ENGAGEMENTS TEELLVEGEWEB Thy cr5 are Qme 535333 NOTICE TO cacalmlts mm to announce the HI Bdrm Midland District ngh School linva toll on lMATOiz lul ll ban5 WALTEI IL 5353 L313 of 1X13 My Hl $3 UllluLl 521 31 C4 31 Beth our xk VTown or Edit Greenwlm in the ImrvVV RUM VlVi DC 39 LomV 01 State of Rhode Island lg the UniV 3ltr 13 led States of America eat email If Polls Liar 138 dreamed Who died on or about tho 9n Vr V1 39593 llln day of Fcbruary AD Wm cm 32 Klirtl3l are renamed to forward their lMldlund Frcr Prvss Heralds lo announce tn PI Vclaims duly proved to the under1 We are not getting value or bur educational dollar either ln Vi um Show sunmerger me our lms Allan Weilcy VV fig Im by 32m 43 53 VV 716 mush em er Pd prUIEERreE Tilt Dull gtleth provide thcl Mr Van dr no Eddt 1VIVK AN further take gothg hag Dmm as Tuwrsmp Cmml gonlv pine pmlexillutl can walk to wvll UJLDIJ 131 NHJR 37 altar such last mentioned date the Algguit mrrung virilitnl lax01d Huff Ur highwaysVV 14bit pilldt SJIUIVIliJj 50133th AA Adrninstratr Wln prmd to dis 2571 lV amour wa my Qnn been con lltltlik ll lltlt1t Ltlltcd HELEABLE MAN madam gm Him mt 353mm amongst pap Thr remarks stemmed trom all er VVV VV VVm Lamb Wsz UV mm VVVVVV VIM menu having Vamp conlmunicdllon Irom Midland Disl demf VerVaO tlldrlrs ithtllcr Wishes lo mooning reilorzslblllly only such claims oi which lnnr sztuuiilcm souLl of Strmld and up ml Haxh School Bond asking CIct the rilgdgtntll ll or upmxnu ld br of hon home Ta mum to gm mnderanun one place ctliiln name of to VV Hakka acme VVVVVVVVVVVVV PHUVVVV WM 71V DATED VVVV Rama th 2m erV lothrir mm of unwound sucn on mu that no one caning mm Wang Aw onmr 9406 or durum AI 952 lie was etulpvu +W BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE z000 dddm yh VV loam ul an gt or Bum JI lilo incurred alum PM 25 Jr lm CMFnBRm mun llBlrlitl Qnxlnll Dupoty Row Dalton mm Thuy hon thIl lutiscflvd up and ppm 51 MM mm Ontario Smtgxll minis Us OntMa luv 50 1m teachers EM MDHS left 111 moil Cldldllllll that walking It rltutilolm tlllzlcll llurrlc1 14 If at nu stall Were not doing good job WU in min and Ml Vschoul Llrting lllc um couple rum msuh the um Vidal rillKER 8805 LIMITED Edna Crmm was lllulzlcd lllV 11 kt all Ub VVWkiV 13 my pk it for fur Ilu main3 xmmn ONTARIO lonlz ll tnrw have lltlm Mld ma IY Chm rrald Sllbbdld lt lllllt strut tho Vchgldfll gunlg to lll from Is load 2e lulu luld llaliluJ Wlll lmumxmr their Onc sun nu IVV Ch JV land Tllc Board will not act tol low we ldmnlo them Mr Dnllnn declarrdl Edna was gownrd in nylon netl rm USP himself ml over satin Will lJIUcillltli llodlcol WmV WW 41 he 35 my and longglevved jackrz mm punl iiwml lht dlffllllll lllb saddltdl Danny REEVE DALTON work ma ml Strip walla ll rllsgu ml fw hr mm by Wded comm HM untan on school trustees JVVVW wmmi be mm doubt bu ma CHUFRAV VVVVV RVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV Advertbrmrll amwgn mgeVnO Cgsuxougctigggnn it nlon not was llllllilll lo pmrl It 03gt thing 10 fl Mr Dulloll Chillng 131 the With would b0 Wm WWW 33 3317 a1 AlOH SEE THE lllGllZ CAPACITY Semi capand mc Whip bmgn ltlltller But it we hire some ler in ht school district had lustV fVVOmNV mg VVAirVVVnd MVVVV EgRAVlilVEcgggltgniVNERwgAggnle illet of rod and wllltr mum leCU 13131 llFUVlS Immutable in all inlllllsl foulle ll Chrlt lot St Vincent Barrie norm MOVIES and dulllunsilrlite on oat our businesses or on our forms we Illdxl holidays inllglltcr lHobln Muriel WW WE Before Ednns wvdtllllg who was HHS Wu lo no9 rewnwd with rm kVmVlClllillllly Cilllt Wild to keep 13 We never had one report er ft lllMlhll At lzr Royal VICIOIIVJV PLHm PIWW any childn Mias Ce i5 mm ONLY DOWN lltl Llcpnrlnlillt filtlltlh UH mm clared dwl to Mr ud Mm JLDll or hams nns ol out lSNOUd Community Community Auction Sole AND 490 MOWM KLEY VILLAGE FOR 24 MONTHS limit on August 26 And 27 at pm 3m pavcnllnn WVIll liltm In Jr 0de Tan holiday trill to Emma Ind In Ht hlu lgunal merla Alc mun We also zlnnlJuctJre allfllfdilils position Wilfl the lfllf VV MOWER FOR THE CUSTOM Gym our olml watch Ibc nlitcltlne at work illnplldl Luilll on Aug Tm 10st PKWY JUIch lo yoursctl For llay sum 19533 In Mr and Mlli RdllllOIld Forum dlxlwslt zvlsll MANIIPACFUR mm ll ulfluo respond f0 Ems lllcdlwy Mintts Point dough El in run oi rain ve ulll allow Lotion We Mm 11 St 83 out wr rrt To Ir ran my business like the Anothtr llllntl or commtnl and County lllldn Poul leh School Board does would VV r3 on the largc numth tollurts spltndul showml owe commencing at pm COMMUNITY SPIRIT Cl VV HURP Al the Royal Victoria Hosl WWW TURTLEFORD Silsk CPWA glunlelolrmlillellnlllnlmwe Homer my SClhollllglxd karma lliilmllorrttiIlllliillglgtlliot awfullgnl Wimp 22 1953 on len llt jV norm Whltclh ltvlmud Im lpniltrldlly The SChMl llltlr IONS Clllmmaltd in ShDW llllllly 131 Bgirlsrdlllnsfn xlllrll Lear ardmssmg Enmu FRHMY AIGUM 29 52 wnjnucu Vim at COlltanlng his attack DEPUY mp at Strotzd Ilzlll on Wednesday night md 431mm illllw ln lhls government registered rlnk here brought mock rlsponsl Reeve Damn said the had been lht mattir was brous VTMW was am wad display of OUTISAVMVV and Mn Walterischoul wnm you are thoroughly pumc Twmg Vhe Same several instances of thievery at 3118mm theVnpfmffdgitg mm Wgembl 0qu wish to amount WV Mytraumd an llll brunthos of beauty All Animals will be Veterinary 108 ll W35 dmdd 1iid the Midland school His two dnu Dafuntsuwncmg and um game The Society purchased quantity rival of chosen daughtvr Pam gumm fl 59FLEVSL1V ff WWW Gmunds will lgnnlzdmtegmgu VVVVVVVmVVa ghturs be said hadlost $7 or $3 thuyVVVlz ggirihzlnLVVpVVV VVVVVV min wdswhmh mm distributed this Llzl Joan VOIVUVWIriLxfgrzlllelllrgir GLENN ANDERSONV on and pair of shoes among other sprinvv anion the school children IIIIIAt the Royal Victoria Hos kle Villa Ww allowed to advance he sald ff Lg mm Dam on MK 20 RV 39oz 9693 00 thlrllgdllolcc to Principal Robins Nathan Brown This represenm Eclllollzlynulhgmailltll lgglrllae lllal Mr and Mm mCham Hm Phone WW about the matter and be told me two on thr High School Boardsald many of them had owers we VV VlglnllVVStVVVBVlerll dingh Ban HIV Mono mus is mnnm on mi bx about lt he tell the Board was composed ot tr mm on IIIL 510 pone Zigelhe school good group of men easy to act Show KONKALAt the Royal Victoria Auctioneers 54 goth 33 rum 01 C1335 had entries on VV board were informed 01 the ant along wnh He adelthed thl mp 0633 dc the bid Show lgggptg VVnd mhogg my 195 James McCurdy Glenn Anderson ll 19L Mr D3110 mm councll Boards lemcmnce dismiss mun and tho dltlorenl colors and or Konkal 37 10th St RCE Camp OGS CATTLE EGGS DRIVEN ONLY 13000lml155 Mr Dalton also castigated the bers of its staff Mrs Bordcm daugmen patricia SPARE NEW lttiludc of one member of the Toy council Monday night llkl gnafmi werfnfgokstgwbnm Doris POULTRY Cgl WIT teaching 5m as lnsultlnRV Its MldlandV Fonemporaryihde The sicietdv is desiroug of ex pARVFRIDGEfAl the VROYQI VICins quoted by Fmt CooDmuy1 GUARANTEE Some pupils are able to ignore red any dcilmtc action on DroV VV vchaVVOVV to an mos thVlVrlzl rVllospllzll Barrle on Aug Pack of onmioV 3mm this type of thing and stick it out posed addition Clark CbarVIVVcst WVlVT made donauom of V3VVVVVVVgVVVVIOVngVaggrgzsufw my own dauahter included Others vais was instruc con laugh HOGS ame toria Harbour and Medonle colln PllZlb CC ne not able to take it can ll prlces to Farmer MOTORS slx or seven pupils from T3 cils and 19 MDHS 30 th SDCCR mew mum be made 13 Grade $2535 USED CAR DIVISION view to arranging mtelllll WW ofacommercmldlsplayby MFFo Township fwllu have had 10W 233 Bradtord St Ph 4981 the matter could be Cllnblderld owner of commercial greenhouse SOWS high 1100 13 mo Is this what we are paymg the more detall Stroud Tlnssnowms was com MHVUSKEALPIN Toan tself Il lllgh COSt 0f education for the PM fibpldy on Friday Aug 1952 at seven deputy reeve demanded TRY AN EXAMINER WM was Splelldld 835mm 31 oclock Adelaide tAddlel young Large tters mom 2414 flawers and showed Just what 19 est daughter of Mrs Al Turning to pumm scmo ma Medium tth hem done Gem Allm Cling Small val arm to Fred maluskt son of the late NOISE EbbgAiJllf FV MaluskeV and Mrs VV com The greatest num over laints that come to this paper INDUSTmAi BENEFITS Special de have to do With unnecessary nurses Industrializatlon has broadened Grade individual Vlewpomts Thanks to Vthh 03 muons To Grade the mass circulation of the press th nmsance of this nature has to lbs am to the mm the mm and now Gem been brought to our attemm by telemmn 35 we as to comfort 633 Entries are now being received ithis is freeforall conty chom an irate reader This IS the custom able modes ofttgavelbthe avterathe Grade Rd anally ionshi games in various arson can cans all gt tor the ilmcnel irio bothllJounds pmust be completed within or Eddmg Dame dnvmg W911 informed Grade hamplons lp VPVay set otherwise the the streets loudly sounding clr VGme Que LeaderMan to lbs mens and ladies lelSlons on gt Special horns Fennells are the present holders my bk the team Grade tc Within the me Im mUSt accept Summersxde PEI Journal NATIONALST DANGER 0f the Comm Trophy emblema 0f the mens 931 County Champmn ehmmatwn There 15 no hepe for $ulwwallcllwe ship Hill the ladies team 0f Mld Gamev er 15 mmules gracg of stated unless the powers both great and ll be of nine innings or accept the higher sov There are three sizes available in the COOp DEEP landthe Midland Mercnants Gmes time Ill be forfeited to the team holding the ledies division title the necessary number of mnmgs ready to field their nine players erelgnty of world order governed Grade FREEZER 15 and 22 cu ft These are 0001 made in to constitute an official game by law The most serious charge Over lug 30 27 18 ve all he latest features Because 12 Th5 anmal competition is open 12 Groxvnds USA an OASA rules which can be levelled today against 1b 28 25 16 to any softball team Slmcoe The home team 15 responSlble l0 volume distrlbumonVour cost has agam been lowered Buy now before steel prices increase the USSR is that that country is Under lbs 24 21 12 and eliminations Will CDm OflelS that the grounds and diamonds be Coun ca by spirit of rgt mence in late August The Charm The home team Will proude the in good condition plate base and being Vmed away Haveyouseenanylhlngo the visitin team bases nationalism CALL THE EXAMINER FOB Conducmd on base umpire mm hues Clary mar Ed iODSllipS 3Y9 NE 241 Mum hlbSbg Vlde Il rovrde the umpirelnwhlef lled nd rovxde one new ball Cochrane Ont Northland Post PRINTINGP baSlS and pro supp cm to an of and bans 1501 Ft Size muslraledls 90 active softball season fielals Wlll greatly aSSlst in mndltlon acceptable to the umpire these champion lnf re the rules and admlnmratm 111 THE WILSON Th fouowmg lhe cham ShiDS 13 Board of Reference Vlgulinlmns govermng gt of mtestS dis utes ulonshlps Finalm id ad Indisaalwrnglflznts board of liter GENEROUS TRADEINS BUDGET TERMS Applications Ga mgfioffiyyciitrm will be setup by the recrea 30Pat an Is Any softball team an sVlmcoe lulssmnsVn idea evenly beV mm committee CLINIC FULLY SERVICE GUARANTEE County may make apphcauon Vto tronsw1 th enter the Simcoe County soft Signaifeleggmgiglgpgggis 22 egrncflihbfzegmgnogag that be closed om 11 la downs Team entries mus Le lmate ex With such Simplified paying c0 553 be in the hands of the Barrie re been deduced 00 OP IS 10 BUS ovum wsomcs creation committee not later than pews shall bzntczflgfggggg Sgdmdfsagfeergins August II toAugusl 23 Incluswe SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPEBATIVE summons new bau paym ll 25th or August PHONE 2429 BARBIE ATO LOANS Mondqy um mount of $3 for plate lm should be at an aszoVue mlnlmu hand eod 5AM OM PHONE Players LStS hifeaand $2 to base umpire and if not entirelyehmmated ccom allied by 353 man Entries mus of id receipt for COWS 11 complete Iis of players Flflcen fggugggmsm Pfth me mm game Recreation Commutee Edwm Wilson BSA no playch plus two youdm mm that We ground rent is Owen St Barrie coaches will be Pemtte chargedJLthaIl also be considered at This layer list shall Should gt llllitcetbe offilllal entry and shall mm 235 it shall be composed or pawlSW presently lie 11ng teamsp reSDOYlSibmY reade the county Any charlg to meet 5an expenses nus ems contra es m3 St ive of expense Incurred by travel ulations venuon 0f es and reg ling by vuutlng team Shau commute bread Of $81 Results doing regulations and the tea so heats of playdown games 530 will be dropped alltomatlcauy ed immediately to from the playdownscbedule 311 rfgrvgeamn committee Draw he chief scorel and me Plabdownsmm both north and $13291 of Elle two teams partici 501tb dVSIEM 11 be comglete Dating to quarterfinals 13 mm em Finals limited ghts ostepzirirlfsr all eceived fgfmlpxg quarterImam wrlt be compIVe ege of the an andde game VV VV in each diVLSlm by Saturday the The naB shall be best two one Week earlier should be necessary Furth Vecesf Draw5 was where than hree games Will alternatc sary will be made and notificali Officials for the final series thall Iorwardeddo the teams concerned ned by mg memo nedwgemuswwnfmnw immediately entrles ar closed be 399 mm uiti comm99 ler 2mm Fm We Be dubly In the draw5 the tntm the partIClPatmg team AD careful when 708Ind0 drawn Wille $8332 playing shall be handled 35 Pet 93 1a R0 11 have eprm VgtV 3th FhWgEmigd Ell theirhOme grounds No postponed Games gmRemove my smoke Playing Dates Games which are postponed and ECONOMY VVV fmm 79 Teams Will be unarmed of their Vwmch may VbeVpostpongd for Inge Vnm rmrmli ohmswanna CARNATION merit weather bub Will be may mmoalised by carelessncssd draw Village withlntormauonas owingVevenmgV if possible gt rxrtmd spiral friendsztha saving responsibility of them Sm rs glefzglggmmedmtely STEAKS thawed Winona folV the home team to contact the or it 35me 304m VV VVV ted Gameswiuls datewetc It 152mm tua game Othem mu 1353mm ID he ton and ommsrdlstr ced af Ran rs PM rrrled litVo25 lam Loulnrio mli lt= 1301rspromptly80oorest opponents immediately after the AV Re ourself your fmyi to playing dates 11 be the the to tbat at the firstaltem pollen tor arrangements as ms an Write for col 95 my that conlcbw DASA DST um palms VFi age prise however as tm an llhlo am VV VV VV gr