v5 at liem play with McKenney Ken Naylor haro tonighton new modems Royals with at front entering the second Howev encomplayinthefirstMmlnz utga the llyers missed at least tumult defini toly has 21399 to the ebb that carried the th at coach ap Emma Fails oftho big guns to produce Captain Shh Teal Doug and Don McKenney struck MManentoofaru to leave the potent three seated hr the bench in the final stanza What was the use of playing 31km Bums commented afterwards they were only along for the ride mu Little Johnny Martan the quiet grated centre for the Flyers team ied with rightwinger Real Mon Egeon to give the boys what spirit they had on offense Bob White teomeupwith hisusualgame ut nevertheless tried their play tonight did not indicate foellar position in the Quebec stand lhey have lot of skate pollege try and potentially great winger in Ed Swartzack who scor ed three goals mm stated Swartzack is the best hockey prospect in the Que bee circuit on what he has seen of the clubs This is quite statement en considerel players like Henri and Guy Rousseau of the Canadians Ray Cyr and Michael slabodie of the Citadeles and Ray St Cyr and Jean Lcclerc of the Beds holdmajor journalistic spot lshL Apparently changing tactics the Flyers allowed the Royals to open the scoring In all three preVious vgames Barrie had taken an early lead Swartzack got the ball rolling and alter Doug Mohns polished Royal Flyers Melitta Forum Nov 11 ORAQuebec Junior BARRIE FLYERS Goal Bois vert defence Willis Cherry tor wards McKcnney Pletsch Mohns alternates Thibeault Robertson Tennant Marten Collins II Men ard Teal Menard Mongeon White Carver Robertson MONTREAL ROYALS Goal Broadbeltt cosh forwards Roman McGill ll ivray Laforest alternates Petty uaue VHWmai we does wwghalmx unaware nos eqan own In IIbutielewa Naylor Beaupre Naylor Watson 247 Barrie Molina McKenney 842 Montreal Naylor Watson Petty 1620 No penalties Second Period Barrie Pletsch Molina McKenney 556 Montreal Swartzak Vincent 855 Barrie Mongolia lMartau Carver 709 Montreal Watson Vincent Montreal 1738 Vincent Robert son Watson Willis Menard march major Robertso ma 03ang amazon orumulv NI lor Swarmrgatlago mgetul Vincencwmn3wmmk gtt IA COMPARE values defence Gaguon Dag Beau re 1159 Swartgak three scoring opportunities the most startling was Tods fan on an open net Ityersrontinued to carry territg onal edges in the second with lidi lary Menard Bob White and Larry Thkleavult falling by inches of sink ing rubber behind goalie Dave Broadbelt Goals by Fred Pictsch and Mon georl bettered Smartzaoka setondi effort In the initial mu of the ond but when the 10minute marki rolled past Ross Watson andi Smartzack the latter on beautii ful solo past Teal McKenney and Mohns provided the determined Royals with 53 edge Mongeon got Barrie back into the game unempectedly while Teal was off for hooking There were four seconds left in the man short age when Mongcon scooped loose puck at centre leaned on defence man at the blueline and drifted the teams fourth oal on shot that the Royals side of the fence Broadbelt heard whistle This lasted momentarily though as Naylor capitalized on Thibeaults hooking penalty for the clincher at 1401 Flych seemed to concede or that one Like the other games the Flyers had their chances to score enough goals for two games but all they ac complished ww raising their pre game output to 25 Defensive play was erratic tonight too and as whole the club just isnt going Said Emms maybe theyll feel like playing hockey at home District Hockey Doubleheader At Arena Tonight Hockey fans have double header in store tonight at Bar rte Arena For the second treat of the District League at 730 londry Motors go against the MusingWonder Valley Combines At the good Elm vale team will take onBanie Farm Supply Loudrys beat Farm Supply in the opener last Friday 51 and then Elmvale took the Combine 21 These games produced interesting hockey and good crowd turned out Tonight both the Combines and rm Supply will be out for the win column while the others will want to remain on top of the heap WM dimmed STANDINGS 15 16 12 17 17 16 16 16 13 10 10 Barrie Gait St Michaels Marlboros Guelph St Catha Kit chener Os awa Windsor tblbatdwm meuuIa HNNNMIQNHlla Tuesdays Results Montreal Royals Barrie St Catharines Kitchener Gait St Michaels Parlor Games r1 in 501 at Guel St Michaes at Barrie Galt ail Kit chliiia ay Montreal R0 als Oshawa Montreal Canadizna 2t Gait Guelphat St Catharines sund Kitchener at Marlboros Montrea Royals atSt Michaels Montreal Canadians at Windsor ANGUS Memorial Service Nov 16 There will be memorial ser v1ce in Zion Presbyterian Church Angus on Sunday Nov 16 at pmfor the lateWilliam Robbins who was accidentally killed in Korea Mr Robbins was the dear husband of Margaret Brennan of Angus Friends and acquaintances will please accept this intimation to attend the service gt Shower For Young Couple On Wednesday evening Nov about 30 friends and neighbors gathered at the CommonRoom at the Reforeatry Brandi where or shower was held in honor of Miss Margaret Ann Curriberland of Al liston and Jack Plantar of Angus The evening was spent in music and games The couple received manylovely and useful gifts and after opening the gifts thanked everyone Lunch was served and those present Went home feeling tine alter very enjoyable evening Thule urnTbomaaBronnan Deepest syrnpathy Inmatendedto the brennarl Family in the death of thick lull rlloridloo our corn Groin or roughed other Mrs Thomas Royals Mr and Emma 251h Anniversary Celebrated on Tour MONTREAL NOV 103w The weekend created many excite nlents f0r Mr and Mrs Hap Emms who celdarated their 25111 wedding anniversary during this Quebec tour The Flyers Hockey Chm wanted to pull out win it Three River for the great occasion but 1ter dropping 32 decision Mrs Emma stated the Flyers have never won game on their anniversary The boys however madethis up with surprise gift Sunday They all gathered in the coachs room 486 and when Hap and his wife walked in Captain Skip Teal pre sented the pair with beautiful set of silver candle holders Hap was speechless and Mrs Emma could only mutter thank you while tears of happiness fil led her eyes Sunday night they were treated to lovely dinner in the dining room of the Queens Hotel by Ho ward Norris Harold Hill and the remainder of the company on the trip Monday night another surprise anniversary gift was presented to the happily married couple Howard Norris and Harold Hill toured the streets of Montreal and purchased lovely set of fireplace irons something they both had wanted On top of this Mrs Emms was presented with roses You never saw more jubilant couple The irons were from the gang of Ho ward Harold Eldon Greer Jimmy VeitchMiss Helen Shanahan who joined the club on the tour here Sunday Mr and Mrs Harry Part ridge and yours truly George Wright who started the tour with the Flycrs reluctantly departed Sunday following call from Barrie He said it was nothing to become alarmed over but he had to return home During the stay in Montreal Junior Cangdien coach Sammy Pol lock and Hub Chief Scout Spud Russell have opened the gates of the forum to the Flyers who have witnessed the senior game against Quebec Aces and the Royals and the junior game against Three Riv ers and Canadiens Montreal walked over Three Riv ers 112 and looked very impressive in doing so This pocketrocket Henri Richard has been lifting the mwd toythcir feet with x215 lrlgdashsind ptitiWlfzd Tr ound the net At Iiiyears he looks like he might be just as good as his brother Maurice Rocket Richard who is presently the idle ofwMon treal This fellow Guy Rousseau has been playing well for the Habs too Make no mistake these Canadiehs are fast shifty club and will creatc plenty of noise when they enter Ontario Colcl Wind Again From Northwest Frost lastNighi Saturday and Sunday were cool at night but milder through the day Monday brought cool wind andoo Tuesday for the Remembrance my services araw southwest wind was quite chilling This morning more wind pre vails from the northwest Early this morning showed low of 24 The sun sets tonight at 441 and rises tomorrow at 642 but Temperatures were High Low Nov 51 25 Nov 10 Nov ll tion North Bay spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr and Math Brigham MW BRIGHTSTAR Doradus one of the most lumin ous stars known is about 500000 times brighter than the sun YALEOR SIMILARSTYEE evening last Flyenflradellillaiy to HILLARY MENABD Left Wing or Defence MONTREAL Nov llFollawing 64 setback at the hands of Mon treal Royals here tonight coach Hap Emms of the Flyera an nounced that straight player deal had been completed with Gait Black Hawks 6f the OHA Junior Clr cuit The Flych acquired right winger Tony Poets from the Hawks in exchange for Hillary Minnie Menard who had seen action on loft wing and defence under Emma Negotiations for this trade had been undenway for three days but WWW Fo11rt loss the beginning ofthe year the coe County Recreation County Service Faces Deficit at End of Your Although expenditures are in line with the budget drawn up at Service feels that it is going to face Ii deficit again at the end of 1962 monthly board meeting buttons and fees for special servbi cc from groups throughout the cult for it to carry on within its TONY POETA Rlxht Wing or Centre it wasnt until late tonight that the trade was sanctioned Emms said Poeta is due to re port to the Flyers Thursday According to the coach Chicago Black Hawks of the National Hoc key League had designs of turning Menard professional before the Nov 15 deadline However now that he belongs to Chicago Farm Team it is unlikely they will continue along those lines News of rottenmm United WMS Auxiliary Th Afternoon Ailxiliary of the United Church WMS met at Mrs Wallace Iippings on Thursday Nov with the vicepresident Mrs James Drummond presiding The subject of the worship service was The Book of LifeThe Bible as Means of Grace An inter esting report of the sectional meet ing at Cookstown was given by Mrs James Dorrian MigaOlive Toilen gave an introductory re view of the new study book Along African Trails by Rev Gallagher who visited the Un iteti Church mission slatiblls in Angola and also travelled through the Gold Coast and the Belgian undlr Valerie Gleason Santa Claus and Janet Abrams Bo Pcep to years Connie Snad don as one of the Three Little Pigs and Patsy Wilson as Pussy Cat 1012 years Joan Kent as Aunt Jemima and Gary Rogers as Chincsv 1315 years Carroll Thompson Witch and Bobby Rhodes as an Indian open to all Janice Worrod as Little Miss Muf fett and Roddy Abrams as Pirate couples 12 and under Paul Fochon and Jay Fechcly as old man and old lady 2nd Beverley Clark as bride and Joan Campbell as groom Adults lst Mrs Keogh and Mrs Kit Schreiner 2nd Mr and Mrs Wice open to all lst Orien Aber Congo with view of expansion of netlly as Knight of the Bath Wil lnc mimionary work of the church Mrs Wilmot Hayes gave an inter esting word picture of the motor trip recently taken by Mr and Mrs Haves Vancouver Island where they visited Mr and Mrs Cecil Hayes formerly of Bond Head Bowling Club Euchre The second euchre in the town hall Wednesday Nov sponsor ed by the bowling club was well putronizwswtth 17 tables playing Prlze winners were as follows Ladies Mrs In Clark Mrs El liott gents Mr Palmer and Mr Mayfbee travelling Mrs Elliott and Mr McIlroy cakes Mr Bul len Thompson and Mrs Clar idge Mixed Euchre Club Mrs Harry Palmer entertained the mixed euchre club on Thursday Mrs Palmer had high score for ladies and George Wice high for the men with scores of 93 and 94 The travelling prizes went to Mrs Wice and Harry Rinn Next club meeting will be at the Rinns Hold Cenotaph Service Remembrance Day was observed here on Nov ll Services were held at the Cenotaph Shed Replaces Stable The old maple Leaf Hotel stable Was torn down recently and in its place Mr Tipping has erect ed arlarge shed which wl be used for lumber storage This an im provement and safeguard from fire Progress Halloweeu Party The annual Halloween party sponsored by the Progress Club took place in the town hall The children were in costume and some adults too The Womens Insulate arranged 150 bags of candy which were given out Mrs Stone providu ed the music for the paradeu The in es Mrs Rlnn Mrs Sid But erand Mrs William Campbell had difficult time as there were varied and lovely as well as ridi culous costumes Following is list of prizewinners years and LOCKSREPAIREPWQK Citations mos singall son Abernethy as Me and My Ted dy Bear 2nd Bobby Kent as mounted policeman and Margaret Rogers as Gaucho 3rd Sandra The nancial report given at the showedi mmoar NOV 12 1953 for mead volqu mm recreation such canwa found in Wilda mostly reg laifowtehvvr Wm leadership outside the community is arrest for by the recreation mice small contribution to its budget might be solicited Liston was gven regcomm director to give leader ship outside the county at the an nual rural Christmas course at MacDonald College Que Plans were drawn up for the to the county counci pm 01 WAYS It would almost om um Onwiiwm Md offer to compensate car owners for damam More tobe allowedwm ad mop am We dont wish animals any hard luck but are not as important in the guer picture as the safety of whose Wm use the mode WOW ton AdvanceTunes WM 93011 51112 Under Freud rule in 111de there wv no general tax 53319113 only temporary assessments for= that enpenditures were in line with presentation nford the budget but since the grant requested from the county 311110 has been taken in as contri county Every economy has been made throughout the year but demands on the service at this stage in its development have made it diffic small budget the board agreed Some consideration was given to the possibility of adding staff members to the board to meet re quests for social rmreatlon leader ship It was agreed that where possible the recreation director Miss Louise Colley should recom peasanta girls 4th Joan Belford as nurse and Jummy Duke as witch Port Hope Visitors Mr and Mrs Max Chute and family Port Hope visited recently at the home of Mr and Mrs Cliff Abrams Mr Chute lived here for two years as bank accountant We ar sorry to learn that Mrs Anderson is patient in St Josephs Hospital Toronto Mrs Thornton has been visit ing at the home of her son Bill in Centralla He is patient in Lon don hospital Mr and Mrs Harry Potter spent recent weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter Quarre Bcl wood Adam Wilson Pricevillc spent Saturday with Mrs McIntosh Mr and Mrs Jack Palmer and Chris Kitchener visited with Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer Mrs Dickerson called on friendc in Alliston Saturday Mrs Robnt Willis held suc cessful sale of household furniture on Saturday last Mrs Willis leaves this week to make her home in Toronto Miss Lillian Horran and daugh ter Allislon spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Horace Checsoma leaves for the West Rey Duke leaves Wednes day Nov 12 for Millbrcok Sas katchewan He will be away from his charge for two weeks Penn and Rhonda Mallion as two full lat the November session Ma iHorne chairman of the boa council had not been received ltinitiate this report Wed were mum be Before the meeting adiourued damn at me end 15 Wariolmouncement was Tm dame with in ling being sponsored by the Ontario rd will Recreation made of meet her Wbm loan is the right answer we make it in your interests Phone rst for lvint loan write or come in No en donors or banhblo aocuity required 53 Henry JNow on Display Aknmwmqht no km Iu 143m not an nverts team to SIM Phom5931DomldGFkhm OPEN DAILY TO 55ATUIDAY 10 lmuodulomidoatsolallumoodlagm Willaa moltd special purposes Ben Solomon Leaders Digest would be the Spear Association 111 mm editor of Youth co FL Public Utilities Bldg 15 saw1210 $7 BARR Buy and Compare anywhere the 1953 Henry gives you the luxury of big car performance at an operational cost of only about pennyumile See this new beauty in our showroom today BARBIE MOTORS BARBIE ules Youll search far and wide before ybull 11919 Known 1949 FORD cow 1951 runorudol Radio 1951mm Tudor 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN ll FORD Fordor Radio 1951 roan Ford 1950 Pollmc Tudor 1f9soroauroldol we to vacuum in town quickoale I950 PREFECT Fordol Astoria1 dot IV tunnelAnon moron Ebrdor our one nd better stock of Used Cars and Trucks Each unit has been hand picked by our mechanical exports to conform with the Ad standard of quality Theyre the pick of the crop the closest thing to new car money can buy all late modelsin tiptop condition guaranteed to be the best Used Car and Truck values Come in look iembver fake 1950 ANcuA radar P191 Theyre all Pricedfor Heater Delano Cab 1111117111116 1952 FORDPickup 1951 curyaotrr 3x4 Toll 1950 METEOR Sin wagon 1950 THAMES Panel 1949 manholes 1949rolio Pickup 1941 roan Stoke 1947 sarcasm 1941 cnrvaotrr Del 1941 sruorraxra Niall 946DPPcbf 5w have ofautorlibhlleafmm 1946 right ballads Isle These oars although not war ranied arcingoodshm nidwlll provide sound xeoonomloal 11113le tlon