Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1952, p. 14

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17 CGEBmle Supervisors EnloyAnnualFall Outing so in nixiensive Kcmbc of Royal Block Pn over from tbc fowl mm pm only lionens Institutes on Part of inicts of area converters of the Womens Institute at theonventlon held in Barrie on Monday and Tuesday Oct 30 II reflected year of extensive study and activities on the flirt of each of the 81 branches in Slmcoe County Amnier and ndnafry Ilvn museum luid msistcd the hm torlcal research committeo of tho the agriculture and Canadian in Barrie Junior Chambor of Comg Reporting on the events under dustsins committee of the county merco branches Mrs Smith of Cob facturcrs Conduct their business In cam igon with prOJQCfS uiNorman Clarke of Barrio new dcr this been made to mph Soup Walls cditor of The Summer and Factory at Niagara and the RoyalgD 12 Coleman and Jack Coleman Winter Fair and short course hadlf muml Cami mcov been hcld on Thc Preparation ofllhll LlSSislalltti sztrn Food The muscmu wsz open during the Among the variod subjccls forllw lays lht Comtnlion for papers hud bccn the proparalion ofilhosc who VthCd to vmt it and marsh for send Talks had Meniscc the new exhibits addcd during given and slides shown on growing the yfal evergreens and their value in agril Junior Work culture as windbreaks to prevent The ycar of lQSlJf was all Junior Womonsg lure and nlo their commercialilnstilitc members in the llfn rm ported the convcncr Miss hathlccn Mink farming in Canada and thczalhraithc of Coldwalcr to tho crorion of soil and couccrvc moissucccrxful for valu as Chrlztmas trees Mrs Hand cxprcsscd the apprcg numbed tum convcncr stated citation of the Institute branchcs to that branch members had been try Miss Edith Arnold museum curzi in to improve their knowledge ofllor Mrs Robcrt Boycs whose rc Farming and to soc how mauufporttng of Museum Exhibits ap lpoars regularly in The Examinch paging bus mpg had member of the cxcculivc gt Wilfred Emory Loyal Orange Lodger and Crystal Chapter will attend div gine service in St Judah Anglican gChurch on Sunday Nov at my week pm There will be no service in the Anglican Church on Sunny Nov clue to the special Icrvices he ling held by Canon Bryan Grch Eat the Toronto Coliseum St Judes WA will mcct at infrs Marrows on Tummy Nov at pm my evening for visit with albcrt who txpects be lcavfng frr foothill by the last ibk Satay Collection The collation for the Bible 80 icicly are reminded again to tcavc the collections in with the trans urcr Mrs Niville Jamieeon by the 0ml of thin wcck Mm Anal Campbcll and son lon loft lzm Friday for few ML Alex Dcnneyltopln visitndidays with friends in Innsing ilaat wrek with Mrs Jcnnctt Mrs Booke exports to gt cntcmln Trinity Church Womans 311M Midi in Thrnlon Sun Associntlon on Wednesday Nov 133 Rcccnt VlEllOtS with Mr and Mrs lircd Arnold from Toronto Were Michigan Riv Docgctt Newmarkct Mr and Mre Art OvcnsHigl1land lCrcck visitvd tlnir nophcw lrcd Mrs Joseph Spcers and Muzhlm OM10 hit Sundal Mix llclen Spcers Mrs Boydi Davis Mr and Mrs Davis and heaving for Fonthllt Mrs Harry Lynn Barrie stayed BEIHESDA and Mrs Herman McMaster Toronto and Mrs Ada McMastcr Barrie visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Raymond McMaster Mr and Mrs William EVerson and family Weston visited on Sun day with Mr and Mrs John Mur my Mr and Mrs Tom McAllirtar and two hildrcr were in Toronto to Canny to Vlill the formers brother inlaw Linton who is ill Miraculous Escape In the demolishing impact that occurred in tho truckicar accident in uhich then was considerable damage done to the store front on cannot help but feel that it was miraculobs crcope for wouldbc shoppms at Frys who so often ctand outside for chat par ticularly on such bcautiful day as last Thursday Nobody was in sight fortunatcly Weekend and Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ed Bailey were noooo Iltnn IO ol uncut toolii on countrys 50 million dollar l0b3CCOixllllllfll convtnlion induslry the training of young Thrc arc four Junior lllSlllyS armors of today at the Ontarlon tho arcafoulson llill lcc Agricultural Collcgc in Guclph Gvill Chill Willi and Coldwatcr3 soil conservation 010 had been the This years work included dona subjccfs of discussions at brunchgtions to thc Cripplctl Chlldrcnsi meetings ltiizd community centres the IR Several bruntth sponsored gillllll for Sick Children communityg den clubs and sonic took shorthhiLctmus trues agricultural 50 Gordon Bully and friend Shirley Bailey Remy Nevills and Shark wood Bailey ofToronto SUPERVISORS of the Barrie Works of the Canadian At upper right Rank Page Ernie Raycraft Jim Boorman William Copeland 5mm friends in London for few days General Electric Co held their annual outing this full at Em Osborne Ed Baker and George McLenming enjoy the Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Blue Bay Lodge on Bay Lake near Novnr Ten carloads of sunshlne outside the lodge Ted Hmock on the birth of fishermen attended the big weekend One of the highlights At lower left Howard Gitblns and Doug Booth relax out daughter on Oct 10 in Barrie hosv on the dock while at right Em Osborne tries to ride tire Pim ACOE New bvitlcy of our blowout Boom LOlllf ill Canning OnlrlOStictics Barrie and Ntwmarkct hos Fooda while another branch hcld pitnls the lolin Fund and the SIIVC flower show the Children Fund Another lnstitutc branch in the lvas made very vclcomc at tho Myiscum Report Mrs Willinm Hand of Stroud in eventually became munbn Parcels wore packed and scit nee the Womens Institutes of the urea Er1lar1llicctAypl110f ca aud um dunng 935 year adinn honey bout to England was lo the had bu many more vm ruffled off and netted tho srslU Naturo and Your Food and Your hemumm some had bmnch in another countrl 001 from as far away as Ajax Brook tin swuuvmu Clarcmont Alton $10011 Canadian funds Pidwring wooabdge Locum Citizenship and Education Hm Kimnlo Whitby and Home Citizenship and education pro dale gram in county Institute branches some members the county throughout the past year showed counm had 150 been among mus that work in citizenship is grow eum visitors as well as number mg thing and that mum in of town and mm school children schools and the newer trends in With their Whom education is jcry kln Letters from Institutes asking Mrs CHMion of Stayncl area about the museum had comcfrom convencrv reported at th annual differentpnrts of the Domlnlon convemion Um the neccsglty of including Vancouver and Charlotte kecning Strong the family um had mwnifEL also been stressed by branch com mittecs Canadianhm is being started with the young people Many In stitulcs have been doing important werk in helping new Canadians ad iust themselves acting in many cascsas stepping stones in devIelop Good Canndlln citizens so Eln the members broadened their onw horizons and found new appreciation of their own in dividunl freedom Home Ecoiiomlcs andealth JCWB Although Womens Instr ute mem bers are all very busy people they HAVE OFFERED THE still find time to assist with rural MST VALUE IN chest Xray clinics and to sponsor In NBS drives for funds to provide On fmAT tarlo with muchneeded cancer MONEY BUY research centre reported Mrs Al wynr selection In the bert Hogan of Orlllla area conven er of home economics and health Willaconvention In many many ways Institute One group it still contributing to comb held contcst to identifylthc support of little French girl farn1machlitciv nnw Canadian from Ilollnndthc hommnakor and bringing be lforc their communities tho import mcctiug of another lnstiiutc and of the annual expendition was the presentation of live duck to the works manager Jack Mltchlnson upper left molibvrs urc raising the status oflbmnCh had 31 paritde Oldlime anew of hcalihful happy Christian homcs Slll declared meeting their responsibilities in the formation of the character of their children Evcry divtrict reported attending the lcciurck We Call It Human Figure Some attended class on Oren Meals and othqrs reported having attouilcd beods Children Like What 10 D0 Until theDoc lor Courts Brighten Your Home with Cror and The Art of llonu making Junior homtmaking clubs were reported frou two district the pro jccts bring Collons Can be Smart Slccoing Gcrmcnts and Cotton Anccsrorics for the Club Girls Bodroom All branches VlC generous in donations to the Canadian Nation nl Inrtitute for the Blind the Can adian Canccr Socicty hospitals the Salvation Army the YMCA etc Another activitiy becomingmore popular is the organization of holi daystrips for Institute members Historical Research Most Womans Institute branches in Signcoc Area are working at their lwccdsmuir Book histories regularly reported Mrs Charles Novten of Barrie historical re search and current events conven cr at the annual convention Onc branch she stated records the births and deaths and the most interesting current events of its community All branches spent little time at least during the year on current events Somc branches spent few minutes at every meeting to reviewtchbimportant events that had taken place in the community Thecvcnt of today are the his tory of tomorrow pointed out the urea convner Suc read an excerpt from paper that was sent to her by branch entitled The History of Simcoe County Everything in the way of clothing was manufactured at home Linen clothing was made from flax grown on the farm and homegrown wool was transformed into woollen clothing All the op mumrromcheep shearing to flax pulling to spinning and weaving wing carried out on the farm Many bronchus in the county during the your observed Grand mothers Day and held banquets nnd tensnin thcir nhonor Onc costumes and another held an Eas tcr parade of oldtime bonnets Some branches enjoyed trips to diffsrcnt muscums while others took bus trips to places famous lin historical lore such as Niagara Falls and the surrounding district One county Institute had dis play of antiques among which was shawl 150 years old and hand wovcn woollen sheet over 100 years old Community Activities Cr mmunity activities of Institutes throughout Simcoc County report cd Mrs Lane of Goldwater gnrca convencr of community activ iitics and public relations had in cludrd community picnics family suppers family evenings of danc gmg and games Hallowecn partis bus trips to the Canadian National Exhibition Buffalo the Royal lWinter Fair the Ice Follies Nia lgara Falls and Old Fort Erie One branch entertained loclll Ihockey team and another toured newspaper Ioffice Klodncsses were many andvar lied and included parcels toboys in Korea boxes to Scotland for lcommunity distribution gifts t6 babies and families leaving the community parcels sent regularly to family in Britain and box to missionary in Trinidad Tag days and canvasscs had been held for the Red Cross the Navy League the Salvation Army and the Canadian National Institute for thc Blind Branches had helped pay for community rink put sink table and firstaid kit in the school spon sored day camps swimming and dancing classes for children help ed ourchasc piano for school and buiightjvsings and filnif strip projectors for schools vacation reading library for children Brownies and Girl Guid cs had been other community pro jects Do not underestimate the im portance of public relations con vener or press reporter for your Womens Institute branch stress ed Mrs Lane to the delegates The opportunity of placing the aims and activities of the Institute beforc the public is in your hands and it ciifTcalTmuch or little according to the way you handle it Publicizing your meetings your activities and your social doings will ceqtev interest and under standing not only in your com mon but manic vival tube while George McLeamlng looks on from shore Newton Robinson Mrs Gordon Brecdon is spend ing week at Maple Valley Mr and Mrs Ralph Allen and family Toronto visited at Glen Allens on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ivan Bell Cayuga are spcnding few days at Wil fred Bells Mr and Mrs Roy Breedon and family Jarvis were at Gordon Broscions on Friday Mr and Mrs Bob Button have purchased the property formerly owned by Roy Brccdon at Fishers Corners Mr and Mrs John Harrisonvand ldrcn of Pctcrboro visited Mrs Ha rison over the weekend Mr and Mrs Chantler and family visited Cookstown friends on Sunday Mr and Mrs Stafford and Mr and Mrs West spent the vweekcnd with friends in Sodus Point NY Mr and Mrs Houghton and Mr and Mrs Matt Meher vis ited Ancaster friends on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ralph Houghtdn and Marilyn and Mr and Mrs Earl Jessop and Shirley and Mr and Mrs Earl Bell spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs Ray Charlton in Toronto ETIERETT We extend our deepest sympathy to the husband Henry Robbins and family in their loss ofaldear wife and mother who passed away at her home early Thursday morning Oct 23 Mr and Mrs Austin Bellamy and family of Essex visited Mr and Mrs Kidnie over the weekend Mr and Mrsriuggllipham and daughters Carol and Lynda were Stinday visitors with Mr and Mrs Pearson Mr and Mrs Walter Shook and Mr and Mrs Don Ferguson Tor onto were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs McCrncken Mr and Mrs Alex Leslie and daughter Ann Toronto were week end vlsitorswlth Mr and Mrs Wallwin Mr and Mrs David Wagner and Eric spent the weekend with their daughter and soninLIaw utSarnla We extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Mrs Mrs Henry Woods and son John of Toronto Mr Gibbs of Toronto and Mrs Will Moore attended the funeral of Mrs Henry Robbins on Sutur day and Mrs Albert lam GREN The WA will meet at Mrs Dobsons on Wednesday Nov at pm Master Nclson Tracy spent few days last week with Bobby Oakley Mrs Thurston and daughter Lil New Hampshire Wednesday with Mr FEl Minesing Iian of Littleton visited last and Mrs Dobson Greatest depth or me North Sea is 1998 feet in the Skaggcrak be tween Norway and Denmark 5290 William Patton who passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs Wesley Handy on Friday Oct 24 Mr and Mrs William Jenkins land iamilv oTotcot9 Mo ll Mrs Orville Marling underwent an operation for appendicitis on Oct 15 Everyone wishes her speedy recovery Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ab Malling and Mr and Mrs Orville Marling were Mr and Mrs Bull and children Ccoksvillc Mr Moore of Toronto Mr and Mrs House of Toronto Weekend and Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Harold Parker were Mr and Mrs Don Parker and family Toronto Mr and Mrs Le qucsne dnd Charlotte Toronto Mr and Mrs William Goodfellow and children of Brampton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Walter Abrams Mrs Bennett of Fenelon Falls is spending two weeks with her daughter Mrs George Squibb Mrranl Mrs Harry Squibb and children Mr and Mrs William Moir and Paul motored to Algon quin Park last Sunday AND MORE Stephens The Store for Men 15 Elizabeth Street Opp Wellington SUPERmailiqu We vuusnvwou HEATER Admire SANTA SAYS Niw bGllARANIIIDI lRlPll lit HIGHHill CHASSIS Mnu WIN IUINIRS ltanSdptbCirchlltotwith weir WOJxclusinliTtiplev to Coqbunioo3umus fox =lt ounnlmnnmuuuwomirs 7335s Sunnimnemonic pdtn mggymmmm Quantum autumnal to think of your personal rumpus uus thgl viia link in each at your friendships hooiohom tin BIGGESTJant BEAUTIFUL alienARIEL display of Chriatrnn cords wivo ihownr inmonyh void mm with SW commit vulva Slum Mm damn MWW mount illultllidln dunodtme USI oucuuwtv mill Qubrcxmoox Mum

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