they can float on their backs then Londlubbers to Tadpoles Then to Minnows and Fish By 65 The swimming cia hch the county are over and or Thursday Aug 14 40 of lift advanced svvlm mers took their final exammatron tabs at Camp Borden and 111215 dale Theso entitle the graduates to wear the badge cf Competent swimmer They wczc partlclpatcl in by the best of the class that took training with the Red Cress classes under auspices of the Simone County Recreation Committee The work of those in charge of the classos was carricd on by vol unteers and the funds needed were meagerly supplied from various sourcestThc accomplishments have been amazing Farm and village children who could not swim stroke came to the classes almost afraid to put their for in water incaSe they would full facc low ward underlcllih Those Were the landlubbcrs Under the gllitlililLI of the committee and will the in structions of George Woods for mer principal of Esgtz1 Township School Area and his assistants th1 came to the park Two days work and gave his own time lllt classes were ided info the correct meth ods swimming Tadpolcs are those who just can wallow in the water They are the first stage after the Lllndlub 1101s They are allowed to paddle in shallow and gain little con fidence by putting their faces into the water and become uccustomcd to the positions to be taken in swimming Gradually they get sufficient confidence to stretch out and put their heads back so that on their faces and learn to turn their heads to breathe They are on their way then Minhows arc the next stage These are taken to the raft anchor ed in the shallow water where it is safe to stand and yet deep enough to swim They are then encouraged to try to propel them selves in the water using any stroke they wish so long as they can keep afloat They gradually get more confidence and the feel of lying safely in the water and keeping their feet Off and kicking so that they push their bodies slowly through the water They are on the way then to becoming swimmers Beach Fish Stage They have then reached the Fish stage This is the goal that the class has strived for since com mencing They can go with the chief instructor to the big raft which is anchored further out and can when instructed plunge into the water perhaps beyond their depth and swim back to the shal low water raft Before they are permitted to do this some of the more advanced sw1mmers and bigger ones are sta iLOned in the water just to make sure that each one does not forge his new found art and sink in thcl botiorn They do not dive in head first lost In case the shork might make them forget Beginner New Instrch Those of the class who have not got on as fut as the others writ still remain at the beginners stage One of the unlur instructors who has charge of these is beginner in last years training of swimmers George chlon who lenrncd to swim at Hillsdule This ycar he assisted WIih the TBSSLS The ad variced class are given few mIn utes on shore when verbal Instruc lzons and precautions are rchenrs ed Games on land when the classes have been in the wutcr or before theyarc all assembled are played keep them togclhcr and Interested These were in charge of Mrs Do oihy Glenn at lzlnisfll lllc day we visited the classes She kept some 125 entries busy IlntIl their turn for waicr instruction cami along Other members of tho commith 11 lnnisfil Park for Highway 11 group wure Mrs McDonald and Mrs Dnliimorc with twu assist ants That there is need for grcuicr cooperafion from the vuriou muniicipalitlcs in this wrlrthwhllc project is very apparent lIInlsfil has spent considerable providing rafts which when tilelilasscs are not using them are township pro perty and are well used by the thousands who frequent this park That these rafts should be neces sary even without the swimming classes can be easily assured when one sees the hundreds who crowd around them any time However it was the swimming classes that prompted their con struction and although there was no expectation that they Should have cost the amount they did the classes did need rafts in order to conduct and accomplish what has been done Nearly every day we read of nonswimmers who have got into difficulty in waters beyond their depth They just never learned to swim This movment on the part of the Recreation Committee has been Godsend to those who have poiclpated No doubt another year the num bers will be doubled and it is time that the municipalities and the publicspirited people in these communities got wholeheartedly behind the summer classes and saw to it that every child who cannot swim is participant Also parents whose children en lnnislil Pa Obituary Mrs David Campbell 69 Mansfield Resident 40 Years Dies Suddenly Funeral service for Mrs David Campbell who died at her home in Mansfield on Wednesday Augl 20 1952 following cerebral hemg orrhage was held at Mansfield Presbyterian Church on Friday Aug 20 Mrs Campbell who hadi been resident in Manseld for thepast 40 years died after an illness of six days She was inj her 70th year Born on the seventh line of Mul mur Township on Feb 1883 the deceased was the former Sara Man garet Jamieson daughter of the late William and Jane Jamieson She was marriedion July 1912 to David Campbell who prede ceased her on Jan 1950 and went to live in Manseld member of the United Church she was active in church and com munity organizations and was known as good neighbor always willing to help others when she for should see that they are in regular attendance The average of regulars out of the 125 has been maroNGsuIrcumo can strviceman is atlast fighting glass on the sloping top is also discourage similar Ittemp Piano fighls Block of ghting lidcbentleut so far ahtheBlitish unconcerned Pictured trying to 1011112 impossibls+to partials tummy Sloping ts with glasses or fighting features Solid oak constructionbrow kicking plate around pedals copper keyboard ends for ashtray use and noninflow about 80 Mun piano beaten and bangedbyline sides and keyboard cigarettes Other noble cigarettestainless plastic boys Already in Londdn to defying townie where they stand Ike Konrad Melon barrackslthe piano may soon ugalne Communism in places if IDIYIDERS EshrbrookFOUllT luorrrroicuaon outs Genuine Cowhide gluon Plastics Rluozirrrlr clauses IN assortment of inllons in Europe is difficult and they speak raise Canadian chickens fol sinuses $415 to $695 sasstum Ldosctoof REFILLS Lr 15459 50c exercise as up muons 35c 59c lellhlale in nil Cdch $95 swoon was needed She was also inter ested in sports following baseball hockey and bowling Surviving are two daughters Mrs Norman Reid Cora and Mrs Jack Remand Glenna both of Toronto one son Donald of All iston three brothers James of Fusiliier Sash Samuel of Allis ton and Gordon on the homestead at Manseld one sister Mrs Mel ville Patton of Lisle and three grandsons There were over 40 oral trib utes borne by young men of the community at the funeral service which was conducted by the Rev Speer Pallbearers were James Cauthers Harold Cauthers Byron Patton Orville 1rw1n Rus sell Newell and John Anderson Interment was in Manseld Pres byterian Cemetery Floral tributes included those from Manseld Womens Institute and Manseld United Cburch Relatives and friends from Tor onto Hamilton Collingwood and Creemorc were among those at tending the funeral Singer Frdm Holland Takes Ontario Class BELLEVILLE Aug 25CP+ Students at Albert College here have an opera singer for their teacher this fall when Mrs Mich ael Hendrikes starts her new car eer Mrs Hendrikes haggling at Arn sterdam and other European cen tres with the Dutch opera She has also taught classes in Hulland and so brlhgs an unusual amount of ex perience to her job here She arrived with her husband and fiveyearold son last May The son was the main reason for their coming to Canada Mrs Hendrikes says the future for children in of Canada as wonderful free country They have learned to speak Eng lish since they arrived The couple had chicken farm in Holland and direct the first things they are go ing to save upfor here is farm near Belleville where they can swim35 10c 151725 10 135 59 Soto Swankcholk ROSE for instruction RED CROSS BANNER designates area assigned by Innisfii spacial Park Officials for swimming class kl It LANDLUBBERS play games between water periods COMMITTEE of ladies look tlllEI records of wimming and instruction as set up by Simcoe County Recreation Service GEORGE WOODS of Barrie gives advanced class special FOL arm ses linstructions before swimming practice begins 1m rk Swimming Classes lt9 Fireqower Spoersg THE BARRI EXAMINER mmmr and r1 on TV GOES FORWARD Have Lonely Posts mm rmn I1r WeltVOe kw irlr pay2y Angloclruim KERKLAND LAKE Aug isEjindfllltgdln 11$ wtu of company experts are leava ICEM Each clear day during theuprgrd Tummy 41 1113 and $110qu of Aden forest fire sensor observers located ggguwi Newppg saga Am Elmira Gifemnrnt 11 310 towers in some 3000 reports mp 35 gmnmn already Wm lm 381 madam 2021 conditions throughout eucll of the BBC TV SilVlCr llrl 3nd gym to lsquare muss Of Omanir liclllllilulll has the biggest national cuv kwd mums ma at kma lemgc in the worldabout lit per 94Ma Swan Th ntzwmk of OWczSV pacedlrenl of the population OMMEoaAnoN mm labuut 15 miles from each other are mamned by mmuye 13 OMl Ill rumpulcnt and men when firml 58W Thanksivm the victory achieved in the Bottle and lands department Some are located near comlnun Tm nmwwk bum up durmg zbeof Britain in 1940 wall in hid in Ines but for many lonely obselv em 50 Wins is considfwd wlmmsm Abbey on 8mm ers their hourly report by radio 15 mt bus in Numb America Sept their only association With the out Wuwmmn gtgtj side world Some leave their isolat ed posts only three or four times year The clarity of the northern air Ollittllmes permits Vismn for over 00 miles The Observer towers are linked from 1111 upper Ottawa Val ley to the Manitoba border Such towns are not used in southern parts of the province be cause humidity front the Great bikes make v131billty poor fleet of 40 aircraft supply the towers Willi necessities and bring break out rav AN EXAMINER wm an ruoue 2111 NOW IN STOCK Pickle Crooks STANDARD SIZES CLASS FOLLOW Mr Woods through shallow water to raft BMW 101111 SEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 BilIAN 0U big savings Start Them Off on the RightsFoot with Real Smart School Clothes at Real Smart Economy Prices LINED E7 UNLINED Windbreakers You mustsee the terrific savings on these Windbreakers that are so ideal for late Summer and early Fall wearing wide Special Purchase TROUSERS is featue ygule been waiting for selection of styles materials and shades purchased specially for school Opening Theyre priced right to sell All Wool Worsteds fine Tweeds and Pic VN Pics In Plm CY aye pleats and zipper closure Special Back to school feature Other Trousers 366 to 895 Cardigans 11ml Pullovers Hundreds and hundreds in stock full range of sizes from 6to l6 VMony styles many colors ollpoougr with the youngfry sPECIAI VBEDUCTIONS LONG SLEEVE psalms SPECIAL CLEARANCE SPORT SHIRTS SIZES ADL COLORS Youll recognize the value when you see these shirts Many couldnt be purchas ed regularly at police the price Mostly pastel shades few fancys in the group BOYS FINE ouALIrv 11111111 guaranteed back toscbool special choiceof fancy patterns and many color combinations Other Savings in Sport Shirts Plains and fancys in great color assurtmerrt Oull want several at these lowprices Rgular$295 Jan 3195 149 15mm Hereisa1realbuyfoc youThcycorneyiuplaln shades ofyeliomblue White Regular 1y suld ak much bafes Regular $3254 wrru SMART GAUCHQ Made of fine combed cottonihterlmk knit fancy patterns Regular $265 Sizes0 to