lWFi 619191 don Cleitch is launched AVERLEY 11150114 and Mrs Norman lenwood and son of Kamila Wisconsin and Mn Orville fancy land son from Now Havcn Vllfcd their paicuts Nov and Mrs Farncy 11068 381113 EGGS POULTRY Cy fem am 0M all 3km 53 igmj 01 Emma ithm 816 days thth Mr and Mrs Charity Itemh 3063 and MrsI Lummlngs amt Price to Fame Em 0th and riand gt Basis Grade $2535 dllnaldisrrgrf Sic312 GarngPligllw HOWE 11wv 315 $1550 Ski and Mrs can raga is VMMV and Mrs kw 1008 mW vw 52 mm Medium 46 Misses Darlene and Brenda Liv 292 ingxtone are holidaying with then Mr Pearce is impressed vlth 33l grandparents Mr and Mrs Dace the wondm mung museum in Barrie and vicinity and at HKKENS VlLllIVlVrtltV chgfiehip thc We in 1897 They expect to return to Rc gina rally in Septembcr or mi chootlng swoon as M1 Failure and momma companion havv gonc out together on the opening date 5mm for lilo past 40 50350115 Gde WRIGHT mm Vlbilors with Mr and Mrs an WM cater Mr and MrsA Pearce of Regina are visiting with their sum litlaw and daughter Dr and Mrs Campbell and their family at 30 Brock St On Aug 21 they celebrated M11 Campbells birthi day and their 00111 wedding anni versary Present on the occasion were Mrs Pcarces sister Mrs Waddell and her husband from Parry Sound and her broth er Munroe 01 Toronto Over 11 Special Grade Grade Grade BShop Oz Magma Wm lake the Corbv la wetk and ovu if gt part ode service on Sunday mormng at V0 um weekend were Ml and Mrs 10 lmy Angling Chumht Barrioluoyd Corby from Dutton Mr Special Privately Driven Since Bishop ergt is brother of thcland Mm JV LV Corby and Mr Grade New Rent Buy it rector of Trinity Church Rm idaugmen Jack LOUV we in T0 Grade wmmm M00 and Miss Mary C390 25 070L3MV0 W01 nos Moore of Home and M15 ilifllian Moore Of Toronto won Muakv WWW grades lb Ver bushels of grain or 20000 tons of ore The 6041000 trelgnt TV JV LunyV SJV dirwmr of me Mar the muVVchmg ceremony at the Midland smpyards yeswr Under lbs 24V 21 tyrs Shrinc at Midland to attend me VVVVVVVVVVVOVV in honor 0V prime dayV Named after mt pregmem 0f the Upper Lakes and curry ore between Dumm and Hamilton as Start her USED AR DIVISION St Lawrencc Transportation Co Ltd the latest addition Canada can thank the gouging Frank Kitchener 58 of Toronto Laurent today at me Shrine Great Lakes career Waitstrougbt to the Royal Victoria Mm Lawrence RlVer ospltalVBarneVon Thursday while Mm CV CV warm pmsburghV cnhurst area Mary Jane arc visiting With Mr 01511 rum hcz sister Mrs JV NV He had not been fifeng we and Mrs George Clark Bradford Bradford and husband of North and it was thought best tongs St Bay at her cottage at Lilkt 01 AUG illR000 VlfllOrS ill Mr chb 1111 15 ay ere Wilma wrigm iron for cw days this week grade among the guests invited by Nov Illl Sb GORDON LLITLH slides down theVVways at to lbs 28 25 31 L9 L0 be commissioned early in November and Wlll likely Su denly at RVH Minister the Rt Hon Louis St to the shipping companys imightcr fleet can carry 650000 glam the Re 080 for the St en route to cottage in the an Penn and daughters Gertrude and Mrs Williamson received tain the cans of the trouble It Mrs Stewart Wittcn of Bramp lymplc ovcr lllchwkcnd was found to be Serious hcart ion is the guest of her niece Mrs condition which terminated in his Crease at her home Street death on the same evening Looking for place to celebrate that special birthday anniversary other special occasion The relation to your problem Is In one of the flue eating places listed below Youre sure to have wonderful time and wonderful meal HOTELS LODGES INNS It 011151111115 10000 MINETS POINT PHONE 3111311111 5193 Fine Home CookedrFood Served in Friendly Home WEDDING RECEPTIONS lgike Atmosphere nANcuars CONVENTIONS MEETINGS John Peel Inn LOG CABINS CHURCHILLVON N0 lllGWAY ROAST BREEDINsz doors SANDWICHES sum it SNACKS ALL VEQETABLBS 110m GROWN t0 F08 TABLE BOOKINGS PHONE annoy 11m 5111100 1101111 AT THE FIVE POINTS BARN Lowest PricesVFchbest Moulth Town w110101 Blurie Ike filich in Food 1210100 2424 LUNCH nails 38 Charlotte ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Norman Baker am nounce the cngagcmcnt of their daughter Norma Alice Barney to Allan Green son of Mrs Alice Green of and Head and the late Grccn the marriage to take place Saturday Scptcmbcl 20 at 730 p1n in St Johns An glican Church Cookstown 09 Mr and Mrs Arthur Gardiner Wycbridge announce the engage ment of thcir daughter Edna Mac to William James McClung son of Mr and Mrs Edward McClung Phelpston the marriage to take place on September 20 at Oclock in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Wyebridgc 99 Mr and Mrs David Jones 01 Barrie wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter Eliz abeth Ruth Betty to Donald McDonough son of Mr and Mrs Thomas McDonough of Barrie the marriage to take place Saturday September 20 at four oclock in the afternoon at the home of the brides parents Cumberland St Barrie 99 Mr and Mrs George Young Barrie announce the engagement of their daughtle Kathlcn Alli bon to Ernest Chrotien son of Mr and Mrs Chretien Sudbury the marriage to take place on Satur day September 20 at pm in Essa Road Presbyterian Church Allandale 00 GILFOVRD News Outside The Door AUG 28Tbe community of Gil fordpyere amazed at the great flocks of tree swallows asthey set tled here and there recntly There was charming viw of these at tractive birds with steel blue and green backs and breats of white as they assembled on the telephone wires in front of the Nesbitt home They were there by the thous ands count section and then multiply They filled the spectator with awe and wonder with their LEARN the truth about your motor Our Motor Analyzer checks 38 points for possible troubl Find out the weak spots and have them cox$001011 BRENNAN 0100 Electric Service and Mrs Bulgcr and family Toron to Mrs Morrison and family and Mrs Scott Alliston Mr and Mrs Oscar Bowman and family spent Sunday with Mrs Bowmans father Lawaon Pater son at Meatord ImSchool Visiting Yes school will belstartlng Tucs day and those making the best of the remaining holidays are Frank Hogg with cousins in Toronto El la Kclccy with her grandparents in Barrie Marian Gibbons with Shirley Tony in Barrie Shirley Terry spent some time with Marian last week Little Betty Wendatt Grenfel spent few days last week with her cousin Ella Kelcey Did Well In Show The children of Knock did real well with their various vegetable and flower exhibits at Stroud last week Congratulations and keEp working in mums garden It pays its own dividends doesnt it Mrs Len Martin spent couple days last Week attending teach ers conference 11 Toronto family and Mra spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Simps who are holidaying there beauty action and song farewell chorus ere they left the abundant harvest of field and wood for ml gration southwprd Many of these swift flying crea tures lost their lives when attempt ing to walk on the highway They could not get out of the way quick ly enough withthcir short weak legs The tree owallow very often builds nest in hollow tree or stub lines it with feathgrs white ones if they are to be had their eggs are white No other swallow is quite so immaculate in white ness welcome awaits Vthcse gentle joyous farm loving birds in an other springtime ANNIE BOYES Mucus Mr and Mrs Bernard Terry Warwick Rhode Island are visit ing with Mr and Mrs Terrymlai The valley of thelele in Egypt irrigated since ancient times n00 has about 13000 square miles of cultivated area deposited on the sea bottom it takes five years to reach commercidl size 56 Ellen Strpet Wl 1059000 OODLUMQQ EO PHONE 2517 ance required and pcnaltles are provided ll From the time oyster larvae is 0010111515 1115111111 NEW Willi STATE 0n and after September 1952 all minors under age 21 operat ing motor vehicle in New York State WIIEHIER RESIDENT 011 GT will be required to carry proof of an automobile bodily and property damage policy with limits of not less than $10000 $20000 PL $5000 ED including Passenger Hazard Failure to produce such evidence when requested shall be presumptive evidence that the vehicle or such minor does notlliavcihe insur Stirietmt Insurance fluency 49 Dunlop St Barrie 7101101101 THEME 11110 lllll iiiwool $1100 Our complete selection of Slacks give you your favorite style in waist bands In fa brics that can take terms of activity From Stephens The Store For Men 15 Elizabeth St Barrie VV onV by VV VV VVVV gt slum111101101 00K 0uu no 5100010 llMWGHT 00050101090000 101mm er Incla 71mm allow brat0000 Idem