Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1952, p. 1

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1929 Ilium IN MINI omens one ms TOWN or am AND ocean or soccer Since 1864 88th YearNo ll6 MW naeadme ammoniaWow Albert Partridge Crown Hill 326 Members Skating Club Figures Start Next week Barrie Skating Club will hold its first weekly classes of instruction in figure skating The first club season opens after sue Cessful membership drive with total of 326 junior intermediate Isenior and associate members at the end of this week For the first week only the main classes of instruction will be held on Tuesday rather than on Mon day because of the Thanksgiving holiday Beginning the following week and continuing for the rest of the year classes will be held on Monday Thursday and Saturday with special skating session on Sunday afternoon Skating Hours Skating hours on Tuesday and on Monday hereafter will be from 430 pm to l030 pm The junior section of the membership being so large has been divided into pri mary and junior groups Primary prefers to children age five to nine and junior to children age 10 to 12 On Tuesday evening from 430 to pm there will be in instruction period for primarys under the dir ection of the club instructor Mrs Muriel Whyte Seven to 845 pm will be an instruction period for intermediates and senior skaters will be given instruction from 845 to 1030 pm On Thursday evening the hour from 530 to 630 pm will be practice period for primary mem bers followed by an instruction period for juniors from 630 to pm On Saturday evening from 630 to 730 pm practice period will be held for junior members intermediate and senior skaters practice on Sunday afterneon from to oclock starting Sunday 19 Following the practice perio family skating hour fbithuse ilies with family membersbi in the club This will be the nly time that figure skates will be obligatory on ice for club me bers tendence at all sOcial fun tions of the club It is expectedtbat this npecial type of membe ship will Bedroom humanities In New York From Injuries In Assault Albert Partridge 15 wellknown Crown Hill farmer who was beaten up and bound in his room at YMCA building in New York while returnlng home from trip to Bermuda lni March and who has been in critical condition since at Belle vue Hospital New York City has died as result of injuries which were inflicted Mr Partridge was attacked in his bedroom by an assailant or assailants either Sunday night March or early Monday morn ing March 10 New York police later arrested two men as suspects but they have not been brought to trial because Mr Partridge was in no condition to appear as witness He was unconscious for long time after the attack In recent weeks he has been helped into chair for time each day but still remained partly paralyzed lie fered fractured skull followed1y pneumonia He needed contir ed special treatments and medical care Mr Partridge whose homis on Highway 93 the Penetangylloadi was spending couple of days in New York on his retu from Bermuda where he had been for daughter Mr and Mrs ell Monday morning by maid in his to liam Sloane House Young Mens Chri ian Association When she entered the room on the regular inspectio she found Mr Partridge uncon cious partly dress against the side his hands tied to the bedstead rope and his ankles bound by other strap Police sad he apparently had suftfered violent blow on the head Bloc spattercd the room and increase considerably as the club begins ts actitIities Ice Committee Th appointment of an ice com mlt eundcr the chairmanship of Da id Odishaw was confirmed at nday nights meeting this week mmittee members are Lieut Or lle Watson ctrchairman Miss reen Steele Miss Nan Hamilton Mrs MuelWhyte we Craig Salter nioyd no Till man and Whyte Mr Whyte was appointed chair tman of the clubs second annual carnival slated for March 20 and 21 1953 club crest and club colors roy al blue and white were adopted Monday night Crests will be or dered and on sale to all members The crest design is of two figure skates in yellow with the letters lBSC on white satin against royal blue ground there were other indications of at struggle Two pieces of luggage he had with him when he regdsteredl on the Friday were missing from his room police said and there was every indication it was case of robbery Still unconscious the in jured Canadian was rushed to hos pital where an emergency operation lvas performed and later pneu monia developed detective was posted at his bedside to quwtion him when he regained con sciousncss First word of the incident came when New York police contacted Barrie police asking them to locate relatives Mr Partridge left Barrie in November by train for New York and from there went by boat to Ber muda His son Ernest is living at home and there is another daughter Mrs John McCready in Orillia Mrs Partridge died several years ago Ernest Partridge has been to New York City to see his father and was kept constantly advised by doctors as to the condition of Mr Partridge Recently Emest Partridge called in at The Examiner and explained that his father was still in semi paralyzed condition It had been suggested not very long ago that some special arrangements might be made whereby Mr Partridge would be able to return to his home at Crown Hill by air from New York to Melton Radio Inspector Issues Warning To Residents word of vanilla In has issued to local owners of at dlo son who have not pro cured 195253 license by It inspector from the talent Department of My in in the Barrie was We week About 500 radio owners in the town who bought linens81 year have not done no this your and with the town grow lnx it was expected that that would be more 9mm 195253 llccmes than more were last year Two inspectors tut year made the most thorough checkup in the town that had been and in several years If the number of delinquent radio owners does not go down the again this year Licenses expire at the and of the scal year on the last day of Marci About 100 people were an ed on in town this Week and 30 were reported and will probably be prosecuted Official Opening BDCI Addition Planned for Nov The official opening of thesplen did addition to Barrie District Col legiate Pastitutc will be held on FridayNov special ceremony and program will take place in the auditorium during the evening when the main speaker will be the Hon Dr Dunlop Ontario Minister of Education MIDLAND POLICE CHIEF William Nicholas veteran mem ber of Midland police force has been promoted from acting to permanent chief Council had 37 applications for the job Public opinion to the contrary Mrs today than they ever were children are better taught McLellan of Brantford immediate past president of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations session of the regional conference here on Wednesday Speaking to members of local home and school clubs and visitors from the Central Ontario region who comprised the 75 delegates at the conference sessions the former school teacher praised the teachers of the present day who are plann ing and thinking In groups in or der to do more effective job The old ways are not good en ough she declared reterense t9 the experiinents being conducted in education in Ontario today Ad dressing her audience at the new Hillcrest School auditorium she rarities Mk same PBOMINENI COUNTY EIGURE THOMAS EffSMITHCLERKQF nos TWP DIES Thevdeatb occurredin the early hours of last Friday morning at his home in Elmvale of Thomas Ed WSEWW 75 was still working as Clerk of Flos Township post he has held since News of as shock to his many friends throughout Simcoe County and be yond Hermonch have celebrated jaisrsm birthdaysin few weeks He was it triangle district landwasborn on he fourth concessibm of the township Laterhe went to live winnan aunt in Uxbrtdgeana it washers that he sinned the son of tward Smiths wellknow armor his daughter Alice Mr Smith was member ofMa sonic Lodge No 468 AFiand AM He was Clerk of the Session of St Andrews told the parents that although they might have schools like the build mg they were gathered in it was still the teacher that counted fNo amount of equipment will help poor teacher do goodgjo Five Basic Needs There are five needs that the home and school memhenmust keep in mind in connection with his or her 01ng za tio VstattedngrsMe Lelian She described each in detail in her talk beginning with the bas ic psychological for belonging the need for accomplishment the need for recognition the need for independence and the need fora Presbyterian Church Elmvaleandbad been anelder After private family seivice in his borne on Monday which was conductedby the Rcv James Bnrgess ville locke liondon Quin his body was Cele er cotangent bxaMasonic service Pollbeare verej members ofthe bed91mm Charleen myale and the Rev Or intermentinEthaleft The funeral was ac Elmvalef mops eiub scenario the evenin told her Stem the need to do things Mrs Mc philosophy We fail our children in this regard more than in any oth er she remarked of the latter These basic psychological needs are more important really thanthe need for food and shelter The need for belonging is still there wheth or youre five six ill or 85 years old Each person has contain skill to offera program and it must be found what each has to offer in every organiza tion Committees Important Your committees are anToppor tunity for people to give what skill they have to the organization Each committeerniember must be given definite area of responsibility and within that area an opportunity to use initiative Human relation ships are learned in committees Committees are an avenue of ser vice and that is why they are im portant she emlained We have them so that people will have an opportunity to think and plan and work together It home and school work is creative work It is rewarding workit takes energy and timer and spirit But it is worth WM will check ing meetings and BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY OCTOBER it Sea Cadets at Inspection SEA CADETS 0f RCSCC Ba moury last night by Commander Pearce RCN area of floor eastern division RCSCC 952 Icahn Clu CWNA and ll CW PUBLIC SCHOOI BOARD ECIEAR IINAl lllRTER 0F YEA nights meeting of the Board hel With the final quarter of their financial your still to go up until January 1963 Barrie ing on balance of only 794 of budget $239155 This was revealed Wednesday it iin Hillcrest School when the fin ancial statement up until the end of September Finance Chairman Harris stat ied they were getting too close lpruniiig of some expenditures will probably be effected to enable the Board to carry through iiias come under The estimate for the year for tinsE was presented However despite the fact that largest expenditure of the Manzigementt Committee for teachers salariesi item is $133020 Debentures as per budget amounted to $42115 Sup plies and fuel have also been resi Esponsible for large part of thei expenditure millet for the year was 550735 Un The budget of the Finance Com til the end of September $47781 of this had been used up leaving rrie were inspected at the Ar The inspecting officer is seen speaking to one of the cadets while LtW McBride ext ecutive officer and the Rev James Ferguson chaplain look on Eln Homeltofloodwithod Only slight dam1 age due to smoke was caused Told while because you are working with people Need For Accomplishttient The need for accomplishnient is Lellan told her audience Just hold haviu good speaker is not good home and school work Sometimes think its free dom from speech we need more than freedom of speech Good home and school work she stated means planning Itmeans thinking and it means an intellig ent approach to planning program thats going to teach these things Schools are still thepeople and public opinion has to be educated Our job is to find out what edu cation should betalking to the teachers and finding out what is best for the pupils And then work ing hard to accomplish it There is keen interest in education in this province and in this Canada in providing proper equipment and knowing how our people can fit in to this educational picture lot of people she declared think that the only job parent has to do is send children to school with clean handkerchief and zippers that work But wevegot job to do Make Real Contribution We are the kind of people who have ugars every 15 years am convinced that in our borne and Turn to page three please FIRE CALL our FURNACE FAULT The local fire department were Queenls Park called out Thursday afternoon to 149 Penetang St where defectl had arisen in furnace causing itt BCAF PERSONNEL OVERSEAS binder in thlisf of RCAFper= sonnel posted overseas this month AC1 Hume of Orillia and W02 Crate Bradford district four reels Boards jurisdiction Was analyzed TwoSimcoe Countymen are in balance of $2953 The estimate for the Manage ment Committee was $138670 Of this $89970 has been spentleav ing balance of 546699 The Pro perty Committee budget figure was $5l750 Expenditure to date to tals 535042 leaving balance of $16707 lnsunttncc Coverage Board members spend consider able part of the evening listening to Kenneth Marshall representa tive of the insurance underwriters with whom the Boards insurance is held outline the existing position of their coverage Details of the different types of insurance in force were discussed by the members and certain ad justments are to be made Every aspect of coverage in application to persons and property under the Citizens Band to Many technical points about polio Sunday Afternoon Sunday nfternoonBarrieCitjzens Band will play an hours program of sacred music at Queens Park commencing at three oclock Band nireiequiizstetlw to repent the market building by 230 in uniform to parade to the park at FOUR CALVES MISSING FROM INNISFIL FARM LATEST SUSPECT ED CATTLE RUSTLING By RGS In the latest suspected instance of cattle rustling ered calves have been reported missing from the farm of Roy Goodfellow ninth line of Innisfil and it in this seems to be an established fact that the rustlers decoyed the animals by tying cow to tree near some swampland Mr Goodfellow reported the loss of the animals to the police and search was made cow was heard in remote corner of swamp some distance from the farm and when located was found to have been tetheredto tree by some 20 feet of rope The animal was taken back to the farm in very weaken ed condition It is notn known just how dong it had been tetheredet the Spot The cow an older animal was the mother of onmf thecalves Odd cases of cattle going miss lag have been reported in the dis trict recently and police are asking farmers to cooperate by immedi ately informing rbhern of animals go ing astray PC Roy Ferguson Innisfil has pointed out that about two months ago three twoyearold registered Federation Officers Here For Regional Home and School Conference Holsteins each valued at around 5400 went missing from one of the district farms They have still not been located and it is pretty evid out they were stolen While police are working on the cases no statement has been issued as to whether it is believed one gang is responsible or whether number of different individuals are concerned So far as the Goodfellow case is concerned police seem to be follow ing the line that the cow was teeth ered to the tree as decoy Any calves hearing it would in all prob ability try to reach it and when they had been lured to theeuia spot chosen could be quickly trans ferred to truck and removed bbout Public School Board is work 566360 having already spent $172 es were also discussed and ex plained by Mr Marshall reply to question by Mr Hat ris as to whether he murdered that the Board was sufciently cow cred Mr Marshall replied that they were fJoe McNeiIlie Appointed Head Citizens Band W0 blch John fJoe McNeLllie who Last week was appointed band master of Barrie Citizens Band has very unusual musical back ground Born in Toronto he attended public and high schools there and also took up music at the Tomato Conservatory of Mush studied violin with Broadus Farm er and Luigi Von Kunitz and was playing at the old Classic Theatre at the age at 14 where he flurn to page three please The Lost Column Iconoclasts By scour canon Normally dont like seeing other people getting out of work but must confess that am rath er glad that we have no paper on Monday Good old Thanksgiving Reason for my reversal of thoughts on this subject is simply thatl wasnt sure just what was going to make the Fizstsf column When was through in the composing room the other day WKW in the midst of correcting proof of page holiered outsometbin to me small paragraph which managed to warm and use the word adviscdly its way into paper It was to the effect that curling never started in Scotland but actually in Holland While highlyqnmsed Chief gurgled away at bisdiscovery the only comment could find offhan wasSome of these days yo people are going to telline th it theres no such place as Scotland Thereupon quota our Shepherdis there However lets leavethecidlcul ous and as the wise men say turn our thoughts to higher things Was speaking to Mayor the other day You may remem her that recently The Examiner carried story on Czechoslovakian girl who was trying to get benmotbcr over to Canada The layer was telling me that after the stery canTe out she had five Wple offering to help Three werelfrom Barrie one was from Stayner on the TfrmClgW09d understand the question may be raisod by Mayor Hamilton when motion Walter HarrisMlnistier of Citizens

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