Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1952, p. 13

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Optometry and Eye Care Topic Of Wl Speaker held its monthly meeting on Nov The meeting opened with the Institute Ode sung in unison full owed by the Mary Stewart Coll CC on rst aid given by each momQ bcr the president gave her male to hire Frank Comer con thtl for evening The theme When the dandies of that era wilt of the meeting was Emu Eco cred from diseased eyelids they comics and Heath The contact lens we know today Mrs Corner spoke of the upperl walla fmm becoming laired tumty may mamas small amp The contact lepse we know today drcit have today if being able to semi and muw take advantage of free vaccinavgwm by ammles mm lions and inoculations given in 91an scth and clinics She hoped ML SltPllwm WNW N0 that all parents would avail them mini Whirl We V91 lllmrtml selves of they sewiceg Members were grateful for hav The members were entcrmmcdvmg heard me talk and lmed it by Mn Km Baxter who sang would make each one of them Asleep in the Deep accompam Ne hem are or the mag We led by Mrs Dalton Femcr 015 mint they own their Noel Stephenson ummme eye was speaker of the evening With Um Immme Emmy havmg chalk illustrations on black the Gum WI mega mung Wim board he made his points very 09h 110517 meeung Closed clear and understandable lie be Mm me Singing of we National gun by explaining how difficult Anthem his subject was to dLscuSS as there dewmus lmCh W33 SEWtd were so many phase Og upmmeuy by the hostesses for the evening on which to talk Nevertheless salami mm as THU many ladies prcscnl want home Thomn and MW Fe feeling they had learned great Comer many things and moreover felt they knew their eye structure as they had never known it before He explained how optometry became the honored profession it is today and that it was not many years past when twoweek course was all one needed to se Cltll license to practise optom Mwsic was hL them of urv ze lt Later in the lwcnlics one mTKrnemng 0f the Mlnww Year course was sci and in the giggle bmmn mild 135 193 me Omar Couege Maw Twentylag greggriirfscgt Th girlriga33Sl2bl$year for the monthly gathering which coursc come into being and at as problde over by the Drug present there is fouryear course dent Mrs Luck wnh senior matriculatmn required The music converter Mm Vcols for entrance to the College of was in cimrgccf the program and iOptometry This in itself shows heady ngsong The 30 fthc members how the country is to for the month was Music is Eprogrcssing in health standards Womens Institutes Eludcd The Labor Womens institute Roll call was handy him After the luminous was com nonoS Music Theme said in be the speech of angels It 33 interpreted by Mrs Day and non for shipping charges would be Something new but found out otb erwinc was first used in isssMfS Fans Receives WMS Life Membership Mrs Phillips the presenter1 of the afternoon anxtliary of Col iier St United Church Womens Mmiomry Safety read excerpts from Bishop Renisons reCent arL title on Remembranca Day in The Toronto Globe and Mail at the op cmng exercises of the societys monthly meeting held on Friday Nov The supply secretary Mrs Atkinson in her monthly reporLl read letter of thanks from melhzn the best of traditions and a1 overseas relief committee of the 057316 Cw By LOINA LNNISW Friday Nov was the officmli opeimg date uf the new addition to the Barrie District Collegiate in slilutr Dunlap Ontario Minister of Edu the church school room team To quote from Dr The opening of beautiful useful and wellequipped additlunl to me collegiate instltule whichi wonderful record is ndced gain Untied Church of Canada for the leccnslun because it seems to maer supplies sent in by the church or ganizations last month This shit merit weighed 380 pounds and the letter also stated that money dona greatly appreciated Mrs Atkinsonl and her committee are grateful for the response to their appeal furl church service but the fund is still under the mans Mrs Omhard asked the maml burs to bring in their mite boxesI to the December meeting short informative paper was2 read by Mrs Millward on Chris tian citizenship in which she rc fcrrtd to the recent visxt of the Hun Walter Harris federal mine isicr of citizenship and education to Barrie when he presented citi zenship papers to number of peo ple in this district Mr Harris said Canada must continue to do her committees require An optometrist is person who its highly trained to examine eyes An oculist is the man who like Yihc medical doctor treats cyc dis cnses and does eye surgery Mr Stephenson went on to ex rcao by Mrs George Dusto who defined mustc as one of the seven Liberal arts and sciences whose beauties are so great that they can not be counted Angels arc thought of as mcs scngcrs of God Angels may notI have spoken to us permmlly but may have lllSlJllCd others to write lplain few of the more common diseziscs regarding eyes that we generally hear spoken of such as scataracts and glaucoma the lat itcr being very serious eye dis ease Several ladlcs asked questions at this point and Mr Stephenson gave his answers Members then heard about con REEVES HAVE OFFERED THE FINEST VALUE IN DIAMONDS THAT MONEY CAN BUY uke your selection in the privacy of our Diamond Room the pccch of angels Mr McNabb of Edenvalcl tact lenses and their uses Manyiand LESSiL Mine accompanied waSlby Miss Joyce Partridge of Eden valr The ladies enjoyed Padcrewskis Minuotaplaycd byl Miss Partridge Mrs Maguirc read an ari title How Some Hymns Came 10 Be Written telling of how the best loved hymns have been gathi ercd from many sources and pro duccd under strange circumstances Speaker for the day was Mrs HOMEMAKERS Are you becoming discour aged trying to get those home charm effects you have seen or visualized It can be discouraging and expensive but not if you ca arric Tent and Awning and take advantage of our special ser vices We have professional interior decorator who can Vsdvise you on color schemes end all phases of interior dec crating at moderate cost CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS Bnrriewleni Awning co 34Baynetdsr Him 4314 to thrill all and something that could affect people in thousand different ways Muslc is produced in many ways individually and collectively It is believed to have originated in rudc shootings in primitive life or may have been inspired by the sound of the brook and the whisper of the wind The reed is believed tohave haen the first musical instrument she told the members and then probably the harp and the drum Musical sounds are stringed wind or percussionand with many years of development people are privl1 cgcd to cnjoymuch good music in varied forms Mrs Veals read story mThe Music of the Willing Feet the moral of which was first we play with willing heart no matter what we do The converter conducted icnl contest won by Mrs McNabb The mecting opened with the singing of the Institute Ode and the rcpeotmg of the Lords PmyerRoll call was sing say or pay and 33 well responded to by the mem Correspondence included let ter of congratulations to the branch for winning the area prize for its Morning Glory quilt MN William Maw was appointed converter for the Chrislzrrasmeeb mg The branch voted $25 to the Help Korea fund and it was de DOORS SASH HEITEK6 Ellenst part in accepting people from other llnnds and extending citizenship to them Canada ranks high among the nations in the quality of her citizens and what she has to offer to others Recently Mrs Dingman had attended the 25th anniversary all the WMS of Fairlawn Unitedl musicnot only in hymns not only lChurch in Toronto She gave anllllon and the provincial parlia our great church music but allintercsting picture of this meetinglmenlllll member George J0m so in the very nature can we hear Mrs Dingmzin was the organizerston of this group and two other Collier Street members Mrs Atkinl also been members there very pleasant duty was pchi formed by Mrs Armstrdng andffollowed by the bOFS t2StmblnIG CUMMERBUND Leafleti Mrs Gregory when on bib half of Mrs John Farls they prol scuted her daughterinlaw Mrs lDouglas Faris with life memberlip the first number was Marlon xship certificate and pin The nominating committee asked the members to read carefully thel sheets handed out at the meeting Adamson who talked on The lor placed in their Missionaryi all caker the Hon Development of Musxc She dclMonthly and return them as soo $55110 51 Dunlops address was lscribzd music as having the power as possible The devotional period was caplt ably taken by Mrs Baldwin The theme of the service was Thel Book of Life the Bible as al means of grace The scriptureE lesson was taken from John 12118 Thisrwas followed by the reading of the poem The Three Bidders and prayer by Rev Lewis Illness prevented Mrs Cumming the group leader for the day from taking part in the splendid pro gram she had arranged and Mrs Phillips took her place Mrs Merrick and Mrs Dobson web corned the members Miss Eva Partridge and Mrs Graham received the offering which Mrs Phillips dedicated fln place of review of chapter from thestudy book story in pictures was shown by Miss Mar garet Smith with Rev Lewis reading commentary These pic tures From Slavery to Service told most inteimtlng story of the life of young man in Africa from childhood to his dedication to life of Christian service the beginning of new era in secondary education in the district in which at is located The young people the boys and girls look upon an decision of this kind as the beginning of new and an em largmg educational life for them With improved facilities more 2th no lllls aibbt Of Mnesng in mo undny morning space an in gener rig er an better accommodation The program started at 815 pm in the school auditorium with pre lude music by the Collegiate Band This was followed by The Queen The invocation was offered by the Very ltcv Dean Clair Morrison was the chairman for the evening and he gave the chairl mans address Don Emery brought greetings from the Emery Engineering and Contracting Limited Then liar lzind Steele of Page and Steele Architects presented the key to Mr Morrison The Rev If How dcn former Barrie minister dedi cated the new addition band selection was presented under the 1direction of Fisher Following this Tlt Bowman principal of BDCI made few rc murks Greetings were also brought by Barrics mayor Mrs Marjorie Hum Choir Selections The Collegiate Glee Club under lsnng The Lord is My Shepherd lson and Mrs Chisholm havelDirecior Row presented choirl selections The girls chorus cn lertalned us with an Irish Air singing an English song Then we heard the whole choir in selccl tion from Carousel The soloist Pickles and the pianist was Catli erinc Coleman Dr Dunlap Rev Lewis introduced the the highlight of the evening and to quote from him again Permit me to say that my ideal in cductlon is that our system will produce strong rugged intelligent right thinklng religious independent cit izens who will be able to stand on their own feet will take pride in hard work and will not lose the pioneering spirit which enabled our refathcrs to build up the Domin ion of Canada which wevallragrce is the finest place inthc world in which to live The ceremony was concluded by Canada and postlude music Cummberbund WWW mmmm Native of Strand Dies In Breather Sanitarium Mrs Hunt 38 Fullerzit service for Mrs James sndwasamcmbcrafth summary Society at this sumethesocietywmmi Aprilon heriulhihhthlw Albert Hunt who died at Brant mnde her life when ford Sanitarium on Sunday Nov 1962 was held at the Turner of the Society Mrs Sturgeon is survived by but and Porter Funeral Chapel in To daughter and three was In room on Wednesday Nov She was in her 59m year Awas born in September labt the dcecased was the former Letitia native of Stroud where site Jemima Spruule daughter of the late Robert Sproule and Jane Leu nos licr home addrms at the time of her death was 825 Woodbine Ave Toronto member of the Baptist Church she belonged to the Gideons Bible SMART LOOKING BELTS add much to accessorizc and dress up favorite dress This season the waist pinching cummerbund made in mulch ing or contrasting material for frock has found popularity with the younger set Thea cummerbund can be made from choice of many mater ials cottons jerseys cord cd silks succh and velvets Choose guy color contrasts toi your garment and for added color make pair of gloves fol match For novelty effect as pictured above one glove 15 made from each color or you can have your two gloves in all the some color If you would like to have leaflet which cumulus directions for making the cummerbundI send stamped selfaddress ed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper and ask for GLOVES MATCH NO E2207 Edmonion Publicity Proves Attractive EDMONTON Oct 25 tCl Mrs Mcrle Mullicnn was only following family tradition when she pulled up stakes in Oklahoma City Okla and bit out for Edmontom and new home come from pioneering tamE lly is how she explains it Pioneering spirit is almost secf ond nature for Mrs Muilican andj she says her ancestors are probl ably to blame person to attempt shccp ranching in the state of Texas and my uncle per Wyo Recalling stories of her grand fathers rugged vacrienccs in Texas she says her adventures have not been quite so daring but by our Collegiate Band Nearly 300 students participated in the opening exercises Among these were members of the Band Glee Club Key Club Studenis Council the presidents and vice presidents of each class who acted as guidesthe ushersiin the apdi toriungandhc gglrlgof 10C and who servedrmhc have devoted most of weeks column to the decsription of the opening of the new wing be cause as we all know it is one Mrs Phillips graciously thanked the most outstanding incidents in all who had taken part and ex pressed her regrets for the disap pointments caused by illness The meeting was closed with item dlction by Mr Lewis South Signcoe the history of our school BDCI Sports Evening Because have had so much to say about Friday Nov fl wont be able to tell you about the Assembly put on by the Current Events Clubor the senior English they still have provided her with manythrills All she knew of Edmonton was what she had read in magazines and travel folders But 2100 miles away she decided this city would be her new Home Thutiled With Canada flrnagine my delight in the gren elltrief Iam thublth Canadian people Everything about Canada has hum bledme greatly In tancolored convertible the vattractive Mrs Mullican who speaks with pleasing southern drawl drove alone over the 2100 miles from Oklahoma City to Ed husband the Society Survlvmg arc two daughters Mrs Samuel Whitman Clara of2 Toronto and Mrs McLoclilin Ethel of Toronto and son Per CM Eldon Huntsof Toronto licri late James Albcrtl Hunt and daughter Mrs Walter Stringer Vural predeceased her The funeral service was conduct ed by Rev Pastor Bochmcr PalL bearers were Jilchpl Hunt Lloyd Guest Spmulc Grant Guest and Louis Pagan interment was in Si Pauls Anglican Church CemeteryS lnnisill Township Floral tributes included those from the CNR Express Olive GC3 pel Chapel Div 26 Canadian Bu titers Underwood Ltd and the Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotheri hood of Railway Tminmcn One of Oldest Residents Of West Gwillimbury Mrs McD Sturgeon Dies One of West Gwillimburys oldi est and most highly esteemed res idents Mrs McDowell Sturgeon passed away at the home of bcr daughter Mrs Atkinson Lloydtown Ont on Tuesday Oct 28 1952 Mrs Sturgeonwho was in her 88th year had enjoyed goodl health throughout her long life andl her death followed stroke subl fcrcd five days previously Born on the 2nd3 Concession of Essa Township known as the Scotch Line on April 11 1865 Mrst Sturgeons maiden name was Eliza JaueTegart Of family of six one brother and five sisters Mrs Boulevard clorane payment Atkinson of Lloydtown Will and firewood of Caucasian West Gwilhmbury and Dr um Sturgeon of Welland and uh grandchildren The funeral was held from It home of bar son William Sturgeon on Thursday afternoon Oct as it St Johns Presbyterinn Climb Coulmns Hill Rev Lamon bcr minister the Rev Abbott of Schm berg conduch the service has tcrmcnt was in St Johns Ceme tery Pallbearers were Ed Elliott Ray Marshall Henry Williams Ross Hand Edgar Sturgeon and Dyce Sturgeon Cunstllnn and USA mufed Never before on the burnt Wt everyone espccllll for ml with poor or neuterian racism This amazins smut tined my kind of thread cull Ind dual Ordor front IILILII Hamilton Om the MILBURN YOUR LOCAL EUM 399 Elinbeth St Opposite material Repairs Rerdodelhng Storage and meaning Rening Sniin repairs while you wait Silltlllll TELEPHONE to Applications will be received by operator for Strand Telephone the undersigned for mm Co Ltd Duties to commoner December 1952 Make application to grandfather was the rst lpioneered oil exploration in Cad monion in days That meant driving about 600 miles day which is quite grind when there is no one to relieve you at the wheel Mrs Muilican was something oil CAMPBELL Stroud cided that the Mineslng Institute would not make application for the branch grant students trip down to Toronto But pioneer in her own home town Will tell you about the girls 5014 lShe vastbe only woman salesman From in the investment business there herest better gift in Christ mas timincensationally new Filter Quec theresnothingf you could choose which would please her more Dirt dis like music With the faster easier better cleaning 80 tion of this wonderful bagless vacuum cleanerits the house wifes choice Phone Roy Tracy now for complete details grur YEARS BEST CHRlSTMAS Gln Musings fl 3582 Members vine sending request for the wallpaper demonstration to be given early in December by Kay Appleby the date to be announced later This interesting and colorful talk and demonstration is to be held in the hall and all will be welcome silver collection will be taken and there will be door prizes hobby sale is scheduledfor April Those interested were urg gdwtu take advantage of the winter months to make preparationst gt Mrs Adamson gave an intere$ lug report ofng my of the metered convemon in Barrie Thenationslsnthem was sung to close the meeting midi lunch was served byMcS Wilson and Miss lrene Davis ifliPAGElill orrnistsalurf Persian Gulf wellknown South Slmcoe girl Mrs Duncan the form er Mary Green daughter of Mrs Gwen and the late George Green and her husband and their threeyearold sari Scbtt returned to Bradfordlastme for short vacation after in Await Bahrein Island Persian Gulf for the past nine years Duncan first went to Balk reinin 1944 and his wife joined him thete the following year Theyqu not be returning to the desert island in one of the hottest zones of the world as Mr Duncan has been assigned to handle the accrues acco tingfor new oil renery at Stdon near Beirut Lebanon andexpec is to proceed there shorts hr after the NewYear in6he reports that the houses are quite love wellrorn ch convenie planned Servants are comparatively cheap Mrs Duncan enjoyed life in leyhall game at Alliston last Wed nesday Nov The junior and senior teams were accompanied by Miss Kissick coach Sliirley Chris than manager Joan Busbblen scor er andSandrs McKmnon umpire The junior game was very close but Barrie managed to win by score of 36453 The seniors were not quiteas luckyasthe juniors when they were downed 31742 by Alliston More news about athletics con ingdances assemblies andexams next Frld 3y slt snELLs AND BELLS Sea shells take the place of church bells in Kyoto Japan where Shinto priests callthe peo ple to worship by blowing into gian canons which produce an to fogliom Fora reasonably goodcleaner and strained cook the combined wage runs about $30 at monthand al though fpod prices aresbislt are quite comparable to our own she teels considering theduet that the food is mostly imported item Australiw 313218116 South Africa and other countries in the sterlingarea Meat is transport ed in refrigerated ships and is one of the most expensive items in the fomilybudget House had hothits vanNes of the lntterbeing the ad3 and disadvantages one frequent enamels sand storms which made cleaning on overtime task Esnoris of verydeocription bulwvtih and now the same situation exists in Edmonton Already hard at work with an Edmonton investment was little nervous at first she said but they made me wel come immediately completed Mrs Mullicanwlllsend rm her two teenaged daughters Molly Ann and Maureen who are companyJ she attended abreakfast meetmgl of all city salesmen recently When the presriliboletemrism attendingschool in Shawnee Okla EARLYFOB SANTA LONDON iCPA Father Chrisb mas at the main branch of Lon don store warns parents that chil dren are going to want expensrve toys this year When he took up his post at the start of October he received heavier mail tbstever

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