Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Sep 1952, p. 3

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Ichell Square on Jan 31 1861 and as the signings of faith that gave herisuch Lifelong Resident Barrie Dirict Dies in 92nd Year Funeral senlce for one of Barl ries oldest citizens Pairs Lesbian Currie was held at the Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home on Friday Aug 29 1952 Mrs Currie that in her 92nd year on Wednesday Aug at the home of heredaughter Mrs John Powell 36 Sophia 511 West Barrie following cerebral hemorrhage Millie uf Oro Township the MRS LACHLAN CURRIE late Mrs Currie was born at Mit was the former Janet iJCSSlel Orr Smith dilughter of the late William Smith and Catherine Curried She was the third eldest child oil family of 11 of whom only two members are now living Shel had been resident of Barrie for the past 26 years staunch member of St All1 lirews Presbyterian Church Barl rie shehad belonged to the Wol mens Missionary Society The late Mrs Currie was supporter of the Liberal Party Surviving are her two daughters Mrs John Powell Barbara and Mrs Anderson Edith of Barrie sister Miss Rose Smith of Orillia brother Dr William Smith of Boyd Wisconsin and seven grandchildren John Currie Powell and Arthur Powell and Janet and Christine Anderson of Barrie Mrs George Hadlow Mayme of Los Angeles Cali fornia and John and William Laur ence Curriepof Midland Her husband predeceased her in 1934 Two sons the late William Currie and Arthur Currie him and others be surveyed in ord er to establish boundaries claim also predeceased her The funeral service at the Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home Was conducted by the Rev James Fer guson of St Andrews Church Ac tive pallbearers iwere William Moore Harold Moore Camp bell Robertson Dohaldimon and Lewis Wilson Honorary pall bearers were BellA Mor row William Robertson Simp son Thompson and Whitby Interment was in Knox cemetery Oro Township Relatives and friends were pres ent from Toronto Midland and Orillia Thefuneral home was banked with flowers sent by associates and friends of the deceased In his tributeto the late Mrs currie Mr Ferguson paid honor to her many qualities as Christian churchwoman mother and friendr Mrs Currie was good woman Her character her outlook her all in all was Christian through and throughno blots nobiemishes The Golden Rule waspersonified in her life It was always apleaI sure to be in her presence Her disposition was sweet and her strength was as the strength of ten because her heart was pure INNlSFfL COUNCIL NOTES By lnnisnl Lownshlp Council merg on Monday Labor Day at the Township office with all members present The day was very hot and at times there were as many as eighteen persons crowded into the little room There are only three or four extra chairs to acJ commodate visitors and many had to stand or lean against the table Asked why the meeting was held at the office instead of the big airy community hall the Reeve stated that there had been some complaint by council members over paying seven dollars for the other Lakeshore Park Belle Ewart William Ruffctt who came to ask that certain lands owned by ed some fences had been erected out of place Asked by the Reeve about the establishment of lakeside park Mr Ruffett stated that unless some thing was done in this regard the village would become ghost town as the difficulty in renting cottages was becoming more and more acute He stated Many of the places formerly used now have private signs up so that there is no place left for those with other than lakeside property to get to the wat er motion was passed authorizing the clerk to engage surveyor to go over the lands in question and at the same time to make an timatiou on the extent of land which might be park School Increases Bclle Ewart School which is to be extended with two rooms at cost of $39850 will have total of 105 pupils when opened They are now being stored in stores and halls and if they were my children would object stren uously Harold Sheppard chair man of the board told cooncil The appropriations allowed us to spend up to $40000 so we have after the tender of Dennis Sheard was accepted just sufficient to clean up the lot and fence it Council will arrange to borrow sufficient to finance the work Belle Ewart is the only school which does not belong to school area They had refrained from joining line township areas he lieving that the large summer r9 sort district would support the school at little cost per ratepayer With the converting of many of the cottages into yearround homes the school populations has tripled in one year Council stated gt that the assessor would be instructed to aSsess those places which were being used at other times than summer spe cial allowance for summer use only will not be made Mr Sheppard claimed that many of the places supposed to be insul ated for winter use were entirely unlit as such They become solid coat of ice by the leakage of heat through the walls The Township has not building bylawthat con trols type or quality of any build ing Protest Taxes Slea owner of the Savanah Lodge at Cedar Harbour protested his taxes were greatly in excess of similar property nearby which was lived in the year rouhd He was told that nothing could be done for this year but that he would receive notice of the court of revision this year He asked about the refund of portion of the business tax as he was only part time business operator He was told to place his application inwriting Ice House Protest letter was read from group of cottagers about an ice house erected without authority they host of friends She appreciated every lit tle kindnessthat waseyer extend ed to gther She had the most re sponsive heart that could be found in any person The little thlngs in lifemeant just rasmuch to her But it was in herlire of faith that Mrs Currie was best known She loved her Church and or all the bestsellers none compared life res markable philosophy of with the Bible It was her life In all the events which ever happened to her she could Say All things work together for good to them that love God tothern who are 51 non sear Iv Driven only 8000 Miles SparoNow an nonunion Hester EXCEPTIONAL BUY laimed on ajpiece orpropey near the lake at Belle Ewart This structure was very unsightly and devalued their property Ask Road Be Taken Over Ernest Herald and Lumsden as that the road alongside the drivein theatre leading to Barrie be taken over There were hun dredsof cars on this at night from the show and they created terribIe dushand road conditions Itwas pointed out thattlle De partment frowned on taking over unimproved roads on subdivisions and that the owners should get to getherandhave it put into shape calledaccordlng to purpose Asa motherl Currie lived at sacrificial life without complaint because she wanted her family for brute the bestAs mother there was mine more devoted seer zThe Church gt is going back tofits regular church time on SophiaService will be held ate 230 pm On Oct it theWA of the Angli Jcan Church is holdingits annual bazaar in the township hall After min tea will be served in the ingegezmed hall required for JUNIOR FARMERS Theresa Frawley left of Mount St Louis Gord Caldwell of Shanty Bay and Karl Miller of Mount St Louis right examine bacon carcasa provided by the First Oraoperative Packers of Ontario Simee Junior Farmers of Barrie in the judging competition at the North Simcoe achievement day vSatllrdayiBis Bay Point road overuse 570 morning Sixtyseven junior farmers mem bers of different 4H Clubs and the North part in the annual event at Elmvale stunning of any dog found off its TEE 3AM thu glimpses hemmed sunset and sul Eisd or near where sheep are hablt nally kept ll was tell that the police should make an effort to carry this out more rigidly SEPT 3Weekend visitors werez $0 Some of are silent killed moi like David Dvuihnylimw mm my beer mauled 11ch 1er houses of the irummuv mm W350 anti Esme Church who has been 0v nuts The instructions are that gmwmri Ml ad Mf to ction is to be taken once iomlle Wm mm Mm all Miriam it stop this deslruciioll EHde rummu and Mrs Dav Woods $011136 Taylor Toronto With Mr and um WA Park Conditions rs Bellamy Frank Fellimn MM writing the Tawnsmp Dr llnrontu with Mr and Mrs Otto In and Mix Scull Simone County Health 13th family Mount Albert um on Lmt gave Council ilLllULliUlls lhul Anniversary scrvrce will be held mam my lollies they immediately took steps Sunday Sept at 730 pm The Mr and Mrs Robert Shaka and In comply with the Order vi 1hr=k be 39 DC family Cobire earth Altair 923 lCounty Board of Health and make fast Nob Ireland span Lhe rtecw ry change 111 the san Aug 24 with Robert nary wndmum park mey trees to reforc five acres on the M31 and Mn Alfred my woum Chm gtownshlp property on the 12th line and Frank visited Mr and am directed cl it or pork Won 39 Wide this has bran Ernest Tuck Thompsoavuie may to the public which no id ohvious rly cause inconvenience to both thei Ipuhlic and to lflllljill CllllnLll he wrote The Reeve after the matter was discussed agreed that he would ask iDr Scott to ugnlll metL the Collncrl fund further discuss the Location oil the new sanitary writer fellets zlsi like Council were not in accord with ihc site chosen previously We had very satisfactory tell Wier Deputy Reeve Splollle stated and could have vastly made 501 lisfucldl adjustments and gone Whether you need new lilfiLatl Willi the work two monthsi TlgU We have just been Siltlflg zlE zound doing nothing ever since The Reeve stated that he hull felt that the Department of Health ishuuldb assume the responsibility of choosing the proper location Councillor Gihbins offered sug gcsllon as to his choice of site land the matter was left to see if an agreement could not be relishch at once as to the location of the annulus LOCAL sxcwsrvs souls site 25 suzassrn ST PHONE 486 Line Traffic it was reported by Mr Iowan Member Retail Furriers Guild of Canada Better Maine MI gluyel pit Last Few Days There is still time to take advantage of the GIGANTIC SAVINGS of Wiggins Furs coniforthh yenrornoxt voausewiuunuv 11 now use the price inattheloestqul ityandstyle ntltl best that the traffic on the iilll line over ithe weekend would be over four thousand cars the liiih line and the ldlllly Reforest Property it was decided to order sufficient Association took when the township could take it ongare diverted south to another area might have sole for was claimed to have been accept if properly surveyed and be considered to able to the owners their roads system and keep iti maintained connect Baldwin Street with this road Road Supervisor Cowan said that he and the department engineergsidcration he give Sell Part Of Farm had looked over the road and it some ofa his lands not surveyed as order rigidly would require considerable expense lots to make it suitable for their ap proval The children living there had to go to school by the 14th line to Tollendal school Ask Signs ToProtect Pupils Mrs Rodgers of Tollendal Road wrote asking some action as to having signs placed where pupils to Tollendal scllool had to cross the road Hydro Cagt Of Pole Moving The Townships share of moving pole at Minets Point was as sessed at $55 according to an ac countfreceived Complaints of High Assessment ratepayer wrote complaining that an unlined cottage formerly assessed at $250 was now assessed at $550 Relief Accounts Mr Vale inspector of relief ac counts asked that new system of accounting set up He felt that the clerk ad not the time not place to handle these ClerkAllan stated that this matter had now been rectied Bud Martin offered special rate for placing fill at the park He also advised that he had no connection with the firm of Martin Brothers who handled the garbage Donation To Plow Match BlytheMcConkeyaskedthahe usual donation be made to the pious match which will be held early in Octoberion the farm of LhribrtWilson on 27 Highway donation of $25 was approved Request Cemetery Board Have Consideration Harvey Rawlston asked that council give cbnsideration to par tial rebate of some of the costof spraying done by the Roads De partment in the Sixth Line Ceme tervri We have no funds he told council It pointed out that olaly abando ed cemeteries couldqual ify for township grants Goodfellow Plan Again Discussed Wilfred Jocks and Mrs Jacks brought in the plan of the Goodfe1 low property north of the ninth line and asked that it be approv He stated that itiwas up forthe approval the DepvaPtA ment of Planning and Development someonewrotethere thatthis was only moose pasture lands floods edpart offhe year Mr Jacks stated that most ofthe land titercahoots was similar He asked that even though it would re quire filling before it could be built on it should be accepted as plan Council agreed darn worsens sent back to the Board with recohl me dations The changing often 918230 that Sarina wallets Sheep Claims With thousands of Clarence Srigley asked that cou paid out for sheep claims theynle plan to sell still mounting Efforts to have the It was suggested that hclby the Reeve more frontage dollars now enforced were 15de This allows for tile churchmen snanes Price $115 First Time Offered one 147 WLLDRESL 0Nnorseanapas we LEADING Manuracrultuns nowlolasen BEAUTIFUL Sultan Nimbus IN ALL This aroauo oyla nonsense of at $691 emcee EFFECTIVE until an seer em Jaw9934 1111 seam WHITE or snow SllCEDgt24ozloal1 UNSLICED Netball non E00 Raspbrry Pectin added 2002 tin IC ION JIM 24oziar AdP Fancy Sockeye Smo1zlhlin31c Liquid Rod Rubber mos mes combination5 BIKE Bursa 79 STRICTLY FRESH ciw 9rna sine on 39 Pullers Eats walls 44c mo egoax lodge Delicious ChonedMeat pm on Ann Page Aaron 6m some mtyCiuahod 3lb chosen Nata Wu 1N For us no dozier

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