News of rottenm Pk gMalsonl Toronlo and Elizabeth The Womens institute is planI Mrs Arnold Young Adjala The Tao Many Railings funeral was held Friday from incl pin fan byy we woodbnd Anderson Funeral Home to the Re Immi Fraser Presbyterian Church for we 73 Mare lhe servwes which were conducted by in This Play has been1 pain We RM JV RV Duke ighly recommended Group morme was Mum Tagarif W1 is planning or full mogul Cemetery The pallbearers were may membuj of we Church mm Mm iBoard Roy Collins i1 ien iiiagfegdzkslmhwgemgm 501 final loo and Murray Graham 1and os phs Hospital Toronto earlylmmem LION Young 00mm VV esday morning New 11 Joseph andV VGoilliOllMEllsonV The nnan only son or the lace Maw atldrrlnd ijy bymper omits Donnan and Eliza Janos gs the graiioemucten ser amDVEVmME TASTE 7913 MUCH SALT THE mans WERE was born in Adlala Tcwrlshlp PM Vl SPAGHETTl Qt 509359 MEAT SAUYEED EN VV years ago He farmed for Edgar MLLIZlJl helda yer suc 83m Dmdutls began to Pipe Lino wos carried on under SAUCEI BURNEDDWS UUGH any years near Ballycroy Afteri cesstul form sole of hwmmk and lino Snturday Nov through in dlrecllun of Home Prin by THE my VINC wing to Tunerth he engagedllmplcmenu his past week Mm lne ramNorthern Pipe Lme dent and General Manager or the TURNS TO Hany palmer had 531 marking the addition of an import com on An itand Willem DUSmESS for Some 0W VP on gt mg lune me me and carried mail on one of 0M memb answmum You Canr engineer Mr Home also directed ada oil routcs He served on the Jamu Snoddon is improvrng the nine building and curly operation 0380th Village C0UnCll for 81mm Of his restaurant with new dlhrosgh Ifranslbiiortgierri gushVol tthTrannArobiun Pipe Line umber 01 years He was mem coat of paint pm 85 mm mm 1mm we worlds or the orange and masonic to Ontario lar sl arri rud ii thl 1L mow year roun rum gas and the Presbyterian Dmu 990 WWW markets Transmnhem 442 Mimi Perm GU le system to trans ort rened much when he served on me Gwlgt Wtstuur 21 son of Mr lellnLln ports hurch Board He is survived by and Mrs Edward Westover Tot products from McCoIlFrontenac wife formerly Viol Bryan tenham was found dead his British American and Shell ren Term11313 two sisters Annie 4W tom rs Harry llllil Ionl TTtg car near Noblclon on Highway 27 Sunday Nov He had been at wedding in Toronto and was on his way home Police said death was due to fumes seeping into the car which was 1938 model Mr and Mrs Westovcr were on aware of the tragedy until about 1130 Sunday when the news was cries at Montreal and Clarkson Ont to Toronto Ottawa Hamill ton and other intermediate points From Montreal to Toronto and Hamilton distance of 400 miles3 the line is 10 inches in diameter 42mm 8inch branch line runs from Farrans Point near Corni Tank storage terminals individ ually owned and operated by the shipping companionShell British American and MoCollFrontenac have been erected along the pipe line route They vary in storage capacity depending on the require ments of local markets Were having party tomorrow must wall to Ottawa Four main pump The most important feature of remind Mom to get plenty of COLLINS orange and lime the gang love it brown them the Gun lng stations are located at Mon DWdUClS Pipe new and Whit man uncle Harry yMorrisy Toi eulv Fillllms P01 Kilbumie New We mggwmem ad BEVERAGES mmo He had identied the body and Brighton The pipe line liasYCLSlnl1lgtL1lC HEIUCLFWK dill for officers Besides his parents initial We 40000 bar mg the last deem ls Wedgie George leaves one brother Herb rep daily The addition of immrumplrlg and continuous control WestoverV Tottenham and one sisrnediatc pumping stations can in from the dcspntching office All ter Mrs Ernest Shushclnisky 081crease this capacity to about 75000 Pmdmb metered SY mesh Weston The mneml service barrels dun turn at Montreal East and are again was conducted by the Rev Jamcsl Nineee rened Daimleum pmf maimed um the sysiem at the Dorm assisted by Cookegducs including motor gasolinesl various delivery terminals This Becmm the Anderson Funeral diesel fuel stove and furnace oils 9mm 939 OWHLI Cumpunl 19 HomeV on wednesduyV Nov 12V3wi11 be transported through ghchcivo at its own terminal cxnctly Burial took place in Mount Tngartz 19 The can 3150 be used the Same mrml DI product that Cemetery lfor transportation of quid pet renery delivered into the line zroleum gases Terminals are located at Mon Business Anniversary Products are pumped throughtrenl Ottawa Cornwall Prescott pm Nov 11 Mr and Mrs Harryl TransNorthern Pipe Line at about Brockvillc Kingston Bellevilie Rlnn marked the 20th anniversary four miles per hour by eight clccI Port Hope Toronto Clurkson and of taking over their busmcss the tlcal centrifugal pumps of 000 hpl Hamilton From these terminals general store herc Prior to comlti each It takes about four days for each companys own tank trucks ing to Tottenharn they had bcenlproducts to travel from Montreali will distribute the products to in the same busrness Timmms to Toronto lhomes industries and service sta Ont Since coming to Tottenhom Construction of TransNortherntions in the arcn Mr Rinn has servedyon the VlIl age Council and as Master of the Masonic Lodge He is Command er for Zone 33 of the Canadian c5222 News of 7637an Woodwards were their sons Donald and Alfred of Gormley and Allan and his wife Richmond Hi Mr and Mrs Wice spent Sunday in Schomberg F0 Jack Dunston Mrs Dunston and Jan and Harry spent thel weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Rim and Mrs Galbreigth Jack Wilson manager of ILIItlIIIIIu CouLDNT Be MlZ BEAVAIZJOIIPLAI DECOI 101 comp NOW Luce pun ANWE CATCH mesa GuvNo snowman BEAST wno l6 loss 61215 AN ans mumps mm Wmb8165 54v lossm U6 maxm 60 NOW my one IOIINDI IOAII $3 an II dobls are piling up dont woll no your Niagara Counsellor right away Hell hoIp you soled the friendly Curling Club neit and family and Mrs Isaac The annual meeting of ThornJennett spent recent weekend at too Curling Club was held on Koler Nov when Ted Hewson was Mr and Mrs Jack Garbutt Mal elected president Ken Crawford ton and Mr and Mrs Beel lst vicepresident Cliff Bellamyqby Barrie were with Mrs 2nd vicepresident and GordonScythes during part of the week Henry secrtarytreasurer Herb end ance corporation ofce in Peter Shannon retiring presrdent thanks Weather Surprise borough spent the weekend with ed the club for their ne cooper The recent snow storm and ac llllublIOAJlIlllllllilllOIOOII GILIII l1r 2411mm 3mm HEATED OVERNIGHT snoqu 3mm on place at Prospect Cemetery onmut DONT moo REASON seahwilhomdelaypr red from loom up to mm payment plum All members present were in favor feel that winter as tun BMOdiY Wllson se sons schedule as soon as ice is Stuck here and th 31 019 Km Waste that the FINANCE comm no the New York Rangers hockey J9me recently Shed Mr and taste of winter prevailed for few WM VALLEY PRQPIJ Luck spent the weekend in Oak lions prevail again sxz imam5601 bun best soiled lo your Four can Plan 1000 wt uffy 10 geared yourbudge rivalefrlendyln rviow anon during hlS term of office CO your for the asking his parents Mr and Mrs mpa yng co weather made us aving the annua bonspiel in earnest with man 20 1e gt onDrsgurggnyggt wgitewizm January and Starting With the 393 being ready for vyinpter Ca 52 DIAL 3433 243 my dggdizsfggyhm Qlg avgI arid Mrs Vernon Jennett giggling swurenersctlgintg 222 DRIVURSELFtGAZIESZAND TRUCKS AWesterbx had been trainerwith Eleanor and Gloria and Mrs Isaac types However even though Itm club 10 23 years Burial took Mrs George McKnight in Cayuga days the temperature roses the Mr and Mrs Groat and Mrs snowmelted and now fall condi Wilson Building MUGGS AND SKEETER my AN Emu WANT Mile With Mrs oroars mother 0081 mm PM we Mrs Isaac AJennett is spending few days in Baxter and Alliston ST Asuzm Av COMING UP with her sisters School Trip Trinity WA The annual latelall Bazaar at isTilggglfgfagfguggrgggrig Trinity United Church was to be schwl take an interesting tour held on Dec but to accommo date another organization the date we 53810 dngfgdeaugmystgg was changed to Dec 10 For de Tel mm 11d tails see Coming Everus later this par Thuchjjegntmggmsg it may be 00 month trip so plans are being made for Mnand Mrs Frank Hmdle and another trip in the Spring Miss Rodgers spent part of last Mrs Levi Jones Wyebridge is nd at Joel moss SChurch visiting Mr and Mrs William Miller Mr and Mrs Nick Frawley Wel 21373 lve your car the Sunoco inter change over Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Elvin Pearson were Mr and Mrs Lou Atkinson Mrs Elizabeth sated mends 15 com Atkinson and Mrs Duncan Stay Emmym WEEKS HUM ner Mr on Mrs Gabriel Beamhesne MAD HES OUT THERERUNNING WITH HISMUFFLEKAIDHIS BE We are pleased to report that 10le Spent lb Weekend nth AROUNDWITH HIS coma Immsns ltd nus POCKET so swim Mrs Hopkins who under Mirand Mrs Cng went majoroperation last week Mrs Frnwley attended the in the Royal ViCVtOlia Hospital directors meeting of the Federa Bame is progressmg favorably tion or Agriculture in Barrie on Clark who is patient in mugmay evening the TWestern Hos ital Toronto is seriously ill and MV7 was Douglas Dave and Eli Wilson Alliston ind Wefmari mvemmd spent last Saturday with relatives th FIZbald mneStead Cross Sonora Service Simon towns Mr and Mrs Purnell Carr visited Sundw 224 BMDFQRD ST Bring your car in now to Russ Cross Sunoco Sort vice Station and haveit readied torjwinter Senior is colorless MTArAm Rev and Mrs Doggett Nw and Mrs Wilford Midland hng ldaskiorin NV market on Sunday Spent Sunday with Mk and Mrs MIX13ml Mrs Vernonq Jen William Miller COOK5 CAnTnGEV 17A wonno MOVES