Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Oct 1952, p. 7

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Spun at the meeting of the Womens Canadian Club on Thurs loy evening will be James Thom on 088 whoarrived in Canada in January 1951 to assume the ap ipointment of Deputy United King dom High Commissioner fluent spcaker Mr Thomson is reported be direct and forceful in manner and several clubs which have heard him speak were very much impress ied by ban and his speaking ability His topic will be The British Canadian Partnership the name of the economic development plan in Asia which he helped father as member of the United Kingdom delegations to successive Common wealth Conferences in 1950 Educated at Edinburgh Univers itg the ActingI High Commissioner served in the First World War with the Second and Fourth Canadian Divisions in France During the lost rms Expertly Installed Barrie Ten Hwnin Bil 34 Hayfield ra 4314 ME WOMEN ITS lwar he wa in charge of the econ omic division of th india Office dealing with supp es for India Since the war he has headed the economic division of the Commom wealih Relations Office dealing with Commomvealth Economic De velopmcnt Mn Hodgklnson wllowas visiting with Squadron Leader and Mr George Rodgers at their home on Drury Lane for the week end is on lecture tour sponsored by the British Travel and Holiday Association At present the Brit lsh visitor is staying with General and Mrs ll Macklin in 0t tnwa and was in Barrie with them forMrS Mackllns parents 40th wedding anniversary She leaves immediately for the Staes to con tinue her lecture tour and to appear on television Mrs llodgkinsons lecture is about Wookey Hole cave in Somer set on the Hodgkinson estate which has been in the family for 600 years Wookcy Hole is known as the oldest home of man in Great Britain hav ing been accessible to humans and animals since 75000 BC Excava tions in the caves by eminent arch aeologists have proved that they were also occupied by the early Romans visiting Britain She Ins brought with her to il lustrate her lectures and to show to television audiences some of the relics found in the caves including bronze bracelet with perfect clasp and bronze brooch These are 2000 years old She has also brought three human skulls in wonderful state of preservation whioh were recovered from the bed of the River Axe which flows through the cave and has done so for thousands of years to Weston SuperMare The skulls are 1800 years old Also illustrating her lectures are some early coins dated AD 175 Wacky Hole is near Wells Cath edral in Somerset and is 20 miles from the Roman baths at Bath On her American tour Mrs Hodgkin son is presenting to the Museum of Natural History in New York bones and coins found in the caves 41 Monch or Single You can get LOAN at Bria your cash problem to with condence Bo confident you will receivo prompt friendly attention No endoners or bookable security required Phone for single visit loan write or come in today BI loam $50t$l100 smu 2nd Fl Public Utilities 31 More ivydull vovvrovulytlllpl Eu layom In IIIbun vacuum or in CoI In coonv um urnto ur vu PM FINANCE co 15 BAVFIELD ST BARRIE Phone 5931 Donald sthES MANuor OPEN ONLY To 5SAIURDAY TO l2 Inns and to mldmts of all surrounding Inns Personal llama mpuny of Canada 20 lliscount gtlIIIIIIoIIM IIIIII min Mills S5n and up nlcli STEELE can immaterial attached to theu Douglas Son Jgts time to think of your persollal sclzllllMArGAlD thatVital finr lingchol youilriondslllpsl tllI Ilisl BEAQTIEULqidVAftlEbdiipty QCMILW it VA Genital Mould tufkin Ruleflint iContinuad from gas one On bend of the Mile staff Mr Atrnuffee presented an illuminated Scroll Suitably inscribed and con taining roll call of the present Staff it was particularly painted out that this scroll was planned and produced in the Barrie office Mr Wagner although taken com pletely by surprise expressed his response to the toast and his 8p predation for the various gifts In Sincere and wellchosen wordu Table decorations and refresh ments were in charge of commit tee including Mrs Yvonne Sbaugh Mrs nessy Miss Marlene Bung Ruth LaVerdicre Mrs Margaret Goodman and Jack McCartney Miss Mary Mipnikinwand Theresa Murphy were in charge of serving Pictures were by Miss Jean Spence and Mrs Alice Bernier Included in the head table dec orations was alarge bouquet of OctoberBride gDoris Amy Edwards Eniertained gBecomes Bride of Before wedding iAnthony Jackson Before her wedding in Trinityl Anglican Church on Saturday Oc place in Trinity Anglican Church tober 18 Mrs Anthony MaxwelliBarrie in setting of yellow and Jackson the former Doris Amylrust mums on Saturday October Edwards was entertained by thefts 1952 at two oclock in the staff of the Canadian Bank ofgafternoon when Miss Doris Amy CommerCe iEdwards daughter of Mr and Mrs Her fellow staff members preERichard Edwards of Barrie scnled the bride with gift priorlwas married to Anthony Maxwell to her leaving the staff to be mnrJJackson son of Mr and Mrs Eric ried iJackson of Barrie The Rev Amgngmmmwm49wmmldc9mierWright performed the for the bride was Miss Helen th Eceremonlz tleton who held kitchen Shower Wedding music was played by ithe church organist Mrs quiet autumn wedding took in her honor Neighbors and friends entertainilloberts ed the bride at surprise partyi Given in marriage by her fath WILItIAM ll WAGNER GENERAL MANAGE finn ml Ac XML GROUP SHOWN at the headtable on the occasion of surprise gathering heldon Thursday0ct 16 was arranged by com mittee representing the staff of theLufkin Rule Co in Barrie in celebration of Gen eral Manager William Wagners comple the company tlon of 50 years with to Mr Wagne sident of the Left to right ianniversary cake Mr Wagner is now enthusiastic ally launched on his second 50 years and looks forward to active partic ipation in developments of the years to come POPULATION PEAK NORTH BAY CP North Bays population jumped by 582 this year to record of 19322 as sessmentcommissioncr Rutlt ledge reported Back in 1891 the population was listed as 1726 McDuffee Assistant James Hossack VicePre Canadian company Mr Wag ner James Doman Lufkln Chief Engineer from Saginaw George Sanders Plant Sup= erintendentin Barrie Frank J0 Hinds offNew York was in town over the weekend visiting at the home of his mother Mrs Hinds Drury Lane Mrs AsapthrownRill spent the weekend in Sundridgc with friends and Mrs Badgley have just returned from motor trip to Montrealwhere they at tended the silve adding anniver sary of Mrs Ba leys sister and her husband Mrj and Mrs Foster on Oct l8 Capt Tllloward arrived in Barrie last Thursdayfor brief visit lLCLQLe leaving Sundayior special course at RCAF Station Trenton He motored downfrom Camp Shilo Manitoba where he is Royal Canadian Artillery School the bgptlsmal Service at Coll ier Street United Church on Oct 19 the follotvin 1children Were baptized byth Rev Lewis of Mr and Mrs Hartley Smith Sharon Doreen daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Taylor David Wayne son of Mr and Mrs Tuck Formr Barrie District Cobple Wed in England wedding ofwido interest lo the Barrie district took place in the Kenslngton Registry Office Kensington London SW8 England on Saturday October 18 1952 at 1015 oclock in the morning when Miss Helen Jean Rugman daugh ter of Mr and Mrs George Rug man of Shanty Bay Ontario was married to Corporal John Thompson son of Mr and 1Mrs Thompson of Woodsibck Ontario TheabridewaSattiredinpowd blue nylon lace and ne ver taff eta and was wearing access ories and corsage ofpink Eng lish rosas Her attendant was Miss Edith Little of Baml wearing grey taff eta trimlmed With pink taffeta updv er grey lace with pillk accessjor ies Her corsage was of pink oar nations Sergeant Joseph powling of bury Ontario Was groomsman reception was held at the resi dence of Sergeant Archie Coates lvany Bonn sloyi daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo Living ston WendytiAn daughter of Mr and MTSJGOI Needham Graham Leigh sbriof Mr and Mrs Gordon Plttlelzsonlames offhand Mrs Douglas Smith 10 and Mrs Coates Paramount Court London Following the re ception the wedding phrty went to the Trocadero for dinnetfioll owed by theatre party at the Prince of WalesTheatrein Lop don Ih bride and groom will be making their home in England at ca ondon SW Sergeant Coates and Corporal Thompson were formerly with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps School at CampBorden Guests at the wedding included MlssMaxine Wass of Midland On tario Captain and Mrs Potts formerly oanmp Borden and Win n4 Dancey from Montreal and Otto wa and members of the Staff of Canadian ArmyLiaison Establish ment London England Flight Lieutenant Marshall PRO RCAF took photographs of the wedding party and the cutting of the cake at the reception The Chilean cityof Puma Arenas on the Straits of Magellan is the most southerly city in the world Delicipus chocolate Venom in It chocolate flavoured sandwich Thats BOURBON oncof Peck Beans Famous ENGLISH Biscuits Nice for afternoon tea at meal time any time In Evcrciisp moistureproof airtight packets Autumnm wboll what in Joliriou tr Iluhwdm Ill PEEK cumin nonInt FREANMS presented with lovely gift lt McGregorlgynn iNupiials are Held iln Angus Church The marriage of Miss Marion Roberta Lynn daughter of Mr and Chrysanthemums for later prescnt at her home at which she wasier the bride was wearing dress ntion to Mrs Wagner and large lmaker suit in greyblue worsted iwitn small but of ashes of roses ifelt black accessories and cor isage of pink roses llcr attendant Miss Helen Net itieton of Barrie was wearing dressmaker suit ofgbronze green wool faille with brown accessor ies and corsage of bronze and aycllow mums Eric Jackson Jr of Barrie was groomsman and the ushers were Robert Lackie of Painswick and Mrs Robert Lynn of Angus tonack Young of Stroud George McGregor son of Mr and Mrs Norman McGrogor of Brantl ford took place on Saturday Ocl tober 18 1952 at three oclock in the afternoon in Zion Presbytcrl ian Church Angus The midautl umn ceremony was performed by the Rev Guergis Miss Norma Bush played the wedding music and accompanied the sbloist Miss Rose Marie Wooll sey Given in marriage by her fatherl the bride wm wearing gown of white satin the fitted bodice sty led with lace lapels and long sleeves tapering to points at the wrist Her full skirt of satin had lace panels and halo headdress of beading and rhinestones held her ngertip veil of silk net Her bouquet was of American beauty roses and white mums Mrs Frederick Lynn of Angus was matron of honor gowned in mauve nylon net and late over taffeta The lace bodice had not yoke with frili of lace andpuff ed sleeves and the full skirt of not was inset with lace panels The bridesmaid Miss Marjorie Dynn of Pefferlaw wore an iden tical gown of yellow nylonnet and lace Miss Sandra Lynp of Angus as ower girl was gowned in blue corded taffeta and was carrying bouquet of blue and white mums James McGregor of Brantford was groomsman and the ushers were Frederick Linnof Angus and Bruce McGregor of flhamalord reception followed in the church basement whoreMrn Lynn mother of the bride received in twopiece dress ofrtlcatina crepe Wilha corsage of cream roses Mrs McGregor motherof the groom who also received was in navy blue sheer and was wearing corsage of pink roses Later the bride andgroom left on motor trip States the bride avelllng in suit of navy blue abardine with navy blue accessories and wine topcoat On their return Mr and liars McGregor will be making their home in Barnard Guests from ne included quex Garrett Tonawanda NY Mr and Mrs Perris of TorontoinMr and Mrs Green of Ra llto Mr and Mrs Bruce McGregor lord of Men owvale Mr and Mrs Ce cli Knight of Brando Mr and Mrs Irwin andlMr and Mrs Webb of Big ay Point and Mr and Mrs Maurice of Mid Thames my AN WANT AD SURgvoSEE on andiMrs Rogerson reception followed at the home of the brides parents 14 Wellington Street East After wedding trip to Quebec and the United States Mr and Mrs Jackson will be making their home at Barrie on Sherbrookcr Farms Outoftown guests at the wed ding were from Winnipeg Owen Sound Toronto and Midland IN BIG CONTEST FREDERICION CP Peter Schousboe of Bloomeld Station Kings County won the right to represent New Brunswick in com petition for the Eaton agricultural scholarship at the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto Top prize is fouryear agricultural college course SHOPWHIS mum MidAutumn Nuptiais are Held At Parents Home Miss Stella Geraldine Fens daughter of Mr and Mrs but Penn of Oriilia was married at the home of her parerus 2t Atbelley Road on Saturday October It 1152 at sevcn oclock in the eve to Rona Andrew Pringle son Mr and Albert Prlnglc Ba Barrie The marriage ceramony was performed by Archdeacon Emmet The bride who was given in mar riage by her father was wearing gown of slipper satin and was car rying bouquet of white and pink roses She 515 attendedbrurr Sign Miss Vexla Penn gowned in yellow taffeta and was carrying an old fashioned noscgay Bert Peterson of Barrie was groomsman At the reception themother of the bride received wearing wine dress with corsage of pink row The grooms mother who also re ceived was in blue and was wear ing corsage of red roses Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to the north and on their return will be making their home in Barrie WEEKFOR BEAUTIFUL turmoil alarms AT Walker Stores limited to the United BLACKKFD BROWN 63 BLACK SUEDE AAAA EEE SIZES 10 ll 5833 Coutts and OF WIDE slitEcum New line design ed light but strong Arch supportbuilt in to give relief to To tired aching dihmonmnmtm 4W lithlSd 3m nipcg Lieutenantand Mrs with Phillips our district nlunugorulnllurrieilieuuy to work furand regularfellow to work with Bootlegs you all pbrtnttlty to become gambled with the Largest Exclaim on Accidenttlonpuny Ia 10th would Rl tnow hes looking lvdtype Idlgunul to fill Illa ornamented foul growtlr in tli min am Mar itlltiuyllliei Ilpqmcnlmwtil none are pr ll in it good at limited in sea and future earn on talk it ovu tvith int today 10 write Wilbur5F in Goats of aforvery occasion Bltedboii0nn ldre lit cullars big collars big curls no jvclilrt in from Poodlg ragweed Alllovtny

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