um and was able to return to family mired 55 and Mm work Eliza wcek 3333 35 d7 if 0m tun oenhsts Assrst IEFROY any Henry on hr mm Ii383 Toroglm went the weeklccys Were Mr and Howard 3d 11 his v3 52 baby daughter lay Wreli at Glen liuntrrs Kelsey and gd Hit Mr and Mrs Glen Humor 11 Wetkczid vmmrs Mr andl im In mm Elk present or HO gm Mi bin Lumen entertained the team the wtddsrd gt wch and MI and Mrs BEEF W3ers Slid U1 Clurtn WA 911 Thumda Unug Church Shanks and in hum H05 nrjilfazmly pem him we With WTO vtuf Wight pridmgigam mmllmgd 31 me Churchim 31 cguson miner ax letters pacnl his arm Mrs mfg Mn 11 Lcltbliltf and Wally fh3rlzzs Webb lt 51 1x5 PM rad tor Scriptural 13 Wmmmmm 092 fouling mucn betum Mm Sturge liogg lomnt awn 3mm OTTAWA Scpt lllwtfunadu Willcnii haw best 1an lo lit But my and Mn mam Radio observed 09 1m Ct11 optra My and lls ll Shannon millcouplc to me disarm My ma VF add manic firsthand in Ministry of Soggy to 45le mungcu to Lump Thought Mm Paul 21le MN mu wagon spawn my to gig days Willi Steam HMImviomsfiitiiinPWYLomitIHHl 83 Names Shankz to 113 evesincreasingpreparation for me uzomzc wrap gaw mlmmub wading wmmggrw pair amt luik Plum Welt infill 5553 and ME T9120 733W IOU re I10 alone lstocr of atomic lowthis time iuaons trials off Allllfullll planned for mulch engoyed Mrs Multan for tin bazaar to tokc place tliwmdmg few d3 arm no rum mm FRIDAY 0cm gucsl of Mr and Mrs Gross church on Wetland Noun do ilgt3 Mr and Mrs Earl Shannon and lbw van Mr and mic meld of atomic weapons itnus autumn Mn Ll Dawes Vim Chairman The StlPFlliSli all mulliLczk of the the Vuz with Mr and he with Iorunto on Sunday xiv mt truck of Nuvrmbvr Agustin r5 1f 3xizz 11 ufttt 344 or old but on Lillddln 5C1 actitcly unpluytl 9311 illlUlib ma mm Lde WM 3051 We Mm pang gutting thgcpzzil cgkrlio ebb urza ll 110 all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Kcnl bb1 511v like You1g Md Am lCVu ii mes Suddenly Fhllgv mu humill mm will purlictpille as workingn Tm WMS mu hold mm October Webb of Babb 38 3de lcll un uy vtt ht illd Mm LN and 00mm wwkwn Thwkang Umber amtvfprxi Mrs Fahruic Vancouver BC and Mrs Lucas luclph vzsited lllt Sliimnon Port Credit Ll lt vacncu Rcueurch Board Defence RUSttiltll Board stuff zin dd fluids til so lh liuzrv Mm l3 Thompmn chu and of Clarkson Mrs part in the actual tcsta Mr Limi Mrs llmvul Juliar William Menmwaw let of vrrous scientific icon snowing in tlic The community was shocked to ibcar of the sudden death of Will iozu Mansbridgc Mrs Munsbridgc Lind family have the sympathy of ihe community Mrs Ann lLL NEVER MAKE gvfs at grgvrtcvczoui HM WA mCin ATtTBUT VJlSH Mum ALL voucooro AS THE Guam iuzm Gordon KtCNCD Allcnby and Edward ialtendcd the golden anniversary ton Wednesday Sept 24 of Mrs Allcnbys uncle and aunt Mr and Mis WJlium liuglns Collingtvuotl Mrs Ruse LMr and Mm jHLlb Norris Akron Ohio and lMiss Eva Cook Cuyuhogu Fall 0113 itivcs in the district spcnt day last week ghaothcrdnlow and sister Mr and EMrs Mumbcrson Mrs Now ibcrry returned home with her for the winter Quite number from here licntlcd the Barrie and Culling utlasuwcck with ruin ut Mr and and Mrs Harold Wuulnrr und But ty on Sunday Willi Mrs Duff rod moaning uwt for week EDENVALE Anniversary Services Largo congregations and lovely vczlthcr helped to make the Eden vulc anniversary svrvicca on Sun Him momomblv occasion Rev Burton llillsdulc preached two thoughtinspiring sermons Mrs Curl Borgstrom Brinmpton with bur chncsduy Willi their couzm Mrs Duvrd Duff llld Doug visited lll Toronto with Mr MUST BE GONG STAY MQ BUMSTE mount 00 SO ENJOY SHOULD BE HERE ANY MEETING WE PACEle CF MY PLFILS Mow NT tNlELLECTUAL WPEJCAH 955 1T LambEli n45 IT ALL THE WAY 1T9 LOTS OF In 11 probability you shared the same bus or streetcar this morning With other people who are planning to borrow money for one out of ocven Canldiam borrows each year So youre not alone in havind to borrow money to mcet In unexpected demand for ready cash it happens every day Ningara the home of the friendly loan will meet your med at just such time on these Alain you are not alone in your problem Your friendly Mozart counsellor is ready willing and able to help you You will like hi friendly manner his fast action in your bchalf If cash loan the answer you may occur up to $1000 lifeinsured at no extra cost Rates are modcmtc you can spread payments over ILL OUTSMAPT HIM WHILE HES in THE BATHROOMH wood Fairs last week linking for his subject in tho morn Miss Wilma McGlllicMV My ing Possibilities and in the and Mrs Boll Bub and Agneg Hun owning The Blind Mans Crccd ilhc local choir sang two anthems rmornzng and evening The mole Iquarlct gave selection at the informing service and Jim Rupert OAGWOODTHIS is THE THIRD AND LAST QME IM GOING TO GET you Go lED NEVER DARE GEI BACK IN BED AFTER ns BEEN MADE WVJ sunp solo ill the evening Mr and Mrs llurris Sage and family Sudliury spent the week good with Mr and Mr Sage wmssnsnu OMIJCISVSS ImmldIIICSSCFOHV W$C$IRSIL Itiitibiii nanny months The Niagara Finance Company has helped many If we can serve of you own neighbours you phone or come in to balance their budgets IAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LTD Slllllllll ill lllUSllIll mm nmmm ill The Wilson Building Phone 5533 Barrie MISSilttt rummv LOANS Itilitibbmb low 355535355 FRIENDLY LOANS 553883353 2494013me SSSSSSSS FIJLNDW LOAN t3$$$l$8$ PHENDU LOANS $$$$ll WAIT YALE TYPE URRYS 36 BAY FIELD ST Mr and Mrs llurold Gilchrist Land children Allislun Mr and iMrs Giffcn Strongvillc and Mz and Mrs Arthur Giffcn Sun nidule Corners visited the Giff cns on Sunday Mrs Mary McDonald visited rel julivcs in Stayncr lust week Mr and Mrs Albert Bellinger Collingwood and Mr and Mrs Hi Richardson Barrie visited on iSunduy with Mr and Mrs Maw also Mr and Mrs Cu1 bum Stayncr at Culhams Mrs Culliam at McNabbs Mr land Mrs Donald Giffen and Mr land Mrs Dobson Centre Ves lpm at Russell Maws Rev and ers Burton at Ward Good lfclloxvs Mr and Mrs Grooves Barrie at Maws ppovs YOURSELF roan GIVES YOU MORE BY FAR AT OWER cosr THAN ANY OTHER CAR IN 115 cuss lanaiins from lnastloeltatt new noun hurts It v13 gnome Advanced design bookd by experience gainedu buildin more V3 engines tliani initial ma mew combinedQHTegiw Drive it with your cboxce llcu bpllooql at our cost of three great dikes7w Automatic lggnamio along Overdrive or SyncbfofSilono Om whiteiiaiwitl drive on TIME ZMENT you Laqotfyolitjier LIKE maxsuuwW Itsbut of this worldlwm Fordwonmyheart the Iiiu time Isaw itand ll winner With me in every way mum VISIBILIIY can really see whom 13111 goingwithg sof much extra visibility all aroundand back ling up isjuejt ns eusyl 16 IT THAT CAN ram one or 114592 JOYEUX cessuauz an RDK your WHILES or ours me My vou WANT Peewas 17s Au RIoHT WITHME TAKE rr msv ILL ow vouA HAND some UPTHE STARS II AD $0ME uBETTlLDU IS HAVING mommy 9am 124er AND sue ASKEDME m4 wvnE vac