Fawn Inc Toronto They were on their way to of ice when the accidenil occurred near Gerald Grays coi 1135c Mr Wedge In shorts and Ibore feet was thrown overboard lumen the craft made sharp tum His leg was Literated by incl propellor Mr bovine kicked Off his Show and jumped in to rescue his IIIg lured friend The former mang spgalfs 111 IEELSeIidGIh IEIIUIOSEECIEI 3166 to keep the Comic YEUIII Mrs Taylor laboch water and was havmg scriI out trouble getting him back iol Visitors from Toronto with Mr the motorboat when assistancel and Mrs Charles Fowkcs recently was given by an unidentied maul were Mr and Mrs Cobb and ipassing in rowboat WAVERLEY CROWN HILL Sc it spendingi ANN3M Harvest Festivzu with all doighters he annual Hltrr ekwhc holding Hamid Bum km mt at 230 pm All flltlidz end with his Wife grazed Glen Arnold llrllzl son of Mil and Mrs Orion Brown was baptist ed on Sunday by Rev Aunts Mrs Wallace Wood the chkefiil In Collirigwomi Mrs Elba Brown and Marilyn visited MVP and Mrs Morris Soden lfI Huntsville No Service Here Sept 21 No service of worship at SCI Thomw Anglican Church Sundayl Sept 21 All members of the couv grcgntion are urged Lo join with St Aldons of Ilawkestone in their Harvest Fuvsl IIIousmg Needs of TrOubIe Slates CAS by theboard of directors of the Childrens mango Simone County that municipalities should do we malady doing to meet the housing needs LONGEST DAM Egypts Gabe Awlia Dam mea suring 16400 feet is Ihe longest 11 the world 513an dorm ma not be unsaved um pumttl are but because their pummm unable to find intimate homing it vim stated at the rst fall meeting Of the board in Court House at Barrie last Tuesday evening Buy SW Nmtttet was bmgbi to the altontion of the society when the director for the county Miss Dor fba Jackson made her report on in exccptimlly busy summer During the last two months there had been two evictions which had meant that 12 children had to be ad mitted to the care of the society She compared these summer months and their demand for services with the usual increase in activities dur ing the winter months of January and February There was large attendance oi the first fall meeting The finance management and personnel commit tees met separately for the first hour There was large representation from the Colllngwood district and consideration was given to the im provement of services to that com munity both in staff and housing Mrs Ward the present branch sec rotary is to be promoted to the position of junior social worker for the district This appointment is to be effective as from the beginning of 1953 In the meantime Mrs Ward will act as assistant to Mrs 08111 Man the senior worker Staff Beplaccmnl It was announced that Miss Agnes McMahon who has been with the society working out of the Orillio office for the past four years had been appointed to the senior posi tion in the Central Simcoe brancn in Barrie This is promotion for Miss McMahon and follows upon the resignation of Terrance OBrien BA MSW Mr OBrien had been the senior worker in the Central Simcoe Branch for the past two years and left the services of the society to Lake on the responsibil ities of case work supervisor for the Childrens Aid SOcicty at Cornwall The South Simcoe Branch at Al Iiston l3 losing Its branch secretary Mrs Burnard Mrs Burnard will leave for Europe shortly as her husband Was recently posted to Ger many Miss Joan Hoover of Beeton was appointed to the staff of A1115 ton and will shortly assume her duties as branch secretary in that office Heavy Fall Expenditures Calvert of Port McNicolI chairman of thefinance committee mowreported that the receipts for the month of August were 51279102 and the disbursements $1116260 Mr powerI explained that there iverea number of outstanding ac counts and that the expenditures Sunnidald Corners WMS Hear Guiana August meeting WMS was held at Mrs Albert hers There was good attendance The very interesting topic on British land was given by Mrs Cullia moments sllence in memorylb Miss Jeanietlhompson and Mrs Ross was followed by prayer by Mrs Burrows Closing prayer was given by Mrs Risebroughu Dainty lunch was served by the hostesses and enjoyed by all Born Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Harold CrozIer Hamilton on at rlvul of baby daughter Mary Margoret 11150 to Mr and Mrs Her vey Madlnon arrival of baby boy Norman Edward Mrs Harvey Martin and baby have been visiting Mr and Mrs John Martin School BoaOpens reopened with Mrs Walker as teacher in SS No Be sinners were Catherine Sage Ver no Manila Stephen Patterson and ffaul Csrrutherr be svmvathv of the community is extendcdo Miss Olive and rela fives 01 the late Mrs Ross in In trouble In their area for the coming fall months would undoubtedly be heavy in the motv ter of fall and winter clothing for the Chlldren lie draw to the aitcn Lion of the committee the very fav orable report of collections from parents formaintcnancc of children letter from Mrs lcnton of Mid land conccrning passenger hazard insurance received fovoroble con sideration of the board and it was ruled that passenger hazard insur ance would be placed on all socmty and staff cars operating on society business During the summer months of June July and August 54 childrcn were admitted to care and 29 dis charged Thole were 27 now cases of unmarried pulcllls and 10 re quests for family allowance inves tigation There were 110 cases pres cnlcd to the Family Court for word ship action and two for show cause and failure to pay on maintenance There wcrc 10 requests for investig ations and rcporls under the Motri moniul Cnuscs Act and families appliudlo the society for hpr WlIll family problems LEFROY Miss Kathleen Allan and Dorccn Simpkin spent their vacation at Glen Roy Lodge Ilall Lake IIali burion Mrs Dollciy Toronto was guest of Mr and Mrs Reid for the weekend Mr and Mrs Gilmore attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Percy Greenfield in Bowmunville on Friday Mr and Mrs Earl Gilmore and Lachlan Jack attended the Brown Knecshaw nuptials on Saturday Mr and Mrs Angus Williams Ottawa spent the weekend with Mrs Wight Miss Ethel Ball Toronto was weekend guest of Mrs Noble and girls Wedding bells are ringing mer rily Mr and Mrs Simpson Toronto visited their daughter and Mr and Mrs Grosc on Sunday Edgar Woods Albany NY spent two days with Mr and Mrs Roy Jack last week Home FrOm Ifospltpl Glad to report that Dalton Fcr rier of the 61h line is now home af ter being in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie for seven weeks He is steadily improving in health Womens Missionary Society United Church WMS were enter taincd at the home of the president Mrs William Noble on Wednesday vcnlng with Mrs William Ruffett vicepresident presiding Roll call was answered with quotation or verse of Scripture Mrs Wight read section on Christian Steward ship Onc minutes silence was ob served in memory of Mrs Hugh Donnelly faithful member and secretary for the Missionary Mon thly At the close of the prayer Mrs Stephens repeated 11 short memorial poem Deceased had been charter member of the former Methodist Societys and lot er the United WMS The program was followed as given in Mission ary Monthly Those taking part Were Mrs Ruffett Mrs Mervin Noble reading the Scripture and Mm Ferrier reading selection taken from the booklet Means of Grace The item was listed 95 an invitation to happiness The Society had three visitors two of whom will later become members and Bennett Armlvcmry Congratulations Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Harry Winter who will celebrate their 22nd wedding anniversary Sept 24 and also to James liudsmi on his 66111 birthday Sept 19 SI Thomas Anglican Guild St Thomas Anglican Guild held the first full meeting at Mrs Browns The treasurer reported return of $36 from the succrssful summer tea 111 Mrs Prissicks last month Plans were made for an evening of lantern slides at 11111 hnll on Oct 17 combined with iI candy sole Mrs Irissick will be in charge Brownie Puck Shanty Bay Brownie Pack under the leadership of Mrs Bob Mar tin and Miss Joan Murison will meet at Den on Thursday Scpt 18 at 430 were very npprcciutivc of 1111 two solos rendered by Mrs Elliott of Collier SI Baptist Church Barrie She was accompanicd on the piano by Mrs Morris Mrs Elliott was the guest of Mrs Frank Cliappcll xUnItcd Church Service Mr Stewart of Monticello addressed the congregation on Sun day Rev Mr Morris exchanged pulpits with him and prcachcd Tin nivcrsary services at Monticello Next Sunday Rev Veals of Mincsing will conduct the services on this charge as Mr Morris will be at Midhurst Children are re mindcd of Sunday School following church services Garage and Large Shed Burned To Groimd Monday What might have been more serious conflagratlon occurred Monday noon when the garage and large shed owned by James Oxford and used by his soninlaw Elvin Flemming took fire and burned to the ground As the building was frame and built many years ago it burned like kindling and badly scorched the adjacent garage of Gilmore and Son At one time it was feared the heat and flames would ignite those buildings and the store few feet distant Only for the gallant work of volunteers the Flemming car would have been burned but many residents pulled It out safely Central had sent out the alarm and citizensresponded Thanks to Bradford fire brigade which arrived in short time the fire was extinguished without fur ther damage than Gilmorcs black ened garage TRANSCANADA AIR LINES Ihas ordered three additional Look Iiccd Super Constellations bring Eing to tight the number of aircraft gln transAtIantic service it is cap Iable of carrying up to 89 passen Igers plus baggage nonstop Mon5 HealLondon with fuel reserves Mr Wadge star of this sea sons Goldwater softball team was rushed to the Midland hospital where an operation lasting nearly Ifour hours was performed by DD Churchill Swan amistcd by linj Cardle and other physim Iof this type sclcctcd by the airlinclfor yr another 550 miles WWI Ihlsicians He was placed in priv Ifor service on international routes lit was nnnounccd today by the Icomnuuys prisidcnt Mc eGIIJELII The first Super Constellation will LIV LILIivvrcd late in 1953 with jail eight aircraft slated for ser vuc to Enropc and the Caribbean by mid1954 This will permit the company to increase its passenger capacity by approximately 150 In the North Atlantic with Super Constellations and 37 domestic ally on North American services with the release of North Star air Clllll prcscnlly assigned to inter national ioutvs 761011 airliner the Super Constellation has 21 takeoff weight of 1331100 poundg approximately 313061 pounds more than the North Star The new aircraft can fly morly 4000 miles nomstop with 75 iltSCligOS and full fuel load By LORNE LETIIERBY 93 Suffers Broken 1le Mrs Mary Ilawkc oldest resid ent of Coldwatcr district fell in her home last week and suffered broken lIip She was taken to St Andrews Hospital Midland Friday morning by Martins am bulance Mrs Hawkc resident of nearby Bayview Hill is In her 93rd your Sweet Dies Suddenly The sudden death Sunday morn ing Sept of Dennis Melville Sweet at his home at Severn Falls came as shock to his many friends in this area Mr Sweet who was in his 63Idchar attend cd Coldwntcr Fair and had given no indication of the approach of fatal seizure Mr chet was well known at Severn Falls where he had been carpenter and builder for many years Mrs Sweet was the former Mario Valle Requiem Mass was conducted at StJohns Roman Catholic Church Waubaushcnc on Tuesday morn ing Interment was at Waubuush enc Goldwater commonly ipotvcr and range the Super Cong I1elntion is capable of circling thc Iarth stopping only scan times to cfucl 010 of tho worlds largest andi fastlsi commercial tmnsports the Super Constellations is 18 feet long or 11mm the present CoristellationI measuring 113 feet inches in length with wing span of 123 feet cruising Speed of 340 miles per hour will enable the aircraft to fly the distance between Mon iron and LondOn in 10111 hours By employing exhaust gases to genomic greater powor through turbine installations the four new Wright compound engines will dclivcr 3250 lip each The air craft is structurally designed to use turlopropcllor power plants when this type of new engine becomes available in suitable form for com mercial air transport Youngest CPR Agent An operator at Mcdontc tower Albert Biulkowski 23 bus been appointed station agent Lev ant near Kingston He is believ cd to be the youngest agent for the CPR in Canada He took 0ch his new duties on Scpt 15 Mr Bialkowski entered the cm ploy of the railway tivo years ago He was born in Tlmberton Manitoba of Polish parents In April of this year be married Marina Southorn of Coldwntor They have been residing at the Herb apartment Injured In Boat Accident Charles Wadge 23 of Coldwat or business manager for the Oril lio Packet and Times is in St Andrews Hospital Midland rc covering from injuries suffered to his left leg in motorboat ac cident on thcSevern River about pm Saturday His shin bone was split and deep laceration extended from below the knee to the foot Mr Wadge was proceeding down Gloucester Pool in fast speed boaI owned and piloted by Herb ert Gray Toronto Another companion was FMlke Dev atc room under cure of special nurl CS and was rcportcd making satg Isfoctory progress this week Mr Wadge who Is former Wiud5or resident is married tol Frances Buchanan of Goldwater and has baby laughter llc grandson of Mrs John LclIIcrby1 Coldwulcr 2nd Money at Beavcrton Billy Todd owned by Gerald Ilawke of Coldwater won second money in the 228 horse race atI lleavcrt1111Fair Saturday after1 noon The 1yeuiplil was Second in both heats with five horses starting Winner of rst money was Bill Jones of Midland with his entry The Munitou Billy Todd was driven by thci owners father Eddie llawkc vetI Lrnn trainer and driver The horse was purchased from LgiwrI cncc Dcvinc Goldwater as yuorling Fell From Roof Although he fell about 15 fcetI from roof at Mrs Dcvitts residence on Main Street Roy Langman Coldwalcr carpenter 05 coped with bruises and shaking Lip He was climbing down from the upper roof to 11 side vcrandah 0110 about noon Friday when ladder and carpenter both slipped off to the ground Not easily deterred Mr Lang IIII IIIIII Wlilll II REALLY GOOD REPAIR JOB CALL Barrie Radio Television Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED 25 Years of Experience 22 Owen Sf Barrie PHONE 2084 III All Coats Are Made by One of Canadas Leading Here is the fur coat with guaranteed quality and latest style which you have been looking fol The values In this sale are unsurpassed qumhcturers Hot ChocoIaie Iudge Sundae 21 from here attended number Culdwatcr Oro and Midland fairs lost wcck gt Mrs McWattch is visnmg III Nuvlii Relieving Teacher Mrs Ivan French is teaching in the senior mom owing to the illnessl of Mrs Glcn Bukcr We all wishj for Mrs linker 21 speedy IICUVWYI Mr and Mrs me French and grandson Paul French spent Sun= day WILII Mr and Mrs Lloyd ICE CREAM CANDY French Alliston 22 ELIZABETH ST man lid not tell his wife of the mishap and returned to the roofl job in the afternoon llowcverl III was feeling tln vffccts of accidch and mid off temporarily to have his back strapped up by Dr 11111 NEW PACK l5 This 20 02 This Ill I4 01 This 48 02 Mg UTSIANDING VALUEI QUEENS ROYALSTD SPECIAL SLICED PEACHES 27 CRISCO m3l STOCK UP NOW BEEHIVE AND CROWNERAND =i128 CULVERHOUSECHOICETCREAM STYLE SPECIAL GOLDEN CORN HEINZIN TS WITH PORK 01 II lied CHOICE QUALITYHALVESIN SYRUPNEW PACK BRIGHTS PEACHES NIBLETS CORN 37 CHICKEN WITH RICE 4CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP MIXES is 31 GOLD SEAL or ParamountSocleyo SHIRRIFFSASSORTEDLUSHUS SHIRRIFESGOOD MORNING OGILVIE 34c gumadder maria Wmvlb HOMOGENIZED SPECIALI SPECIAL 31 HEINzPURE KETCHUP 28 BEANS but EAch OUALITYVAC UM PACK OR CHICKEN NOODLE Salmon 401 Desserts 33313Z9c Marmalade Jr47 Minute Oats New Seasons Lamb T9811 Roastilbli IAMB IIIIIIIs 39c FRESH MINT FREE Igruil ugfadea ONTARIO NO TRIILIELowIIR their recent and beravemeni mzhnbmrhn Service Measurement of the Lords Sup was observed In Zion Presby BBIIIIIIIIII MIISIIIIII CIIMS Drop JAP RABBIT was HEADSE featured inWindsor Mi cried church on Sunday Rev Du Jack preached very stir rlnl rmon on Thou Preparesi Tablelfrom P581018 23 maxim album fwasprelscnied spirit as on It at the gitI III II WWW no gm giIuIAI yrpssmtmwruu 39 M93 =1 IO AIIIleIIIIIIBS WWII WW WWII 21191111118 sound Qheilk not you will Iliad511d 911 price fumble Wblio Isis super white minktone stripe LOVELY ROLL COLLARS VNeck Buttonup or Standup also collars with that very Iohlo Split at back of neck whlchr adds to the smarthess Which 0311 be wom as TWOLCUEEsTvIEs Rollback cocktail style IWhlcIi can be Worn ways ivthe very lotest 12 flotver potcuff as shown at the Canadian National Exhibition Llnlngs of first quality tvl ln Ionfnnd flower design Sh lbutiextro added touchof set nk ShodOivviih that extrofrich qu Alislzss EleollriciscuI roam New $21206 QBIavkQnIy featured in Wonderful varietyiof this latest stylos Hurry in for this specialvalue REGULAR Silo 511de ONTARIO N0 TEATLNGH PRESBRVING IIIIINII IIIIITEIIIIIMs ONTARIO PRMDEMNG BIIEEIIRPESJ GOLDEN 49D ilxllf No Values Effocilve Thursday UNORADID ides manor Wv 123 f1 for Ungdadu mononu fo