heres what youve all been waiting forthe Exam Preview Theexa1ns start on Tuesday Dec and theymwill run to Friday Dec On Tuesday Dec the band leaves to play at the Mid west NationalBand Clinic in Chi cago and while the band mem bers are away the rest of the stu dents will be at the CI The re maining part of the exams will be held from Wednesday Dec 17 to Friday Dec 19 after the hand has returned tram i3 trip Now for different type of news The tentative date being considered for Commencement this year is Friday Nov 28 This year the dance will beheld in the new gym and lthcre has already bean meeting of the Commencement Dance committee to discuss ar rangemenm In the near future will start interviewing students who have at temlsishmls cuisile of $339 Vulce of Elana There are shut entsherc who have come from British Columbia Alberta New Brunswick Holland Germany and England intend to interview itllese newcomers and get their Views on schools and teenagers to rtemm ChiSim in 3115 mt pal and presently that her own people make it Christian day For Gods love for the will was soigreatsthat He only Son that whoever believes in him should not pensh but have eternal life This is the that light is come into use and men loved darkness miller than light because were evil or us in their former homes So keep telling your schoolcolumn for now items UCHKE PA rile Guild of Auxil iaries to the Brotherhood of outlive Engineers held ctch ansmw iasthahnday attire DOB Kalb Allnndale Jones ans in charged tables After avcry pleasanttime the manual taNcIvlorkNrPurson our um intro plenary Wm hall rum more oh nudism zoom ofggthc cards the prize wererladies Mrs1 Baring ando Webb Liars oxen gamma JLmlcner us new

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