Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1952, p. 5

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wm Owmww EOR grRorERrv FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE Ba mu IOUN mp intMy decorated in village ofgdm throughout brick house driv smxnn 12 um WANTED FARMS FOR SALE PROPERTY WANTED mam good 103m gyBARN suit on Buddmunmue Ito slorc surplus trucks in for win EXAMINER wcnx POSITIONS WANTED ROOMED House with garagewo ACRE CARSON 71122 Shanty Bay Phone 4902 Barrie or mg shed hen house barn 361602 020371115 lilo16 3T5 Lila Imxgild 111n anly LARGF Hogs frmr Abpfyfaes 73 Run AV PM 57593311113 Mrs Sutton 1111121133 acres fall wheat 45 acres MOIShirer 3371124313 DLICII nw Hep 08le 5311 cleared miles from Barrical housework PW 30 9er Vallel Tax 35m 211 ROOM Brtck Bungalow tun530 34 mm mm gWANIED TO BUY house about gt know110w REAL ESTATE BROKER Ecrest School area hardwood oors gllmnyrooms Barrie central Mutt smwraph uh Tmih Tuwn WM baby He MAHOGANY MW 513 13313351 iheavy wiring hot 111 heating 3Wgreasonable and In good condi Imgrtigmgfiinijdglg Sifterks perJoggtxgiin 650 m7 TMH 8m pram Phone 0237 7111112l53 Inglewood Drlvc lorontomiece ham 11mm 5015 or applyg IEarly possession P11Iirxcwsitilau3 gm WWW TWWWW 4BURNER Electric sum 1111 Phone 111 1388 mmm mum Applicants will gm Maryst IsitwsrwglRUlT VEGETABLES Mgwwmmmmm please forward applicatIOns In 2042 2111 condition $80 Phone 5090 711218RANCH OFFICEn Bayem Stir ROOM House hardwood oorsispys AND Winter Banana Applcsyl SMALL LOT suitabie 8126110 Phone 4819 Banla Emma and ban price and 601 Pepper and Buttercup handwriting stating age office 5building summer cottage mar EXPERIMC km mm llerms arranged Call BruceISotIasb 10c Beets and Carrots 50c Barm 91956 b03911 01 W111 C00 15400135 Representative K911011300 qt Pumpkins So to 50c Green 151d 91121193 summer 6003119 301 mwmm Realtor phone 41189 Ill11221211383 35c 15 qt thrkins 51 111 33 Bar Emmmerx 33 ILarge Turnips 10c $1 102 Apply 01L SPACE Heater Apply More $61000OOD0W Payrge13UILDING AND House no tin38 Hayeld 51 211412113 Store Shanty Day Phone Or11$9500 fl 1mm Mme mhed Wednesday Oct Mrs Clarence 155 7112113 durum blocks from Five Points Allandale also 1913 dump 1111ch MW good water near APPLES FOR SALE Northern Upper duplex contains rooms and Apply Mr Miller 51h house past spy awning peewaukee Deli DOUBLE Burrellcd Shotgun Ap ply Harris Steele phone 5322 71121 commercial art and w111dow drossi rr upon for part 111111 work 80x 15 Barrio Exutmner 2412111 ROOM BOARD riencc and references PcrsonhlI liftervlews may be arranged Ap plicatlons will be received untIl tuber 11111 0C It BARRAND Clerk and Treasurer Dont let troublu plcgvc you Toke em all In mid 111cm alway is on onswcr To bo found in classied llll116 MA CMPORTABLE room with Donut 1cntlcm1n prIfcrrcd Phonc 2141 modern bathroom lower duplex Borden DRIVERSALESMAN Bprrie Metal Sclvage sperm price 33 Collier 8t TM COUCH must be clean and in good Required for lnrgc coopcrutne retail handling fccd fertIlIzchI farm machinery and supplies Goodt salary and benefits rural backI ground plus general store 51nd mill experience is desirable Please apply In wrttmg to PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT UNITED COOPERATIVES OI ONTARIO 28 Duke St Toronto 11122114 stead posi Wright Apply 11121131 lion Rcfcrcncc Cleaners URA SECOND My Shop has EpAcning for responsible salcsludy 110 StABarrie Apply 111 1108 and Bnrrtc 11101111 12 4111 wouldlch room rnlrdlly locutcd 111 C1111 35W Loftoy collect 12112 MONEY TO LOAN $2000 SECOND Mortgagc wnntcd Good security 11 running rule of interest Box 11 Barrie Examiner 11 111 112 WANTED $2100 on 1111 mortgage on 100 acre ment Apply Box 40 Home nmincr Accommodation Wanted f1rm Sound 1141 12 114 I3 OR ROOMS furnished want WOMEN minimum earning SSOWG to 350 per wcck hours cvcn1ngf FAMILY 01 Five or day Car Examiner EXPERIENCED Waitress over 18 good starting salary plus excellent working conditions Apply UnIted Cigar tore HOUSEKEEPER 2550 wanth while mother goes to hospttal young children Apply Mrs Rivett Phone 2069 1112113 AMBITIOUSAgcnt wanted to sell chicks in this district for well established hatchery Good remun eration Write Box 370 Elmtra for further Information 1111124 URGENTLY Needed strong cap able woman to cart for home and 2adults one an invalid not bed fast Good home for right person Apply 1191cnctang St after pm 1112 STENOGRAPHER required by large autodcalcrsh1p know ledge of bookkeeping would bcof assistance but is not essentIal When applying please supply cop ies of references andor names of former cmploycrs All appltca tlons wlll be held in stIIct conlld ence Apply Box 40 Bamc Ex aminer 112113WF WANTED asset Box 50 Barrie 112 00111 in Ecrcplromxnw furl hides feathers llve oultr etc fld de hvete lgtiir tru k5 wlll cu anyw ere theccouhty on request Phone 2983 or 820131 resldence 5306 Stayner 0812 or 0813 MAX PUSHKOFF CO Yard and omce 11h Tlln St 36814 ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For mm CAST METAL BATTERIES Industrial Iron Metal Yard and Offlce Elizabeth St Phone 81113 H111 LIVE POULTRY WI have special market for Poultry and can offer you the HIGHEST PRICES ANYWHERE SCRAP IRON Wu 5130 luv spcclal market for all kinds of scrap and can 11 HIGHEST PRICES ANYWH Femdalc See us for the best prices on hides feathers wool and horsehair FREE PARKING SPACE Our truck will call anywhere LEVITS TRADING Phone 2801 00119610116119 tlg condition Phone 13123 Lefroy 3112 ALL TYPESWagon and BushHOF one 0770 111121131 cquirc house or apartment with or rooms Ref crcnccs Phone 2251 VIPA11 ttccommridillion by couple with sons VUrg lngwog MFS BEHQSkoy wllqnziKrausc Hydraulic Tlllcr fl used URGENTLY REQUIRED furn only Apply 15th IOOIIISA Box 42 Billllt Examiner Adults 11112113 cut PhoncI IIIIJ Couch UNFURNISHED to room house wanted In Batric vicinity Adults Apply Box 48 Barrie Exu1nlnc11 11112 114 UNFURNISIIED or Ioomcd apartment wanted by business cou Box 47 BarrIc Ex plc in Barrie umincr ROOMED Apnrtm 11112 111 cut 11chch be fore Oct 12 furnished or partly furnished children or pets Phone GENTLEMEN good home Business couple 3895 11111 N1 113 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED Housekeeping room central Adults Phone 5082 15112 4459 APARTMENT suitable to share room cooked meals Phone 15112 for two working girls self contained cen tral Phone 480 Inn RR Stayncr 15112 ROOMS TO RENT Reasonable Phone 139 Wasaga Beach Wabokce 15110 112 ROOM and board or optional Phone 6730 warm and bright Room kitchen privileges 15112 114 FURNISHED Bedrooms without breakfast with 3150 411 Blake St phone 2504 LARGE room Suitable for two Phone 5027 15112 ROOMED Selfcontained apart man Private entrance Phone 4902 4ROOMED Unfurnished furnish Light heated 15110 Housekccping location central cd or 15211 Custom Bullt Mirrors ouse to error Resllverlng 01 garage 112 unfurnished DOGS PET STOCK DEER ROUND 3ycnrs guaran tccd Phone Miller 63 Mlncsing Vic 38112 FARM EQUIPMENT MILK HOUSE 7x10 coveted lined insulated Apply after Pratt phone Stroud 54113 pm 108 39112 ANDClover Screen for invegtIAIIIS Chalmers Combine Ex Brown phone 43111 Victor Stroud 311111112 1950 TRACTOR like new original cost $2200 for property or anythmg of equal value 110x 177 Elmvale 3111111113 WATER WELL Drillers 25 year experience in Barrle and District Quotations and advice on request without Obligation Son 029 IIurontarlo wood phone 318M Wright and 51 Cutting 393011 1944 FORD FERGUSON Tractor seasons Hydraulic used seasons 1938 stake body with rocks Graves Farm Equipman 305 Disc Plow Dodge lton 1938 Dodge Bros Ferguson Bayfield St North Barrio Phone 3533 39112 MISCELLAN EOUS HARRIS MAINTENANCE WASAGA Roofing Carpentry Painting Chimneys and Furnaces Cleaned and Repaired Covering Barrie to Wasaga and Surrounding Area FOR PRICES CALL WASAGA BEACH 78W AND REVERSE CHARGES 599 FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own noon Its euiy 0111 ncw RichSpeed Floor Sander doe cxcellnnt work Low rates Complete line of floor nishing materials palnts varnishes nhell acs tlllers brushes etc We sell everything needed tomato new floors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton 81 Phone 5200 591tfb HEARDS GLASS MIRROR rellable couple only $75 per month Store Fronts Bulltln Glass for all purposes Phone 3091 Apply Box 43 Barrie FURNISHED large St new home urst of car kitchen will prlvlleges buqlncss girl P110111 2007 15112 suit Very Phone 4710 or apply 172 ElIzabcth 15112 ROOMED Apartment in village of Mldhurst elcctrlcit Immediate osscsslon Mrs arvlni5Mltll ROOMED Apartment in Fern dale 2nd floor AbstalncrstPoss esslon immediately Grin Ferndale ROOMS heated unfurnlshcd ln Housekeeping privil eges Available immediately Phone 6718 after 0pm GARAGE suitable for winter stor 0150 small bedroofm or Bedroom suitable Examiner 15112113 extra central Apply Mr 15112 dbl4112112 107 Dunldp St 5971311 Barrie RADIO C7 TELEVISION REPAIR ALL WORK GUARANTEED BARBIE RADIO 22 Owen St 5100138 SERVICE Phone 72084 REUPHOLSTERING ship at moderae Pick Up $11000 up Completeandcom tentworkmanw rates Free Chestereld sets rebuilt MAYERI PHOLSTERY 50 Maple Ave Phone 2021 COAL AND woon Stove years old modern Phone 2072 after pm 7412113 We ACRES Ensllnge Corn also childs aluminum slide Phonc 2111 7112 1000 GALLON Fuel Oil Drum in excellent condition Phone 4197 after p111 7112 LARGE NEW Princess Pat Cook Stove excellent condition Phone 01r2I chroy 7111113 HIGHSTRIKERS 11319121111711 condition ertc Mrs HIggIns Bellc Ewart 7110112 PAIR or Girls Figure Skates size 13 alsocountcr top kitchen cup board Phonc 2052 7112 COMBINATION Radio Record Player excellent condition plus 14 records $05 Phone 3314 7112 GREY COAT with black velvet collar red shortie coat black fur coat Size 1416 Phone 3900 711211 RADIO TUBE Tcstcr car radio and heaters clarinet and case 22 rifle What Offers Phone Elmvnle 34J 7111113 DOUBLE BARREL Shotgun and single 36inch barrel in good con dition 150 Essa Road Allandalc Phone 4345 7112 UNIFLEX CAMERA NO 11 with flash gun 2Vx2V negatlve size 620 or 120 roll 111m Brand new Phone 5758 70ltf BELT SANDER almost new takes Wide belt in steel carrying case New price $8450 for $60 Robinson Hardware 7112113 McCLARY RANGE cream color burns wood or coal warming closet good condition with new bricks Phone 6058 7112 BUGS Broadlobm Save up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and dlscarded clothing Newest shades Phone Barrie 2706 74513 BARBER CHAIR Kokcn Mirror Cabinet Towels and miscellaneous equipment Must sell immediat 1y Write or phone John Neill vale 71111113 BLANKETS AND Car Robes for your old woollens Free catalogues and price list on request Fromley Textiles Rear 78 St Patrlck St Toronto 7106tf 3030 CARBINE Winchester with full buck horn rear sight and ivory bead front some shells and case Wally Barber RR Stroud phone Stroud 54115 7112113 DEWALT Radlo Arm Saw 119 hp in excellent condition throughout Motor completely overhauled In spect at The Bull Plenlng M111 76 Hayfield SL Barrie 7112 GREEN Toneontone BrOadloom Wilton rug 9x12 just cleaned ex cellent condltlon Too small for present owner Very reasonable Phone 2059 after pm 7112 TAPESTRY Cotcred Chestereld reversible springfilled cushions large chair to match perfect con dlt on $80 Can be seen at 176 Elizabeth St Phone 4123 7112 WALNUT China Cablnet3 shelves and glass door full width llnen drawer in bottom In good condi tion Alsojacket heater Ilke new Both reasonable Phone 2009 7112 GIBSON Spanish Guitar model L7 natural ftnlsh cxcelleht con dltlon This instrument wlth case cost $320 new W111 sell for $235 cash Apply 148 Penetan APARTMENT Slze Monitor Elec DILWREhcr520Anthuewalnut bed 515 dining room table and sideboard $5 trunk $1 oak bench and other articles Phone 22 7112 SIZE lbwNylon gray semlgfor contains rooms and very modern bathroom and kitchen Separate cntrances coal furnace large gpr den space Immediate powesston of lower duplex TERMS ARRANGED Full price $5500 Solid brick country home acres of land number of fruit trees T11e kit chen bedrooms large 11v1ng room oil heating Located miles from Barrie Off No 11 Highway towards Toronto $400000 Down Paymen tllll price $14000 New brick bun galow full basement oll heating hardwood floors picture window brick garage large spacious lot blocks from Codrington 51 School Possession arranged to suit purchaser FARM $10000 Down Payment Full price $20000 127 acres of clay loam brick house contains Iooms bedrooms dining room living room and kitchen blso storeroom Double garage with cement oor Good barn and large hen house heavy wiring thmugh out 90 acres of workable land rest is light bush creek running thrOugh Located miles from Bar rie off No 11 Highway towards Toronto For information about the above ilistlngs contact Russell Carson Rep OBOYLE Real Estate Broker 22 Bayfield St Barrie Dial 4849 16112 HARVEY CO LIMITED WHVITEV STUCCO Bedroom Bungalow with No oak floors tiled isink etc Nicely landscaped lot New school area years Old Owner moving to city Under NHA nance plan Full price $9750 ROOM BRICK Not new but well built and in extrd good repalr1 Large lot and garage N1c lawns and garden Desirable Ituatlon This home 15 ready for possession $3500 will handle ROOM BRICK Nearly new with hardwood oor lng up and down lovely lawns and extra dee garden lot with plenty Of shru bery small fruIts etc Levbl lot on level street Owner moving out of town Priced reasonably for quick turnover ROOM BUNGALOW With bedrooms NO oak oor lng nearly new immaculate throughout immediate possession NHA financing $3500 needed to purchase NEW SIDING rooms extra large bedrooms orced air heating Kitchen at rout with corner windows Large plcture wlndow in Iivmg room Extremely welbbuilt and flpest materials and fmlsblngs Codnng ton School area ROOM BRICK Nearly new strlctl modern with attached garage10 ft frontage air condltloning Wllll oil Nlcely landscaped Immedtate possession Full egrlcc sluooomwltbwtermsar rang lst overhead bridge on Highway 1610th BLACKSMITHS $1103 on corner lot with or withOut joining land also acre lot frontage on Con Oro Both lots located In vallagc of Shanty Bay Mrs Fred Day Shanty Bay phone 158 Oro 16110112 ROOM Bungalow years old 2111 modern conveniences miles south of Barrie on No 11 High way close to school Full price 57800 No reasonable down pay ment Mused Phone Stroud 47r13 16111113 STOREY BRICK dwelling dup lex three upper ve lower plus bat rooms hardwood floors oil heating Immediate possession of lower apartment Terms maybc arranged Slcssor Owner Clapperton SL Barrie 1010th MODE Bungalow bedrooms full basement oak floors heavy wiring electric hot water tank hot air heating built years walls 011 painted East end near school Terms arranged Price $9750 Poss ession to suit purchaser Phone 3292 16112113 ROOM INSUL Brick house on large lot with garage bedrooms living room dining room and kit chen 2plece bath downstairs In sulatcd heavy wired with Moffat coal and electric range and tons of nut coal included in purchase price Full sized cement basement Located near stores and CNB Stu 11011 on good residential street in Allandule Immediate possession May be seen anytime Price rea sonable Phone 3428 or 4057 16112118 wOOD r011 SALE Hardwood Softwood Slabs and Hardwood Slabs Sawed any length Deliv ered Dennis Moran phone 2907 6107112 PERSONAL DAINES ROCK STEAM BATHS Edgeblll Drive Barrie Sclentic Reducing and Arthrltlc Treatment 10 am till 10 p111 Dally Appointment Phone 81411 Saturdays for men only reserva tions not necessary Open from 10 am 10 pm 3073 It 31mm Wldow deceased All persons having claims against AUTOMOBILES CASH FOR YOUR CAR Wewmbuyyourcnplyoff what you owe on It End give you cash for the balance sat HONEST JOE Cross Town Motors 2211 13111110111 St man we 1311401 USED CAR VALUES 1949 Hillman Sedan 1941 Ford Coach radio and heater 1934 Dodge Sedan MOTORS 17 Iowan Phone 4837 13112 32 PONTIAC PARTS Phone after pm 6743 13112 1938 PLYMOUTH Coupe good con clous also Plums and Pears Fulli IMCCIUII Ia Townshi miles 51m program med om Pnpeszcasf 2gml1csiy north of quvcrley right No Saturday sales Prckmngumon sale of farm eck my begms Harvey Bmmiplcmcnls including tractor and Mansfield owner of Irelan Or tractor equipment and some house SEardS 29 Hw lhold effects Terms cash hacc AUCIIODCI 110112 CHICKS 3Friday Oct Ken Burrows Lot Con Essa Township Alllstt KELLY CHICK HATCBERY Auction sale of farm stock imp GOVERNMENT APPROVED 1mcnts and household effects Sale Now that egg prices are at prom 111 1230 pm Rutledge Auc making level we are pleased tOIllomLL 011 announce that we have numbernunday Oct Mrs Mac Con of started pullets on hand Ages Smut NH Lot Con Innis mulling from 10 to 16 weeks on NO Hi Itllway auction 65 Clapperton St Barric Dale of form stock Implements Phone 2320 Mind household cffccts Sale at blocks north of the Five Pofnuipm TermS mm Spruule 24 Auctioneer 106198111112 183mm The estate Of the Ste Mrs Margaret Jamieson urric Strect Village of Thorn Ire booking chicks for fall delivery ton auction sale of household furn now iturc and effects Sale at p111 Chlcks from Simcoe Countys Lar EST Terms cash Slessbr gcst Breeder Hatchery HatchingIAuctionccr 109113 year round Wednesday Oct Walter Muir GILMORES POULTRY BREEDING FARM Lot 27 C011 Essa auction sale of farm stock implements tinclud 60 Penetang St Phone 2735 Barrie 240111 111g tractor and household effects LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Sale at pm EST Terms cash WEANED PIGS and Chunks Ap Slessor Auctioneer 108113 Wednesday Oct 15 Oliver And ply Ernest Bell Gilford 9112 15 CHUNKS also sows to new miles west Of Elmvale Auc tIon sale of farm farm stock and freshen soon Jack Kell Stroud one mile west of St Pauls 9112 implements hay and grain Sale at 130 pm Terms cash MVA Trace Auctioneer 112115116 YORK MALE Hog year old Sow pigs weeks Old also steel twin laundry tubs Phone 815r12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 9111113 WANTEDAll types wagon and IN THE ESTATE of Gertrude Louise Williams dcceasetlu bush horses Must be clean sound over years Phone 5297 Apply All persons having claims ag the estate of Gertrude Louise 1ams late of the Town of Ba 11 McAuIey 211 Elizabeth St the County of Simcoe wido Barrie 9109114 who died at Barrie aforesaid on or about the 7th day of July 1952 are TAMWORTH Boar suitable for service Apply tO Harold Palmer requiredAto le particulars of the same With the undersigned Ex phone Home 2119 On Highway ecutor on or before the 20th day No 26 mile west of Midhurst Station 9112113 of October 1952 after which date her estate will be distributed hav HEAVY TEAM of horses and years Old make good bush team lug regard only to claims Of which Tamworth Boar years old Ap the cxecutor shall then have not ice ply James Reid Phelpston Phone Elmvale 3121 9112 Dated at Toronto Ont Septem bel 11111 1952 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Bertram Hugh Williams 188 Parkview Hills Crescent Toronto 13 0111 Executor by one Mal In the Estate of BEATRICE LOUISE BOTHWELL late of the Town of Barrie In the County Of one and Montgomery 25 Bay St Toronto Ont his Solicitors 1061121 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GW pulsuant to the Trustee Act 1113 all Creditors and others having claims agalnst the Estate of ELIZ ABETH McDONALD late of the Town of Barrie in the 011th of Slmcoe Widow Deceased ivho diedOn the 16111 day of April 1952 are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the22nd day Of 00 tober 1952 after which the Ad ministratrlx of the Estate will dis tribute the Assets of the Estate hav1ngregard only to the clainfs of whlch she shall have hotter and Will not be responsible for any others STEWART ESTEN Solicitors for the Admini trati 109115w the Estate of Beatrice Louise Bofhwell deceased who died on or about the 17th day of May1952 are notied to send to the under s1gned on or before the 23rd day of October 1952 their names and addresses and full particulars Of their claims and the nature of the securities if any held by them Immediately after the said 23rd day of October 1952 the assets of the said deceased will be distribu ted among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the clalms of which the Executor shall then have notice Dated the 23rd day of Septem ber 1952 GLADSTONE CURRIE 97 Dunlap StdBarrie Ont Solicitor for the Executor 11241701 AUCTION SALE FARM MACHINERY Saturday0ct7 II 1952 lpwnj Various makes and models of tractors plows 11111115 ators corn equipment manurcspreaders seed drills elm Some newrmachlnery demonstratcrs will be Offerd 0114111qu 111111 1111111115 International Harvester Parts and Service ROOM HOUSE completely 1qu nished centrally located Abstnm ers must have references Apply Box 41 Barrle Examiner 15112113 MW LARGE BRIGHT room 111 modern home central Housekeeping fut nlshed optional Sultbblc for bust hel persons Phone 3644 15112113 FURNISHED Bungalow modern eulfment first class winter roads wanted Must be clean sound over5 ears Phone 5297 Apply 11 cAuley 271 Elizabeth 81 Bart1e 3109114 Routm 100 PULLETS la lng Orderstak grrumba one Letroy 311011110 141121111 WavMWImI Roaatcru 11111111 to lay L1 ht Sua Hampnhlres and Rec 11 Mrs Sc 311131 011 No Beez Phonehector 5611 141101 dition and appearance Reasonable price Phone 3900 13101 52 METEOR Coach 2tone 6000 miles perfect condition Phone Camp Borden 99012 13112114 10503LACK AUSTIN Sedande ll ilgower Prim Form mcifwdmam 01171111175611 PORT PERRF Corner 435m 112 HigIIWRys mal gown worn once new green and brown tweed sult new yollow Ex and brown sllk 2plece dress new tweed skirt Several other dresses WELL DdGGING Phone 32114 7112 an GRAHAM FLOWS sales demon SEPTIC TANK atratlon and picnic availablcfor INSTALLATION custom work For Cservlce phone phenom may Cralg Hunter 5810 Hunters Poul 5402413 try Farm StrandDealers 1n 71Frost fence fertilizer Muster feeds and In DRE SIMAuNG andh 211110115 farm supplies 7105124 urnace or at mon 1101 58 0138 VeI 01 00 ADDING MACHINES ewrlt illswagering 5961 ers and Cash Registers 1N and gv FURNACESAND Chimneys eam used Sales Rentals and Be airs Dlstrlct cute form 111 and em frgan 2342 05 Bowman and $100 Ragnd Slmcoe yBuslncsc Ma 5103122 Res 60 Tcronto Street Bafrte EXPERIENCED in dressmaklng Phone 4824 71021 and alterations 153 Peel St or phone 3665 Ahmad 43 FARGO Panel Truck 7003 lites 4951ate modelFord Trac FURNACE AND Chimney Clean tor $7 Goat mllklnf 17 scrap mg and puking $0311 modem lumber post and Tale $5 equipment Call ARMANI 5110118 AfiHARVEY 8E CO LIMITED REAFESTATE 13110me 91 10pr ST mum Phone 8920 Evenings 9090 or on FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 16112w SMALL HOUSE and lot winters lzcdr Apply Mrs Saunders Ferndale 18112 81100 CEMENT House 111 Le froy urnace would rent James Oxford Leftoy 18112 FIVE ROOM NHA BungRIOWIr$ bedrocmsoak oorl ttlc kltchen roadbulltlu 1931 Phone 8851111 6911111 the ear Apply Shanty ay jcrdrmlnltpum75c an 11 word minimum IIIIc Wm er load electrlc refrigerator 45 5111124 Until Frlday nlght only W801 119 crctghurat phone 845104 7112 EAVESE 0001111100 and Cement vale salerPhone 13112 1930 DESOTO Sedan excellent 116 am 13112113 vlllnlof Methinks gmtly Rllshbdrbyfam animals It 1931 CHEV 90M db9110 hardware or mixed with xnln or routhjroea Tm5agenrmnfsfliihu WWW an only In Its 5111151111111 human or 1111 ughtoemgvclucrappmh In mg of corn wheat or 1111 333031 8233a 11g Sm 11 mfeeditnolmn YOUR rucucosrms 111m 309 mm 111111 is sou Waon fmwrs IIIti 48 are 11111111 numerous LISLE rotihouse Inside toilet cw you 1mg Erggezf at mmsiau rd Reasonable Box 21 1131 IIIdubs hum AT $211 ea heater recently overhauled Pri mechantcal condition overdr ve MW nemymommas me mod and tires excellent sealedtbemn nonfat by than ms is mews 11111311 11111131101112 Aux As Wal 111 new CHOICEBUIIGIIII 1101 on Toronto mm mmpmhm Arrivalotcarlots as 1003 Filmed oak Dlnln room 21133111300301 21113111 lulle would consider selllngg sep microlm 11m butting 540 311118 location for pic ure window Phone lyle drel 2211 310112113 phone 5717p acutely 5plece 10118011 11 nor with large ovalmirror walut veneer nish Stee HILLSDALE 10 mllel fromBu Mylo ammo211 and 51 overlooklu ravine Desirable at or WING 33 TENDERS pa and ma Sealed tenders will uncoupled oll heat but W010 lava on bythe Secretaryhlreasu or up decorate flu but Mum 91m 101 not and complct of Col waterbkatlua and Carlin cums Ink or the ice season 1900 111110111 31511031 or any lender not nceine window 01 or It Recent kltehcgtg mat Tie 111 painted white Princels With rln rte room house In the vlll cof 311W TTR 10111119 1101111 W111100118

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