Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Nov 1952, p. 1

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Scab ms rows or Mum sun count or saloon Sim I8 Bath YearNo I26 ammonium Ill In BDCI ADDITION OFFICIAL BOARD INVllE PUBLIC Ilium COIlEGllli WING PA SYSTEM REIAYIIIG CEREMONY I0 RODMSE Although admission to the auditorium ceremonies of the Barrie District Collegiate addition openingron Friday evening Nov is by invitation the entire building will be open from 730 until 1130 pm and the public of town and district are cordially invited to be present They will be able to inspect the beautiful new rooms and facilities of the collegiate and also hpar the music and speaking pmlawitbctouchesof Lcllo men The restriction on the number attending the official ceremony has been necrmitnted through the nmount of space which will be available However most class rooms in the new wing are wired by PA system and visitors will therefore be able to use them in order to hear the various speakers and also the musical selections which will be played by the Col icgiatcConccrt Band under the direction of Fisher Escorts will also be provided by the students to showvisitors over the new section The official ceremony is due to begin at 815 pm and prelude music will be played by the COl legiafc Band Following the play ing of the national anthem the Very Rev Dcan Clair will givethe invocation An address by the chairman Morrison MBE will precede greetings to the board staff and students by Donald Emery on bel half of the constructors Emery En gineering and Contracting Ltd Barrie The presentation of the key to the new building will be made after this by Harland Steele BArch FRAIC Toronto on be half of the architects Pageand Steele dedication service will be given by Rev Howden BA ED Toronto after which anotherl selection will be played by the band Mr chairman Board Bowman BA principal will be the next speaker and will be followed by Mayor Mrs Mar JOIIC Hamilton extending the grect ings of the town and George Johnston MLA Simcoc Centreprc presenting the Ontario Legislature Choral selcctions will follow led by the director of the Collegiate Glee Club Archie Ross BA These will fenrc tho girls chorus rend cring an Irish air arranged by Ross Hilton The boys ensemble will give an arrangement of an English song by Robertson and the cholr will conclude the musical interlude with selections from Rodgers and Hammersteins musl cal Carousel arranged by Fred Waring The principal speaker of the cv ening the Hon Dr Dunlop BA BPacd LLD Minister of Edu cation for Ontario will then be tn troduced by Rev Lewis MA BD of the Collegiate Board and will officially declare the new ad dition open After the singing of Canada postlude music will be played by the band bringing the official ceremony to conclusion Refreshments will be served in the new cafeteria and general in spection of the collegiate will con tinue Howdcn is former of the Barrie School lt aSleIlll millions Durable and sturdy furnishings combine with tasteful in teriOr decoration in the home economics rooms of the new addition to the Barrie District Collegiate Institute depart ment made possible fur the first time to the collegiate girls with the opening of the new wing this year With large completely outfitted sewingroom also used by night school pupils and three complete kltxihcn units and dining areas laundry room ands furnished living room the newdepartment is designed to produce homemakch of the future Sewing Room Although the cooking section be came available for the pupils only thisweekdue to lastminute fin ishing work the sewing room has beenin use since the opening of school It is bright and cheerful room for thisyoung seamstresses to learn the art of fashioning clothes walls and built in cupboards painted in brilliant canary yellow and grey The linoleum flooring is bright spatter pattern with thedonunanl colozv green and flecks of yellow and orange on greycream back ground The linoleum border and counter tops are in cream linoleum with 0n the southwest corner of the new buildings upper floor the en ire home economicsSection has window walls ffacing west and pror viding plenty of light for the do mestic science pupils In the sew ingfroorn the drapes are grey with modernvfioIaIVdettermdnad and brown There are eight lectric sew machines in the department use by 12118200 dayschoolgirls takim do small bookshelf the home economicscoursetlmd 90 night schoolsewers oleum Fitting Room The sewing room has fitting room with threeway mirror where the young dressmakers can viewtheir garments frOm any an gle and storage room for ma terials work pnrtiallgmade and otherTequiprnent The instructress Mrs Douglas Kettle has red maple desk and chair in each of the two department rooms and asmall blackboard with lack boards at either side to display patternsbosters etc The 10 sewing tables oflirned oakwlth matching chairs have praaicalvtqps of green inlaid lin ven sturdy and builtuto last Each table seats from 10 to Wow Sewing machines are of the mod ern desk type equipped with small matching bench with the pad ded fsent in green leather Along the back ofthe room each class has shelf for its ownwork and storage The shelvesand their Hawaiidoors entire back Wall are great ad vancc Over other home economics CIASSYODXTISI according to the in structress open shelfspam for antic books in the LEGION BRANCH IssuEs DETAILS NovII SERVICES In statement which has just been issued by Ralph Congdon president of the local branch of the Canadian Legion attention is drawn to the program for Remem brance Day which will be observed as civic holiday on Tuesday The garrison parade which was tohavc been held onSunday Nov has been cancelled Due to Town Council granting the civic holiday the parade will be held on Tuesday commencingl and bulletin board are built into the area between the rollaway shelves and the storage room Section of the bookshelf is covered and pulls out to provide space for charts for the teacher Wall brackets for plants al though in reality plastic were pick led by the instructress to match the limed oak furniture Grooming Taught One entire area of the sewing room is called grooming area where the pupils are taught good grooming with thchelp of counter and builtin washup sink with long mirror on the Wall above There clothes brush and person al grooming itemsare used by the ipupils who can convert the counter into vanity sitting on small grooming stool that converts into small step1adrler foruse in the kitchen Shelves beneath and the counter top hold current womens and fash nvmaes pnd patterns and sewing ideas are displayed on the tackboard area around the mirror Another vertical mirror outside the cgnsciousof thein al831ng as well as serving to reflect the garmentsthey are sewing Two builtIn cupboards in the sewing room hold compactironing boards with irons stored in the space below The home economics aloe two small sleeve fitting room also makes the pu out small der speceprovldedintho threotkitch merchants cooperated at VlD30from VIctorIa grounds School BARRIE ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER I952 awumwmamm ENING FRIDAY wiswlwlaLJu The veterans will tlIcnproccedDlEs to the Cenotaph and after the lay mg of wreaths will march to Trin ity Anglican Church and St Marys Roman Catholic Church for Re membrance services Legionnnires are asked to wear berets armbands and medals $100 STOLEN FROM COTTYS CLEANERS Police are still investigating an overnight breakin and theft from Cotiys Cleaners 109 Duniop St About $100 in cash and two cheques were removed from the premises some time between Monday night and Tuesday morning It is underd stood that two men have been ques tioned by police Economics wonderfully in making it possible for usto have many things that we otherwise would not have been able to boy says Mrs Kettle of the home economics department furnI ishings and special equipment par ticularly in the homemaking area With its three completely equip ped kitchens dining ardas la dry and living robmthlsudqlgdgl ome economics section is furnished with excellent taste but also withan eye to long wear The color scheme of thewentire urea which is not partitioned off except with cupboard room divld cm is French mist and coral the tvvo shades blending with beige linoleum and red rock maple fum ishings Drapes hung only this week are in modernistic squared pattern like batik print in shades of deep brown white and orange Sectional living room furniture in colonial maple is upholstered in teal blue homespun picked ashard wearing TheJiving room is furnished with section ches tereld two wing chairs two end tables and corner table The living room rug is in mushroom color with scrolled pattern in lwisfnflnish The two ning room tables each with six chairs are in matching rockmaplerprovidingtwoformal dining areas There is also table and chairs in one of the kitchen areas in chrome and grey leatherb ette following the modern trend of eating in the kitchn remarks Mrs Kettle Tlirr el tric stoves one big jdeluxe range with push button control and refrigerator are led into the extensive cupboard errunits Turn to page ltgArchie Ross BA AUTO ACCIDENT IN TWO MONTHS COLDWATEROne of Cold waters best known business men Stanley Levering 57 was killed in stnntly Monday evening about 715 when he was stluck by taxi driv cu by Don Hull 23 Coldwatcr Mr Levering was attempting to cross Goldwaters main street north onto the Reinbird St bridge over the Goldwater River when the fatality occurred He wasthrown about 50 feet by the impact Mr Lovcrlng was on his way to Dr Halls office in connec tion with injuries suffered in previous accident The fact that the Durable Sturdy Equipment Combined With on street lamp or the pole opposite the bridge had burned out may have lessened the drivers chances of seeing Mr Lovering The taxi driver was taking gasoline to Wes ley Ortons car which had run out of gas at nearby Bayviewtill and was proceeding north Mr Lovering and his wife were both injured but not seriouSIx hour to was struck by truck near The former was intending tOcorIier withDrHallaboutmaieg injury and regardingXrayswheu he met his death At the time of the fatality Dr Hall was attending Lions Club meeting in Goldwater Parish Hall As soon as word of the tragedy was received on the recommendation of Eplett the Lions Club can celled their meeting council meeting was also Cancelled Stanley Levering had operated the local billiard parlor tobacco store and barber shop for many years For short time in 1113 youth he had farmed on his late fathers property at North River where he was born Hewas member of pioneer family after whom the nearby village of Lover name Judge Ed ing received Toronto 15 rela gerton LoVeriIi tive Mr Lovering is survived by his wife the former Evelyn Dion of Moon River one son lilialctzolm iof Ra ged pids Hydro pan ss ferg My Lloyd Letherby Kath leen Goldwater two brothers Cecil of Goldwater and Burton Irovering Orillia OPP Constables Andrews and McCutcheon Orilham lesti gated and the coroner was Dr returns for NEW PRESIDENT UNITED STATES From the largest number Americans over to participate in national poll Gen Dwight Eisenhower emerged this morning as the new President or the United States ulna bring lug to an end a20yearold Democratic Party rule By midnight Eisenhowers victory was shaping up as one of the most decisive in modern political history with the RC publican candidate away to good lead in state after state At that time with from complete Eisenhower was ending in 29 states having total electoral vote of 288 In Washington at 1135 EST returns frIIIn 37944 of 146338 voting units showed the vote to he Eisenhower 9299091 Stov enson 8451400 Baillie Orlllla BDLLGJoehCIub Barrie Kiwanians were favored Monday at their dinner meetmg at Community House by very ne program of choral numbers The Barrie District rCollegiate Glee Club 50 boys and glrlsm dark skirts or trousers while blouses or shirts with red ties sang four numbers under the direction of of the staff their leader The piahoaccompamment was provided by Catherine Coleman andjMary MortenMr Ross and the Glee Club we introduced by nudtlzunkE NEW we or MODERN INCORPORAIES llliSl soon IIIOIII AND In 1943 writing the forword to The Hismry of tho rie Collegiate Institute which was printed to mark the on icglntcs centennial the Principal at that time Gift wood said um going to risk prophecy We shall great deal of the arts courses of the university decentralised in the next decade and see no reason why Barrie not become one of the schools to carry at least two yum rsehoolae of these courses We should enlarge upon our vocational courses All this will mean more building and equipment Our enthusiasm for the arts of peace should not fall so far below our enthusiasm for the arts of defence in war Today with the opening of its new modern addition scheduled for Friday evening Nov 1952 the Collegiate has proved it such proof were necessary that it is motivated by the enthusiasm for the arts of peace of which Mr Glnbyood spoke when he made his very apt pro phecy nine years ago Need For Accommodation With fine heritage of achieve mcnt behind it right from the time the institute was inaugurated in 1843 and established in one of the ground floor rooms of the Court House the Colleginte at this time looks forward to adding further educational distinctions to an al ready long list of academic achieve ment For some considerable time now the Collegiate Board has been fac ed with the problem of providing additional accommodation Plans for such an addition as is now be ing opened were drawn up about 10 years ago but due to the war and shortage of materials these were shelved at thalt time With the new cldssroorns and facilities which are provided now the normal capacity of the Collegi ate will no between 950 and 1000 students Although thiswill provide comfortable working arrange ments for the time being it is an ticipated by Principal Bow man that this iigure will be reach ed in about dive years time At the moment Principal Bow man points out there is an increase in the population of the public Wm mum it is then that our accommodation willrrlcbrfullyutilizedEitofitstotal capacity General Layout In keeping with the general lay lezpphasis thrmuzhouti the Wing is on lightness and 1th is attained through the incomeratkm of extensive window areas and the utilization light pastel in most cases for the and passageways An effective and extremely adequate lighting adds to the general effect One of the most interesting fea tures of the additidn however the excellent manner inwhloh war cry inch of space has been put Turn to page four pleasu BARRIE WOMANS HUSBANDV KILIEO SUNDAY IN KOREA Only two days after celdimng his 22nd birthday Pte mite rill Robbins the humd has Lillian Margaret Robbins 87 chn Street was accidentally killed ill Korea on Sunday News of his death arrived batbe egram on Monday Pte Robbins member not 23 Transport Conway inafive years time and out of the building itself the ap preach to the new wing from Eliza beth street has been tastefully designed with shrubbery anking the pathway The outside of the building in lighttoned brown brick blends with the main building and is pleasing addition for it Although modern designing has Ibeen incor porated throughout and the new wing is twostorey structure an excellent degree of uniforrnity has been achieved hetnvcen the new building and the main school The two oors of the addition are con nected to the main buildingby wide spacious passageways and largefireproof doors separate the old and new sections of the Col legiate With Wife Before Gob to was posted to Korea from Borden in July He wasa of Bancrgft Ont and on school hejoinedthe corny It was while at Camp Bordon wife who is the daughter at IT Brennan fo of now living ianrrie Previously they livd on Lane They were married Borden and there and two Garry3 and Billy So far no no has received as to the cause

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