October 24 195 Better meals ease when you choose Gen Just the thing for ev ery day use in your home No need to throw out those after meal leftovers nor day to day buying of fresh foods the Co op Home Freezer gives you greater economy in your mealtime plan ning Models price at up 39500 and 549500 new cooking eral Electric Range Youll be delighted and amazed how meal pre paration becomes eas ier faster and more economical with the many new convenience features in your GE Range szooo GROCERIESLT FRESHMEAT mamus swarms No doubt about it theres real Coop value in these grand COop Refrigerat ors The ample foodspace plus the ec onomy of operation make the 000 Re frigerator must for your home Visit CoOptoday and ask about these low priced values mrurnrown tithillSONA rs received it too 1am leave the 9n hatng on Than $200 Economy Cook Book 42 lo Frozen Food Chest l8 Square Foot Shell l8 Quart Relrgemlor Bin aeLuxs MODEL n+0 micro FROM $29930 Orders receivedupto 101m leayethe store ogjthe10Stlam deliveryTv nastiersis mm bu 93 3MPng delivery Area