Wmragn that mm of Mmitatmttm of the public is to mm of tmtamw thrown the We the all mm which an tattog mm Simcoe County Mumnuml Mgmmm it is gory th ofle ttfllllvlwh SM TlmI It VVTVV 33 11 ps not 11M and it is one lune mm import this country out Ls smartly 2mm lol VVIImIV IIIII ant tilt rmnmlc nlbllllIV hilt think that V021 conde it man Qlllh when urchins mum m1 xuz km my 53 fan rming my um 3f can Rm the ban 31th mg yd KAEflllXfl The Talon Ck XChnGe daring was 6779365 3936 T3901 Ml 11333 WW klmerm Km no Mi 145191953 ll me Drowning mm mf wML 9RD lllm 71 bulk bin1 AM CW Ia arr if Strata twitth rt $791M Flt 35 83W 1m to have mad some Murillo dimml Slttirtty lom Wth mi DI 10 remarks Ch Phlml Post 139 mug mumuww crc rum dummy ion To Ivan MI Em in flmnm 0f fanning illtflllg it WI at VH0 ram 011mg on will til kw L1 ECT Wafe mn uctltt st immct SW of 68 mm 40 ers rim lgcl BOARB ROOM FAClLlTlES DlR RE on v1 13 Riva mm p6 31ml Stunt lm and NM XFMttdlyl crew was aerated mmprww $194 mam wwam m9 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HEWY cf amk gin nagging pefagknd my Hm vM it VmR VVWnVVV loorbma while the zzood lll719d tlc miter Eloy vlutelvl and Glenwan rV GM km mm mm i5 randy Shl meets cut from Solid 2311 LlK m3 13 3mm KEV EZLGENE BEECH 11A WARREN MACLERN mam 9mm 93 My st athavluvk Mamiand ll ll govEr ard would orwmblvenm mtSlC 91 Ell71 that or in5er IV In 29411 wpgmw hmmu MP Mdm mm WT 515Stlilihlrjnlllwm nothinq Ll worrv and nothing Le 2th as lsrze rinse it le VlVll our VVR VVVMQLD pmmqry Ime QUWAVV SLWI my as Swlmtc tam Thus the reg Ewwsce wtiiW HAWKtffjr22 IIIIVw VVVVVrhV pm lnd llttldt th in chttiltllllh $31 11 PM VV Wm 55 rm CV Pm tsAhmWr 10 lVV 121 Twlowlnu zegesumls tram 3h mi 25 gm noun you Hi rm mu hzxmdlw tr tllVhJxr wants his He 2133 mm mum mm Mommy SUXDKYV ngTmER gr 1953 gymFarm 3mm Jl as rm mum mlrianctt wi Cmnchw Jm 31 ev l0 amslqDAY SFHOOL it and Ni H3 393 Elilltvr ll Niftltlmlltnda mmt Tale mlnolltunw of alumni ueaNrM 2llll Wt =1 will vt Um zt Ellill 1lundarla to almost 39 bl llcmlra l3 I9 Llnulll 3m 0346 Wm ml mm mm mm llnllllkilw Mummy 13 lzttli 57 833 31m DEER madman om Th 13 tsnmbrn 33ng HON IIJKV vjitlHsVQlVP VVVVHGV VIII thvlccVV it Vvivum by ViVmVaewm ind F1313 14 333m bug whfm nk Tamil HM Wm Nltn lnwka tilt tlnrlso twnth mun lm the $120 mVVWEVlkF the was IV dmwam um Mm Nahonahze NEW M4 We Vgnow VVV AV mm mum mu SVVWVWBMQ gm mmmossndg am pm WV Emma 73 my lzm 13 um rrlrliri=s zzl lm V1 V7 iVV mlpmgthm Wale m9 fmmmlMan UQRWT WIWII ImmJ 1i1uvln maa BM land actually shoved 2m illiltittw 0f $935M fiw fF 13 rvctortm tmdthVcL VVVHVVVVIHI IIInmlq flTN up l3 marl ETEtr School Executive mil Meag in my WV pwm mnvfm Fur jjlgyg rid ifMVnVV$VVVmvV IIdIW VA VVVW PeVVVVadEV muet am Elc tVEYlli ewlCt on 102an 399489 tPlPS WM llllflfl lW llmHmifm 332 my tls iriarrv booting taHSEWWlHT lrlmmr mm 20 510 112 lamenteril Imm im 55h Callie CUMN rums gun and mtlzru mm pinHolly hutch twice Rm ELK 33V gm Tmam pram MW 21 5mvlp lllTllV mm tar rsm morntmu 72 It wwmshm Law in we 39 Il games in 06 film of norm in $1th Chl 434 mum VH VH1 It mm which 331 MW ml 3VV SMIVVfmtmyfrmg mm 59 WW VVV Vn if mumps 51483 Bl WWW rm lllllliml C31 Tii til mm Tricia and it in rtnttlthlt many lienpl WWI mi mew 919Y7HImlmw llmsutv amt ulmip rl lifc mu owukhmu Hum Wltlnw rsmrfmm lzzler runwmxum ag zumd ham nillimlt CairoInt in rlgwm ltnn 5573115333 Ml 1551 all WWW WWW mm3mm or ml1m millI cal 11 urnW SERVICE II Hr Limit tum teosenrtlll lam RMNY TOY ill WWW him it lay will zltlrm 211 uni cnrkwhom ml 01xanHK om Sf mm Pr 0M Balm regrettable is tlw fact that 757 wmiV mu VVw End kannlnm uth with this Wm mm ma Sm SCHOOL lum WW nomlslqk roll largo MCllm of Eh nmlll OmYMFd mo in tha rmmmmc and 13mm Aliyah luv mama2 hwk mm maxim WWW the lugging virhnllhm II tr mssmfiegguson 8A V95 Jud Mlle Jkhugh it should bi tho itN grantbl minet 11le folillt Wm Mimi mmrklna ill WM er mm when our farming transmit can take Wm MVK mum 1M in WWW xr tum mum mum 14 32 HILI mulf filmy Sewm 4h an an vnaq zmcs tlu llw omummnr TonatliknshlnWlTrF= gm II =9 ij SUNDAY SW14 1952 BMW ameni 37 nu llw Mallow lomrtmluhrmwone rlromvh 37 no lwmhul mm am 14 on Mum mm mmmMi nmM03Nma WORSE are may fggwe dwaggm of Vhe went ma rwgmmew wmmhmg he dmw rer MYI VVWVMVI Hm VVVMMh VVV pm PREPARATURY SERVICE umWM SERVICE on tkt tmyam normally mnm wng Ow KOmwm 90mm hmmw md um mg Amt 17 lnwmwm and much 11m and uhichi The mists at both 5mm $2 the bench of the nation ulmi ammo VMIMtMntmL hate pmmblo prepay II Th WV wJVV VV Vitmrm who gqmu mmi 3Vmm omen scam eng and gums in arw war we Megsan T3333 32 in 85 gm wmfmgt Emmy 3W 54 in ON newcomer All Departments rm clear on on III mm mam rekrtoll on ln TY toils smell of June leS which mall thorn vicewot are 311 Caldwell prlmv mlnlter with llnawm mm Wm POW or If you know 22 m9 CHURCH the sums they are all means unjoy yoursele when you visit these cxhlbitlmls which ire staged but the nexttime you go Along to fair iris trifamtispmtia little more time as critical analyst otth farming 39 lhese fairs pros vkiitooppommlty for our ttimwering gills that and tor uptowndwellers it can be and to mwmnkto rumour ambe monotonic ullerof7tho gratost tssotrs wit which our country to bloom modernism and shitldhndsi to make the productivething in mommies Man any moo3 heart you please and you Will always find in every one at least ono black spot which he has to keepcom mm Henrik Elation Violin Lewis is talking about shunting dova shown mutation September 33 Isnt that insitho right timeto help the 5810 of Portklltu mffirr0lincle obiects to the meemmmedwhw oryJuly ulna Towlwspaper Apparently it wasrr period at the from or the lakes rWgmm 2mm port orOnoario our men growtug Withnn tw1yar ago This probably re Jilteirmgiocmiou says The Quew WMloioitlmapn Wmm reports mambo as Wkmmu molargamm or ltw on WLaMtxttleilnmimww tmvrw med answerer 1m imimmzltms how diction some totem mills snarl Onty on side can no sure living its pro We will Wm cm in We demo to ts mt uglier us Wm cm cm Pamt only wants hm it is said in am man cam new pool Twclalist unmet And majority of 5Wle 4mm Likidijlsnllbl fillltlwwmmd NM New ue HOUSG or Colwmons Amok mm mam rm IIIIHIr iII IIM mm IViwmnVV WW9 to town ills rsncorlty inhis political convictions would lookout It was me Wm Hwyfmm NV VM VVVwV MCNO Socialists the House of Commons to back mm 31 Mt WM mi1w Mm isimlipemore dangerous andlbocausc he is genial anltlpmgmm Hf Ewan 411V IIu VVVWVVVVVV IN VVV RM he might MomsMn will WW shimmy IRMMHMMR tlgwitlii wgidIiwhv 5an mw $33 no cost or the or extremists in his party itim 2min minimum 1h We trust that MrlColdwell long remains head oflKliig it 1le emu llaptmtI tiny splinter groupsVa post in which he can bolflkitfmvtambf tinyup round hunt mm I=V3MV New gAntcmy alum norm and turnout iflotodeWr rlitohlms mmmlz lshoas nanny 21m and sewer indl lofcn sternum trszqu 5733 lumeon acrzvo and vigtlant without peril lo the state Newspape ams lToronto Stallt Canadian nmspopers dnily and weekly are to anl AM it now swing that var greatcr extent coming under chain ownershipJDOmm with Vim 539 is so in Ontario it is so atso in theWest And it he 0m WW PM Wt is no heartily owempmmt Even if as clammlmel fm WWW which the irydivicluat editors are given considerable freenlpemaps WW com the papers tend toldevelopcommon charactergmmmy 13 WW istics and common outlook Individuaiity is dimmed 13ml liymhml 23 it Much is to be sudrortulecvrworsammw 1VhfmougnIgghg Immortal of ne Lethbtldgc Herald who is described rpemm WW me $3 WW VVVEVMVV Emwbasswood slab named mitt in recent Saturday Night article as having strong footings about the responsibilityiof nmmmolWI MI its home community and does not botlove thata new lientSV tindfxq oafargd papercan properly serve ital community under absen gphwlmw ewwwim old when teeownersbip The promoproceeds =Wy bW Sm mvmw Of 13 dailies an the three pnrie provinces all out four are controlled by charm The senator IWV you my isoethmgo me zest or ins clrcultridmg Mandy my tom 03 um present father and ways that the Honda will never of boys Emmi moenlzinrfounger smlmgtriispotready km My psemwgemg carrying on his fathers traditions any on Ll Over the past vilaiticentuly therewbwbeen unlmmsprototypes years ago wouidlll other great change in am or which in havebmont in thrownspaces deed thechain ldeamay be considered developV with their dogs most or thcmgl meat The changeinquvatimhwm the eliminaw inrme sort 01 Wed 130111 otan iner inmost or the cities but an or thmlmtamty original Toronto and mann am the only me in mwiolnmetmrm fun for that special which now have moreftmionbeverng daily Two aftggnomi WNW backward immI to be the mile and even in thllma 5mm 05119343 Shesntaller Cities mado toys and amusements one on series or 3mm which changes anuwondgrslhow wochd have got that was metresume his EM medium outpfthe ordinaryoppors no doubt inevitable emimnlselml ram mm pwdwates which mane eldetotsnr all PMth WE levelo or government in mgago the 1m otmhpbernglla was prints much dependcl 69 Iv true one wordsunetimwlem Wg95l momma my mum umam As 1le Wlr ggff is now muggy mgnW can mmwm allty is makeupwarm Je ins asrnaster mechanic toa gang of them muncibfwm ppm WV assistants who the row and than moccasin 231 mu chain smllftlht Minimum alto31522 tootsiopintmm amt rat ll la letcbvmr imam and if they talc stand poem that MC mm mat 8W5 lsyt boy thase 989 yeags W110i acne on on II V4 Two and am 3531 immaneaammmm But rne=onm1y city lama My upon Saturdays anemoom Mr nor tlltw In vlnlrzit Sm mum Imih me turned lztr stilt mud =tl now muesli allin wt of gm mu no all much Tarantula will in the sum of gaps of paper cm Lu 31 cmtrc ii own ni it At blrwlstrwo for out And heavy row Hm tin mnq obligation odstrl uolltet he looking for Ll uni vs its two was rerun mats writ my unafraidon WWtfPMmeudmu mmkwrmammkithm mm Rwy that that alarm rate trulmww of tor is VV imam 11 mm and plum demo cannons tom guy rte xxxom for $Nm3tgsfl aw omitstum fur gum VI roast used 32234 Alarm rearm in pram um my ml am 19 54 atria 95 mt 2le mm in am BUlLDmG own more gas to 54th under oWnMW rell wallma 8m ltPllw we Whom mam in mint way this Mj mam M3 awn owl ct urn Hva ursznm yr gm 33m 21ward 223 ie rm Vi VV WW 33 My VJ Simng mu Lina ye tting ii mm WRIGHT SAINT GEORGES th England AELANBALK RECTOR Rev NewtonSam SLWDY imam 351 Smutmm COMMUNIDS LIL$033M SCHQOL ll Prayer ind 26 lncn mmEM Sermon mm for tiny mam ll gMMOENNG PRAYER panEDIE 3331153 pawEVENING PRAYER St Church 2m 1030 amsounlw Sensor 1130 am and pm PM SUNDAY SW14 2952 ll aimHoliness Meeting pmSa1vatiun mm Wm 33W mac Vi WEEV zzaw SM am am REY Wei oarw VV