October 34 1952 12 Economy Cook Boat THE BARBIE EXAMINER San wiches Are Hearty For lunch Box Gay For Parties It May Be Dainty Tidbit Or the Meals Main Dish Rolled Open Faced or in Loot it Keep Guests Reaching for More Firmly Packed it Takes Nutrition to School and to Work Its snack Its meal Itsthc sandwich but Canadians have hot Its cold it appears at parfpopularized all its versions partyi ties with the nest silver and ensz hearty and lunchbox tn goes to school or to work Different breads as ii as dlf in sturdv lunch box What Theferenl fillings give character to saxniwichfof course It mav haveTthe different types of Sandwiches left fillmg been an Englishman who vented and variety is usually more in Thywdeckus cut into mm iiklt5llllg thru one kind alone 95 ribbons belong on such plum pccizlly in the lunch box Event img With relied sandwiches tin cheese and molt chance to use triangles and rounds cut with leftovers seem more substantiall 50 elm Perhaps the weft Serve Variety In Bite Sizes Make Little Sandwiches in Different Shapes plate of mrted bitesize sandwiches can look almost too good to eat but it will vanish It the last crumb Different shapes are quite astportant here as dif To Your Own0rder ion rye Jelly and peanut butter are enllan by raisin bread Iv illhole whmi and white are both lphble to almost any filling The party sandwich can be just in tidbit or rl main dish for lunch icon or late supper sandwich loaf with two or three different fillings and hosting of cream TlDBll SANDWICHES lempt the guest to try at least one Cheise can decoralive 35 the number of fancyshapes and variety of different fillings make most elaborate iayercake plat ter of assorted midgetsurolled ibbon and openfaced kindswill keep guests reaching for more llollow Out non For individual service sand wich filling of chicken tuna shrimp or crab salad is twice as attractive when used to stuff hol lowedout roll and garnished with DECORATIVE DELICIOUS mull wlch loaf is made with three fill ings and four slices of bread frosted all over with softened cheese This one combines tuna egg and olive spreads Sandwich loaf Festive Treat Use Three Fillin and Frost with case For luncheon buffet supper or an eveningparty the sandwich loaf with its garnished cheese frosting is as good as it is decor utive To make it loaf of sand wich bread with crusts removed is cut into four lengthwise slices and three fillings whose avors supplement one another are used The sameidea can be adapted for individual service with thin ready oliced bread One of the three fillings should be of fish or meat Tuna fish salad is good choice Soare chicken 0r ham salads with the meat coarsely ground second layer might be egg salad and the third mixture of cream cheese with olives pimientoor cucumber diced very small and well drained After the layers have been cpreadand put together they are pressed down lightly and spread n11 over like alayer cake with frosting made of softened cream cheese or of cream combined with lettuce leaves olives and extra mayonnaise Hearty appetites will go for the sandwiches quickfried in butter or xnargnrne or combination of the two Try sliced Canadian cheese for this Or dip your cheese sand wich in mixture of beaten egg and milk French toast style and serve with tort jelly Thin hamburger patties are good in big buns but wou dont really need them They can be broiled right on slices of bread when turning nthe patty turn it onto the second slice so both will absorb some of thejuicesl and serve be tween two slices Plenty for Fillings Nothing in the house for fillings Of course there is Cans of devil led ham liver paste sausage fish Eggs and cheeses and lettuce and jelly The savory butters which are the base of most canapes and eversogobd in rolled sandwiches are most economical when margar ine is used and can be sandeich spreai all by themselves ITS coon ECONOMY Leftover thin pancakes may be sliced like noodles and served in soup Use bits of leftover Swiss cheese in vegetable sauces When cooking bacon drain off the fat into clean can Use whenever the recipe says brown the meat the sandwich plate hostess can be proud to serve ennui SLlCES PAIRS just is my from mam muhupr rounds of bread and garnish with pitted dates and peahut butter Use for rolled sandwiches maraschino cherries perfectly to make sandwiches tlnt are neuter and more attractive union the slices do put together Neatest Sandwich Will be Produced On Assembly line The neatest looking sandwiches and the easiest to make are those turned out assemblydine style Line up the slices of bread in pairs just as they come vfrom the loaf so that they will match when put together Dayold enriched yeast raised bread is best Use white rye whole wheat or whatever you wish Have all the fillings prepared in advance the butter softened the cream cheese mixed with little Party Faro or Pennies unequal amount ofcottage cheese Olives and pickle relish pimiento stripsjsweetipickle slices or green pepper maylbe used as garnish fhe loaf shOuld look colorful and festive Chill severalhours before serv ing to allow the flavors to mellow Cut in slices at the thble and serve with pride 77 FRESH FOR ROLLS Exception to all rules is the roll ved sandwich For this the thinly illiccd bread must be vegyfrsh lhegopread is not too generous lest it ooze And the orust is re anEdHBefforegthgggndwlch lap roll oduplikem jellyroll These can he served whole with watercress or parsley garnishing their ends may becut into Tneiinch bites gt EXTRA ICE CUBES Pliable plastic molds in ice cube tlsayi or individual cubeslze mold digns arehandy for making ex lira ice cubes when guests are exr pected Theycani be stored in Vininlmum amount space when Always it never wgste crumb of breads lie every scram want it Maxi aaiiorfbrea eerawell and la one of our thriftiest foodi with mutant minor ammunition milk the sandwich spreads in Slithiibowls the meat or cheescor lettuce in pieces the right size Using spatula or broad knife spread generomly Press ligbtly together and use sharp knife for cutting them in half If they are to be wrapped use waxed paper with drugstore fold to keep them airtight Cooks Now Flavor Foods With Bottled BeVerages YoullLike in Lomb Basted with Cola or Gingerole gt In homes where the hospitality is warm and friendly there tire usually carbonated beverages on the shelf or in thejrefrlgeratbr The thoughtfulhostesnprovtdcs var lety in orderto atefrto the diffeb one out testes of he Shelong ago learned to them in pun cs for heerart frultcup cream bettermheno ha cruously flavor ed bottled better se is addeduto the frultjuices rhe fruity beverages and the ginger ales make especially good gelatine salads Newest cookingt is mantle with meat Ginger ale used with nondeer resultsio basic leg of lamb or tobotl cola drink used to haste the baking ham will have guests begging for the secret of the re cue their omnstado of pumice out 16th WW note savotllo ha om doom mince stzehand grotercan used to grate HoverNuns from chocolate to cheese and dry breed ad It holds my omlllxchtibhlotlan oflnott or rayon pulsars GratepiM lento gt low ignorant til peel to flovor do mm was glNGISR Ann luncove out be Aftertbefirst1hour pour 35 tag roleiover moment Baste additional cup at decorative and there should bea cull hour Serve hot or cold cnpbrownlsugar Graded orangerind Whole clgvesw however carbonated howitzer can be morethpn gustthat In the tionsbnthei Wrapper onehau scorethe fatsid rotnix gm spread withllcup brown ugar icombineLWihthe and istud with clo les iblilis corbonatedbe few to trim the plate are the openface sandwiches prettin gar nished Have one or two sweet fillings at least one cheese one fish and one meat for really lavish assert ment Here are few suggestions Mash half medium size avocado pear Combine with teaspoon lemon juice tablespoons drained crushed pineapple and table spoon mayonnaise Spread on green pepper strips Combine equal parts of chopped Moisten with little mayonnaise Also goad rm rolled sandwiches is mixture with package of cream cheese j2 tableSpoons soft butter or morgarine and about 20 Cream cheese stars again for ribbon sandwiches good with an equal amount of devilled ham and for swirls with roquefort and ripe olives roux uvnr LOAF pound pork liver slices of bacon medium onion tablespoons chopped parsley Yd cup diced celeryM V4 cup chili sa ce cups softbrega 3cltlmbs eggs slightly beaten llteaspoOns salt7 74 teaspoon pepper 14 in dry mustard Placellver in hot water foll0 mites drain Put liver bacon and onion through food chopper using coarse blade Add parsley celery chili sauce crumbs eggs salt pepper and drymustard Pack firmly in loaf pan 8x4x2l inches Bake in moderate oven 350 deg 12 glass mint jelly tablespoons chopped mint leaves Combine ginger ale vinegar sug or and mint jelly Bring slowlygto boil and pour over mint leaves Let stand hour before using mum com 1teaspoon dry muslhrd Zaitablespoons white vinegar If tenderized 9lliill19k0llldihnl is cookomrdi to direcr hour beforecoolrinfs line is ver remainingrbrown rindrlowrfhent and finish conning WWW pic nichamor shoulder Savefruit atine desserts to useilrotewsA wn iiklng tattered it so the be tam minderka