Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1952, p. 7

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7W ommm mm mm of for Tan 133 235 gm Vayagc Eu Knitwear lit hint of be mm mm all tillcam god The Lady Nem mm Cu 8m iwrll consiiiolc landmark some odian National Stemming lilo13 Moms loin iris waging by lie le Townshi all recall err drills Wm dpheigillilnfhlopmmmu or no vowea Mm amend no Eldemtgcslst mica sagqggeigrormn should have such clock The WWW Whiehlued um it Toroan where comic rm iii mom ii MamaMwmm MWWV kw wm mi Churchth in the Communvl 2w 3m and arms Gum Mm We fiat he hour of oclock in TOWN or Banal lwill retire after 25 years in the ad xpag mow all 315 Third day Of Jam 355 WE Ram Last Weeks parade was dandy an an Jamal TE 0535 FOR uary 1353 unless the taxes and1 mum from British Guiana via favztr 121 Henry Burl who has MM by intRCF ilel3$caiven that will PURCHASE OF LOTS 803m and 3mm 10M NB 31 DwCl Como Elli lilgh 35 009 the Wlw 3303433 hospital Shit dub lghl Filir ll lhx my NC said shal be xvi list of lands for sale for arrears Tim Wm ng World War ii the Lady Ncl 05 51 35 taxes was published in the Ontario and 995de Pm Sum 53 bl CD 1952 imam may be OblalMd at thelmn National serVicc ml in offer Canadian ind Allan lrcasurcrClcrlo and Treasurers office 84 Torpedoed in 1949 in Caslrics Tutslim llm squadron will lakl lAmlllm 13ml Wm Comer FELL lndrbor St Lucia the Lady Nelson lll 11 llillulibaliu D11 pa 5illcy lulu burl 36mm from LOW5 My Hand ecl lth 1h sio ed asl gt adv itll ccwmony liurolicnn counlricsz SALE OF LANDS our us mica lllIlT drill flash or promo gonly herbage seeds but also tie on the 4111 day of Octoberlbei 113 Old Gas Works situated 5011 made her maiden voyage mg lion W0 ocllarlm WU Robbins lnmi vegetable and ower lt 11 195 and tho copies or the midi 50m 51m OlDunlop Street on he WW million mm is 0de mu received by the undersign Campbell Laird Shipyards Blrll2 Ni Monday night lllcrc will be 11 may be had at my omee led until 12 oclock noon Saturday cnllcad England She was thist mop 113 1015 jun trade Lama msumrs 0mm Chlrlhmv WSE Remember 1952 Further informilrs of ve Lady liners in Canad 5211 capable of much expansion Wu llSSerll accepted Sh saw Rm wllllld 35 04 F0 Ras TAXES c1331 Elli inll console service or the wood cladilifil $2139 Still AN mm lBarric Ont 50 me transporting homnds oll lini vrl lkllllllll SMCOE go mi 12127MF0 wounded veterans home from WW ill clr iovemeas After hitch movmg NWCE is hereby given that the isowicemen and mm war brides Cad Auxth ix going mu togRtomcn RN list of 111ml liable to be sold for 34 mack to Lanada lollowmg the war 3m VAlllli lmlzp of cudci mothers Mn arrearsuof tan in the County of ishc rcenlcred CNSS service in VV 99 mmg 1m Mm MN mm mm Simeoc has been preparedand was H947 and has made 196 voyages 0m Hue mo llflll liimdcrl lilzihcl to asrixl lied in advertl ars Hemodcllin ginger 1m in The 3330 lm mm 09 IWG Fm NEAR BOYShd shop work Working at their drafting tables llndil 39 Slorage and Cleaning all engrossin subject at the Barrie District the direction of Instructor Powell arc Gazene 31111 Marl the cqulllmclll hag Relmmg Copies Of said list oi lands or MORTGAGE SALE Collegiate Institute There are two large George Grecnsldc left 15 and Alexander nlixcd and iligulllc 1llihunvw sinll repairs William nit odvelmmenl can be mu mil VALUABLE QWERTY sir main til oil ddit Roth cone late tudent l1 arrived in whomrabble soction in the Arm5 office or will be mailed unon 31 98 10 Emil gpggmmmgf 533112 In Situatc in the Township at which has its otllclal opening tonight recnt weeks from Germany to make his 53 mlifimggg gfjglgc ir ves as shovm on said list on or before Innisnl county Simone home in A3 He is 15 ears of going on 15 iii cadcls take lbeirl Tender for WWW 315 TUESDAY JANUARY 13 1953 at mm 1m dark mom mmng Under and by virtue otthle powl the hour of two oclock in the ed nl VV Vchcmlcnls and all the rust afternoon mu at that in 5P9 Sdmks 1M WW com Successful Sale 11ili no Moo in ward mdz mortgage which will be produced the Councd Chamber Court Housel at me me of sale mere Wm be Barrie Ontario receed to sell 11 Closkey Quccnsvlllc at $625 and being set up Mr cadets eligible for be OI GM Lde for sale by public monlagtmmfe R1313 En ga tlireeymrmlri laughter of Lon the Flying Training Schulorshipsl Selollendm clearly markedos undelsigned up until 12 oclock of Barrie on Saturday the Sixth to Mr and Mrs Wilbert Henry sell Tomi Aniony from lhclr exam MU not loo many Well estsbllshed well km bii aucli th idl gulch cum toga filthlllchpail to contents 111 be received by the at 111 Queens Hotel 1n the Town ges thereon Lawrence OHMW lurlllils mom Will 091 mhl land not an sold on Januarwnoon Monday Novembcr101h 19f lifting gags 53 Essa Roadv Son overa Pnce ed at $600 bv Grcxenwood Eco five of illc bovs will qualilvl 0155 ryfmm 1mm cu 131111 adjourned sale will be held for SHOWle Sidewalks 9henwing yummy KELLYJll 1W Vlcmlla Maple to join me excellent worlLl Good commission Lou 3d on Tuesday January 27 at two Words and 2on1y Hmplml Bill119 Nov 1952 to Tho second annual Maple Unitl ocock In thy ownshlp 0f Innis olnmplon produuw thL Roe Waging var mens Mr and Mrs Geornc Kcllv 100 salc of Holstein lcuislcrcd femalcs TilFALGHI SQURF Loucst or any tender not neces County of Simcoc and being com VV Vo mm mm ntcmsvmg COLEMAN Treasurer surin accepted puscd of Block according to Reg Eng 30 MWWd fill Aifnuf mm mm the highest prices puidf Irnfgxar Square in Londun Sim Particulars from box Coumy of Slmcoc lsicred Plan Number 002 save ant 11 11 no ilppICCli W0 ll 10 OlilLh animals in the of hp Nclgun Innulnmn was Treasurers Ofce Burnt 00t BARRAND cct the Easter sixt six fcct MAW Roy mum to the line of brecdln oill Barrie Emmer Court House Ban19 Ontario Nov 1952 Clerk andrrreasurcr $0150ij and also in thaytxpan of plial Bamc Nov 1952 to My wall thWllll Illl lime ammabjoui 111 1n lll 19111 contur owed by the oldest Articiali 100 day of October 1952 1125427 illc water lot patenth on June and Mrs Bert Mow Mincslng lsteadily improve as lhcy reach 1mm Brccdimr Unit ill Ontario and daughter lnatullly 211d 1913 lYlnS 1mm 01 and to cred lo 19 H01 101 llbll tl I0m twoledl 01d daughters PFRIMMERAt the Royal Vic iiiwlilif inclining by Texal Antonv mated 10 the fullest by the capnl ol the Easter and Westerly llm 195 VMl 0415 0mm IWCH tic next lilglmi scllers the us of the sag Block Egrllgrnicxglagxckuvmih 31 Bar that llld the arenagmp bung consde by Dam01V At the same time and place there JMurplly Lindsays purchased by will m0 be offered or sale along WOOFTERIH Edmonton on Oct pmuhmrg are representedgBlunSlmrd Bros Fmemanhm $560 Fire Escapes Gales Etc 29 1952 to Mr and Mrs from ve lOVlilCCS and Bermuda 1mm the Bald real property mm sevenqmmhsmd daughmr by Wooftcr Edmonton dauglltcl chattels contained in the building and brisk bidding resulted in an Rembm Tami Sovereign consigned ESTMATES FREE on the said properly Mary Elm OVCIllll average of $50273 for the by Bunke Downwiew WW Upon the said property there is entire offering being an increasel In said to be erected valuable build wel me satisfactory average of OEQgSVJLgCizwgh 1221 ing known as the Mineis Point $49325 eslabiished in the lgsllBond Haven held ltneeion and Pavmmr 53 Fryr We mgh Tile tale dub v1 cig Tho property will be offtcirdcd for BRENNAN the home of her the ring of which six newbornlxm mag seropeilc my I1 rll sale Wt Serve dlulhlev Mrs 19 Pill0m 34 heifer calves averaged $16250 The ape Terms ten percent of the pur Tlffln SL Barrie on Thursday to 10 female avem ed $60150 jUnlt who expressed hope that 17 Mulcaster 33 chase money villlbe oiayziiblcb lit Nov 1952 Henrietta Gilrie lrhe mp We pricegms machedzmorc of lhe breeders using Maple the tme of sue on formerl of An 11 beloved vile iserv es 511 id ancc lwithin irty days thereafter of the le Thognass Brennan and twlce mt by muryearom on 123 orolfierdrl=ll xtigreicgi or upon such other terms as may der mother of Lorne Edithle daughter 0f L0n1nl T9331 Alllonyiiwas Harry Haws bag with be agreed upon with the under Plaxtom of Barrie and gnilglfd by 10me Fa Yagmgmme Franklinradlng peylligreesl ur in on an urclasc re Slglnifgher terms and conditions of EnglilkTglmiif Qgltglugl Hutchlison fallow Allhtlughlgij Sjgxoglgilysilzlgrfd sale Will be made known at the Heme Borne ion funeial servxce lhele 19 no ROP backing herI doing the leading and the sale time of the sole and in themedn Saturday Nov 11 at pm In bottom pedigree this beautiful time may be had upon apphoahon iement Angus Cemetery uddercd young cow certainly seemkept Style The third annual Maple Sale has 13 to me undemgned COBURN HStn Texas Capable makmg gh reiconilrmed for the same time 115 DATED at Barmv his Fm Oct 23v 1952 walker COW cords when given thc0lgtporlunily day of November 1952 so of the We and Mrs Immediately following was day mm Ancadm Boys SEAGRAM ROWE James Coburn and brother of mukmgthree 511 daughter 0f 13 Owen Street Mrs Campbell Louisol Ba L1a We to JV oilelm Tcxal Iilghcnoitcon51gncd Solicitors Rallmd HE Cobsml Ciguarv by McGrlskm and Son Aging PassengerUmfs 127133 Alberta court Entered for the Royal Win ordered By The YOUR WORNOUT SLUGGISH ENGINE WITH AV lt ler Fair millling 70hp0unds in inc WV VV VV Wcomuynygppggp arena andwitha high ploducllonv MONTREALThc Canadian Na WM 77 WW lt CHRYSLER MHHOD REMANUFACTURED ENGlNE cp pediglce she seemed bargain at JOIN Balloon has placed orders gagbggvmgownslll 133 beenagl the price Purchasers vcrc amounting to more than 50 million Due for inaior overhaul Then see us about CARSONI Vin me or Hall Oakvillc and Houck doums 01 300 00 HUS 0f passen flcmlly opened It was built as Vm replcclngyour wornout esgne WIlhIChrysler community ezlon with all labor oul dear mother Caroline Blown Brampton who have gathcled 10 c161 equipmenL he passed away Nov gethel group bythis same sire Av Bmmley vicecpresident oi Method REMNUFACIURED En 1neYoullcut donated xcept for the foreman Carson directing the vorlc 1944 Runne1up bidders were Pickald Durchaves and stems in making the repair bills Md get guaranteed newengine per For her we more abundant and Clark Alb announcement mere recentlv ars is er sal formanceBrmg your mun1t takes ustone day F01 us guiding star settled for her twoweeksld the rdsrs repleseni an accumula be gased gt 127 Familydaughmr at $300 siredva one option of urgent needs for more pas an you at ow cos GENERAL GIBBON In loving memory of the younger lles theMapleg1asj1g3Tnst lladto deal si er Georgcna Gibbons Unit Clyde Hill oyal Elsxe Lad glowmg 99 gt To iii WE RANGE ED YOUVWISH Come to Jesus He 15 caumg was four year old Highcro FIRE ht Company and the Pullman Stand D0 0t huge d0 notwalt aug P9351 mm fill these in Hasten ere it IS 100 late Milton and purchased by Thomas us wl the nex In silence we remember Stobbard Malton three earW0 lears OTHER CASUALTY LINES SSter 8am 91 daughter Rembco Texal mum summlll LEARN V9$301Nf$lnlrllgmlg$ywt Mam WWW by Hose BELTS Frost Shields mum CHRYst PLYMOUTH FARGO mm Amo You may never see tomorrow consigned by Stark and Sons ard C3 company are SCheduled to 10 47 lot left us Nov 1946 Dear is her memory loved 15 her gt COMPLETE SERVICE lt BARR Sgpngjf $22 alwoiS together In memow NOVEMBER71952 my missed and verrrmem VEOGSV CATTLE mm trrrallghtr Save up tomes Kceps car my gift rrrrr illlweiat hm Tough and msmclearwrof Lively ensures beredhdaughter Madcline and son gs heat mph and mist curtain iiilaw Art and family 127 1V mom1n 10an memory of John As quoted by First Co operative Moth wn Packers of Ontario Barrie pose away 0v fr in orig us grmem HOGS Death can never take away 955qu pucmories that Vwiil always linger 38518 GradeV$2550 While upon this earth we slay 80W gt en remembe by ms me 16 1650 family 127 EGGS gt WICEIn lovmg mamory of our Large rntls Sarah Christena Wice lorryng What It 313932339ibvlce 1942 13 mlig 53 $13m CXOKENS 21 dell rem ered 02 ll WM Wick Ensure Woke Novella The Famlll 311901911 ikr 313 theates gm mama min from lm waALEffwwggp 31ka Grade MIMWV warm =WLogum=rllzvtif72 Ms Grade er WWWW CALGARY Alta CPlJuvenlie EGG PROFITS UV VV Cue Mq rsm emtypowe swm 77777777 vin VV bmlmg new no item when one customer 3an akegroomfor linesiwooo addi Swill gt about Blanhford Filipilw lionto police headhunters The Glade addmo mcmdes neg quarters for Grade c133 dnskqlgg Mash mete1 on of juvenile delinquents Grade flmfudingl00biofmshpu f7 Gogsrm mmiqp gt loolZy 0310 bun47do policy VIN gt email minerals lot of mineral in milk glut ofmmeral inlbones 1inlllliigalnmnmngsmmlr wmm gan gt gt gt millionthev can theycann6t cm 85l31dm tr ps mm the Mull our imam 91 29 WWW gt 11383 CE 111N331f01lnd m7222d3 Grad em requirements amulet peenactivcmnnvai hmno mend mm chommandmgl officer Iladozen Minerals to CattleVycontams all theminerolsxthat are know detiumrcuw oi at 16 43 gt WWW perhood will keep your herd the benefits great

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