Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1952, p. 10

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AW Hr Altman and and mm the weekend in Toronto de visitors included Miss Gutlph Ct In Greenes so and Mrs Armstrong and Mist Carol Maya at Mrs Ws Mr and Mrs George Spencer Midland at Cunnlothlms Mr and Mrs Fusee at Morrisons Mrs KW Danny and children Mount at Stewards Mrs Cutie Elmvale at Mrs Gm Mr and Mrs Aitcheson and Mr Ind Mrs Altchlson at Mrs Wests Ministers Funeral The funeral of the late Rev Owen Port Credit took place in Thornton Cemetery Friday after noon The large cortcge which as companied the remains from Port Credit bore silent testimony to the raped in which the deceased was held The late Albert Edward Owen was the eldest son of the late Mr and Mrs Edward Owen Sarah Crackle Thornton and spent his boyhood days around Vine and Thornton He attended No school and later Barrie Collegiate Fortyfour years ago he was or dained as United Church min ister then Mcthodistl During his ministry he served Englehart Al landalc Uxbridgc and Cooksvdlv It was during his pastorate at Cooksvllle that his health failed and he retired from the active work and went to reside at Port Credit Mr Owen who was hisseventysecond year was twice married His first wife was Miss Lillian Wicket of Toronto who died in 1945 Litter he married Miss Zella Johnson who survrvcs MINESING 20Mrs McBride Allan dag Mrs Jelly and daughter Mrs Jenkins New Liskcard Mr and Mrs Aemes Mlnncdosa Mani toba visited Mr and Mrs Stan Frallck Mrs Ioyston and Brian are spending week at Wasaga Beach Mr and Mrs Hugh Johnston Montreal and Dr and Mrs Eric Johnston London Ont were at the home of Mr and Mrs George Johnston over the weekend They were guests at the Johnston Prlest wedding on Saturday Mrs Sollllt and son Don ald Peterborough wcrc With MlSS Young over the weekend Miss Marion Ferris Cundlviis at few days with her gran pgerents Mr and Mrs Park er Miss Bernice Young ishollday ing at Virginia Beach Virginia The Minesing Library will be closed until Saturday Sept Members please take notice miscellaneous shower was giv en to Miss Donna Priest and Alan Johnston before their wedding on Aug 16 by their friends at Springwater Park on Monday Aug 11 They received many useful and beautiful gifts Both Alan and Donna replied very gracious ly Lunch was served afterwards Mr and Mrs Edwin Priest St Catharines are holidaying here with relatives Edwin is mem ber of the Provincial Policle Mr and Mrs Porter Scott Tor onto were recent visitors at Wilsons HILLSDALE AUG litSandy Dunn has re turned home after spending sev eral weeks at the Cadet Camp at Ipperwash Mr and Mrs Thomas spent the weekend with their son andhis wife mr and Mrs Doug IasDawld at Peterborough Missefhll and Canton have returned from their vacation with relatives at Stratford Wallaceburg and Guelph Mr anad Mrs Neill and Linda spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Rogers Morshall Turner Brandon Mani toba is holidaying with his bro thersEarl and Russell Turner Mr and Mrs Roy Slessor and family Lumsden Sasakaichewan were recent visitors at the ome of ili him along with one daughter Mrs Keith Kennedy iGladys Port Credit He is also survived by two brothers Owens Guelph and Frank Edmonton Alta Ono sister Margaret died few years ago EightyFifth Birthday Congratulations to William Little who recently celebrated his eighty fiflh birthday Mr Liiilc drove binder during the harvest Mrs Stewart flew from Malton to Ottawa on Saturday having been called there owing to the illness of her dauglitcrinsluw Mrs Franklin Stewart Mr and Mrs Sjcrp were in Bot ton on Wednesday indging lilo flowers at the Bccton horticulture flower show Roys sister Mr and Mrs 11 Brandon Mrs Scarlett her granddaughter Dunn Mrs McCrendy spcnt ii fuw days last Week in Toronto Mrs If Whitesldc entertained the girls ball foam to dinner on Friday evening prior to their gamc in Elmvalu Mr and Mrs JalllliSOIi spout few days with friends at Ux bridge this week Mr and Mrs William Morrison and family Cooksvillc spent the weekend with Mrs Thomas Mor rison Miss Beth Canton Midland spent the weekend with her moth cr Mrs Canton Mr and Mrs Alvin Drcnnan and Larry enjoyed the weckcnd of Bass Lake Congratulations lo Mr and Mrs Gordon Craig on the arrival of son or August ill in St Andrews Hospital Midland brother for Janice Mr and Mrs John Wiggins and family are holidaying Willi rcla lives at Burwash There will be no church services in St Andrews on Aug 24 and 31 Mr and Mrs Herb White and daughter May and Ilclcn Rumble cft on Monday on motor trip Geraldton Mr and Mrs Lockhart and Jaughter and Mr and Mrs Char cs Thompson spent Sunday in Tor onto Mrs Manly Hlltz Bowmanvlllc visiting her brother Gordon Craig Jonn Murray has returned home Jrom Toronto after spending some vecks with his son Murray Glen and Shirley Dlnsmore 0r ingeville are holidaying with heir grandparents Mr and Mrs merson Rogers Mr and Mrs Nelson Rumble George and Elizabeth Caledonia spent the weekend with Mr and virs Ralph Rumble Mr and Mrs Leslie Bell have returned from their vacation trip Napanec and tour around Lake Ontario via Kingston Rochester and Lewlston Mr and Mrs Mino Newmar ket were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs George Shortreed Mrs Rumble and Miss Eva accompanied Mrs Rumbles daugh ter Mrs Ronald and children to their home at Tlmmins where they will spend their vacation Mr and Mrs Norman vFallis Florida visited Mrs John Smith Swimming Lessons The series of swimming lessons for this district nished on Mon day afternoon After the rewards were made the parents served lunch Grateful appreciation is extended to Mr Woods and his assistants for their splendid work among our younger folk and for the instruction they have received Warbleily Control Proved EffectiVe And lnexPenslve Warble Fly Control as carried out in 76 Ontario municipalities this visitcd Grant Waverley Mrs gt year under the Warble Fly Contrm Act has proven both effective and inexpensive This statement comes from Watson Livestock Coni missioner for Ontario So far as effectiveness is concern ed he points out that where the UM Railways gt7 erm CROWD WATCHING EQUIPMENT PAR ADE at recent Grassland Field Day near Mansfield sponsored by Duffcrln Soils and Crop Improvement Association Over 2000 people attended biggest in history of annual MORRIS McKEE of Mansfield shows size of tractor wheel at Dufferin Grassland Field Day event In lower photo group of men view hay forced into silo by new blower method Event was held on farm of Osborne Irwin Many came from Simcoe County field day rural arcns to JANE ELINES of Cookstown 17 months one of youngest to attend Field Day at Mansfield Little Jane seems to think an over 90 degree day such as this is bit too much for young lady programme has been carried out for several years there has been progressive reduction in the num ber of warbles In Bruce Township check on number of immature animals showed they had an aver age of about 13 warbles each in the Spring of 1948 check on im mature animals lnthe same area this Spring failed to reveal single warble Headmlts this is an ex ceptional case but states that thc reductionln grub population in all municipalities where treatment is carried out has been highly satis factory So far as cost to the farmer is concerned this ranges from 10c to lc per head per treatment where the spray methgd is used Sinc two treatments per year are neces sary this means cost to the pro ducer of about 30c pe headAthe cost of one pound of ca on slight for the benefits to gained Mr Watson feels that to beef producers have been most rc eptlve to this programme All muncipal flies in the Counties of Bruc and Duffeiln and the majority of own ships in Huron Grey Victorl and Peterborough have engaged in the control program In addition se1ter al township councils in thccoun ics of Ontario Perthengew Sim 0e Wellington and Manitoulin Islal have passed bylaws in this regard As mentioned already most the producers are well satisflc with the job However some wli live in townships which have =car rled out the program of Warbl no action are not too happy about the failure of these neighbors to stamp out this pest For this reason Mr Watson hopes that appropriate action will be taken in at least the remaining townships of counties where some work is already being done While the first treatment of an imals for warbles does not take place until early April Mr Watson suggests it is not too early for cattle owners in municipalities where con trol measures have not been under taken to start making plans Undcr the Warble Fly Control Act muni cipality is obliged to pass bylaw requiring all cattle to be treated for warble fly it and when 66 2392 of all cattle owners petition for such action Thus the cattle own ers must take the first steps These include holding meetings for the purpose of explaining why warble fly control is important inefficient livestock production and getting canvassers to circulate petitions in their communities adds that the Ontario Department of Agricul ture has prepared film which par rays the life history of the warble ly and the methods used in in con This film is available to any oupinteresied in eradicating the st also points out that municipal ltie which comply with the Act in reg rd to the type and number of trea merits and the appointment of insp ctors receive financial assiSt trace from the Livestock Branch This amounts to 50 of the cost of th Warble Fly powdenused and 50 the salaries and expenses of the spectors Under these cit Chicory Weed Causes Loss In Many Crops Chicory receives the doubtful honor of being Weed of the Week by virtue of the untold loss es it causes in forage grain and pasture crops according Young fleldman for the crops branch Ontario Department of Agriculture This weed is wide spread and provides severe com petition for moisture and plant food in all of these crops It is easily recognized by its many branched stems covered with bright blue flowers These stems often reaching height of four feet are almost leafless and arise from group of dandelionshaped leaves spread out on the ground The long tap roots of this perennial makes it difficult to control through cultivation Unfortunately when the tops are cut off this tap root continues to produce morestems Mr Young recommends the use of short rotations for the best con ed when the wed trol of chicory However he adds that eradication can also be achiev ed with deep fall plowing followed by rowor cultivated crop the fol lowing year This cultivation will vntually weaken the root and kill the plant Howevcr on roadsides and oiher areas which cannot be cultivated to reducethelr costs if they fall to excellent control has been achived with 24D sprays good kill can be obtained by using lb of 24D acid per acre The most sat isfactory results have been obtaln is treated at the full leaf stage or just before flowering Mr Young suggests that in corn or cereal grains 24D be used at the rate of onehalf pound per acre This will usually kill the top of the chicory but further treat ment will be necessary to kill the roots In grains that are seeded down 24Dshould not be used as it will damage or kill the clover and cultivation will give the most practical control However if the chicory in these fields grows in isolated patches these areas may be sprayed without affecting much of the clover 9m MEATS Hello Homemakers Meal is like he sar of the show the centre around which the rest of the meal revolves chosm on the basis of how well they go with the incat selected Moat is also the most expensive item of our necessary food needs which make it doubly important that We present this star performcr lo llr best advantage TAKE an lAdrl extra liquid to meal pic made of cooked Tomato juicc canncd moat flavor 2Scrvc catsup chili sauce chutney with meat pies Marika extra gravy using the liquid from boiled vegetables and bouillon cube Jellied Veal Loaf veal shank lbs veal shoulder onion sliced tbsp mixcd pickling spice laps salt qts water hard cooked eggs sliced olives tbsp chili sauce shank in Ask butcher to saw several places Place shank veal onion spices salt and cold water in heavy kctlle cover and simmer until tender Pull meat from bones simmer stock down to lri cups Pour little stock into oiled pan 9x5 Arrange sliced eggs and olives in mixture chill in clea tric rcfrlegrator until firm Coma blnc meat stock and chili sauce Pat onto jcliled eggs Chill until firm Seer with salad and tea bis cults Glazed Beef Tongue beef tongue about lbs 13 cup cider vinegar tsps salt wholp cloves tbsps brown sugar tbsp lemon juice Use fresh or smoked tongue cover with cold water and bring to the boil Drain cover again with cold water add vinegar and salt and simmer until tender Skin the tonguc stud with cloves and place in baking dish Put on sugar and lemon juice Bake in moderate oven of 350 legs for 30 minutes basting frequently Fresh Pork Pie lbs frjcsh pork shoulder cups cold water tsps salt if tsp pepper tsp nutmeg onion chopped tsp cayenne tbsp corn starch cup carrots diced Line 2quart casserole with pastry Cut pork into cubes and add remaining ingredients Sim mer in kettle for 34 hour Place egg cup on bottom pastry Add meal Cover with top pastry Bake All the other foods are mixed vegetable Juice or canned gravy add more 112 hours in electric oven of 350 dogs run oursnon Box Mrs ails Do you take iboiled chickcr out of the juice as soon as it is cooked or after it has cooled Answn Always remove meat from the juice as soon as it is well cooked Then simmer down the juice reducing it by onethird the iamount Cool juice and place cold mcat in it again to absorb juices Mm asks How can you prevent loss of flavor when you reheat frozen cooked beef Answrr wrap roast in aluminum foil or parchment paper heat in moderate ovcn of 325 legs Mrs mks Why is it diffi cult to slice inch cured ham Answer Wu do not recommend freezing cured meats especially curcii ham Stow on platc with out cchr in the refrigerator Mrs asks Why does jellicd meat loaf fall apart when3 tho two mixtures should jeli ln gellicr Answer When half the gelatinc mixture is poured over deviiled eggs Cillii until firm then carefully pour cool remaining liquid on top and press with back of spoon FRIENDLY SIGN The namc plate on farm gate is one of the friendliest signs seen throughout any leading farming arca Each your the increase in the number of name plates in this area is another of tho gratifying small touches of bcttcr farm man agemcnt Drumhcller Alla Mail its easier than you think to buy new SINGER SEWING MACHINE easy budget forms to liberal doIn allowance wide range of models priced from $8950 Phone or visit your SINGER SEWING ENTER PHONE 4365 Barrie BusinessCollege 66 Toronto Street Barrie Phone 4824 SPECIAL 9MONTHS BUSINESS COURSE REGISTER NOW FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRESS ATYOUR OWN RATE OF STUDY FINAL EXAMINATIONS MONTH AT THE END OF ANY TERM BEGINS TUESDAY SEIST Josh can Principal Member of The Business Educators Association of Canada Yes have good lob but still have to watch my mbney pretty closely to inalcesure get the thingsl really wantAsmall apartment to call my own wouldnt cost much marathon the roomIm in now once get it furnished And for long time Ive had my heart set onropew fur coat it trip back home to see the folks Theyre all wonderful ideasSubway told lot of saving Thats why make ayrggularpayday deposit in my Bank of Toronto SavingsAccount And your plans Millinutiiril when you save for them regularly Start your Savings Amount today at your nearest Bank of Toronto control but whose neighbors in an cunista ces lie feels that cattle have the program organizedin their adjoining municipality haVe taken owners are missing an opportunity municipality n4 in BARM sum smog Mir Mimi Worm fill madman WiIWAmunb collie occvorlng Trainiravaio mmuwv WM 1ch Vlmklnuvitdrlr bottom nan

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