mm sue WillBorrio Station Become Barrie Air Cadets learns Ilse of Drill Press at Aylmer smart Ar no CR CALGAIY zoom mucus Write skiing table tennis milI One of the outstanding frat cry softball fencing swlmfmg at the CH Grandst Shaky land dlvmg are but tum $3 fem will be the ippearsnce JV ti lt Zhtu Sept DuSIm $3 This Visitors to Canadas 5wa Window berm 34 In 3Y0 it of vim Worlds 63 turn to see Swill antl 31 square mm ii Restaurant tint his suggestion to Mr Gordon and Ir Dingle was that the pres ent Allmdslc station be used ex ftncst athlctcs in action Thu Wm perm annmuh cvcnlngs at the Grandstand CHE MUSIC CONTESTS 22 to Sept Mort than LOGO Bandsmen will Harvey and 1m have rimmed to in Montreal utter months vacction atltle Lowe II Lo fall We in Barrie Mr and Mrs Melndl of Kabul Ind In Carson mm are guest II the of In lowc and Miss Lowe Recent visitors at the collage of to Mid Mrs Laklng were Joan Liking Anne Morrow Pat Stafford Evelyn Hunter Pat Mer rick Ina Milne Joanne Tomlinson and Laun Lcnnox Mrs Full Redditt Goderich is spending few days with Dr and Jim Sprott Mary Street Miss Walker Detroit is spending couple of weeks with her aunt Mrs Wilson Clapperton Stmct Mr and Mrs Lower have returned home after spending sev eral days as guests of Mr and Mrs Scott at their cottage Smoky Lake Algonquin Park Mr and Mrs Leslie Poucher Winnipeg are spending few days with the farmers brother Charles Pouchcr and Mrs POUIIQI at their home 39 Burton Ave Les was formerly ynrd master with tho CTR at Allandnlc about 42 years ago and prior to re tircment was assistant superintend cut in Winnipeg Mr and Mrs Poucbcr havo been visiting in Ot tawa and will lcave for home at the weekend Mr and Mrs Andre Jambe their son and daughter from West Virginld are holidaying at Oro Lea Beach Mrs Jambc is dough ter of Mr and Mrs Walter 11W3f1 hit rivIlIIIIWTWN malto worms root5 no Haber Smith Duff Elizabeth St Mrs Ernest McKnight Terry and Billy have returned to North Bay after visiting with Mrs McKnights mother Mm Guthrie Ross St for the past two weeks Revdand Mrs James Ferguson and children Jimmy and Deborah are visiting at Sturgeon Falls Mr and Mrs Clifford Hill of Thornhlll and Mr and Mrs John Richardson of Toronto are guests today of Mrs Carter Ther can SI Major Richard Palumbo United States Army Mrs Paiumbo and two daughters Sharon and Judy havegone to Fort Lee Virginia after visiting for week with Mr and Mrs Cliff McLean Clapper tiin Sf They have jusl returned to America after spending three years IILJBDBII Mrs Palumbo is the former Ethelyn Clarke of Bar rieand prior to her marriage was living at The Pas Manitoba Mr and Mrs Albert Lyons Mary St have returned home after two weeks visit with Mrs Lyons sister Mrs it Imus erson Mono and Mrs Jim Walls and children of Hamilton are visiting with Mr and Mr Hana If Dyment Council Briefs Continued from page one View thclpropcrty and mat DQIIQOKHJII to council re committee is to viewthe question of the length parking allowed in the town squarc motto by Deputy Reeve as ed that they con lider the ndvlsabllity of reducing oflpsrklng time and sweptlate stickers be placed oillowland HEPC vehicles He sail in some cases parltln th daysyatn time ere or Council agreed to accept the fender of Adams Excavalin IOIIIIe Construction of certain senil lbe prices for two of work were $5939 and ofVDenis SitcomPain wick who accepted Hts figure or the Work was $13420 by Alderman 392mb sum be out on tho mirth side ofthc clover Ilbtm was approved to offer the fed ml the sum of one ofthc Victoria or use as pork potnted out at the they couldhave the clunlvolygas the one and only ata tion for the community of Barrie that the present Barrie freight shed be moved to suitable site in the Allondalc yards and that the muni cipality of Barrie buy the pro perties that would be affected by the removal of coal sittings the coal yard and then the property The writer then went on to ask that with the aid of aerial photo graphs which he understood were in the possession of the Chamber of Commerce perhaps meeting might be held to discuss the con tents of this letter with the pres idents and secretaries of the service groups and Council rcprcsentotivcs ill addition to obtaining the reac tions and opinions of the President and Secretary of the railroad mens union for the district Would Addris Mctlnx They would naturally want fur ther information before they would be final in any decision at which they might arrive If in the opin ion of the people consulted it met ils general meeting of all mom bcrs of various service clubs the municipal council as well as thirty orforty railroad men believe dinner could be arranged which would be pleasle to address to cx plain my ideas on the matter flllly in order to obtain the predominant opinion regarding the scheme as re gards its benefits or otherwisc The Member explained that when he had these opinions he would communicate with Mr Din gle who in turn would arrange to have one of their Montreal offi cinls visit Barrie to go over the entire subject with himself Mr Ferguson Then complete re port could be presented to Mr Dingle and Mr Gordon who at the present time saw considerable expenditure necessary on behalf of the railroad in order to consum mate the scheme to for honors at the 1952 tijllilwlidusic Day festival The maniband lam 1mm as far as 5A1 ital music will bring bands andl Current Sash Thursday Aug The Perfect TillONE WHITE Outside Paint keel For Trim Use wmte THE POPULAR TRIM and TRELLIS the Nsllun mil have an oppmg from slx to twelve ycars Ci Deluxe Paint rCA Paint for Every Purpose 36 BAYFIELI sr DIAL 357i HEINZIN TS OVEN BAKED OUTSTANDING VALUE NEW PACK AIR CAnErswayne Corbett 16 left and Raymond Tllleyl shop at RCAF Station Aylmer The boys both from 102 Barrie Nevertheless he pointed out 16 watch with interest as Cpl Gray Eaton of London expldlns Squadron are among ome 375 cadets attending the annual both of these gentlemen have been the use Of drill press during tradestour through metal camp most cooperative and are vcry willing to make expenditures if at avoided expense and confusion all within reason to make the change if the predominance of your citizens are willing to have the change made Alderman McCarmll said he have informed Mr Gordon had ra1i1dS0me lime ago that that if the project is carried out the new hghwal might taken 10 will be willing lb donate the sum 399 awaufrom Barrie no of $1000 to help defer the expense Fwd rmsed mailer Wlth MI and believe there are other cit frgusonl Skull Illm what he izens who would also be willing to Ought aboul the 19 Closmg contribute substantially to what lhe Bame Diwali Statlon and us believe would be great improve mg only Allanqalo ment to your municipality Mr that could be done Alder Ferguson added ma McCarwllsaid wewould then try and have the building Aldermans Comments Future Plan The writer went on to say that highclass restaurant Barrie is In regard to the elimination of suffering at the present time from stops at the present Barrie station the need for highclass restaur and the elimination of that building ant as station he had suggested to The Alderman said that Mr Dingle and MF Cord that If could be done they could casiflytiltl the building were Tedesfgned and stitute water activities in front of reduced in height the bIICk COVE the building and build it up into cd Wlnh white eighthell Clap fine waterfront Many other peo board large 91318 81555 Windows ple who had heard of the idea ploced entirely around it would were of the opinion that itgwas make an excellent restaurantqsound What they should do now Crushed stone Parking 1015 00 was call meeting with the Cham be Placed on either Side With now her of Commerce representatives er and grass PIOIS Where the of the different local clubs and freight Sheds DOW Stand 35 We as interested businessmen to find out the removal of the present D053 the public reaction So fa office to the site contemplated for had been done and recendyxfoivlllzlgl the new Fedefal Government of the RVH win was ened fice building This would create Ferguson had Sked himpif any in the centre of Barrie very rich had been taken on the matter beautiful and uSeful section the as it had been raised some time waterfront The railroad could un am doubtedly obtain sumanlial rem Alderman from capable Proprleltls 306 Council that they sholiiliiy falling restaurant mum mid matter their very serious consider be dGSIgned In keeping wth th ation The railway line was of overa You considerable importance and he Mr Ferguson continued be would not like to See any hasty an have this setup would be great tion being taken improvement over the Barrie sta Deputy ReeVe Haber Smith tion as it exists today MW expressed his opinion that this plan Md 183 Miller 013 did not seem completely feasible to quaintances in Barrie meetlnx the him He also felt that Council train at Allandale station and 91 should give grave consideration to After the letter had beenrcadl renlcd to somebody who would run public coming people there rather than meeting them at the Barrie station 20 minutes later have also noted large num ber of Barrie residents taking the train from Barrie to Toronto from the present Allandble station As travelon the railroad quite fre quently have noted on jcveral occasions confusion on behalf of passengers as to what station they should get off at to meet friends whether it be the Allandaie or Bar rie station particularly where Barrie people have through over sight not specified at which static they would meet their friends dobelleve it will be many years and Barrie would require populationof at least fifty thous and before it Would rquire thee service of two railroad stations in order to give cobvenlcnceto this Mr FIHIIIOI drcw attention in the matter Council finally agreed that Al derman Ayres and Alderman Girdwood would be thelr representatives at the meeting but they would not express any opinion involving Council They will make or report later following the meet ing Removal Of Shrubs deferred item of business the removal of shrubs from the boule vard in front of Mrs MJ Hartli houso on Worsley Street was then discussed Sometime ago Council received ja complaint fromers Hart that shrubs in front of her house had been cut down by town workmen Council referred the matter to the Board of Works and the townenglnecrfor report II was then reported that the work had been undertaken followmg the instructions issued by Alderman Or DleIIlEfIiBClltllillt 017thFIraff fic Committee that the shrubs be cut down When Alderman Mchrroll corn mentcd thatvthcre was nothingdlny could do as the shrubs had chn cut down Deputy Reeve smith re markedThey are growing just fine again They are up about that height now he said indicating the height of the table in this Council Chamber Alderman Williams pointing out that one shrub has been right dill on the boulevard saidefWhoeye planted it had no business to do so It wasabout seven feet high and it was too big to remove Solar as he knew he said the workmanth had cut the shrubs down was supposed to have seen the town engineer and the parks board The next thing he knew was that the shrubs were down That is all can say about it he added It Should have betn down in the first place Reeve Harte said he felt that if they were going to take any more shrubs down they should con sult the people who were respon sible forthem It was only cour tesy to do this and the people involved might wish to place their shrubs some other place Alderman Williams later moved motion which was agreed to that the parks board he requested to trim or remove all trees and shrubs which were blocking the view of traffic signs particularly stop signs and that they be ro imbursed from Traffic Committee funds Market Progress Reviewing the work of the Bar rie Market Alderman McCarroll informed Council that great derll of progress had been made They Skoling Club Plan Season Continued from pagwne last years Group $12 Senior $1 Family $25 Associate 62 It expected that some instalment plan will be announced so that these fees will not necessarily have to be paid in one lump sum It is noted that the Family mem ership takes in any number so at for instance father and mo ther and three children could all have active skating privileges for that amount It is hoped that nine hours of ice time will be available each week to the Barrie Skating Club The principal day for instruction by Mrs Whyte will be either Mon day or Tuesday depending on fur ther announcement It is expected that skating will commence the week of Oct 13 Directors and Executive Complete board of directors and executive of Barrie Skating Club for 195253 as elected at the annual meeting in February follows Honorary president Her Wor ship Mayor Mrs Marjorie Hamil ton President Harris Redmond lst vicepresident Kenneth Walls 2nd vicepresident Ralph Snelgrove chairman of ance William Whyte secretary Miss Ruth Brother treasurer Mrs Leo Landrevllle Directors Redmond Wallis Snelgrove Salter David Odishaw Camp Borden Whyte Till man Churchill Craig LloydLt Orville Watson Camp Bordenh Advisory committee Mrs had sent out bills to tourists in the area inviting them to use the facilities of the market There had been very good responseto this Our market is growing said Alderman McCarroll and feel that the farmers are great amt to this town would like to see few more councillors however turning out to visit the market occasidnally WM MOUNTIES AT THE EX The Royal Canadian Mounted Police will present their famed Redmond Mrs Whyte Mrs Cameron Club councillor and William Salter Honorary members Mr and Mrs Robert Ramsay of lres ton Mrs Hood Divisional Superintendent of St John Am bulance Barrio Ladics committee Mrs Ar thur More chairman Mrs Robert Bezzanl Mrs Emmett Mc Veigh Mrs George Seymour Mrs Ralph Snelgrove Miss Dor cen Steele Mrs Walls Mrs Leo Landrevillc Allandalei lodge Wins Award at Gravenhurst RBP Gravenhurst Aug l7Two thou sand Black Knights paraded here on Saturday marking the 264th anniversary of the relief of Lon donderry The following awards were pre sented Furthest mens lodge Sudbury furthest ladies lodge Midland best mens lodge Mid laMLbcpthdies lodge Orillia life and drum competition Dun dalk London pipe and drum com petition Colllngwood Allandale RCAF WOMENS CHOIR auditor 14voice choir of the Royal Canadian Air Force Womens Divi sion will be featured with the RCAF band in the Canadian Na tional Exhibition Bandshell Aug 22 to Sept Continuing the CNEs tradition of bringing the worlds finest civilian and military bands to Canadian audiences the band is expected to be one of the most popular features of this Can adas Year Exhibition Join the Ilenwood Musical Ride at the Grandstand performance of the CNE this year CNE FLOWERS GORGEOUS whether from the city or the coun try is the Horticulture Building spdal Ihielest tovisltorsi at theCNEMagnlflcent landscap ing bowers of fragrant flowers unique floral arrangements and other similarslghts are ondisplay at the iFlOWel ShoWAug 22 toi WW WW Canadian Pacificllatlway built Untou yatetton whoreby they solid stone building station in North Toronto and then glwe trons they found it was much easier to utilizes the main Toronto at Thciilbiglgost Little sms In Barrie WALKTHAT albeit mu sitvs 337 Collier sl Display in 1i uric fRAIACREsr 1350 KENwooo WH lrEs 1450 as latAway Club Pay small deposit whorl your blanket is laid aside slhen depositth Week and you soon 388 beautiful FANCY QUALITYHONEY POD SPECIAL PEAS 2ur35 TERRIFIC VALUEI CULVERHOUSE CHOICEREDPITTED SPECIALI HEINZASSORTED INFANT JUNIOR Salad Dressing 32 971 FOODS TREMENDOUS VALUE RED SEAL 52 WHITE MEAT FLAKES SPECIAL COOKED niW SPAGHETTI 1501 ili25 ll WELCHSPURE WHITE SUGAR lil95r GRAPE lmce CERTO CRYSTALS 25 24 PARAWAX 16 grails Myriadlid CAKE MIXES ONTARIO NO FREESTONE 16 Pig ATTRACTIVELY PRICED ONTARIO SNOW WHITE DOMINION IlllllllllLIIW mm Low Prlcd ONTARIO FARM occult Large Finn Heals 7uum ONTARIO FRESH GREENTOP New Illinois 3bcilltlc CRISP GREEN PASCAL IIBuy Ono Pocth at Illa LAB Celery HeurismlISc Price and GotAnothor fol Prion gudhanfeul meal III POPULAR Bumps BEANS 2oz 35 LYNN VALLEYSTDCREAM STYLE GOLDEN corn BRIGHTSCHOICE PRUNE PLUMS ITS PRESERVING TIME CHOCGOLDSILVER OGILVIE 35 SPECIAL OFFER PRICE SALE Snoxsn consumers 45 2s 57 MAPLE LEAF llVEBlTA limo IIIIIIIGIIII wounding sum MAPLE sxmulss SAUSAGES um 45 rumors gmosgsonml sums lb 650 Slicing HELEN more for xvii manage fordot Grading Station yl nor1995 co Vclues Effecthglllursday Friday Saturday Aug 2lst 22nd 23rd