05 OF Sim Ame Mr zonalhemltahallcvcrbc AW my the springing pus had climb into every coat cast off and quite forgot whistle and ringing cheer And romp near emy well known spot in the way from Herc to Here This is the way he enjoys life and the way it has ever been chipmunk seen is chipmunk dined and atop is made to spin state to throw and brooks to wade and the shade is place to lie Aftcr the zest of the game thats played when the sun is warm and high This is the path boy calls straight by every winding way When new birds are or wild birds walt or squirrels dart and play By banks that bid you sit and dip twodusty fch and brown 0n the pebbly shallows of the pool thats on the way from town This is the crrand swiftly done as doing shall ever be An ounce of care to the pound of fun and an hour that grows to three fence to climb and rail to stride with thingsnlo hunt and share And breathless quarterhour be side timid woodchucks lair And this is the thing boy calls Core and the thing it shall ever be An old straw hat thats lost some where in the shade of some for off tree shirt thats soiled or trousers rent bruise or hornets sting And lagging footsteps chorcward bent in the soft twilights of Spring These are the waysthat boys all know and so may they ever be Fancics as fickle as winds that blow and dreams as wide as the sea Heaven above where the blue sky smiles with no day overlong And whistle of merry tunes that wiles whole world into song Goose and Cow Lane MaryWSt used to be called since nearly Attention Farmers 1952 CHEV TON TON TRUCKS now AVAILABLE SEE oon DISPLAY AT THE narran FALL ram DANGERFIELD morons USED CAR DIVISION 233 Bradford SL Dial 4931 THEIR DOINGS cow and Robert Shawn had whole dairy otthem on part of the property where the old bravery stood at the fool of Mary St al most on the shore of the bay And its no trouble at all to see In the minds eye that nightly pro cession of at least one exception ally large and aggressive flock of geese with big strutting hissing gander at its head which could MARY 5mm every home on the street owned rout any battalion of kids or dogs that dared to dispute its right of passage as it wended its dignified though wobbling way from its feeding grounds somewhere up near Kidds Creek and swung around in military formation to its home quartch behind the log house of Luke Spearn And Mr Spearn didnt number only geese among his feathered aristocrats There was always pair of domesticated robins keep ing house there in big wooden thatchcd cage that hung from long spike driven into the log just ocsidc the front door And those robins must have used megaphoncs too for will each setting of the sun their plaintive song could be heard from onc end of the street to the other and was what might almost be called our curfew bellf Iit was bcdtimc for small chil dren We children had to keep early hours to retire thencurly hours in the evening mean not In the next morning as now And just about the same time each night Mr White Harry Whitcs father the town lamp lightcr or Tim Haggart or Wil liam Mcckum who filled the same job at timcsl would come around the corner up from Elizabeth St with lighted torch combined with slotted stick to thrn on and off the light in one hand and carrying in the other as diminutive ladder as he himself was man and after propping the short lad der up against the lamp post one of which was exactly in front of our house would ascend its three or four rungs and light the coal oil lamp shut the glass door de scend and trudge on to the next snap GRANT And each kid on entering his home gate would cup his hands Starting Sunday Sept lelll my will KSarvice on Coach Lines Services lllll on Brawn nu this ROute Remainsmgllchanged vmrconc 11135 MAJOR ARNOLD BROWN Tor onto who will conduct special service in Barrie Salvation Army Citadel on Wednesday Sept 24 at pm The highlight will be the showing of film taken by Major Brown during his rip to England year ago including visit to Buckingham Palace Major Brown was born in Lon don England in 1913 He entered the Salvation Armys Training Col lege from Bellevllle Ontario in 1934 receiving his commission in 1935 He served as field officer at Bowmanvle before being transfer red to The Armys editorial depart ment at Territorial Headquarters Toronto For 10 years he was assistant ed itor of the Canadian issue of the War Cry In 1947 he was appointed National Publicity Representative since which time he has been re sponsiblc for developing Salvation Army projects in the fields of press radio and motion pictures Latest successful scheme 15 the production of halfhour broadcast weekly ov er morc than 70 of Canadas 100 Englishspeaking stations Major Brown is known as bandmaster choral conductor com poser and arranger He studied music with the Trinity College of London and devotes good deal of his outofolfice time to musical pursuits He has been conductor of the Lisgar Street andNorth Toron to Citadel bands the Congress and Varsity choruses of 350 voices and is the musical producer of the Army broadcasts MajorBrown as sisted in the establishment of Can adian music camps and in 1942 dir ected the first in Ncwfoundland He was music director of the first all Ohlo State Music Camp Mrs Brown entered Salvation Army work from Montreal Citadel and following number of field ap pointments joined her husband in his work following their marriage in 1939 They have two daughters over his mouth and alloo final to his com panions in thogames just reluct antly abandoned and tunnelab companlment of final sadtoned chirp from the upstreet roblns before they folded their heads un der their wings for their nights repose would 5le through the front door on the way to the old familiar kitchen for the regular beforeobed piece of bread and butter that mother always had ready There surely isnt real Mary St kid who doesnt visualize that pro gram with its fondest remembrance Mary St wasnt always the set tled peaceful street it now is for one tlme bear made its appear once on that street andkilled aplg in one of the yards before being killed itself and raised general rumpus As the writer was lit tle bare himself at that time as it happened just about the tlme Was born can only refer toit as hearsay from the older boys who gave us exciting details of the great affair Continued op Wednesday WW HUGE CATCH The worlds largest swordsh catch is recorded as one of 800 pounds caught in Chile ln1940 The last census showed more than 7000 persons in the highlands and islandsof Scotland Gaelic Tj WI bl Amman was rst 01 VVIsoc um speak only Brodlord Colory Kings Allislon Alltlelics ln Lacrosse Take First lace in Playoffs DON 715F315 minutes later he tried the some Bradford C6191 KAY cWergnunt again and Gwyn got hold of first place in the 111191111941 OLAithc bounding ball and gave toi KIND playoffs When the mlRowntree who made no mistake Allister Athletics 119 in at out BRADFORD Goa gulp db hmlcmdm 91 hem fence Hanna BuchAmn over 600 fans at Alliston Moratorile1mmz cemm Rowntreey wing raven Oren Thursday ml Castator Fallis alternates Stand Bradford have always been keen even Kl Comm Comings rivals Alliston and when these Mashjnur Coping Mammy clubs played against each other last Bowing 59350 were Wu by ALLISION Goal Saint defence due hm 13 year ms mm Miller Briggs rover Moon central the boys mm to my might 18 Bray wings Crowc thlan crease and over the four qusrlors wines Dodds gummy Garbun of this game there were only nlnr luenimm Reid Wham Gray penalties four going to the Athletl Thursday mgm Broom Wm V61 lcs 8111 Gray startedthe scoring for Allislon at 446 of the first period then at 838 Keith Collings took pass from Harold Rowntreeand ev ened the count Colic thlan took pass from Don llcrriman to break the tie at 940 and less thana minute later Ray Castator ticd the game on pass from Rowntrcc it Alllslon and there should be plenty of cxcitemcnt if the last game betwch them is any indic atlon New Mi ister of 1119 Full Gospel Tabernaclesdlore Rowntrcc put the Kings out in front at 1107 and Vern Crowe tied Rev Burgess former pad the game at 1345 Crowc received re who is now in charge of the 11 high Slleing Penalty 115 Full Gospel Tabernacle at 18 Mul lhe SECODd Wane Id While he caster Street is native of Scot was off Keith Ceilings on pass mud and emigmted with his pm from Rowntrce put the visitors out 15 Hamilton Ontario in 1921 in from again Bill Gray took pm cOmpleting hls formal education from Shorty Bray and swept across there in front of the Bradford not to fire A5 boy in one of the churches the lying EOOI About W0 minutes of the great Glasgow Evangelistic later Gray put the homesters out Association he was led to accept in from on biautiful Eelup by Christ as his Siviour and dedicat Whelan ed hjsllfieo filmy 1927 he Bra was penalized for high commence e0 081 P810108 85 stlcklrllg at 940 and while he was Smdmt Minister With the Pen on no damage was done by the tecostal Assemblies of Canada and Celery Kings Bray ended the scor W33 Ordained 1934 ing for the second quarter on perfect play with Colic Whelan Bill Dodds got Allislon off to good start in the third on pass from Colic Whelan Nine seconds later Keith Collings took pass from Bob Hanna and fired the ball into the Alliston net Almost mln utc later Rowntrce on pass from Hanna added another for Bradford to make the score Alliston Brad ford Harold Gwyn was canned at 302 for high sticking and while he was off Castator tied the scpred Hor rlman put Alliston in front at 1311 and it remained that way for the third quarter Charlie Mashinter got charging penalty when he rammed Shorty Bray into the side of the Bradford net Bob Hanna opened the scoring in the final quarter at 130 BruceI Dodds was given slashing penalty at 407 and he had just got on whcn Bill Dodds and Ray castator starttd little fist throwing and both were banished for two minutes for rough ing aav honor28s in 1935119 established and built tho Pentecostal Church in Perth outtalo and ministered to splen bo di nail al Bray gm 81 ng pe ark did and aggressive congregation 705 and while he was off Bill combinedwlth Colic Whelanutoqg out in frontaBruce Colllngs starte to throw some punches at Colic Whelan and for this he was given two minutes for roughing Bradford added three more goals in the blot six minutes Harold Gwyn tied the score at 939 on pass from Bowm rree Murray Saint made an attempt to go down the fiber with the ball andlt got away from his stick in some rough shoving around Bob Buchanan got hold of the loose ball and flipped it oVer to Castator who didnothlng more than drop it in to the unguarded goal About two when he enlisted in the Canadian Army as private with men from Perth anlestrict before the mob ftew Scottish Regiment He spent some time at Camp Borden on ad vanced N005 course and later Was sent to the Canadian Army Battle School at Vernon BC and was then transferredfromthe combatant branch of the Service to Chaplain Service received his commission and appointment to in Canada and overseas Accountants 31x anus 11163163 933130 ACCOUNT MI 5th max mm omen ARMBTRDNGrMm co comm hotlme as Colum homo Lzmlgngw mm NV gunWoo lurid as soon 0A ME huetmuornoam notsaw uuuxcrran avnno mom roach moonsmar DunlapIN Malibu413 mom er GLADSTONE 0mm do Burial and carom NONI was lurk VI Dunlap Sta unis Phone 3115 comma MMLAREN no Barnum fofmurrt aunli Tomnlo Damn Ianh Baum outlook Rectum 3illl to page it mm MUSIC Ls soils MRI AWOUNTA Tk1uolla coma on Flahello sunni Inoomom autum tho Ron yrrrtuMBYi E7 rrto thson build 011mm menul for cmmrulon of Motion th Studio 2Ir2ddford at osr Mm Wlazr amtm Milan Ilium Will Allch ll laden taunMJJEH rum pin WWW rstic nonunion roams artiawnm 1M Thorst Column Continual from page one Mine the comm Takei also word Bear meaning either polar grizzly or just plain block or brown The questioner suml moning up courage might ask Miss Antimacassar will you tell me about your coffee pot The dignified lady was forced to uni bend and wt shudder and gaspi made up her answer big browni cofffe pot scared me by the fool which was coffeepot and just couldnt coffcrpot it Falling thcrc the questionerl might tacklra little Johnny Gayboyl who came across with black coffccpol chased me ovor the coffee poi Spots in the snow And that dear reader was one of the highg lights of most socials In the notl for some highly amusingvand un PW is it um lanow dear by rap land solongago but it left anhopenlngfshw been bdme She was lap English double meaning no an old conundrum which sounded puzzling at first will go down stovepipe down or up stovepipc down but rill not go up stove pipe up or down Stovepipe up The answer 15 an umbrella We are reminded of anothcr little jingle with another example of double meaning Theysat together side by side inside the doorway He talked of the land where iapos abide Northeast of Norway No wintcr thee horse could spend Twculd freeze his very mane dear and so you see they must depend upon the reindeer She sat awhile to silent thought then twittcred coyly Oh clear why dont you know always thought it was the And then in just moment more where maidens of and where tis true land expected answers because of the He returned to his church to Perth in 1946 was appointed Chap lain of the PcrthuponTay Branch of the Canadian Legion and also Chaplain of the 176 Battery 59 LAA Regiment which posts he held until taking up residence in Barrie this month Mrs Burgcss is the former Miss Rhoda Taylor of BraCebridge and they have three children Robin who Is eight Wilba who isot tcnding the BDCl and Marilyn who will enter the Eastern Pen tccmtal Bible College in Peter borough this week RevR Burgess had one brother CSM Thomas Burgess who served with the RCASC from the out break of hostilities until the and Ho wastwice decorated but died in January 1951 as result of war service there until the beginning of 1942 lllzation of the Lanark and Rem He came up through the ranks that office andbontinued toserve PRorESaouaermECTW om any tau not um surmount Mon 5116 Brin our cash problem to llvith condence Be confident you will receive prompt friendly attention No cadetsen or bankable security required Phone for single visit loan Write or come in today loans $30 to 31100 Isnt ft that so may limit and pedantic authorities still maintain that English illtiling can bc taught by sound and system Fm when we sit it seems that the more the study of English 23 more one is forced to admit that Memory is the only friend whoa it comes to spelling match GREAT EXPLORER Captain Vancouver in 1192493 was the first to sail through Juan de Fuca Strait and tho Straight of Georgia on the Pacic Coast onwards rum Puma from out of My 31 SlutPolo tb mnunbll dllcm of tho In BubPolo canton no drun chemical And will kill tho hair Edam amourcams to 0mm sr vascoovsa ac Can IS it You 15 5215 $12 $28 $40 Abon yUnl can unryiul In layIr lav Imblhuu can on pawl Can VIA If TO SAY fl Warmer co 2nd FL Public Utilities 311515 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Phone 5931 Donald Fish YES MANager OPEN DAILY TO 5SATURDAY TO loom math to tandem of all surrounding mm Personal Flaunt cmpony of anode Every patriotic Canadian is ready to pick up arms to defend this country if we areattacked BUT patriotismuandcourageiate not enough Training is essential for effective setVic inourdefencforces In time of crisis our modern Canadian Armycan5us=men who know how to handle todays complexiweaponsl Ifyou are not serving in CanadasActive Forces you obtain this training in the some Force You will learnhow defeddyour homo lCanada You will achieyepnewphysical fitness You will recclve full Activelitorce rotcs of pay for training timelj You will be fulfillinguyourduty toyour community and Canada by being trained and should thebeedariS ready to defend There are manygopportunitiesln Canadas growing Reserv Army for promotion Every tradoand profession of civilian life hooded ltntnediately flippth any LReglmnlprCorps youwlsh butdolfNOWI gm WWW