Bfie During the last 50 years there has been great deal of nonsense talked about theory of evolu tion which is supposed to have finally arrived zit the the universe and made belief in God no longer necessary What is so provoking in this new popular mythology is not the historicul facts which are discussed but the naive and childish belief of Its supporters even the frantic at tempts to reach formula which will exclude God and allow man to ch out on I115 own to be sort of intellectual prodigal Which Theory We personally know of down different thcorics of the world hogan and how came into boing We are not rooting for the scientific accur acy of tho Bibles opening chap ters nor are we running down the archeological and prehistorical data which is indisputable But we are definitely dissatised with the philosophy which pretends to derive final explanations from cir cumstantial descriptions This week we ran across story which talks back how The Watch that Grew on Bush One day as was Walking along the bank of the river saw something glittering in the grass by the path Stooping picked up and held in my hand fine watch When placed it to my ear noted that it was ticking in perfect rhythm Checking it with my own watch found its time to be exact The next thing did was to look around to locate the bush On which the watch had grown for knew that this line watch had not de veloped wheel to wheel spring and jewel case and stem just ly YOU FULLY COVERED What Blows would YOUR business be blown awn entirely or would your 033 be covered by Insurance The future of your business should be pm tected by adequate Insur ance If you have any doubt about YOUR coverage see us today TOMORROW may be 100 LATE Stovensqn CO rm AUTO mom sown mama 95 DUNLOP 81 Phone 5201 hops man in Evolution ing there on the ground or had it Perhaps through many watch had been developing through the process of evolution until the day found it in good condition kccping perfect time and ready for service held the watch in my hand could imagine in the dis tant past little undeveloped cog whccl came rolling through the primeval forest and from another direction came the hardly recog nizable minute hand Then from the shore of the river crawled the fuzzy and awkward main spring lil The partly formed casc Willi little and jumps came moving from under an old decaying stump And behold wonder of wonders age upon age year upon year that watch slowly but surely gath ered itself together discarding an unimportant part here growing needed part there gradually tak ing shape until this amazing watch was at last completed If you can believe such tale you are ready for the asylum th day after day with sober faces men are telling our school child ren and each other far crazier stories than this It is just as sane to believe the story of the watch as it is to believe that man with his complicated organizntion of cells blood and brain is pro cess of blind development For we know that back of that watch was mind that planned fash ioned and adjusted each part until the perfect production resulted By the same reasoning process we know that back of our mar velous uniVerse is mind that is keen intelligent and the summa tion of all phenomena that man has investigated Faith and Science Its about time somebody began pointing out the ridiculous aspects of popular scientism It is not necessary to believe that God cre ated the universe in six days clap clap clap like that There is it refutable evidence of long slow development But neither is it necessary to believe that it all happened by itself automatically so to speak We have never seen or heard of anything occurring without cause and attendant cir cumstance That Cause is what we worship that Ground of Being out of which all being has sprung is what we adore that Primitive Force is what we and revealed in rthe Lord God who spoke to the Hebrews and sent His SOn to be Saviour to the world There is no lnevitableconfllct between science which knows its method and religion which knows its limitations Religion is not science and has not word to say about how factually or when temporally the universe began Science is not philosophy and has no business in devising nice theories which deal not with measurable facts but with valua tions and ultimate principles It the scientist ventures into this eld he does so as religious man too often very ignorant religious man If the priest or clergyman undertakes to make pronouncements about the struct ure of the universe oclts custom CANADIAN LEGION MONSTERBINGO Collingwood Community Arena years yea through countless ages that secret of Eli mimic Examimir FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12 I952 102 Squadron The l952 recruiting drive Is unl dcr way and this year the cadets have something to work fun Prizes are being offered to the caE dets who bring in the highest number of recruits First prize is one hour flying time second prize halfhour and third prize 15 minutes All three winners will get flying instruction while in the5 air and the first prize winner may end no either landing or taking off himself thh the instructor standI ing by LAC Ron Noble is loading the race at the moment with three rounds to his credit and Warrant Officer Robbins is wad Sundny evcning at 930 CKBB is presenting the Air Cadet Salute al halfhour program with Air Cachs Cpl Tom Tobin as master of corel monies He will be telling thel story of the air cadets with assist ance from Camp Bordens group captain Barrics mayor the squad rons commanding officer and others several of the cadets are being heard on CKBB several times day as they give recruiting talks In another part of todays edition of The Barrie Examiner youll find more details about this recruiting drivo The date has been changed for the annual Parents and Awards Night The original date fell on Thanksgiving Day and has been al tered to fall on the following Mon day Oct 20 in the Aromury Everyone is invited to attend One of the prized exhibits on display in the trophy room will be the Squadron Scrapbook with all the clippings pictures etc from The Barrie Examiner during the last four years It will be on Show in recognition of the Squadrons fourth birthday that night On hand to take part in the presenta tion of the several awards will be GC Syme MBE Camp Borden who will officiate at the Wings Parade As the Squadron begins its fourth year in Barrie the Commanding Officer has expressed the wish to thank The Barrie Examiner for their wonderlulcoOperation These weekly columns the many many pictures they have printed and the other assistance they have given has been tremendous asset to the Squadron ary happenings bottom so as an amateur scientist and frequently makes fool out of himself Let us read the Bible not as text book of physics but as source book of spiritual insight the like of which is not in any other volume We believe this lunatic world would grow saner and calmer thereby But the world in general is not likely to study it unless you and do Have look at the new trnnslation geoming out omsmtenitiqrm=andilglsseewhiit dune light REEVEr 32 WINS PHQTO QUIZ Winner Of this weeks Rural Photo Quiz ip The Exnmlnerwas former reev of VespraToimisfiip James Damn whose son Carl works the form on the 2nd con cession of the township near Mid hurst village whichwas pictured in Mondays issue Along with this programd MEMBERS OF the South Simcoe Junior farmers who visited the CNE in the junior agricultural division compct itions are seen here waiting with other rc prescntatlvo groups to enter Section 2Puges to 12 SOUTH SIMCOE JUNIOR FARMERS to take part tlic building where they took part in judging competi tions and farm machinery tests The South SlmCOE members had profitable day rc turning home with thrcc first class awardsn AT CNE or icnczi INTERNATIONAI MRS EXAMINER STAFF WRITERS Ontarios greatest mannuns begins for Don Jail Second upheaval in Egyptas military mantle am over affairs of state Mossadbgh firmly rejects BritishAim gcrican proposal to and oil deadlock Grim tragedy mm British annual air Show Communists propose meeting with West German Federal Parliament Nu indication of immediate breakthrough by either side CANADA ovory EC has type of curriculum tctl izrod as to how it hap ind while official recrim inutzuns dcnials have boon flying four of Canadas criminals hi the Don Jil Jrcutirt mu known thick and fast mos dangerous wtck escaped from ind started off the iit Ontario has ever lliwovor iliilo plllllLllI every police station llll was being flooded and suggestions glows and blankets were tum fto sleep and cat together Wtile staff suspension was made at the gait various stories bub gun ooding newspapers to how he group had made their escape Whether any of the gaps in the story avill ever be eventually told is in some doubt as with their cord and little to line now lug section of opinion official and ten cral holds that it will be ght to the finish when they are finally run ground EGYPT ils ibuiit the notorious quur lotto Steve Suchziu Edwui Alonzo Boyd Willinm and Leonard Jocki son being Sighted in widely separ no concrete lead as to are has been forth lltd areas win1 they coming As Toronto police officrals voiced thoir disgust at this disgrace to Canada Torontos dynamic mayor ilillll lgimpurt lcd Off the biggest Diin Jail ulficialdom and supervis List Of Teachers For Simcoe Centre Inspectorate The following list of teachers within Simcoe Centre inSpectorale SS lnnisfil Bcllc Ewartl Harold Smith Bcll Ewart Mrs has just been issued by Scott iJoyw Morris Lefroy Mrs Evelrne public school inspector F105 Twp Area No lNo Second Lino SchoollMrs Estelle Rowat Elmvalc U3 Waverley SchooliMrs Gwcnnytli Baker Elmvale Faye Freaman Elm vale Allonwoodlers Alma Gaston Craigliurst Victoria Genevieve Diysdalc Elmvale 10 CrosslandiMrs Jessie Thompson Elmvale New FloslMrs Louise Wanless Phelpston 12 Wan VlackleJohn Handy Elm vale U13 baurinilohn Ren wick Elmvalc 15 UshcisiMrs Lavena Draper Elmvale 18 Base Linc SchooliKathleen Anderson Elmvale Tiny land Allenwood U884 Auto Mrs Marion Cox Minesing SSS PhelpstoniHenry Enos Phelp ston SS9 VigoiLaura Lennox Anten Mills RR 5517 Ruths Shirley Donn Phelpston RR SSl9Mrs Flossie Wynes Elmvale RR Inmsfil Twp Area No INo Belliesdaiwllllrs Susan LYoung Churchill Cherry CreekEthel Todd Churchill Lefroyi Morley Clement Lefmy Bern ice Simpson Left0y Fifth Line Mary MacDonald Eefmy Doris Booth tograph in The Examiner He says that he and his son haverbeen watching for the picture to appear in the paper ever since the series started James Doran has Only missed abouttiyggtumination meetings in Vespra Township that he can re member He servedfor 14 years on the townshipcouncil six as councillor two years as deputy reeve and sixyears as reeve He GibsoniMildred eerie llT Watson chroy Inuisfil Twp Area BNo ti Killylcaghimllirs Blanche Cowan Thornton U9 ThorntoniMrs Al loci McIntyre 54 Baldwin St Barrio J10 tmudkMarion Webb Stroud Mrs Rose Loug hccd 124 Tilitn St Barrie Mrs Dora Martin Thornton ll CraigvalciMrs Gladys Fra lick SllOlld RR 12 Holly Mrs Margaret Andrew 42 To ronto St Barrie MarilynJ Ray mer Barrie RR 13 Painswick Marie Cottrcll Painswick 13A School near MinetsiMrs Muriel Jamiesnn Thornton llach Booth Stroud 14 Big Bay ninthDennis Foster Barrie BR 15 KnocklMrs Tula Goheen Stroud 17 St PaulsVelma Hubbcrt Stroud Oro Twp Area A4upervis ingv Principal Douglas Wilson Guthrie NO Shanty BayiPeter Wisman 38 Bradford St Barrie Mrs Grace Robins Oro Station U3 DalstoniMis Marguerite Mc Lean Edgar U4 Craighurstl Lois Jamieson Craigliursti p5 MariamMrs Winnifred Beard Goldwater RR Mrs Ethel Oakley Goldwater RR Edgar mm FaerEdgar 7HilLvievg CAlfredFrieseiiShalyBayt RBI Mitchell SquirrelMrs Velma Walker Hawkcstone Rugbyinrs Clara Smith Hawkestone 10 Leighs Corners Hazel Jackman Hawkestone 11 Orc StationDorothy Murphy Oro Station 13 Hawkestonei Mrs Jane Leigh Hawkestone 15 ClowesiG Alma Fraser Shan ty Bay RR l6 NevislJohnT Cullis Oro Station 17 Guthrie Catharine BPatcrson Guthrie 18 ArgylciLois Miller llawkct stone USS Crown liilllMiiriu Barrett Barrio RR gt US$19 Oakland HilllM Moriarty Barrie RR SSS Tiny WycbridgeiAlbertu Housman Vycbridgc SSH Tinv VyCileJolin Hart Wycvulc Mrs May Speors Wyevalc SSlfi TinywAnuc Schmidt Wyc vale 5816 Tiny The lllouiitainiMrs Elizabeth Williamson Midland RR lrcuc SS2 Tiny MacDonaldsFran cis Archer Elmvale RR 5523 Tiny Highland Point James Lane Penetanguishenc Vcspra Twp Area 1NO CundleslMrs Lorraine Scott 0160 Tiffin St Barrie Seventh LinoiMrs Ruby Bell 12 Sophia St Barrie MidhurstiMrs Mar garet Fallon Phelpston WIrs Lucille Joncs Anlcu Mills RR GrcnfeliMarion Tonkin Bar ric RR 212 FerndalciHelcn Storey 130 Tiffin St Barrie Mrs Aileen Lauson 215 Toronto St Barrie 13 Pine GroverMrs Lil lian Nugcnt BA Barric RR 17 Second LibelMrs Estelle Smart 30 Campbell Ava Barrie SS Vespra MinesinghRobert Legato Minesing June Cole Turn to page twelve VDrive Out TO The HURONIA DriveIn Theatre miles south of Banlo on Concession 14 Drive south on 27 Highway turn left on rst road past oloverlcaf1 In GSAT III CIimhlIie Iligliestllountnin technicolor verbal broadsidus as ho blasted lOIl Allcging that the illLS during their imprisonment this stemmed from the fact that the four were given additional pil building was Twidc Open he scathineg criticized the lilpheval that country 81X ilhe tact thin in his estimation thegwec ifour criminals had club car facil itlie Army Set up Aly Matter in However it While the western world hit its time to see how events would lllltllly turn here after the over throw of Farouk by MaiGen MO lizimmed Naguib commanderIn chicf of the Egyptian armed forces another crisis blossomed out early this week when Naguib jailed close to 50 of Egypts topranking fig ures and assumed direct control of lalfilllS of state This marked the second stage ago after ousting Farouk independent Premier iprovcd short term of office ls Turn to page twelve DANCING to the music Of Bob Hunter and His Bond MINETS PIIIIII PAVILIOII RESERVATIONS PHONE 4702 SATURDAY BINGO ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE MOnday Sent1543115 housed for the Concurrlolh Ind nmm JACKPOT sins Card 35 WWW Special Extra WINEIMH If resizing SONNY AND IIISSADDLE PALS still is called on to speak occasion ally at nomination meetings He has spent his entire life in the township with the exception of one year out wesiwlieuihgwas 19 Before buying the aim on the second concession he worked around Midhurst and worked rented farm for four years MAMMOTH niiin ST JOSEPHLSVAUOITORIUMv Tues1 Seertl 415 miscarriedp fl Special Game 47500 two in Toronto one in New Tan to and onein Donahue and two This me win in for iwm and there most on married dautgrslivlndinuffalo 17 IbisefIODO Games MODELsiiOwsMipmv Regionalsholthorn York SWO 813 jf Simcoe countyJersey oiup Pujbti Show Emmi Guernsey Cub She Writs Tomb crop Demonstration Now 82 years old Meruran re tired from farming six years ago lastspring and lives in new home on Highway 2827near Mid native and lifelong resident of Vespra Township James Doran is the grandson of Yspra pioneer Dennis Doran who Settled near the sixth concessionwliere Mr Duran was born lie bought the farm now Operated bnghis son in 1898 and his family of 10 boys and two girls Were all born and raised there His wife died six years ago and Mr Dom retired following her death Another son Leo works farm on the sixth concession owned by his father and third son Edward works in Midhurst and makes his hoine withCarl On the family home farm Neither of the sons SUSAN HAYWARD WILLIAM LUNDIGAN NEWS MONDAY saris ADMISSION $80Q00imCasIr Priges sioo Miiiets Point Pavilion COMMENOING at 830 pm FRIDAY SEPTEMIiEii 12 VFOr Reservations Phone 47021 mnt Iuowrurs our Ill sinamixilama Agricultural Park HIGHWATzI THELctovrkLEAT 7900 in PrizMOmy Forgicattle VStylne Sheep Field tiiOps and TorOntgivho are frequent vis itors in their tallirs newaliome Although battled from fanning Mr Dinan wasng Overlo help bale hay on thehome farin on Tuesdpy when he noticed the pho LIiiiiiiviiriotiin snow boast mourners mar WW um