for id lrl Ild and relatives on human ghh jsucccsslvc Monday evenings from m1ruol miscunamousi Jn Other awards have been made Urfvm Galvukk I0 We UthCk Hid gsllowcr llild lllL hum of lilo to Dr Dora Papala Album la 10V omit Mrs Burrows 839 Mlll lhgclltllsdllIilnl ll UHdIA wood Road Ltumdt 1d li lydn Iltd under a1 Vance lltlllv llaiimgilli 1L Ii She wm use her knuvmdgc gauwd wedding be and Stream pink ill America for the benefit of the honor at Ill home of Mrs Jr Tm fem wmcu yu day Pennies which lllc Barrie luu Ifilzll cur3 Litka lell ist Club has plenum in SomDIImlsls along with club Jim no nl iilllin introduce It ugmWu 63 Ind 24m announcmg they we mu ml member all over America observ in buil illll the lutl ma do if ngmy Sevens RCA ed at lhelr last meeting in Found of Llltlr no VlLOUII Airs Enable 15 demonstrator at its meeting on ErSVWK TIM Penn1657 are in is 1m intuit Caulking Marli he evening wa spell ln gamesxndl OCL 17 basis ofille American Federation Vlillalli and Im you glutiuuteai nd Mum The bridembc was Lunar Han Fellowship Fund and file ides Slum liic lulu il of Si mum my and whim chair Miss sme do originated during the war years Joseph llelzpriul Li Lullicltiikfi bwmh whim demg andrdemomnmim in oils port Al that time like fund 35 used to of fut1pm Ting we mum lll pink Sumzmrs and Ems were Hans have unrated Manna aid Soropllmlsts ill Europe and bl hiding lllinCJIL thouh d1 aunt of the bride entertained in to this demonstration at doc each fall With the icnnics ullu null his bride stayed ovur for er honor brides book was Lhafbt caied to newly created projcclw lilo game on Villliilil night made bv lllilliiJLlS of Mrs Slud An such demonstration will re the American iedelallon lnicrnu parts bridg club and the bride quire at least two he Wm 11 may Fellowships Storing Homily Suldltls 15 each and are outright lilfls to file ltSlglltd for teachers and lmllcls lldlllejmI Emil 1823 pm fellows selected They are uward lll yuulu peoples groups ill Sling bum ed to outstanding women for ld Loc County who wash to gum cx Smund Hun OVEJHSH INN aimed SIUdy in unusual 9115 Wlm Pcwm 1dlllil awn3 Mrs Willllllll Woodstock llllilllll the purpogc of promoting jmemu their Schools and collllzlllliltlcs SCerllg WCIi Miks Pauline Scott of milk Cook llnlil thickened Slit sunowshjps awarded The most guunly RLCLCJIIOH SLIVlCL lml lBarnc 5mm of UN mid and me ing constantly and season cnt Fellowship was awarded to mil show the lenders how in mcll Missc Marga Swddmm Susan Add remaining ingmdienu Dnn Lore Posclunann of lllzu lillil folk and squulv dancing Huen and Gail Freeman at T0 ithwugh andserve over but Frankfurt Germany who will Singing games and informal dlu decorated Ill pink and while iiss Mar cr Osbcr of Manchcsl lt tcr New Hampshire received ton Stick mugging fellowship to study soulal work In St 1m gt LI gt the Scandinavian countries and Plulu stunax mW Madame Anne Schutzenberz off RS um CALDWELL MR AM MRS WILLIAM EDWARD WOODSFOLK Paris has returned to France afterl Da Slon nSlllUle we mum murmumn Couples Sign Register Following Autumn Weddingsl fOber Brlde SR Enterfan Al Showers Emerlomnuuls for Belles Betty Scott before her wuddlng inst Sat llrdzly in Central United Church log William Edward Wuodnock includi tell miscellaneous furore is an interesting story he smwer he hid the ritual of collecting Birth not iGreat Britain and if was known as the N001 Fund With the end of the war the need for the fund ceased to exist but the custom was continued during Founders Week interest in recent years and we arc formulaic to have the services of fins outstanding artist and cbcr Nonmembers will be admitted Irtnllli 11 bushel decorated in pink IIEd White On Tuesday 00 Mrs Slodduri loll Blookc Ava Toronto 3lele Ull tittom ll lilld llJVL been Imncynluolzlng in Buffalo and vlukokl Jun Ill is now with ltld Customs in Toronto oil lm lllltfittll ill Iluckcy and Memorial Hall in Cooksluwn is soclgl ltLltLilIUll CILllLu especially xvas DlLStllllkl lilll set of break members and guests make an ebrt lesl Jlsllcs ll formal green Will Ll to arrive at the Library Hall by These fellowships are for $3000 and lEZI Mull butter or margarine and imakc zl sane3 with the our and poured coffee Clarke poured the groom ers Lcsllc lional goodwill and understanding To date there have been four Uffurcti lo adults only it will be under the dlrccilon of the Slmcuc SclVLS four Onio study ill the United States for six mililks months in the field of llllplclllclllu Loot Wedlursdzly illc bride was The course will be held on six and Willie llcr gift basket was 31 warcffected children of Greece study In the eld of group iynamI Mrs Woodstock the former Elizabeth Ann Betty Scott Signing the register following their weddings in Orlllla and ics at the University of Michigan le011 and daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Scott of Barrie wasi ans NOVGIIIbGI iBolrle churches are Mr and Mrs Murlay Cal mags gaillcgmllliatlons Head Mr and Mrs William Edward Woodstock Caldwell 15 married on Saturday October 18 Cetrill United Church LMEPEK yh of MI and liekeying cc om In Embalklng on nuanced scientl OUpper It former orient gong gh09toci3uinrmr husband Her husband is the son of Ml and Mrs Wllllam Woodstock Hons Ch ed studies in Europe is former 3Mls Charles orn on an as me of Toronto After wedding trip through Northern Ontario and South Porcupine they will be making their home at Little Lake near Barrie Door Closers repaired installed Bank Collegiate Student Miss The October lllcctlng of lllciDuls is the son of Mr and Mrs John Caldwell of Shanty Boy Isabel McGibbon MSc of Honey0 Wane 01 the Womens InTllclr autumn wedding took place in Orlllla Presbyterian vood vho for Europe at theisliluto VZIS at thC hOIIlC 0f end of last week tostudy EuropMrS Stallley also Meeting opened with tho Instit Blue molruvwllh WASHING MACHINES Helpng my young Johnny 11th lt can methods and techniques in the product of Honeywood Con tinuution School Miss McGibbon spent two years in Orangeville High School and year at Barrie Collegiate Institute graduating in 1946 From here she went to Mc Master University in Hamilton for fouryear course in botany and zoology for her BA degree foll owed bv two years post graduate study for her Master of Science degree She is well on the way to her goal to become scientist in limnologythe study of the minute plant and insect life in inland fresh water areas Use brush in hot sudsy wags Mrs asks HOW may um pleusant odors be removed from pots and pans REPAIREI his Omewk Wed wllcicas boxes of froch foods down Test your cleaning method HebdiftHam field of freshwater biology llm tht 0ch followed bi lllL All ishould be Stacked Closem the wall first in an incunspicuous place Used Washing Maclmr nologvl She will be stationed Stewart Collect and th Lords th tom the Class thatlonmcll rs at It lot the frozen food compartmentl Clean small areas at time over cs for 33m he him 39 un Prayer Roll call was Pay onc colours combine to ma Vtt By the way use ill page of ldppllll olll sllokts to pltvcnl 1c sponsors up cllo cent an mcll l01 your walSI modsI b0i of wk Rimm iq CNN done and blue 13 one of them Tonnolll and later at Lunz lIl urcand provided much galcty newspale map one gt in am mums Elwin Austria where her mentor Will be The motto COUnUV life as flozcn food and stack them in mill sponge squeezed out in 3315 used out Dr Ruuner accurdmg to the have found it was collllncntod on lpilil before defrosting clczlr vuiel washing andnowIknOW why Shelburne Free Press and Econ by Mm Bertram ofthe blue comesthe Whit omlst To Clean the Sink ms QUESTION Box HARDWARE and Ream Bluemsmmamf ind pans were mauo 01 tursz suppcl and program to be held Nov in Dalston United Church basement It was decided to hold afternoon meetings during the fall and winI for months Next meeting will be held at Mrs Harry Wrights on Nov 13 when roll call will be Name cubinet minister and department Barrie cents moot Eto clean sinks and faucets pned to mg exterior part of the around the drain and taps with If stained usei wooden skewer gt ilaglgdgCleaning De lbon ml kerosene AVOId any Answer Wash pots and pans in harsh abrasives or acids which will hot sudsy water to which tablel Replace all perishable items in dun the finish Rinse and polishE spoons vinegar to each quart water covered containers except eggs andl dry lllave been added Soak if neccs Hello liomemakers Havel you wiped off those splashes and sticky spots that happened during the citrus fruits Be sure the milk wary cartons or pitchers tire covered To Clean Walls calming spree There seems to be spotters and spills ad infinitum With f0i101 plabtic COVQIS Kitchen walls are usually Miss asks How can we 10 To gore processed cheese washable and there are doughlremovc coffee sediment from the from steam and the greasy oily film that cooking food may bring place it in bowl with cubes of type cleaners that pick up dirt tube of glass percolator Although we should attend to th over with paste cleaners that absorb grease igtlaziinlg and plastic products that coat colorI Answer Place cup date cleaningup as Soon as smudge occurs there isnt moment to B7R 80 Dunlop St Poultry Stuffing To Win You Praise Sure to provoke admiring com ment is the poultry stuffing thats lgent in the percolalor which has fab paper to make It easxer to kgep been half filled with water Place ened ur of olives may Clean the fame Elbe stern alldvbaskct in the contain be kept free of mould by pourinv little salad oil into the containe For woodwork there are liquid er Percolatc the sudsy water for The young scientist is the daugh tor of Mrs McGibbon and the late Dr McGibbon of Honeymood She Rinse thorou Wm work forme months in both made until cranberry sauce In Spare at the time Now comes the 12 Late cucumbers or cobsf cleaners to Wipe off stulns powdel labour 10 minutes It the recipe whcich follows one cup ed cleaners or synthenc detergents 1y an Ausma BS Mcmbbon rec omng corn Wlll keep melst and flesh water for sailed for Europe from New York of fresh chopped berries and an wrapped in aluminum foil that d155 ve on October 17 Vlbltors in town this week were null ClllCllElIS You May Win One SEE Cottys Ad on Page If of life Economy cook Book To Clean the Range Soak the drip pan removable inset bowls and oven shelves in the laundry tub filled with hot sudsy water for two hours then wash off Use steel wool on stub born places Wash the porcelain and chrome parts of the range with cloth wrung out in warm sudsy waler Be sure to rinse with cloth rwrung out of clear water and then dry Use wooden skewer to clean around solid elements or crevices An oven cleaner may be neces sary to apply on the sides and top of the baffle Use cheap new paint brush with care for thisjob andlet the cleaner paste remain extra two tablespoons of sugar may be substituted for the canned ber ries ix 14 cup butter or margarine cupsbread crumbs cup whole cranberry sauce tablespoon sugar teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon cinnamon teaspoons grated lemon rind Fl cupwnterw Try it once and youlll find your family looking forward to it in the future washing paint or varnish cRusrv BROWN rooo IS COOKED IN GLASS Foods cooked in glass are usually 13 Do not fillthe ice cube trays more than three parts full of water and perhaps one traywiil do at this season of the year 14 Leave piece of charcoal or cup of baking soda in tumbler on the refrigerator shelf if there has been an unpleasant odor de velop due to neglect of sorting out foods Never place javelle water Rinsc and dry all Woodwork before you add liquid wax for easier cleaning in the future By the way there is also 833 crusty and brown This enhances that cleans at the Same mm It many recipes but if less crust is polishes All youneed is plenty of desired the oven Should be elbow grease to go Wiith the jOb lower than the recipe advises NOTE Always dug walls and Glasswaleis easily cleaned with VOOdWOTkSkWRh the vacuWilla ne powder cleanser It should in the refrigerator cleaner attachment for pure be protected from sharp telnpera 15 Always leave space around pose or soft cloth cover on the lure changes as this wul crack rectangular dishes in the cabinet mop start at the top and brush it until dry Remove with soap abrasivepad then rinse and dry swealer To Clean the Electric Refrigerator Defrost completely Sort out the leftovers and per lshables at Wipeoff all containers Remove shelves and drawers and wash every prtof the interior as well as the shelves with new piece of cheesecloth dipped in bak ing soda water tablespoon balk lug soda to pint cool water Yes have if good iob butl stillhave to watch my money pretty closely to make sure get the things really want small apartment to call my own wouldnt cost much More than the room in Dry out the refrigerator with nowgtance 1h set it funbhed gi 38 time clean clothnever use dish cloth Ive my ear set one new gt or towels as they may have greasy trip back hometoseethe EXITQIICh 39115121 on 0d015 fTheylreauwonderm idmbut hey keg lot SN can 32 w5hi menrmse Off th ex ofsavinspTllats whylmake $11821 PBYdSY ncsseuftens dry skin quickly mule ml the rfr enter dwilm Bum Smnsmcmum Swen hind chm Emilio that you lcgan uso And MPh Win WSW Y9 lo 771 We MkuWWRWHWe mammalian indignities ifthnf sarcasm Your Savings 11mm tifinsandstwseless iiid mm 3le TT lthdt l1 hcol If Defigfhagdznsgmcs5 fa good automobile wax ape before doing householdQO gt minnowMAW You knownsTRUSlIanyits mebom nomadu muons colourliltlm mad mummy mm hm mm 1mg gt0 omen irw revealwhutallusydnyyowuhadtfwsm 53 Im