Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1952, p. 6

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STENOGRAPHER rs 211 or wn binomial Offices Per an lion rants award app muons will in writing stating age orlice ex eme and references Personal may be arranged Ap tions will be Ilih BARRAND 1411115 Clerk and Treasurer MANAGER Required for large cooperative retail handling feed fertilizer farm machinery and supplies Good salary and benets rural back ground plus general store and mIll experience is desirable Please apply in writing to PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT UNITED COOPERAlIVIZS 0F ONTARIO 23 Duke St Toronto 1112114 WAITRESS Wanted Apply Mc Canns Coffee Shop 15 114321 Road Allsndale 1113114 MECHANIC with tools favorable working conditions Apply Box 52 Barrie Examiner 1113114 HELP WANTED for or days to harvest potatoes HD Russell Kidhurst phone 803r23 1113114 PAPER BOY wanted for cast end mule in Barrie Apply to The mrric Examiner or phone 24 111 EXPERIENCED Linoleum Layer part time or steady if preferred Lowe dc Son Furniture Store Barrie 1113415 OPENING FOR Salesman inter ested in good fbturc Salary and bonus Car essential Free train ing provided Apply Box 61 Bar rio Examiner 1114118 YOUNG MAN or Woman wanted toglearn photo engraving Should have some knowledge of photo graphy Apply Favero Barrie Bummer Limltcd 111311 itosIrIous wamso MOTHER reliable as baby sitter riursery experience 50c per hour Transportation supplied Phone 21m 2114115 XPERIENCED show card sign erclal art and window dress er gator part time work Box 45 rie Examiner 2112114 HIGH SCHOOL Student male age 18 wishes Saturda employ nt in local store pply Box garrle Examiner 2114 WANTED Salvage Dealers in scrap iron raw furs feathers live etc price aid dcth Our ks will anywhere within county or Quest Phone 2983 3201311 residence 5306 Stayner PUSHKOFF co Judiadmit to mom ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For STEEL CAST METAL BATTERIES Industrial Iron Metal Yard and Office Elizabeth St Phone 811r31 LIVE POULTRY Oohre special market for 15mg and can offer you the on TPRICES ANYWHERE SCRAP IRON 0311 macaw tutorthe best prices on hides rs wool andchorsehalr FREE PARKING SPACE III truckwlll call may LEVITfS TRADING Collier st Phone 201 1009 hue te lgtpo nominees 390 HOME fur pup Newfound nd male 11 months old Excell 321311111 Phone Oro 3114115 ML WWL ALL TYP Wagoaaudnush Hor sea wan Must be clean sound Her cars Phone 5297 Apply cAuley 271 Elizabeth 81 Hosm Ferndale Hm ren 11091111 110411115 All Board Suit our Separate beds no 35 ply at 12 Frances Sr and wood cook stove your application Gent4393 twertbntlarl omen 12399110410001 roll SAL LARGE HOUSE Trailer ply Valley T3111 Barrie 1211 DOUBLE Barrclled Shotgun 2p ply Harris Steele phone 71121f LADYS MOUTON Fur Coat Size 14 $30 Apply 110 Parkside Drive 7114 received until TABLE POTATOES 81h Line In nislll Walter Schaly RR Thorn ton 7113114 SMALL SPACE llcatcr hardly used $110 Wilson Shanty Bay 7113114 10 FT CABIN Trailer Best offer Newly built Apply 12 St Vin cent St Barrie 7114 PAIR Oihiaris Skates size good condition Phone 2942 or up 7114 user SEWING Machines Vick crs and Singers reconditioned Apply at 87 Maple Ave 7114110 GREY COAT with black velvet collar red shortic coat black fur coat Size 1410 Phone 3900 71121 CHESS CORN Salve for sure rc lief Your Druggut sells Cress Callous Salve too rclicvcs quick 1y 7114 1000 GALLON Fuel Oil Drum and burner excellent condition $240 The drum alone is $185 Phone 4197 7111416 UNIFLEX CAMERA No 11 with flash gun 2ltx21s negative size 620 or 120 roll lm Brand new Phone 5758 767tf KROEHLER Chestereld End tables coffee table Good condi tion Phone 834r32 Mrs Orm andy RR Angus 7113110 RUGS Broadloom Save up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Newest shades Phone Barrie 2706 745tf BLANKETS AND Car Robes for your old woollens Free catalogues and price list on request Fromley Textiles Rear 78 St Patrick 31 Toronto 710611 ADDING MACHINES Typewrit ers and Cash Registers New and used Sales Rentals and Repairs District agents for Royal and Rem ington Rand Simcoc Business Ma ch nos 66 Toronto Strcet Barrie Phone 4824 710211 illFT GRAVEIIE Runabout 1n board powercd with 25 hp Sca Mitc good condition years old for quick sale $800 Used 22 hp Evimude Motor $100 Apply Del aney Boat Lines Barrie 7113114 GRAHAM FLOWS sales demon stration and plows available for custom work For service phone Craig Hunter 53r5 Hunters Poul Farm Stroud Dealers ip Frost Iepce fertilizer Master feeds 11nd farm supplies 7105124 DOUBLE BED andSpring $10 HeaVy duty 3bu14per electric range needs elements $10 Kitch en cablne white $10 Kitchen ta tile and chairs $4 Small coal $12 93 Highway at Con 10 Orr Lake Phone Elmvalc 91114 7114 PROPERTY WANT GARAGE vincity Hillcrest School Phone 5437 after pm 33114 AGENTS WANTED AMBITIOUS Agent wanted to sell chicks In this district for well established hatchery Good remun oration Write Box 370 Elmira for further information 1111124 POULTRY 100 PULLETS laying Orders tak en for roostersPhone 17r4 Lefroy Kellough 14112114 EACHPullets and Roasters ullets starting to lay Light Sus sex Hampshires and Rocks Mrs Moss Scheffie RR No Bee ton miles west of Newton Robinson Phone Beeton 55r11 14113117 Business Opportunities Spore TIme Servicing nut route units in this area No selling Applicants must havecar references and $90000 cash for inventory Income L1ij $300mbnth1y depending on num ber ot units party selected can serv1ce wtth very good ossibil ities of evontually operatng full timerlncome increasing 3090101 ingly If you have the necessary cap tal qualications and desire to own and operate lucrative part time business and can start at once include phone number in fJob hoppers need notxapply This isoffered by national company listed in Dun sndBradstreet and can stand ourtbattkerIs inspection Box 118 orrie Examiner rt Procedlllgg 2140111191414 15 trcrmcmmw 14 Jonfhlytwinsulated rit 33991171 so 51 CARSON Res 73 Burton Ave Phone 5759 Hep OBoyle REAL ESTATE BROKER 58 Inglewood Drive Toronto Phone HY 1388 BRANCH OFFICE22 Baydeld St Phone 4849 Barrie 111100135 TERMS ARRANGED IFuIl price $550000 Solid brick lcountry home on 21 acres of good iclay loam garden land fruit trees 57 rooms modern kitchen vitile itioor and sink licavy wiring with Iplcnty of outlets Large living Iroom and bedrooms low taxes Quarlcr mile from highway on iupcn road Five miles south of Barrio on N0 11 Highway Down Payment $600000 Full price $950000 Modern brick duplex blocks from Five Points upper duplex contains rooms and bathroom lower duplex contains rooms and very modern bathroom and kitchen Separate entrances coal furnace large garden space Immediate possession of lower duplex Down Payment $250000 Fun price $650000 Five roomcd stucco house bedrooms modem piece bathroom very large gar den space centrally located on paved strcct FARM Down aymcnt $10000 Full price 320000000 127 acres of clay loam 90 acres of workable land balance is cedar bush bank barn hen house double garage with cement floor roomed brIck house on surface road Vt mile off No 11 Highway Doctor owns neighbor ing farm Could be subdivided miles to Lake Simcoc bcach Farm is in A1 condition Down Payment $400000 F1111 price $1400000 New brick bungalow full basement oil heat ing hardwood oors picture win dow brick garage large lot one block from Codrington School Possession arranged to suit pur chaser Full price $350000 roomed stuc co housc full basement piece bathroom large lot located on paved strcci five blocks from main street House needs major repairs Remainder of principal can be paid off at $4000 month TERMS ARRANGED Full price $850000 roomed 1n sul brick bungalow built years ago by owner Hardwood oors throughout Large modern kitchen piece bathroom large bedrooms with clothes closet double cement garage gravellwivowayh Front lawn issmartly landscaped Loca ted in the west end of Barrie TERMS ARRANGED Full price $1000000 This is very nice roomed house with small grocery store and gas pumps average 40000 gals year sold Business is well established as it has been going concern for many years Located miles from Bar rie on paved Highway For information about the above listings contact Russell Carson Rep OBOYLE ReoI EstateLBroker 22 Bayfield St Barrie Dial 4849 10114 HARVEY CO LIMITED BRICK HOME With rooms attached garage Modern nearly new Full base ment with laundry tubs fruit cell ar airconditioned oil heating Very attractive and nicely situa ted $10000 with terms WHITE STUCCOLHOME oom unga 6Ww1th bed rooms years old Nicely land xaafd $9750 with terms under BRICK HOME Rooms with Vestibule bed rooms This is situated where it can be used as large family homELOLR protable income home $9000 withtcrms CEMENT VENEER HOME Village Home campletely insula ted6 roomsand bath on acre lot Convenient to schools upd bus $5300 with terms RANCH STYLE HOM o9 Oen Winter road 300 yds from tghway 11 Extra lar to lot White Stucco construction ex tra large attached erase hor 180x200 to 00w1111sm911 mortgage EM ESTA 91iDUNLOP sr 1311111111 Phone 99zttiillontll or of FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 16114 viva about NH bedrooms oak 11 garage Built to 195 chores 3m Road 76 ft no its walk etcSee owner gage IBUILDING AND House not tln Down Payment $150000 AUTOMRBILES No matter what youre otter house or an antique Alw turn to classified And nd there what you rock PROPERTY FOR SALE ROOMED Cottage with one acre miles from Barrie Priced at $3000 or best cash offer To be sold as is Apply Henry Elrick Owen sr Barrie 16114115 l7 ROOM BRICK House 3piece bathroom new furnace hot air treating central lot 68x165 gur Immediate possession Down 91 Dundon 161 1441 10 payment $3500 Apply laid St ished one acre good water near Allandalc also 1946 dump truck Apply Mr Miller 5111 house past lst overhead bridge on Borden Highway 1610611 AA STOREY BRICK dwelling dup lcx three upper five lower plus bathrooms hardwood oors 011 heating immediate pusscssion of lower apartment Terms may be arranged Slcssor OWner Clapperton St Barrie 1610611 ROOM INSUL Brick house on large lot with garage bedrooms living room dining room and kit chen 2piece bath downstairs 1n sulated heavy wired with Moffat coal and electric range and tons of nut coal included in purchase price Full sized cement basement Located near stores and CNN Sta tion on good residential street In Allandale Immediate possession May be seen anytime Price rea sonable Phone 3428 or 4057 111112119 MISCELLANEOUS THARms MAINTENANCE WASAGA Roofing Carpentry Painting ed Call HARVEvCaico Chimneys and Furnaces Cleaned and Repaired Coterlng Barrie to Wasaga and Surrounding Area FOR PRICES CALL WASAGA BEACH 78W AND REVERSE CHARGES 59911 FOR RENT gt Do your uwn floors 11 easy Our neW HighSpeed Floor Sander does excelllnt work Low rates Complete line of floor nishing materials paints varnishes shell acs tillers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new doors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton 81 Phone 52011 ssitrb HEARDS GLASS MIRROR Custom Built Mirrors Mirror Resilvering Store Fronts Builtin Glass for all purposes Phone 3091 107 Dunlop St 5797136 RADIO TELEVISION REEAIR ALL WORK VGUARANTEED BARBIE RADIO SERVICE 22 Owen St Phone 2084 5100138 REUPHOLSTERING COmplete and com etemlworkmana Shl at moderate rates Free Pic Up Chesterfield sets rebuilt $11000 up MAYER UPHOLSTERY Barrie 56 Maple Ave Phone 2021 5110118 DRESSMAKING and Alterations 511 Maple Ave or phone 221 FURNACES AND Chimneys her 2442 Robinson and on 5103122 FURNACE AND Chimney Clem CASH CAR IN MINUTES We wlilbuy your carplyott want you own on it and give you cash for the balance an HONEST JOE Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 131140b MORRISON COMPANY LIMITED Mercury Lincoln MeteOr PHONE 5500 3133 Bradford St Barrie Come in and compare our prices 1951 Meteor Custom Conch two tonc blue and grey very low mileage 1951 Meteor CustOm Coachngrccn new tires spotless condition 1950 Ford Conch blue radio heal cr smart looking car 1950 Metcor Coach blue radio heater 1949 Ford Coach This is car you must see to appreciate 1947 Mercury 114 green one own 01 since now sold new by us originally 1949 llillmnn Minx Sedan black economy at its best 1949 Austin Sedan exceptionally good mechanical condition 13114 1949 FARGO VzIOD Truck in good condition Phone 5021 13113111 1938 PLYMOUTH Coupe good con dition and appearance Reasonable price Phone 3900 1310711 52 METEOR Coach 2tonep 6000 miles perfect condition Phone Camp Borden 993r2 13112114 1950 CHEV COACH Real value at price offered See this car at Midhuist Service Station 111113114 32 V8 FORD Coupe in excellent condition sound body Suitable for stock car $100 Phone 6243 111112114 1949 MONARCH 2tone sport coach fully equipped with radio Good condition Apply Reg Lytton Midhurst 13113114 1952 CHEVROLET Style Line Se dan deluxe model less than 2000 miles Apply 55A Somme Blvd Camp Borden after pm 13114115 lersrocx son SALE DURHAM CALVES litters of 10 pigs weeks old Phone 843r42 Switzer 9114115 REGISTERED Aberdeen Angus Bull years old Aple William Milligan Cookstown one 7112 Cookstown 0113114 YEAR OLD Shetland Pony Mare in 1011 broke saddle orharness Com lete with saddle Trimble RR Cookstown 9114 WANTEDAll types wagon and bush horses Must be clean sound over years Phone 5297 Apply McAuley 271 Elizabeth St Barrie 15 SUFFOLK Breeding Ewes also number of March Ewe Lambs Your choice from flock of 60 John Caldwell Shanty Bay Phone Oro 30114 9114 lNSIIllllll 9109Jll4 WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD FOR SALE ft or cut ove length Delivered Apply Car on Wiggins RR Bradford 6114115 MONEY TO LOAN WANTED $2100 on rst mortgage on 100 acre farm Sound invest ment Apply Box 46 Bacrie Ex aminer 114112114 CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCBERY GOVERNMENT APPROVED Now that egg prices are at prot maklng level we are pleased to announce that we have number of started pullets on hand Ages rangirg from 10 to 18 weeks Clapperton Barrie Phone blocks north of the Five Points 249611 GILMORES are booking chicks for fall delivery now Chicks from Simcoe Countys Lar gest Breeder Hatchery Hatching year round GILMORES POULTRY BREEDING FARM 60 Penctang St Phone 2735 Barrie 248111 PERS NAL DAINES ROCK STEAM BATHS Edgehill Drive Barrie Scientific Reducing and Arthritic Treatment 10 am till 10 pm Dally Appointment Phone 81411 Saturdays for men only reserva tions not necessary Open from 10 am 10 pm 3073 t3 JOHN ALLEN RAWN will not be responsible for any debts con tracted in my name after this date Oct 1952 without my written consent PROPERTY FOR RENT BRIGHT WARM room Phone 6254 15114 NEW 4ROOMED Duplex Apply Box 60 Barrie Examiner 15114 FURNISHED Bedroom central Breakfast and evening dinner op tional PhOnc 2724 15114116F FURNISHED Bedroom and Kitch enette Good residential district Central Phone 2724 15114115 FURNISHED Bedroom Gentleman preferred Apply Mrs Everton Green Gables Cundles 15114 ADJOINING Rooms on second Comfortable oor next to bathroom furnished or unfurnished very central Phone 3271 15114 ROOMED Apartment in village of Midhurst Electricity Immedi ate possession Mrs Garvm Midhurst 15114 FURNISHED Room suit couple or exchange for woman to care for children while mother works Phone 4459 15114 ROOM HOUSE with 3piece bathroom partlyfurnished Win ter months $45 5011 Shanty Bay 1511 114 LARGE DUPLEX heated bed rooms very central Adults pre ferred Available Nov Box 63 Barrie Examiner 15114 DOUBLE Room furnished suit man and wife or gentlemen Packedlunch and breakfast if de sired 59Mary St 15113114 HOUSEAND Cottages all conven iences $40 per month Children welcome Near school 13 miles from Barrie Mrs Campbell gitone 5121 Belle Ewart 114 in and repairing most modern equipment Call me 33405 navhrnouanmc and Cement Work done romptl Prices nea sortableavwm munch guaranteed 1191101195717 Id OORAPHIN indJ If 191991111 5mm wall is mam at was Phone 4834 LADIEsAro your interested in getting your son darned the only way See Edna Bowing Machine do it Call ananrranso an chaining meat today Phone 11482 5101 13 GARDEN MANURE for sale Dee composed manure for him dress ins sod loam unwound ardena plowed and aimed cak in so wor VIilaghtdg Inaccurate 5381 130 5111124 hm it For hour use per monomer EFFICIENT LIGHT 1x lwmonr HIOPkhtllhdollveti Mics Fitterrho 110150 Fibreglal Roll Mi Moon joists orgwe 1113ij PAL04111111 it 15 vsanmuuesmuur uon 1110 announcerser $11 COOP F011 BUILDING 311114116 1110111111 on ii 100 ACRES90 acres under cultiv atton 10 acres good hardwood bush 20 acres in tall wheat26 acres seeded down tall piowmg clone Good buildings with hydro in houseand barn Electric water system supplying both For full particulars apply to Box 54 Bars rie Examiner 8113114 Accommodation Wanted UNFURNISHED accommodatidn wanted for adults and children Phone 3095 11114 UNFURNISHBD to room house wanted in Barrie vicinity Adults Apply Box 48 Barrie Examiner 11112111 APARTMENT Cottage or House wanted to rent by family of Ref erences supplied Also wanted to buy residential lot onoutskirts of Barrie must be cheap Apply Box 57 Barrie Examiner 11113115 FARM EQUIPMENT 1950 TRACTOR like new original cost $2200 for property or anything of equal value Box 177 Elmvalc 119111110 FORDSON TRACTOR and in Snoblow in good condition Ap ply Walter Sutton Shanty Bay JOHN DEERE Potato Digger power lift priced reasonable Blanchard Bros phone 82111 Al Iiston 351114115 FORD FERGUSON Tractor per fect condition Trade fur young pigs Part payment may be financ ed Box 62 Barrie Examiner 39114 Jo LOST Oct Phone 4285 TENDERS Rink for the ice season arily accepted CHESTER MARTIN SecretaryJreasurer Finder please call 3971 17114 Plastic rimmed Glass es inbrownleather case vicinity of St Vincent Pcnetang and Mul castcr Finder please phone 5762 17114 LOSTA reward is offered leading to information in the recovery of black female Persian cat dead or alive which disappeared from 70 Tiffin St on Saturday evening 17114 LOST Along Tollcodal Road Bing Hound months old named Sealed tenders will be accepted by the SecretaryTreasurer up to 69 Collier St Phone Ionic 2112 We tumult mutton no mammalian moon Ioms slums mow 1091c mmu Drop in to see your friendly metattlunfdellylml Hmnhrahlmmdk trtImel ammoImam HamilIraonqu 195$ mawA06513355335 lOANSSiSSSSS WWW LOANS $0$$S$$3$ FWD LW$S$o$$$S$ omnmImIIamraIuI Dre Ida1 have II 131 my Ian HIVI my ways 01m 111ml Martini III tantrumlieu 00 it ummmqmwm nungunman on clung sIoo 200 300 Niagara loan adviser Hell Anyone with reputation for handy cnd the ability to repay Up to $1000 somotlmol non Sometimes In 20 minutes villain hounonmosl loans There are many Niagara loan repays ment plus On loansof over $500 you may toko up to 24 months Special repayment schedules are arranged for lumen sdIooI toddnm etc No Niagara rates are reasonable look at tho dtort and remember that on loans up 1631000 life insurance is Included at no extra cost No Many Niagara friendly loom make it easy for you to get the Friendly Loon that suitdyou best Here are important facts for you about Niagara loans do not roquiuohdomuorhnnkoblo security You condo any of then for Niagara loan plum 0n con 1minolcI only one slam 0n husbandundwtagmm On business equipment 0n form stock ondoqvlprnd Yes your Interview otNlogorc be private courteous ond above III friendly few of durum omb coo end truck repolmlo repair ormd omize ho for sud lochfortllilor for forms and tolqu advertth of low prices when cash paid Yes family 1117 gray you MONTHLYPAYMINTS 2837 3783 472 564 7430 9140 4765 10770 4048 74 Malawiciviliame All solidotoo group of small 1101111335 meet special emergencies for car it to enlarge hump 333620 snore 75060 or 35 pm Oct 15 1952 for the renting of Goldwater Skating and Curling 195253 HIghest or any tender not necesso no so on smug as

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