Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1952, p. 4

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mm mm 1952 oi Round of res Here mallan veteran divot digger who holds dozenVCounty of Simone titles and the Northern Ontario championship to in some 80 years of golfing on Saturday came up with his finest game of the season to win the Sparham Trophy at Barrie Country Club Pinyin in showery weuthcr which was not at III conducive to good golf Dyment carded 73 just three Over pair on the tricky Bar rte course The feature of his per formunce however was that he bed to shoot that figure to win and was playing under pressure for every one of IS holes This was handicap competition and Ken Baller had come in with 364 net befort Dymcnt started To win the old pro hes just in the first couple of years of life begins at +0i knew he had to card 63 to win Thats when golf gets tough Almost Perfect Golf llymenl played almost perfectly in the wind and rain and richly deserved his score of 73 less 10 handicap which comes down again to near the figure of his youthful yearsl Lets not lzrke any credit away from Balkwill Here is new golfer this year one of the CGE Barrie Works members who fired gross less 33 handicap for his sec ondplace GI net Another handicap due for lowering Dymeni parer most of the holes had several birdies and bit of trouble with bogcys Always long ball hitter this round he had con trol of his approaches which have cost him many strokes to younger players in recont years There have been no better 18 holes played this year on the local course He was 3738 for two rounds 5mcpstakes Winners In connection with the SporhamZ competition which attracted 45 cnl tries Charlie Kcarsey club pro ran sweepstakes and tile winnch of The bowling for me menS town prizes were First flight Dymcnt 63 Harry Reid 69 Brown 72 Second flight Gord Needhnm 65 Jack Rodgers 73 Dr Hassomc poor ones were recorded In left 73 Third flight Balkwill 64 No mu Difnnxr GROUP sleaguc got under way with an ex fccllent turnout for the first night iMondoy Some good scores and group the Rangers and GM lRockets made clean sweep over lBell Telephone and Dixies Smoke Barrie VFaireGets Off To Bad Start Golf Club Dinner Concludes Banner Season Banner year in the histo of Local Course ry of Barrie Country Club was recognized Saturday night at the annual dinner and dance when prizes were presented to winners of the golf events Presiding was President Fred Norris Following the sumptuous buffet prchrared by Mr and Mrs Sim Thompson club stewards Mr Norris pointed out that the course was in best shape ever During 1952 your directors purchased lot of good equipment he stated en ough for the next 10 years and we can be sure the greens and fairways will get progressively better He voiced appreciation for assist ance given by his directors at lot of meetings and lot of work and extolled the club pro Charles Kearsey for his interest in the course and players This year pro duced the greatest membership in history There was lot of enthus iasm and lot of competition Ef forts of Captain Cliff Brown were also much appreciated in look ing ziftcr liandicpps and games President Norris congratulated the ladies section on having won the County of Simcoe championship for second straight season and to Mrs Corby for bringing the county ladies title to Barrie Mrs Arthur McKenzie president Of the ladies section reviewed some of the years activities This included purchase of new furniture for the club lounge Money was raised in various ways social nights and competitions but the ladies did appreciate having assistance from the directors in their projects Prizes Presented Mrs Smith whose late husband was former club presid ent and captain for number of years presented the ladies cham pionship cup to Mrs Roy Smith Runnerup was Mrs Boys Mrs Harold smith won the consolation with Mrs Wiedman was runner ma JOhmon 69 Gilmore 69Shop respectively Bob Mallionup Divide Junk Skaters Into Two Classes Junlor membership in the Barrie Skating Club that Is be tween the Ages of and 12 In clusive was closed off last night when 160 cards were Issued by the committee This 13 about 40 more than was untlclpatcd but It has been decided to alv Idc the jurtlonlnlo two groups Accordingly the age group to will get instruction on Monduy between and pm while thosefrom to 12 years will be on Thursday from to p111 That will divide the class about evenly If these hours conflict with my prevlous com mitments such as music lesson etc on alternative might be ar ranged In some cases by con tacting Mri Edythe Redmond VENERABLE DOCTOR ST JOHNS NdtCPlCon gratulalions poured in on Dr RobertsrCBEulon his 75th birth superintendcnt of Grace Hospital he now is enjoying day Former retirement at Topsail New Low Price on CW gloom we gt To SKATING lpaccdThc Rangers with 320 single and 742 triple while Harvey Peach man led Rockets to victory Brass and Glenn Barrie Tanning No Allandale Drugs and Copaco all Mrs Roy Smith had double honor this year winning also the Rees Cup for handicap competition Mrs John Ough was runnerup Consolation was captured by Mrs Grounds Drenchocl mun wms SPAIIIMBE Continued from page one Sheer In the Leicester Lincoln Cow wold sheep classes Murray and Sons Creswell took uncon tested first in all seven sections With double entries in sixof these they also took the second prizes Boyd Ayre Hampton was the top exhibitor In the Suffolk class taking five firsts two seconds and one third prize Only other con testant in this class was Tasker Grant Stayner who had two first placings four seconds and three thirds Lloyd Ayrc Bowmanville took top honors in the Southdowns with total of sever firsts five seconds other exhibitor and one third Reynolds the in this class had two seconds and four thirds Placing was quite close in the Shropshire class with Harold Skin ner and Son Tyrone taking four firsts and Crawford Minc sing taking three firsts Skinner also had three seconds and three thirds while Crawfords other plucings were four seconds and rhrcc thirds Harold Skinner and Son Tyrone nad four firsts in the Oxford Down class with the closest runnetwup out of three other exhibitors being Robert Coates Crccmore who had two firrts Only other entrant to take first placing was Brclhel and Sons Tottenham There was also close margin in the Hampshire judging with FRED NORRIS Jack Nixon were Winners with and Mrs Ramsay as runnersvupln the consolation the Jack Oughs were first and the CharlieyScag rzuns runnersup Mens Championships Cliff Brown presented the Wnds worth Cup for mens club champ ionshipIo Jack Nixon with Harry Reid receiving big hand for rum norup on account of his fine 36 liolc effort in the final and also because he was second in two other events this year The Battle Cup was presented by Mrs Battle for handicap play to Doug Ramsay with Reid being nun Derup The Ferguson Cup for mens two ball was won by Jack Rodgers and Fred Andcrton with Harry Reid and Roy Bradley as runnersup William Dymcnt was awarded the Sparham Trophy with Ken Balkwill as runnerup Special priz es in this event were won by Mike Kowcinak Tony Casscls and Derry took five points leaving the other Harold Smith with Mrs Allen Graysmth four teams with two Rangers GM Rockets Barrie Tanning No Copaco Brass Glen Allandalc Drugs Lakevlew Dairy 32 cm Browns Webb BrosLs Sandy Cove Golfers Bell Telephone Dixies Smoke Shop High three Vern Sharpe 807 High single Bob Mallion 320 GROUP and Bokars and Legion are Trophy for husband and wife com time in the early thirties He Wing off to good start each taking sev cn points whitewashing Cbryslers and Barrie Examiner Londry Mot ors tried hard to make clean sweep bulRCAF 13X were too much for them in the first game so they had lo settle for 52 count Plymouths lost the middle game to Barbers by only two pinsor they also would have had seven points Chicks Mens Wear with lot of new blood in the team is settling down to good steady years bowl ing taking the Telegram this week 52 Hydro are in true form tak ing five from Finlays BA Boklirs chion lChicks Mens Wear Plymouths Hydro Londry Motors FinlaysBA Barbers lToronto Telegram IRCAF 13x Chryslch Barrie Examiner High lbrcchill Par 740 IllghcinglanillrParr 281 chuNNNNwW wwNNNNHuccr cowamwwmwwaav as runnerup Ferguson Trophies new trophy this year was pre sented by Julian Ferguson MP for Simcoe North for ladies two ball match and the winning pair were Mrs George Dangerfield and Mrs Harold Smith gt The John Rogers Cup formixed WnMmiwauwon by melsm=Dougias Ramsay Runnersup rwere Jack Rodgers and Mrs Corby In the Rogers consolation Jack Corby and Mrs Ray Livingston were winners with Dr Fred McDowell and Mrs Harris runnersup Jack Corby presented the Corby petition and this year Mr and Mrs Male Golfers Bar Females One Aflernoon Saturday afternoon the male members of Barrie Country Club are staging something 21 ther unique and courageous It will be stag party and It Is expected that every man who holds membership ticket will be on hand shortly after 130 pm to take part In 18 holes of golf In which the course will not overrun The fortitude mentioned bove stems from the notice sent to all males about the after noon ll read In largo type NOTADIES WELCOME The club pro Kearney and club captain Brown would like all entries In by FH day night There will be re freshments and food of course on Saturdaybut no women Minutes Dr James Veitch was at the piaho for the dancing which followed the banquet and presentation Dick Mairise Dies AI Timminsw Formerly Ofrlbs Dick Mansell well known in sports circles died yesterday in lhospital at Timmins after long illness Until short time ago he was sports editor of the Timmins Press Mr Mansell lived in Barrie for brother of Mrs Geoffrey Jones of Barrie Funeral will be In Timmins tomorrow under Legion auspices Mr Mansell had been active in sports circles in Toronto for 25 years For two years he was pre sident of West Toronto Baseball League IIWO years secretary of the gtToionto Amateur Baseball Associ ation and in 193537was special events director for the Torontp Maple Leaf Baseball Club In 194344 he was manager of the Canadian Army Dagger hockey team in the OHA senior hockey loop He was president of the Can adian Bowling Association in 1936 and was an honorary life member In Timmins he served as sports editor of the Daily Press was Nor them Ontario field representative for the Canadian Baseball Congress and was scout for the Boston Braves Baseball Club In June 1951 he was elected elec ted president of Timmins Progres sive Conservative Association after serving year as vicepresident top prize winners in Glaspell Bowmanvillc taking four firsts and Wiilrnott Mcl ton The pair were also close in the second and third placings Willmott taking four seconds and three thirds and Glaspcll taking three seconds and three thirds Mark and Son Little Bri tain ran away with the honors in the Dorset Horned class taking five firsts to two firsts secured by Kettle Braccbridgc Kettle however had total of six second placings while Mark only manag ed to secure two such placings Boyd Ayre also ran away with the top prizes in the Cheviots ink ing seven firs placings in the seven sections Walson Kctllcby although taking five second plac ngs was unable to register one win in the class Grain Small Seeds and Field Crop Competitions Carl Peacock of Stayner Eugene Smith of Utopia and Harold Bryce of Stayner were among the the grain Small seeds and field crop com petitions Peacock took first prize in the winter wheat with Max Craig Craighurst in second place and Lorne Handy Barrie third place Other prize winners in the wheat section were Eugene Smith Joe McLean Barrie RR Harold Bryce Henry Kanis hlpston RR Elwood Jerry lavner end GordOn McArthur Stayner RR Clarence Dunlop Stayner RR was tOp barley exhibitor with Pea cock taking second place and Smith winning third prize in the section Also in top positions were McAr thur Enter Stoltz Alliston and larEnce HSmith Utopia RR Peacocks second first prize of the day was in the geaver oats sec tion with McArthur taking second prize and BI Jennett of Ivy in third place Other winners were Harold Bryce Elwood Jerry and George Soules Stayner RR Eugene Smith was top man In the Ajax oats Section with Clar ence Smith Gordon McArthur and Lorne Handy in other top posi tions Carl Peacock Harold Bryce and Gordon McArthur were top prize winnersin the peas section and Lorne Handy and Carl Peacock shared the top prizes in theDAV grain McArthurs corn entry took first prizewith Peacock and Smiles in second and third place Eugene He served five years in the Can adian Army with therank of RSM Surviving are his wife Helen one son and one daughter Smith was top winner in the red clover with Harold Bryce Cari Peacock and McArthur other prize winnefs Bryce and Eugene Smith were top winners in the timothy section and Harold Bryce was the only prize winner in the AOV cloversand grasses The best exhibition sheaf was en feted by Car Peacock wrth close competition from Elwood Jerry Gordon McArthur and Harold lBrycs Peacock took first prize with his Wheat and was in fifth andsixth positions with his barley and oats Pcacocks cnsllage corn sheaf al so won him top award trailed by Soules and Gordon Clark and Sons of Shanty Bay The Master Feeds special for best exhibit in grain went to Carl Pea icock Garfield Kerr was awarded the title of champion oat producer for L952 In Slmcoe County and Murray Warnica with total of 91 points 18 the champion barley producer The results were announced by Davis inspector of the produfc tion service plant products Divis ion Barrie in reporting the results of what was considered one of the nosl outstanding field crop com petitions held in the Province of Ontario under the sponsomhip of the Barrie Agricultural Society There war 11 competitors in the oats competition and nine coni petilors in the barley competition Although the field scores in the receiving three first awards Coulsm and Morris Darby RR in competition in seed potatoes was not completed Garfield Coulson Utopia RR placed first in the exhibit at the fair In other top positions were Francis Shannhan Barrie RR Harold Wright Shallv ty Bay and Gordon Bidwcll RR Shanty Bay Special Hay Show Banting Thornton Joe Mc Lean Barrie RR Gordon Mc Arthur Stayncr RR and Carl Peacock Stnyner RR were top prize winners in the Special Hay Show at the fair Bantings first prize was in the mide hay class with Gordon Clark and Sons Sharin Bay in second place and Carl Peacock placing third McLeans entry took top prize in the alfalfa class with Banting sec ond and Clark and Sons in third place In the loose hay class McArthur was in topplacc with Peacock and Max Craig Barrio RRI taking sec ond and third prizes with their on tries Peacock look first prize with his entry of chopped hay with Gerald Rattle Guthrie RR plac ing second Potatoes Clarence Smith and Eugene Smith of Utopia Frank Elphick Utopia RR Max Craig Garfield Wav erley were top prize winners in the potato classes Clarence Smith took top prize in Try charm of pace In your at Ster for Fall STEDSON 595 795 ADAM 895 85 1095 Stephens The Store for Men 15 Elizabeth Street Opp Wellington Onob the Write section with Eugene Smith in second place and top prize in the Irish Cobbler section with Eugene Smith will placing second In the Chippewa section Frank Elphick took first prize with Eu gene Smith Henry Kant and Clarence Smith taking other top prizes Ellphzcks Katahdin entria also took top prize with Max Craig Garfield Coulson and Frin cis Shanahan latring other top plac rugs and Coulsons entries were first prize winners in the Sebago section with other top prizes going to Morris Darby Elphick and Mary Kitchen of Stayner Vegetablea Henry Kunis Marshall Chant lcr 28 Donald SL Barrie Allen Blake St Barrie Max Craig Car Peacock and Gordon McAr fhur were top prize winners in the vegetable sections Kaois was lop vegetable exhibi tor with sevcn firsts in beets early cabbage Savoy cabbage pumpkin green Hubbard squash pepper squash and collection of vegetables and also took four second prizes The other top exhibitor was Mar shall Charitler with firsts in ball hcud cabbage cauliflower celery table corn and red peppers in ad dition to three second prizes Other tOp vegetable exhibitors were Max Craig with firsts in mul tiplier onions narsnips and yellow darwcrs onions and four second prizes Carl Peacock with firsts in Spanish onions red seed onions and tomatoes and two second priz is Allen look first prizes in the carrots and green peppers and Gordon McArthur took first prize with his summer radishes Second and third prize winners were Frank Elpiiick and Mrs Flock Barrie fruit growers made an ex about showing at the fair with top prizes in firm apples section divided mam Flock 171 St Vincent St Barrie Walter Humphreys 29 Sunnidale Road Barrie Allen and Gordon McArthur Humphrey exhibits took firsts in the McIntosh greening wealthy delicious and snow sections win ning eight firsts in all and three second prizes Flock apples were first prize Winners In the Wolf River and cooking sections and first prizes were taken by the Bar rie fruit growers pears in the Flemish Beauty or Bartlett section and by Flock plums Mrs Flock also won four sewnd prizes in the fruit show Entries of Gordon McArthur took five firsts in the Tolman Sweet St Lawrence and dessert variety apples and first prize in the peers section McArthur fruit exhibits also took four second prizes Alien took first in snow apples and Mary Kitchen took second prize with her plum en tries SACRILEGE Travellers on the Queens Hlthy No II npprouhtn westwunl turd by sunrise were greeted by sight of re cumbent spinal bearing the Insignia known oer the coun tryslde field sombre with bar sinister plump animal for sooth who bardin Ind ventur ed nigh CIVIIIIIUOII In the pre cincts of Burton in the Avenue Gadzooks doth the unluul world spire to an nbodc In our great city List of the Very 51 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE 50 CHEVROLET SEDAN 50 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 50 VANGUARD SEDAN 50 roan SEDAN 50 PONTIAC SEDAN 49 DODGE SPECIAL SEDAN looks like new Very good buy 1951 EJIIIalllll Scrum looks like new Very good buy AND AT PRICES TO PLEASE YOU Bradford SI PHONE 5355 49 MONARCH SEDAN 49 VANGUARD SED 48 DODGE 7PASS SEDAN 48 CHEVROLET SED 47 PLYMOUTH SED f41 DODGE 7PASS SEDAN 41 DODGE SEDAN 46 MERCURY SEDAN 46 HUDSON SEDAN LOWER PRICED PREWAR MODEL 1942 Buick Sedanette 1941 Dodge Club Coupe 1939 Ford Coupe 1936 Chevrolet Sedan 1938 Dodge Sedan 1938 Dodge Coupe 1936 Buick Sedan 1934 Plymouth coach 47 DODGE EXPRESS V2 ton 38 FARGO PANELlg ton trillion 11111 Illl CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO Do you have Ocold Mechanicall room playroom office Glassheot the new electrical mdiontheatis the answer to your problem croutons1commis hour you dIretly from the gloss Like the sun If recombining heat imiraionjof Gloss beat extremely simple 59 QOIIQIYN WWW cepted belied the new Glossbeot irisuprihowibmu my fuelssz lt lililllill lllfiliit ii it

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