mom suns ruins crumb Emu mmnxm momma llnherald Winger Orin Garvetu Spearheads 63 Win Over Krauts His name couldnt even be found in small print through seine equal footing in the Second out progame information he wasnt even listed in the pro 99 Show gram lineup but before Barrie Flyers had finished rapping mTngfjfj Kitchener Greenshlrts 63 at Barrie Arena Wednesday night mm and Joyce late in the third over 1700 patrants knew coach Hap Emms had uncovered out bout it actually lookcd as if Markanan Juliet was waiting for ameo to Send John m7 ZGum Personal Satisfaction iarrlve for the famous balcohy Flycr supporters from all over the country will be on handrail SWIM mail It was announcod yesterday that iEmms Goal Against Genera mcnc course you probably know Tonight Mammoth Fan Draws at Barrie Arena to defeat the law of ayeruges in the mammothi ii filming this 33 Ralph Maxmun 316911131 winter prize night which Includes an allexpense trip to New York gm WWW man 10 5L Comm Ethat theatrical circles the on lfurgivahlc gin gwhich shuwcd Cxtv IIim loath Town and County The regular munthly meeting of the WCIU will be held Monday Nov at pm at the home of Mrs Cherry 125 Collier St Rm SPEAKER BEBE is to whistle Arr underneath wewas traded to GaltBlack mm ldrcss Juliet 35 wearing Ilfor John Whelan low bars of catchy and exerted the crowd by pmnlftg 11L valuable piece of property An unheralded newcomer to the club Orin Carver ob tained frmnflulffaXStMurySof the Maritime junior circuit stole spotlight that was supposed to be dominated by Gllles Bolsvert recently acquired netmlnder from Man treal junior Canndiens here on tryout Boisvcrt along with new left wingcr Jimmy Robertson had rc ceivcd all the ink and were not urully chief targets for the public And out of the dark rose Carver whose play on the rightwing boards earned him the tab Star of the Night over such standouts and crowd favorites Don McKen ney Skip Teal Fred Plctsch and so on Carver is not polished por former but his 140 someodd pounds tolled endlessly to spade the puck for linemates Doug Mohns and Don McKcnrtey He was partially re sponsible for McKenneys fourpoint spread his best scoring night since the opener hero against Gait Black Hawks Carver so impressed coach Hap Emms whokwas more surprised than anyone that he received work in killing penalties and even got in on power plays like kid who doesnt quit trying comment ed Emms and Carver showed that kind of spirit tonight If he keeps that up hell help us plenty It was no fault of the new French Canadian favorite Gilles Bolsvert that Carver slolc top billing Til Flych played tremendous bwoaway hockey and the bluelinegbrigade was the lightest it had been all sea son Consequently the slim chat tcring netminder had compara tiver lonesome debut The Greenshiris just didnt have enough Bill Harringtons or Graham Joyces on the roster to match the Flyers who scored their sccond win of the season over the Krauts Har rington winner ofthe most val cy armme 932 BARRlE MOTOR SALES km 3551 um mow 10 mu TIME To wORK To DEATH Dont let this beautiful wett ther fwljyou winter coining Have your carpre rgirlght now drlve into our shop and get the kind of efficient service MDle HONE 2375 by loomlnute mlscouducts ers box with uni iwhiulu Dr Goldmg dnwor of but coach Hap Emma will be In Fy is rumored also that Townm uablc player award lost your was peppered with 39 shots and more often than not the puck quickly emerged from forest of legs and sticks from blazing blueline shots The BLUELINE CEBS captain Larry Thlbeeult turned in his best effort of the season dc fensivcly and was given good roundof applouse It looks like the big fellow is emerging to form Jimmy nobcrtwn for from skating condition didnt show too moch in this game but he will before the schedule is many weeks old He carries lot of inside dope on this game of hockey Boisvert was Four of Barrlcs six goals resulted Clemfd 101 10 game late Wednes day afternoon and from the looks assistant education Toronto will be tho speaker at the annual cnnvvntion of Simcoe County Trustecs and Ratepayers Association to be Held in Trinity Parish Hall on Wednes day Nov 20 The theme of the ad dress will be Balancing the Educa tional Scales and it has been pointed out that tllc subject should be of extreme interest to all tench crs banquet will be held incon junction with the convention and tickets are $150 As thcrc will be limited number of ticket interost ed persons are asked to obtain those not that Emms and Motor City forcnccs lost friends Main reason for allltout victory offvlrt is due to the aggressive Gen erals Doing Boston Bruin farmhouds Eman has never forgotten Bostons support of Torontos Conn Smylllo in the bitterlycont05ted Sunday hockvy issue This wcokcnrls session with the Generals is tough one purposeto defeat fifthploce Oshawa Generals It is they havenim 50th greet Each Other like longimudintcly Filzwilliam fell from his ilAST COLUMN over must cxpulin h0meandh0me sad Invasion my dear friend muff through certain peculiarity in his= vocal intonation been pushed into jlrttlc tune about something like lDonl Put Your Umbrella Up InlMarlboro centre Ted Reid wan sold coaCh Jerry Brown have diflsidc the Hous and almost im 10 Kitchener GTRDShlllS straight cash dual precarious porch and died sudl gm 01 deam falling head ikindl of stories and bet you that mt mg 5mg the hm reasoned thinking can give you an hair which he had on his head explanation or mesa occurrences stuntly piercing hill brain Why right at this moment we Nuumlly everybody said it lebching hour of midnight as Continued from page one IWHS eczfuse had Whisued bu write this column am alone in that ogam complete nonsense am building but have just my ticcd that typewriter on an ad that on till joining desk has suddenly had As matter of fact it was one of the stage hands dashing across to sheet of paper put between the silcnco me that caused Fltzwilliams of fan reaction the guy is going to be big favorite here Asked how he felt about the club followlng the game he excitineg spoke You do best club have in front of me ever Those guys they all over the ice they everywhere Even though he didnt have too much work Gilles neverthelcm handled himself well and made two or three great saves His endless stream of encouragement to the boys in front starry Greenshirt netmindcr was practically sot upon for the remain ing two Joyce aslocky persistent right wing veteran was by far the best in front of Harrington His Cleverl twoway hockey was constant menace to the Flyers and the red head provided the games most dazzling play an endtocnd solo down the Starboard side for an un assisted goal in as soon as possible COLLIER ADULT BIBLE CLASS lied Church Will be addressed by Llew Beaver Sunday Nov Miss kithcrine Bartlett will be the soloist has been brightened by trim 0f zlhcy handed the Double Blue their one and Emms is far from confident of 1m cvcn split For some reason or other said flap scriously those Generals lake uncanny pride in hocking off the top dogs guess you consider lbw Flych in that bracket since they share tho junior leadership Brown had his boys up for the YMCA AT ALLANDALE cngugcmcnt against St Michaels The YMCA building in Allandumicollcgo and look what happened domisc Ihc fool run under the die part of illiltl 1n pruduclmnHMdpr on which Juliet was of Shakespeares Romeo and Julietl km The leading my an rpmcud and accidentally knoc falling ill from undtr himher down staman had broken htrS Why you can mink nockapparcntly after having lot IfllllOl shatter to thousand frag ments when it fell from her grasp Ilowr vcr the fact that she fell had nothing in do with the mirror she just happened to pass somopnc on the stairs caught her l1ch on the edge of stop and tumbled roller and invisible hands are typ ing out The First Column Do you think anybody spirit MU Bime Class comer St Un all ual could sleep to such thing7 of at PHON 4109 Centre Greg Hicks tried hard but apparently he had spent himself against Three Rivers the previous night Even Greenshirt ace Orv Tressier was sadly out of the pic ture Coach Lou Passador was also without the servicesrof defenceman Jack Higgins sidelined with an in jured elbow Actually it wouldnt have matter edwho the Krauls bad the Flyers were determined to snapa two gnme losing string with convinc ing victory They outplayed their rivals by wide margin territor ially and were much stronger do fcnsively Less than three minutes had been played in the opening stanza when Ralph Willis plunked screaming blueliner behind Harrington follow ing faceoff to the right of the net Doug Thlels interference penalty the first infraction of the game paved the way for Skip Teals lllh goal of the season although it was the wicrdest of the evening After five swift relays around the Greenshirt zone McKenney let one fly from the blueline which Teal attempted to stop on Harringtons doorstep Instead the puck struck the Skippers stick and leaped high over Harringtons right shoulder and into the netting The Flyrs increased that 24 lead after 44 seconds of the middle can to when Ivan Termant connected for his first in junior company Nanother blueline blazer The Greenshirts finally draw blood at 325 as Greg Hicks sank Tessljers high bouncer from Bols verts chest Orin Carver got that one back midway in the chapter clicking home McKenneys pass out to mask pleksm debut and then Joyce wound up secondperiod proceedings withhis sparkling dash DeSpite slim twogoal edge for the final periodpihe Flyers were never In serious danger Doug Molms and DorrMcKenney assured flu conrm with markers in the third before Harry Collins deflected Glen Cressmans shot to the ream wrongWay Boisvert The slim Frenchman had the original shot has made quite hit Only way to stay in do game he sold Emms used all six defenceman Hillary Menard shifting buck and worked three platoons Thibeoult and Ivan Tcnnont the youngster from Tim mins were most effective Bob White look injured Johnny Mortons place at centre between Ken Col lins and Real Mongeon Willie Menard relieved Mongie periodic ally In town for the game were Sammy Pollock Montreal Canadian junior coach Frank LeGrove busi ness manager for the junior Hubs and ud Russell Canadians chief scout They flew into catch glimpse of Kitchener and the Flyers the latter leaving for the but and green paintfor i1 ouisideionly defeat in six starts Oshawa woodwork RUSSBll DiCkey ild illiolso hold lie over the heads of contract As usual the necommmlaiMoilburos right in the Gardens tion is well taken up with aboutgclul with that record is no cinch 25 men rooming ihem mens went on to comment that COLLEGIATE CLOSED TODAY all the clubs he has Opposed illusl Barrie District Collegiate is clos 1th lmn trunks ed today and most studems are em Generals have given lum the toug joying an extra holiday However C51 dc heme 105mg 33 here me band are having two twmhom That club skates miles and never pmctice sessions in preparation for 5095 ChtCka Eve lh0ugh We their forthcoming mp to Chicago have strengthened consrderably Im to play at the National Midwest looking forward to rugged coach Music Clinic in December Most of log chore Its always the team with the teadhers are at Parry Sound to out the stars that causes upsets of John ton OPTOM ETRIST 15 CLAPPERTON ST OFFICE HOUR to Over Bell Telephone Office CLOSED SAT AFTERNOON down However to get back to Fitz william When arrived backstage he was perched precariously on thcf top of ladder peering out through backdrop onto the stage From Prices effectlvn until Saturdayg Nov lst EIGHT OCLOCK CORE clog88 3hg3258 SAVE 2c POUND ON THE 34b BAG tion of the Secondary SchoolTou chers Federation of Ontario Quebec circuit tour Monday Senlor Grid loss Held No Bearing In Title Plans For the second successive season Barrie Collegiate seniors will re present the Georgian Bay district in the COSSA gridiron playoffs Despite the locals losing to Allis ton 175 yesterday at the local cam pus they finished ahead of their senior rivals Orlllia in the standings Allision will be district representatives in the senior playoffs Orillia Collegiate juniors on the strength of 1241 win OVer Barrie hreiWdhsday amoon won the right to carry omit jun ior playoffs Barrie senior coach Dali Nesbitt stated unofficially that Stamford who swamped Barrie last season are likely opponents in the playoffs 011A JUNIOR STANDING to Kttcbener St Michaels St Catharines Marlboros Oshawa Windsor wem ys Results emwwhmma thMHAuwN HHHHHNtrtIH KIWANIS GUESTS Three dinner guests at Barrie K1 wanis Club Monday were Thomas Medland Secretary of the Associa tion of Professional Engineers Ontario and his assistant Thomsa Keefer both of Toronto Introduced by Crease and Vince Downey of Oshawa sales representative in Canadian Gypsum introduccd by Griffin REPORT ON CONVENTION At the Barrie Kiwanis Clubdin day attending the annual conven Thc Generals have proven them selves balanced in defence and of fence Nine games have produced goals in the for column and against Although the visitors haw lost five games none have been by large score and as Emms states the breaks cant always go against them The Flyers dont expect to make any lineup change for tonights fix ture Emms was impressed with all three noweomers goalie Gilles Bois vert rightwinger Orrin Carver and leftwinger Jimmy Robertson welcome visitor at yesterdays twohgur practice was centre John Marian who was given permission if pqwc ner meeting Monday at Community House the delegates to the Ontario QuebecMaritime convention at the Chateau Frontenac Quebec City over Thanksgiving weekend re ported to the members These were President Roy Kightley who gave angerich talk on the lgathermg VitePresident Methven Adamson and Director Jack MacLaren who spoke particularly on specialpan els they had attended BEGINNING or oxrorm Oxford oldest university in the United Kingdom had its begin nings in the early 13th century Tailoredby Warren Cook Tailored by SmileRow by club physician Dr Laurie to attempt light skate The injury has not completely healed but Mar tan thinks he will be ready for some games in the Quebec tour So while Emms matches wits with OElmwas pesky Generals Flyer hockey fans will sit with crossed fingers for win in the various draws to be made after the game tonight ANIMAL MAGNETISM Franz Mesmer Austrian medico who died in 1815 was the founder ism of animal magnetism or mesmery miniskirter Hillowobp andy moms but niacin Halloweon Jolly box1c Ems bag of 23 Crilier 35035 Van Kirk Chocolate lampkstnc In the8h 93ml gulf5325 Kellogg Music on Evepy Pkg BIBS 1202mm orancutspscmm Detergent SAVE 3c SAVE Emu MRGE box 36 GIANT be 15 Breakfast Cereal SAVE Illle OATS ziaIb Box 21 Campbells Tomato SAVE 2c leoztinsnc Lancia Ready Cut lt SAVE 4c MACMONI aIbsox 39 Am Nectar SAVE cc Osqu79c mommy SAVE 2E AP Popping COIN IIIIIIIO I525 Chateau cm Choico Golden lick changed course completely at Although the F1yers played all the way but Collms Bam Kitchener Guelph Three Rivers 41 Gait7 Marlboroo dtilimled Futire Games interting moments Tonight St1VIlchacls at Guelph Oshawa at Barri Saturday Marlboros at St Catharines Three Rivers at Gall Barrie at Sunday Kitchener at St aels Riyiers at WihdSDE the doorstep play many cropped up The Greensbirts vm Greg Hicksbroke up hganging ot taick while MiCCord was offfor trip ping andhad it not been er Slap Teals tremendous check omHicks behind illeyisltorshri ht have 1m mt Lppltitoruheugru My Eonryultfotbrs foodour Alrgltovo litwcigbt Winterroils and all ready to drive Lggyel 1951 NASH your ideal car for travelling front seat folds tsactctoimakemlllengtix out ioacai that is pleasureto ovm In ditiou througb outgfl Imf0tllnd1 ftionlnz mom 41ovlyztconiiitl9n AliMFR 61an IAKLmlller for murala mutuality car mien Gall at Marlboros Three II215Ozlinz3f gt Misc 4dozpilg or aarlaeascrmmpion Dog Cat on roonv znnszsc ugefqgfe HuimAPcrkand 15ozlin1c 4lb pitg Arm Pugs murmur 16419 snuelr Florida No1 Now cm 2505 HtinliFby Prtdford Mmh Washed No 31w Fmh curlyLe No1 Wilma MillyaogratgLC mu 522ml In no FloridaNo Manhlsndlmjw 12lyzozbll39c zunimzsc quhna Extra Thin rm VS mug Velvet Postsy FreeVSpatula noon 5lbba935c 1er PAGE ms oils rmis mu