ble And the smill green cucum conjure up pride in the most rel illard wore strapless gown of No miter bow warm the weaihl er becomes from now on we arei convinced that summer is over with the passing of the Labor Day holiday Nothing seems more win try than the sight of childrcnl carrying their books back to school and the smell of pickling spices and hot chili sauce and preserved peaches in the house completes the impression that winter snow and sleet are just around the corner The other evening we even found it comfortable to have re in the fireplace and wami ourselves from the cool breezes outside In fact at corn roast this week it came as shook to hear some people diving into the cold water at the nearby beach to swim in the cool of the evening The end of summer is however the time that pays off on springs hard work in the garden The small chore of planting corn in June seems very small looking back when the golden cobs fresh from the garden are on your lai bcrs for nineday pickles along with ripe young tomatoes for chili luctupt gardener September used to mean to usl the somewhat pleasant task of getl ting into the routine of going back to school after long summer Now there is no distinct boundary line between the seasons other than September brings fall fairs and in week or so we will be sitting beneath tent or in municipall fair building unloading our portl able typewriter and settling down to the task of listing pigssheep and horses pickles fancrtvork and owers watching sulky races lil our spare time and generally letl ting the atmosphere of country fair seep in to color our copy HealeyJanizen Nupiials are Held Ai Si Marys quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday August 30 1952 in the sacristy of St Marys Roman Catholic Chunch Barrie with Very Rev Deap James Clair officiat ing when Miss MarryWJean Healey only daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Henley Jr was married to Wesley Jantzen son of Mrs Jantzen and the late Mr Jantzen of Vancouver BC Given in marriage by her father the bride wore strapless white Swiss lace gown over taffeta and pleated nylorr skirt with short bolero of lace Her chapel veil was heldby wreath of white lilacs and she carried small cas cade of white gardenias Her attendant Mrs Rob midnight blue taffeta with sweep ing skirt topped with bolero Her half bonnet of matching taff eta was trimmed withame fess thers and she was carrying cas cade of poms and ame gladioli Sgt Bellinge of Camp Bor den was groomsman and Mead of Toronto acted as usher reception was held at Robin dale Inn Receiving the guests the brides mother wore rust gown with long sleeves and flying panels in front faced with lighter tone taffeta She wore Choose for YOUR pickling the vinegar that made HEINZ Were looking forward to com paring the new CBC islevismn shows with some of the late even ingfare we saw recently in the us At newspaper office we visited with its own TV set this is not suggestion only hint iwe heard excuses that the pro grams werent coming in too wdi and that it was bad evening but unfortunately didnt see anything more startling than rather charm ing male disk jockey who talked alternately in his big hound dog in the background and the audi ence We tuned in as be was read ing some rather incoherent letters from his vieWers seemingly writs ten either about or by dogs He left the doggy topic long enough to tour few night spots and in terview some more dazed varieties of uuioftown visitors in the big city Of course were not expecting to see anything of this variety on the CBC whose disk jockeys will certainly be dogless at any rate but we are hoping that the Can adian brand of television will copy our neighbors by reviving some of the older films well never have an opportunity to see other wise Wcd be content to sit and watch old Garbo Valentino Hep burn and Novarro shows any cvcn ing at all Mr and Mrs Wolfram of 151 James Street will be at home to their friends andrelatives on Wednesday September if on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary Parents of the Bar rie Chamber of Commerce secre itary Reg Wciham the couple will hold their anniversary reception between the hours of three and five oclock Wednesday afternoon and seven and 10 oclock in the evening green vclvetfeaiherlrimmcd hat and green accessorics and carried set of brown squirrels Her cor sage was if sweetheart roses For travelling the bride wore navy taffeta faille coat dress trim med with white navy hat navy accessories and fur jacket of grey kid with corsage of pink roses After wedding trip through parts of the United States Mr and Mrs Jantzen will reside in Barrie KAmong the guests were Mrs Robillard Miss Mary Ellen Robiilard Mrs Keen Mr and Mrs Conson Mrs Lamoreux and Mead all of Toronto and the brides grandparents Mr and Mrs Dennis of Hornepayne Margaret Handy Becomes Bride of Douglas Allen The marriage of Miss Margaret Ida Handy daughter of Mr and Mrs Russell Handy of Shanty Bay to Douglas Frederick Allen son of Mr and Mrs Allen of Barrie took place on Saturday August 30 1952 at three oclock in the afternoon in St Thomas Anglican Church Shanty Bay The Rev Dr Lighthourn performed the ceremony Wedding music was played by Angus Ros of Barrie who also accompanied the soloist Willis Thompsonof Dalston Given in marriage by her fath eethebride4vsssvearingagowu ofltwbite organdy over taffeta with an eyelet yoke styled With train and lily point sleeves juliet cap of seed pearls held her ngertip veil and she Was carry lugs sheaf bouquet of American beauty roses andsteplianotis with white streamersmndrosebuds Mrs Earl Leigh of Hawkestone was matron of honor and Miss Ruth Fieldman of Shanty Bay was bridesmaid The attendants were gownedv in yellow taffeta with overskirts of nylon net and sweet heart necklines Theywore match ing mittens and were carrying sheaf bouquets of bronzeand yell ow mums and wore bandeau headdresses of matching mums Kenneth Roberts of Torontowas gmrnan and James Handy of Shanty Bay and Macdonald Hutton of Barrie acted as ushers At the reception and supper in Shanty Bay Hall which was dec WQLleleilh cedar branches and nfall flowers the mother of the grey jacquard striped bride was wear dress of blue satin in coat style yer full skirt Her ac cemrres erg black and She Was wearing storage of sweetheart r0593 also received was in deep mauve and was wearing black accemor like lo and corsage of sweetheart roses Cables were received non The grooms mother who September Bride Elect Enferiained At Troosseau Teak Mrs Reynolds entertained at her home 58 Grove St East at trousocau tea in honor of her daughter May who is to be mar ried on Saturday Sept to Keith Bowles in Central United Church The moiher of the bride received during the afternoon and evening assisted by the bridetobe Pouring tea during the afternoon were Mrs Bowies of Brad ford assisted by an aunt of the bride Mrs Colihane of New market Assisting with the serv ing were Mrs Cameron Hill Mrs Emerson Astridge Mrs Ronald Stewart Miss Eileen Mrs Ray Usher Miss Mary Reynolds Miss Beth Huddleswn Mrs Albert Reynolds and Miss Joan Preston were in the trousseau rooms Miss Beth Huddlesfon entertain ed at her home in Stroud at miscellaneous shower in honor of the brideelect before the wed ding North Sirhcoe Branches Plan For September COLDWATERWILI1 the return of full all branches of the Womens Institutes in North Simcoe district except Penctanguishcnc resume regular meetings in September Scheduled meetings for the vari ous branches include the following programs COLDWATER JUNIOR Sept 23 830 pm Hosiesses Mrs Allan Hill Miss Kathleen Stewart Spea ker Cowanhon Lumbcring COLDWATER SENIOR Meet ing Sept at Mrs Andrew Swailcs Rev Dick will speak on Citizenship Lunch committee Mrs Dunlop and Mrs Dcvitt COULSON Sept 10 230 pm at Mrs Shellswclls There will be demonstration on aper flow ers Mrs Ego Is nvener and CreightonJarrett will be guests Lunch committee Mrs Fagan Mrs Jennie Walker Mrs Ego and Mrs Ego CREIGHTON JARRATT Sept There will be demon stration of salads and the roll call will be Guess the weight of the member to your right EADY lt At the Community Hall Sept 10 at 230 pm local min ister will speak and program in cludes entertaining grandmothers EBENEZER Speaker will be the choice of convener Mrs Ivens Hostess will be Mrs Waplcs Lunch committee Mrs Jones Mrs Lawrence Parker Mrs Brown GRENARD Meeting to be at Mrs Walter Moons The program will include piano solo by Miss Dorothy Moon Roll call will be An interesting memory of your grandmother HILLSDALE The meeting will be at the church There will be special speaker on Home Econo mcls and Health HOBART CARLEY Sept 10 at 230 pm at Mrs Everett John stones Program includes enter taining mothers and babies MELDUF Meeting at Mrs Robinsons at 230 pm on Sept 10 Director will be Mrs Wilson Program will be entertaining grandmothers and contest will involve an oldfashioned hat or bonnet MOONSTONE Meeting Sept at pm at Mrs Jack Buchanans Hostesses will be Mrs Buchanan and Mrs Hewitt The program is Agriculture and Canadian Indus tries and there will be an address on Horticulture gt NORTH RIVER Meeting on Sept at Mrs George Langleysi Mrs Hall and Mrs Fred Shaw are in charge of the program The roll call is Things enjoy most at the fair VASEY Meeting at Mrs Nel son Edwards at pm on Sept There will bear speaker on Edu litiiirnl1t5hnportnricefLbfrsr Frank Rynex is convener Roll call Where received my educa tion LL WARMINSTER Meeting Sept 24 at pm with Mrs Wilfred Mercer as hostess The speaker will be David GordonThemefo1 the month is Historical Research WAUBAUSHENE Meeting on Sept 17 in the library There will be pot luck supper at pm Speaker will be Lane Fore ester of SevernRiver Management Area Committee Mrs Nlois and Miss Norma Jefferis cries and corsage ovamerican beauty roses On their return Mr and Mrs Allen will be making their home in Deep River where the groom is doing research work at the Atronics Laboratory Guests from distance at the Wedding Macdonald ofAjaxMr and Strathgarn of Toronto and Mrs Dunnigan of Toronto Rev and Mrs Parr of Midland Mr and Mrs Roberts of Toronto and the rbridzes grandmothery Mrs James Kandy Srof Dalston Macdonald the grandmother our Milosevic Swim and fromthezbrides aunt and un4 cle Mr endureG muniting ton of reasons England 31nd on wedding loco friends oftbe groom Later the bride and groom left mpgto the United were Mr and Mrs JnrijuP$lillWli Hyde and Iiiou by Mayfair Studio Catharin MRS DONALD JOSEPH SULLIVAN whose wedding took place in St Catharine of Alexandria Church at StCath1r ines The bride is the former Nora May ShaughneSSy daught er of Mr and Mrs William Shaughnchy of Barrie and her husband is the son of Mrs Michael Sullivan and the late Mr Sullivan of Merritton After wedding trip to points north the couple are making their TOUCH OF GARLIC can make even the simplest meal gourmets delight and one sure way of get ting that touch and no more is by using garlic press This han dy little kitchen gadget gives you just the juice of the garlic without the sometimes overpowering pieces of garlic which are foo sirong MEAT LOAF is an interesting but economical way to start your all culinary planrling One recipe we like is to take 1V2 lbs ground beef eggbeaten cup fresh bread crumbs mediumsized on ion chopped 1V2 teaspoon salt V4 teaspoon pepper and 11 can tomato sauce Mix all thme ingredients lightly and form loaf Place in shallow par in moderate oven 350 Mix it can tomato sauce tablespoons vinegar table spoons prepared musiard cup water and tablespoons brown sugar or molasses Pour over meat loaf in oven and continue baking hors longer Its delicious and the family will love FRENCH FRIED onion rings make delightful accompaniment to this meat loaf Slice large white onions and separate the slices into rings dip the rings in fritter bat ter and then drop them into deep bot fat and fry until golden brown IF YOU FEEL that you should lose labfew pounds before the fall and winter season set in here are few tips Donit be heavyhanded with salt It attracts water to hody weightGo easy on sweets Clear brothers or bouillons have nocalories Dont eat between meals Try cottage cheese instead of butterand skim med milk instead of whole milk ernsmshnic COMBINATIONS being shqwnfor fall are amazing so dont be afraid to try afew of home in Merritton newspaper into each and set them in warm room to dry The news print will absorb the moisture and hasicn the drying action INIENSE IS BACK in vogue again and with the chill evenings of autumn fast approaching you can warm the atmosphere of any room with this fragrant surprise Available also inliquid form you use few drops on warm elec tric light bulb This is an ex tremely handy way of using it as one or two drops on lamp bulbs scattered around room sccm to mire the perfume rise from every where NOW ISTHE TIME too to get out last years fall and winter wardrobe and go over it carefully and see how you can make it fit into this years fronds Do spend little time with couple of the latest fashion magazines for ideas then see hov they can apply with what you have in your closet INCIDENTALLY if ybu seemrio have collected hats of the larger variety experiment by taking one to your milliner and having it made over into one of the new headhugging styles being featured We think you will find ihisfall this considerably less expensxve than shopping anew FOUND TRINIDAD Trinidad was discovered by Cob umbus in 1498 and colonized by the Spaniards of the next century Anmnrcnsroiu Ancient Greece carved the leave witness to their devotion your own Tweed= accentuated with velvet velveteen piped With silk braid wool jersey with inserts of satinarrow few of the many combinations that lead the fem inine trend for fall SUITS AND costssets shown with some of the most at tractive linings We haverlseen in long time Some of the darker suits have very bright red orange or yellow linings with matching fpgmade otpa Lyroolsrdram veleteenor soft jersey IF DAMP SHOES are one or your problems due to fall rains stuff several crumpled sheets of liningsare be vgjnmciiesri35oe www www no mama EXAMINER mar ems rose11 mm LUNCHES Hello Homemakers Currie Supi lrmbc we become as clock con lemons in household routine ssi lchildren in the classroom Whenl lunches are prepared at home its Wise in set agide corner or Shelli for the supplies ii sharp slicing knife waxed paper cups with cov ers pilpcl napkins waxed paper and sandwich bags note book and pencil fur scribbling tentative weeks lunches Will be an advant age also Sundmches arc the mainstay of most IlUUi lunches Since they must of necessity be made long limo before they are eaten only lhosc fillings which will be uppe izzing after long standing should be used Lettuce and sliced toms tuos are two items that go limp when sliced so ii is boiler to wrap 2i wedge of lettuce or whole to mnli tightly in wax paper or foil With tiny envelope of Salt and pepper many crisp foods become picch salad TAKE TIP Lunch box suggestions 11 Prepare two sandwiches made of variety of fillings Purchase various kinds of broad loo vhiic cracked wheat cheese raisin rye and malt Make 21 contrast of both color and flavor by wrapping crisp cu cumber wedges carrot sticks pcppur strips celery pieces and whole tomatoes Ircshfruit is always welcome lpplc orange poor peach grapes banana or wedge of mel on All toosoon youll prepare jars of rice pudding jellled prunes applesauce and other desserts Accompnny fresh fruit with piece of cake or two cookies If beverage is also carried it should be piping hot or delight fully COld Rinse the thcmios for soup or cocoa with hot water but if you send milk or fruit juice rinse the container with Cold water Since every child likesh treat it may be an edible one stuf fed dates few raisins marsh mallows or nuts However surprise item may bring hap piness too in an amusing pics iurc note from dad or new marbles Sandwich Fillings Minced Meat hum pork beef corned beef veal lamb tongue chicken Flaked Fish salmon tuna crab mcaL Cooked Egg hardcooked The above foods are best minced or diced seasoned with salt and slightly moistened with boiled Answer Torm Butler Cups stewed tomamcs apples lbs sugar cups cider vinegar or stick cinnamon uz grnger rout Ls UL mace lg oz whole clove Drain cups of tomato jolch off and use this juice as beverage Put remaining tomatoes in an enamel kettle add minced apples sugar and vinegar Tie spices in hog and put into kettle Cook to geiher for hours or until thick stirring frequently Use electric clement turned low When thick remove spice bug and pour into clean but jars and seal Mrs asks for drop cookie recxpe suitable for wrapped lunch e5 Answer Date Nut Rocks 23 cup shortening eggs beaten cups chopped nuls cups sultann raisins cups chopped dates cup brown sugar tbsps milk in cups flour tsp baking soda tsp baking powder lisp cach cloves ollspicc Cream shortening and Continue to beat adding eggs Add nuts rnisms and dates Mix in the milk and gradually the flour sifted together with baking powder and soda and spices Drop by spoonful on greased cookie sheet Bake in electric oven of 375 dogs Mir minutes Makes about dozen WAVERLEY SEPT lMr and Mrs Clifford Hovve and Wayne Brnntford MISS Una Blake Phil Blake Miss Palsy Fitzgerald Midland were recent visitors wiih Mr and Mrs Clarence Bannister Mr and Mrs Donald Brown Or illiu spent some time with Mr and Mrs Orion Brown Mrs Sheppardson Sr Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Ed Dalanvillc David May Ottawa spcnt holiday with his parents number from here attended the CNE during the past week Mr and Mrs Miller Barrie visited Mrs Wallace Wood Mrs McWatters returned lifter spending some time in Toronto Mr and Mrs George Brock To the Mr and Mrs Robert to vibrd Mr and Derby and ethics Mrs Elba hows and visited relatives in rm the weekend Mr and Mrs Chester Towns and girls Oriliia spent the with Mr and Mrs Thomas Mrs Abe This not may his the sympathy of the immunity in their recent loss Mr and Mrs Cecil Kali Tm to visited relatives Miss Marilyn Brown entertained iew friends on the maim of her birthday Wednesday Aug Mr and Mrs Morris Sedan and Margaret Huntsvtlle spent few days with Mrs Elba Broom Mr and Mrs Frank Stacey and family spent the weekend in St Catharines and other points south TV SALES arm From September 1949 to March l952 total of 85525 televrsion sets were sold in Canada PAINT ROOM FOR THE PR OF TWO PAIRS UF NYLC sugar Welcome Wagon FRIENDS GREEI IIEWCOMERS TO TOWN If you are newoomer to town or if you know 3c newcomer to our call Eriol McNabb 2759 no cost or obligation dressing or cream sauce or sweet chili sauce Prune lb cup cooked chopped prunes 14 cup peanut butter tsps lemon juice Pineapple ii cup drained crushed pine apple lvcup cottage cheese Vegetable l6 cup grated carrot if cup grated cabbage 12 cup chOpped peanuts Mayonnaise to moisten Bean Relish cup baked beans strips cooked bacon Savory Cheese Put through food chopper li lb cheddar cheese hard cooked eggs tsp onion isps sweet pepper six WellwTitTSaltTpaprika and Once on time the natives of names enough salad dressmg to spread oftheir sweethearts or wives on the soles oftheir shoes so that the trod they might warmer Tomato Butter THE crissnon pox Mrs requests recipe for Payta small deposit when your blanket week and you soon possess beautiful KerrwoodBlanket iCEROY 1995 mosusrsspcciu richness softens dry skin quickly Smoothies hands elbows and all other skin areas powder bwMMWIM raususrsdeum on even when gt doing household chores Yon know its TRUSHAY by its skintone cold in the bottles Household tasks storm can chap or crack 0anage renewsens fcoomjca bottle oEITRUSKAY goes than most lotions rich thermostats inTilie bathroomvand kitchen on use TRUnglfdho only Iotionespomall ydeezgn ellNWT 53 lIRIN up Ccmbine1tbesoftbutters vtbsyhmnjluoecndidedremlimbmkennutw Estates Whine travelling1m yinplace sun of black one one sheckelbshwiihjbbck awe vFAMO 1451695 NORWAY CAM91150 so These easel Blankens an may ODrWIncIowv lbogbusy hands unusual me mommy mnyhousoholdohorejsgenjoyevenfngsocial Shaving we rie in sadism $343 museum warm