Cr in on renaming Tram new mouse Nov as balsam Admitinn 85 Price to It given Lulkh served Come along in When 1314 Maine 11 Nu I90 and door prizes mum Orchar or 101 no ivy 11141 uh Prince of Wales 111 as 11 School Association open at no 1304831 mailith of Agriculture Nov so 9111 in Com uidity 111111 Speaker Eugene a1 Simone County President will be shown 133 party in lvy Orange Stall 10m Euchre flali Friday Nov 25 at pm Kainch toned Prizes Admission Christina Tea bake nieilfa tale of work tpomorud by the WA of St cws Presbyterian Church Barrii to be held Nov 28 8530 pm Admission 26c 130133 Town and County KIWANIS DINNER GUESTS Dinner guests at Barrie Kiwanis Club Monday included Dr 359 Augmpjtwlyympegggagion of Scott Director of the Simcoe Coun namawsaoa Jiwllzbkl oucwtlmvlw have Agriculture Club joint meeting Wednesday Nov as 830 pm Hillcrest School Audltorlum Speaker Dr Saunders pictures by Marshall Bnrtman All welcome Silver Radio Auction sponsored by the Rotary Club of Barrie will be or no Wevw warmum ano lmomu 1cm held onWedncoday evening of next week1he Rotarians are using he proceeds to further the work the St John Ambulance Brigade in Barrie See the complete de italla on pages and of this edi tion and be sure to listen to CKBB on Wednesday evening Slin 00 one of the longest ea 1ablished business firms in Barrie are celebratingtheir 78th Anni versary this week As feature in recognition of this event they are holding special sale of cloth coats Chink Sandie Mens Wear have lost their lease and are going out ol busineuwith complete clearance sale Adult Skating Club commences regular Tuesday night skating next week Still few tlcketa available NilSer Vtoe Cleaners announce that those attendingaewlng classes and oth er may have their materials pre shrunk free of charge at the Nu Service plant 133 Hillelest Junior Audubon Clubi and Brereton Field Naturalists ty Health Unit and his new assist ant Dr Moodic also Key Clubbers Howard Duff and Larry DeWilde SAW NIECE ON TV Mrs Charlie Mills Toronto St was very thrilled person Tues day evening to be able to visit neighbors home and watch her niece Diane Kenneth on Toronto Television show Child Revue in her part as Charlotte ORILLIA MAYORALTY Interest in the Oriliia municipal election quickened with the an nouncement by Alderman Mrs Nelle Carter that she will definite 131 be in the running for Mayor Considered probable candidate for several months Mrs Carter set all doubt at rest early this week when she told The Packet and Times that she had made up her mind to stand for the Mayoralty Her announcement sets another rc cordvin Orilliapolltlcs Two years ago Mrs Carter became the first woman to run and be elected to the Town Council This year she will be the first woman in the towns history to stand as can didate for the Mayoraity ERROR CORRECTED in the Monday Nov 17 issue of The Examiner it was reported that one of the contestants in the annual Simcoe County Trustees and Ratepayers Association public speaking contest Donna Pierce SS Veapra goumship spoke on the subject iving on the Farm The Midhurst school pupil spoke on an original subject The Mod em Girls Opportunities which she had word perfect MOVES T0 HOLLY DeWitt Bentley of Beeton who disposed of his residence to McKnight last week has purchased home at Holly and will move there immediately Mr Bentley is on 1912155411 HowsThloColumn Begon lhelrcmains of Alex Mac Larengformer editor of our paper will be laid to rest We feel that we should pay passing tribute Nearly as years ago he suggested that we acceptthe responsibility or writing 1111113111 Notes appqualwill be used We will give the column by line with your initials he added and oniyjitems which have your It should incurrier broader coverage of the worship We will let the readers guess wholsthewriter That was Mr Monitored suggestion when the untoMar created feel thatiwe express the feel Itltefothor district contrib thathewas hun espectedbyallvwho had 111 idltlie ground work employed at service station in Barrie Beeton World MW of our Examiner today As he lay in the room filled with flowers with his characteristic red tie and red rose in his lapel we saw and remembered him as he had been even when this column was created School Affairs May Predominote ol Nomination Although there may be shake up in Council and it is likely that two ogthreenewcdidates will aspire the school affairs Seem to be getting the moat discussion in proelection talks so far It has been planned that the school boards nominations will be placed first on the afternoon program as it has been found that when they came at the end of the meeting many did not wait but commenced milllng arbund leaving the educa tional matters without attention Lockholl war at Condidolelor Reeve Contraryto someihumora Clif ford Lockhart Inniafil Reeve will again be candidate for that of fice at the nominations Monday gust what other changes may de velop will not be known untiljic ter the last speech is made The are likely to be couple of pros pective candidates loathe Council now that it 18W assured that there will be an eIECllonrr 0N MAIDEN VOYAGE jTlle Gordon Mitchth adas newest Great Lakes bulk carrier left Midland recently on hatmaiden voyage bound for the lakehead Built at Midland Ship yards sheiaax autonomy of the LJames No is commissioned uat aptlug 8116 is 8441th long has 11124400 drau rid 07foot men he 601688 t0niwltne ANGLES By oaoaoa sroaav When Sammy westward from Quebec and spread the gospel that Ontario clubs should let their hair down and allow foreigners to play in their back yards none realized the punch in Pollocks remark The Flyers felt it Wednesday night when Montreal Royals jammed 3135 customers through the turnstiles the largest regularscheduled crowd to watch the Flyers since the season of 1950 51 Coach Hap Emmaafter the fiasco in Quebec City said he Wouldnt vote for theinterlocking schedule next year But we ima gine Happy will put up with most anything if it pays off in such incredible dividends And speak ing of Quebec the Citadelles pro vide the Flyers with their next home opposition one week from to night and from reponts tickets are being gobbled up in handfuls at this early date Indications are the game will establish new record for reg ular season attendance THERE IS ONE person in Bar rie however who is interested in the Cits visit for other reasons than attendance Thats Flyers right winger Freddie Pletsch the gent with the Sunday punch Pietsch along with fearleas sophomore Bob White captain Skip Teal and few others are contemplatingon settling arguments sparked during the near riot in Quebec Pletsch hammered Cits highpriced Aggie Kukulowicz to the ice and after several seconds elapsed thg lanky Western product rosefrom the ice withfire in his eyes and tackled White The two grappled near the Quebec bench and after Bob landed lusty blow to the head Citadelle player reached over the boards and handed the Flyer fmouse under the eye For Bdbs information the player was Marcel Labadie who wears sweater number 12 Teal was the unfortunatevictim of cig arette butt lighted on the side of his face And right now the Flyersare like elephants they dont forget Exams ornamented recently that he wonlt need peptalk to inspire the buyer for this outing Hell just dress them and let them loose EDDIE SHORE who has more players suspended than he hasplay ing for his syracuse Warriors or Sphgiield Indians has added form er Flyer defenceman Thick Guar da to the list Chick Wpplayingjfor noun Bay Irdppera in the NOHLA senior when Shore suddenly dis liked his attitude According to Ed die Guardppromlsed to play for either Syracuae orSpringfleld this year but when offered uncontth at fall training camp rejectedvbe cause the price was not high en oughShore claims thezorlce meant nothing that Guarda hadpromlged and then mtuaedie silo he could use the defenCemhn right now and Pollock moved oi the clutbs will have to suffer suspension North Bay are howling because they liked Guardas play Eddie has promised to send the Troopers defencemon Another exFlycr who is feeling Shores sting is big John Shedden who had contemplated performing for Owen Sound Mercurysof the OHA senior SHORT CLIPPINGS another hockey player entered the world Wednesday Mrs Don Campbell nee June Keddepresented hub by with bouncing boy whose name will be William George Don used to guard the nets for St Catharines Teepees but gave up hockey to help his fathers construction busi ness How can boy called Geor ge miss being sensation Jack Dylerwho expected to play 1119 hockey for Simcoe Gunners this seasonrwmr ruled incligible byit weck Reports are that FortErie who Dyte was apparently going to play for placed sudden end to is activities wheh he jumped and landed in Simcoe However the Gunners are retaining the de fenccman as coach Raymond Rags Robituille former Midland junior hockey star is home recup erating from hockey injury Play ing for Peoples in Torontos Major Series Rags suffered broken blood vessels in the leg when struck by puck Good news comes out of Gravenhurst Jimmy Stra chim is rapidly striding the road to recovery and if things keep go ing the way they are hell be with us sooner than expected Keep it up Tex boy Despite the pull of WKWfor Argos we are stay ing on the Hamilton TigerCat band wagon only wish we had heeded Wallsies prediction on Edmonton for the GreyCup but who ever know football expert dwlled within these walls Then again the Walls have ears Found Brevaniaiive For Tiench Foot KINGSTON Nov 18 BrigGeri Arthur Ross 82 former member of parliament for Kingston and medical services director for Can adian forces in France during the First World War died in hospital here early yesterday FF graduate of Queens Univer aity and aformer member of the BILLfKoSMAN SOME OF THE YOUIHFUL members of the cast of 4Shoot ing Stars the big local musical revue which opened Thurs day night 111 the Oddfeilows Temple Tonight the stage show starring local talent will give second performance in Trinity Parish Hall starting at 813 pm At left fiveyeareold Rose Mary Robson of the Isabelle Robson School of Dance which has several pupils in the show is standout performer as vocal and dance soloist Anne Butler and Joan Mitchell Can tre page girls opening the curtain on the big show which has cast of almost 60 singers dancers and comedians TV Queens Pat Hamilton left and Heather McGregor pose with Bob Hooper who does hilarious Milton Berle number with David Bedard Directing the production which has beendn rehearsal only 10 days is Millie Livingston Latimer of the Empire Producing Co of the United States one Of the largest amateur theatrical companies in America From Kansas City Missouri the direc tor has produced plays in other parts of Canada and Europe She made her own talent choices for the show taughtsome of the dancers and supplied many of the costumes Shooting Stars is being presented by St Georges Anglic an Church in aid of the church furnace fund Tonight at the second performance the King and Queen of Hearts will be crowned on stage as part of the Tiny Tot Contest being conducted in conjunction with Shooting Stars Cloudy Unsetiled Slighlly Cooler Clearing later Ontario Hockey Association lat This week broughtcomlder able rain on Monday and again on Tuesday and Wednesday The changes in temperatures have been surprisingly slight and with low of 21 at bay level for the entire autumn to date This morning is somewhat cooler and cloudy but with lit tin breeze and inclined to be southerly lhe sun sets tonight at 441 and rises tomorrow at 652 am Temperatures were High Low 53 21 45 35 62 34 53 39 48 36 Nov 16 Nov 11 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 20 medical faculty Gen Ross left his practice here at 29 to enlist with the Canadian Forces during the South African War He was mayor of this city in1908 Elected to the Ontario Legislaturein 1911 Gen R035 later became provincial health minister During the First World War service he was awardo ed the CB CMG and Belgian Croix de Guerre and was the rst to find preventative fortrench foot andthe effects of mustard gas 011 land District High School expan sion program is likely to postpone all action until spring Approval of the $400000 project had already been voiced by Victoria Harbour FAST EFFICIENTFREPAIR Service Vy masons1 would I1 With expansionNicolotht gold Tully uaran who or ABLOW Ad For you convenienceall and called for at the an Mono $10113 Jewellery ORILLIA POLL TAX Eighty of Orillias young men have been summonaed for failure tojpay poll tax Police Chief Stan ley James said The sommonses were sent out to all thdse who have so far ignored requests for payment of the tax Chief James said that to date 55 had paid the poll tax 40 had been found empt and the remaining 80 had not paid TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE2414 car owners take time to be sure the battery in their car is properly charged Let us checkyour battery Drive in today DRIVE IN TODAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Service mam our fmsnmr fiasfziroririaCj 1951 annex SEDAN lovely twotone slimy New Car Days New autumn Wtlookln our 30 1951 Nash Sedan for travelling mnt seat folds back tumult length Dyed x1951 Enid 0Miiinin 51950 hofthSedfn low madamt 31 out ZIRWCKEBSFEEK dillllilhl hours an roa convexnape will be sold fviitnpr Cur Warf haabrandnaw motor Im0hmletm bulllrin radio air Before youatart to make that dress or skirt bring the mntcrhl to NuServlce Cleaners and have ltlrcShrunk By doing this you are sure that the measurement will be correct stretching and shrinking is avoided There is NO manor or this service so bring your material to NuService tillSERVICE 511111115 BARRIE 5151 ANNIVERSARY ESSA ROAo PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister REV ago Momma Organist MR FRANK DUTCHER SUNDAY NOV 23 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 3111 and p111 Visiting Minister REV ALEXANDER NIMMO WINGHAM SPECIAL MUSICLLADIES TRIO FROM ORILLIA 315 pmYOUNG PEOPLES FIRESIDE MONDAY Nov 24 AT 630 p111 ICONGREGATIONAL surrca TICKETS 50c Talonuric usrcrnuca CLEAR our Dolou want to July atrade eitherfway innpry youto Em ampneethis fame for Winterluedlllsed 7711111119 ybhll h93r9iliti9m4 51651qu Saddlelivery 51 muosuwoaw sanctuary new Winn 49 11m as damn minimising un Trucks to at encepilonal low 1007le unsure 19431an ton sure for cash or make