Wu museum 3m 24 1952 Mrs Tolion Enters 80Ih Year ivnd Mrs Leo Gibbons spent few days last islLllle Sudbur and Mrs Robert McDonaidi and faintly lsllltl Mrs McDonalds parents at Shanty Buy Sunday sudden Death The sympathy of the community lid unaided to Mrs Frank Cowan ill the suddvui loss of her mother Mrs Andrew at Elmvale Saturdays Mr and Mrs George Young and girls are away on it works vaca ziou STROUD week visiting WW WA iMrs Beecher Couron with llitlll Trinity Womans Association willidaughtcr Joan and son luul Tol Mid their next meeting on Wedgroom My Oct at Mrs Gordon Mrs Bert Copley has returned to Henrys Iher hmie ir Toronto alter incl and MD David mumwngwccks vacgtion 1th llcl sister Hoalord visited at Roy Kellys reIMTS TM CW50 centiy Mr Kay llitter who has risit MB llalbcrt has rcturncdfing Ih Peacock for is wmk from Busimswlic ihus lelt for her home In Regina Mr and Mrs Nelson Moore haveI My mm had as their guests lately Mr midime Mm mam Lcwts lozontu and Mr ltllil ihllS Boll Suijrant and daughter aMam June Buiiic Mr and Mr Ilntlllc Bur IN TO ironic Iext pull wwkrnd lSlIOIS int Mini Clui Burr and Mrs iJuInx Ellcloiulds HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS Where You Buy More for Less SALE OF DINNERWARE IWENTY PIECE STARTER SETS CARNIVAL $795 JAMEOREE $795 MONICALM $950 MORNGLO $495 COAL OIL HEATERS $595 $I050 $1495 ALADDIN OIL HEATERS $2995 Just the thing for Extra Heat DEVON meg Flue for hard to heat rooms DEVON CHERRY $975 Saving Worthwhile for the Thrifty LVL SQUEEZIT CAISUP DISPENSERS Hold Bottle of Cutsup Red only 98 Unbreakable Soft Plastic LIQUID WAX APPLIERS $275 HAWES LIQUID WAX 980 SCHOOL BAGS $200 $425 $495 Home After Trip Ar and Mrs Campbell rc turnrd Saturday after an cnyo able trip to thc Wcstern Coast upl Vuizcmwr Hand and buck bywayi of on USA to Sault Ste Mariei Willi splendid roads all the way XIII and My Blythe Block zit Ilililtl the thltllllg of their cm Hum Fair in Toronto on IFi gm Scp l9 Henrys gliliii and Mrs OIL CANS ALL SIZES $185 $245 $275 $325 Is the time to start compost pile Use up your garden refuse We Sell ORCHID FLAT SILVER The newest Community Pattern$75915 44 Piece ServiCe in New AntiTarnish Rayon Lined Chest Property Sales lloukc has sold the pro perty of the Lite Mrs ll Jultilr json to Jillllli Spccrs Mr Mc Illmiray has told his combination cnrnl stori lllltl Itsidmcr or by the zitiy was quite cntlnis mstlc lbtlttl their new station wag lon which she said pos55ttl such plttitllti IllLllllltS for travel Stirs MilzllSilll who had spent ACTO COMPO BIOHUMUS FERTILIN It builds up your garden soil Dont forget peren nial ower seeds lawn grass seed and lawn fer ltllizers IIEIIWII CI ITII SEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 gt Mr and Mrs llClli llittur Io ironicV Jim lcucock Kirkland Luke Mr Hill IIIIS George lcncock Lljterclt and Mr and Mrs EAtlIilllw Mziiising llltd flcIicocks rmnlly Mr and Mrs Icd liewson spent Ilhuryluy until Suturtluy IZISI vcck Iris gutsis of Mrs Thomas McCriulty gNiIigziru Falls Scptcnilicr and Itohcr each your humusto lhc populur church innuinrmry tune Srwrul from lIIcic Ittciulrl the Anglican harvest ilioinc senIces ill Utopia Sunday Mr Iind Mix lrcd Johnston and lduuchtci Dorothy Vancouver who have hcrn Visiting relatives in To Ironto llilll here lcft for home last Iritluy accompanied by Mrs Bcn Johnston Miss Johnston the driv Gel $50 to $1000 in simple steps Phooo or stop In of Houuhold Flnonco Toll us how much cash you ood loom on you own Ilgnuluro No bonlmblo murky 0un Take up lo 24monllu lo ropay fortnight tllll hIr deiiightcr Mrs Wilbert Dilklllfoll has returned to Elltl home in Avcning The tltlll luxi drivcr OI rillia Iwho was killcd in II Iiiotorlrain izxcciIiInt last week was II nephew icf II IL Byrlou Six who lives here EDGAR Anniversary Services Anniversary services in the Un ited Church were well attended on Sunday Beecher Parkhouse Ferg us was the special speaker at the morning and cvcningr service as sisted by Rev Pike minister in charge llIiwkcstonc choir sang sew oral anthems which were greatly appreciated also the solos Sunday visitors included Mr and Mrs Brandon Hillsdule and Mr and Mrs ii Slexbr Hmka stonc with Mr and Mrs Slessor Mr and Mrs MacAloryWillow dillC Mrs Partridge and Janice Oshawa at Partridges Miss Dorothea Lccs Toronto at Lecs Mr and Mrs Jamieson Mr and and Taylor Forest Home Mr and Mrs Caldwell Guthrie at Strachnns Mr and Mrs Caldwell Guthrie at Lauders Miss McCunig Mr and Mrs Bertram Miss Osborne Mr and Mrs Bondey Barrie Mr and Mrs Bonney1horntoh Mr and Mrs Bouncy and Victor Mid hurst Mr and Mrs Parkhouse of Fergus Mr and Mrs Wellman MRS TOTTON who Celebrated her 79th birthday on Sept 14 at the home of her daughter Mrs Ernest Dates in Gllford Formerly resident of Toronto where she resided for 50 years Mrs Totton has been making her home with her daughter for the past eight years She was born and raised in Cookstown and left there at the age of 17 to live in Toronto Many friends and relatives and neighbors gathered to lion or Mrs Totton on her birthday She has only two children both daughters and they married brothers Her second daughter is Mrs George Dales of Toronto Mrs Totton has three sisters Mrs Archie Gauthirc of Vancouver Mrs Ida Lytle living in California and Mrs Clement of Mount Albert and brother Ernest Ross living in Toronto rINNRD ROG LINERS Sale We IF YOU DONT GET COAL SCUTTLES or Hods $139 $195 $269 JELLY JARS SCREW dz SLIP TOP KIDDIES ADULTS LUNCH KITS FROSTED GLASS SETS Classic Leaf Frosted Decor serRR CREAMS SUGARS $600 $1300 $1395 SILVER BUTTER DISHES $300 $350 $500 COAL AND WOOD COOK STOVES QUEBEC HEATERS OIL SPACE HEATERS IIIIIIIIIIIs rEIIrIIIzrn Liquid BOTTLES 59c AND 89c Easy To Mix Easy To Apply Econbmlcnl $1500 Frosted Hand Painted Vases 90c and $100 PIECE SILVER TEA SERVICE PYREXgBAKING SET SPECIAL BOWLS DRY MEASURING CUP LIQUID MEASURING CRYSTAL CLEAN OUT AMBER AND GREEN PLASTIC WALL VASES Silvered EVERYTHINGSYOU WANT THINK OF THE THINGS YOU DONT GETTHAT YOU DONT WANT Boxed Neatly for Only $260 s159 ALL PIECES ONE PRICE Regularly 50c COLORFUL WALL PLAQUES FOR FLOWERS suns OF News of rottenmil WWIIoDIlIIqno and Helen Lang Dalston and Miss Jzickman Hawkestone at Spences Mr and Mrs McLean 69 39 iumbnwWnou 0o OIIeriom FINANCE 23 Ellzoborh 59 oocond oor phonoS our our cum own Ill Hobo conl Iool an WM To cover your mortgage Froo yourself from the four Ihol your wife might some day be loll with heavily mortgaged homo Youll be surprised to nd how low the premium is on policy designed to cancel your mortgage in case of your death Go the details from North American life uproronloliyo and family Toronto at McLeans Rev Knighton Port Col bome former minister here vis itcd Mr and Mrs Spence on Mon day An archangel is an angel of the highest rank Mr and Mrs Norman Mabbett Newmarkct spent Sunday last with Mr and Mrs Arthur Thompson Mrs Fry Noblcton spent Thurs day with her daughter Mrs Har vey Simpson Mrs Segor and children were with her parents Mr and Mrs Charles OLcary Suffers Broken Elbow Harold Sloan had the misfor tune to break bone in one elbow on Friday while helping Alton An dersoninstallun oil burner on the furnace His armwwill be in cast for some time Win Bowling Prizes Bill and Allan Cranston won three games on Wednesday last at HOWARD CASE District Manage Youll look your best Youll feel relaxed Vinxa 11 Owen Street Come in and SEC out exceptional range of locker tweeds in all the lateereaves and patterns our woolleus apdaiinels selected by Jobbstbn Ll specially for their Sltlll Beeton mens bowling tournament for fowl Two other rinks from here took part Wilmer Palmer and Harvey Simpson James Tough and Stephenson Moving to Moose Jaw Mrs Bruce Graham and Mrs Miriam Dale Schomberg visited on Friday with friends in toivn Many from hcre attended the fair at Orangcvilie on Wednesday and report record crowd Sorry to report that Joseph Don nan is patient in Stevenson Mem orial Hospital Alliston Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer vis ited on Friday with the latters sis ter Mrs McGinnis Caledon East Roy Eniigb and mother Mrs Emigh and Mrs Rhea Carter have returned after holidaying with friends in Windsor and Lon don Mrs Harry Palmer is spending few days with her daughter Mrs Sam Hastings Schomberg Mrs Jack McMinn was in Barrie FIIle making arrangements for the chipping of furniture to Moose Jaw where she expects to make her home in the near future Her hus baan is now stationed at Moose Jaw with the RCAF Mrs Ciaridge zind Mr and Mrs lunnery were in Grand Valley on Saturday for the sale of household effects of the estate of the late William Claridge JACKET lolmctonfailored layout personal measurements and piuferences Order yours at she vamborn homestead Death Occurs In RVH Mrs Tracey Native oi Esso Station Although she had been in poor health through the past summer the death of Mrs Albert Leslie Tracey came unpxpectedly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie On the morning of Sunday Sept l4 1952 through cerebral thrombosis The former Vera Irene Holmes Essa Station on May 28 17898 or father William John Holmes established the where Jack Holmes now lives Her mother the form er Ida Honsbciger predeceased her by only three yearsz In 1919 her marriage toAlbelLlrcchWRLsQI emnized with service conducted by Rev Bowes and they settled at Colwell Mrs Traceywill long be remem ber kindness to neighbors and her loveofliildinlw She is survived by her bus bandtwodaughterseandefouncons Mrs Guest Joan of Barrie Mrs Peter Tynski Elsie pf deu ney NS Jack Utopia Bruce TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlop St Phono2801 6371 Elizabeth St Phone 4946 There are also six grandchildren The funeral was held onTuesday Sept 16 from the Jennett Funeral Home to Grenfel Cemetery for in ferment The service was con ducted byRev Fraser of An gus pastoral charge Who spoke from the text For me to live is Christ and to ode is gainPhil l2L When to live is Christ to die is more Of Christ he said The word depart suggests ship mak ing loose the ropes that bind it Bret Harte pictures two ships one with sails unfurled speeding out to sea and the other waitingin the lea One bears friend the other waits for you The hymn read was ASafe in the Arms of Jesus favorite of the deceased Pallbearers were Arthur and Frank Holmes Lorne rind Miller Plaxton Samuel Bowman and Katy Parr Among the beautiful flowers from relatives and friends were tributes from Pbillips Service Sla tion Angus BarrieBorden Garage nursing staff Of the Psychiatric Hospital Toronto Iandthe Hydro TS Essa Some of those attending from distance were an uncle Calvin Honsberger New Liskeard Mr and Mrs William Cole Cookstowri Mr and Mrs Nelson Shelburnc Mrs Thomas Ward Mrs Lewis Cole and Miss Velma Cole Torontor Mr and Mrs Wilson Wilcox Lake item lers were all presentf9rfhe fun Ealgillljmi Myrtle Holmes Toronto Mrs Fred Plant Millie Weot0n and Mrs Wilfred Davidson Min rile Brentwoqd dugstongueis the only Harmon UNION LIFE 2W ESTASLFHEZ A7115 AANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER 3llll7licl ILtthlllll Cor Dunlap andnayfield Barrio TELEPHONE 4760 no1 umurcui mir tlli NORWICH UNION HARRY and RONALD ARMSTRONG gt Colw011Peijcy and Harold at home ofitsbbdytliatcan persplre casydrape and ne tailoring qualities Choosea grapeimage afSHURGAINMilkProducer gone worse min Means Low Cost MIlk 17Pisoduclion matching or contrasting wunyou gel right law It It InaE autonomic Ithelihufiughtand10k rem WIW 339 Xi chilusevtbey have been tailored for youoloue thuinbLyourLcaltm mantis this yd value Their appetites imy ligand their milk supply fan can This can be overcome by lowing balanced Winkle ration In donate mixture of yourqu mum SlumGAIN Milk AFN gt Economic Milk Produce accentuate II In supplythosovfocd Irv miss essentials blob not round In sunuientqmu no mason Imhh5Wllilwmwmm of the rollob SHOEGALE 25 7th Bam Baluurcdvlieedlngs bayou