WM EWATIVICCWOII your Horticultural Full Time Spotter Full Time Dress Finisher Males or Females 57 ELIZABETH ST BARBIE PHONE 5428 188 RECEPTIONIST or office girl for doctors office le Box 31 Barrie Examiner 18788 LAURA SECORD Candy has opcning for responsible lady Apply 11 Dunlap St shop sales Barrie 18811 CASHIER for Theatre young or unmarried experienced girl pre ferred Apply Roxy Theatre Bar rie 188 GIRL for insurance office after noons only must be able to do typ ing Apply Box 40 Barrie Exam trier 188 EXPERIENCED butcth or young man willing to learn tradc wanted at once good wages Phone Hawton Becton l5 18788 CITY FAMILY would like mothcrs helper girl 1625 Transportation to cit paid fair wages Apply Box Barrie Examiner 18688 GIRL WANTED for down town office of local dry cleaning plant Girl with some bookkeeping and typing experience preferred Apply 13011135 Barrie Examiner 18788 CLERK TYPIST female good sal ary hospitalization pleasant work ing conditions Apply in person to Industrial Acceptance Corp Ltd Wilson Bldg Barrie 18493 RAWLEIGH business now open in Barrie Trade well established Excellent opportunity Full time Write at once Rawleighs Dept MLH128189 Montreal 188 WANTED vNOW Sales Agent for Barrie and district Pay weekly Sales equipment supplied Exclu sive stock and territory valu able agency for representative with sales ability Write Pclhaxn Nursery Co 49 Wellington 61 Toronto 10788W AUTOMOTIVE tuneup mechanic to handle rep irs to carburetors generators star ers regulators etc Steady yearly employment plus other employee benefits Top sal ary to competent man Apply giv lng full details as to experience etc to Duncan Bros Limited 84 Cedar Street Sudbury Ont 18590 THE PUBLIC SERVICE OF CANADA Requires Maintenance Supervisor 8316053510 Department of National Defence EDGAR Application forms and full par ticulars available at Post Offices and National Employment Service Application forms should be filed with the Civil Service Commission 1200 Bay Street Toronto NOT LATER THAN AUGUST 11952 88 POSITIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED practical nurse available now Phone 4967 288 PLANTS FLOWERS GLADIOLI 101 all occaslcms 75c and 31 Sweeney 107 Hayfield St Barrie Phone 2365 278890 STROUD NURSERIES Landscaping Shrubs Cut Flowers Can Fox Stroud 341212 requirements PERSONAL WHY WORRY Back at Wasaga Beach again foi thetenth successive year EVELYN the well known fortune teller and expert reader is sincerely interested in your problems 31112th recommended never in hurry Look for Why Worr 31 on Vblock east ofMain Strget MI beacll front Good parking cool ver andah 303591 DAINES ROCK STEAM BATHS Edgehlll Drive Barrie SclentificReducingx Remedial Exorcism BodyCondltioning Appointment Phone 81411 10 011 10 pm Daily 3057311 RAIN ELEVATOR at Phelpston open for business Foryour con enlence please contact Leo Cav na Iwill be leased to serve 11h on ban 308793 Con5M except ment with separate bath Trojan 193 Bayfleld St approximate MANS goml condition $40 Barrie Metal Salvage Dealers in scrap iron raw fursE hides feathers live lug Special price aid delvere Our trucks will cal anywhere within the county on request Phone 2983 or 820151 residence 5300 Staypcrl W2 or MAX PUSHKOFF CO Yard and ofce 156 Tiffin St 36814 ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For 812111 CAST METAL BATTERIES Industrial IrOn Metal Yard and Office Elizabeth St Phone Bllrill Furndolc 38111 40 ROOM APARTMENT or house unfurnished Adults Phone 320th 38788 LADY WISHES transportation to and from Camp Bordon lolly Mon day through Saturday Ilczisc tul cphonc 3940 388 MORTGAGE WANTED $1500 to complete new home in Barrie Five years at prevailing rate Apply Box 31 Barrie Examiner 38788 CAR WANTED for $30000 What have you GM make preferred Bring it to show after pm to Joe chskcs farm 14 mile south of Brcntwood 38889 OR ROOM cottage bungalow or apartment unfurnished in An gus Barrie or on Camp Borden Highway 2school age children Martin General Delivery Angus Ont 38788 LIVE POULTRY We have Special market for Poultry and can offer you the HIGHEST PRICES ANYWHERE SCRAP IRON We also have special market for all kinds of scrap and can pay HIGHEST PRICES ANYWHERE See us for the best prices on hides feathers wool and horsehair FREE PARKING SPACE Our truckwill call anywhere LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 ctc TACE ICE BOX 50 pound capacity iduirc one hole ice cream freezer =Scc FOR SALE BICYCLE balloon tires Phone 3484 78889I macsrunner OAK diningroom suite in good condition Phonel COITAGE 40 44 to wreck andi rcmovc Tellphone Mrs Camp boll Rcavm Struud 4412 78789i CABIN TRAILER almost new Ap ply Ross Grccnman 43 King St Alliston Phone 353 78788 COOK STOVE Wingham Classic in good condition $35 Phone 2734 76911 MW EENDRON CARRIAGE grey col lnpsiblc in good condition Price $15 Phone 3000 i88 75 FULLY EQUIPPED whch cabin trailer aluminum nevercd Apply Valley Taxi and Iruckin Scrvlcc Barrie 7841 UNIILEX CAMERA No 11 with flash gun 214x211 negative size 020 or 120 Toll film Brand new Phone 5758 7871 CHESTERFIELD SET 91 bcd spring and mattress day bed davenport also weeks old pup Phone 5486 788 and one chronic two plate both used only six months Phone 4191 after 600 pm 788 FRIGIDAIRE POP COOLER Frig Bonsccour Beach at tho golf couse Mr Hardic 78890 NEW BACK DOOR standard size and first quality Finished ready for top glass panel Would exchange for scrccn door Phone 0358 78088 WASHER BENNY$1295 places this new 1952 Realty Standard model in your home $2 weekly Apply Barrie Hardware 778109F TYPEWRITERS office machines portablcs adding machines cash registers sales and service Gosncy 17 Frances St Barrie Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona representative 780tbe RUGS Broadloom Save up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Newest shades Phone Barrie 2706 745tf HOT WATER heating radiators wall and floor type all sizes per fect condition McLean 25 Collier St Barrie Phone 2285 Collect phone calls accepted 388127 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for men single beds 20 Alfred Street 1288 ROOM AND BOARD suitable for two Apply 31 Sanford St or tel ephone 5023 1288 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED BEDROOM very central Phone 3990 1588 FURNISHED BEDROOM central Girl preferred Phone 6779 1588 MODERN HEATED duplex pri vate $100 monthly Phone 2190 15881fF THREE UNFURNISIIED apart ments on 42 Toronto Street Phone 2971 158788 FURNISHED ROOM for house keeping suitable for young couple Phone 5049 1588 FURNISHED ROOMS suitable for friends and overnight guest Tel ephone 4501 1588 RESPECTABLE WOMAN for fur nished room in Allandale Price $8 per week Phone 2037 1588 THREE ROOM furnished apart Adults Apply Box 38 Barrie Examiner 1588 TWO UNFURNISHED rooms no objection to one chilld Apply Mrs Barrie 158889 TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent heated lights and hot water Adults only must be abstainers Phone 6624 158788 TWO ROOMED furnished apart ment continuous hot water bath room adults abstainers 223 Bay field St Barrie Phone 2924 1588 HEATED APARTMENT with all modern conveniences immediate possession adults Mrs Edna Orr Creemore phone 101W12 158788 MODERN OFFICES for rent cen trally located Apply Can cllla Co 17 Clapperton St Tel ephone 2253 158488 GARAGE suitable for repair or storage space with storeroom above 22x40 ApplyF Camilla I7 Clapperton St Phone 2253 158488 IN BOND HEAD 41roomed apart ment and bath but and cold 9113 for on tap cupboards in kitchen Phone Beeton 51113 after 15880 pan preceding Issue Bonds arlmentp centrdl Pith 2414 788 WASHER BEATTY52 weekly and your old washer no down payment places new Beatty thermo tub washer in your home Apply Barrie Hardware 778109F 18 FT INBOARD motor boat pow ered by cylinder Continental mo tor with marine transmission re verse gear ideal for fishing and pleasure now in USO on Lake Simcoc Phone 3125 78889 CABIN TRAILER sleep two $150 laying hens $125 each fourhorse gas motor $1500 electric refrig erator $00 cupboard $300 tires many Sizes $300 up Watkins Craighurst phone 845R34 78789 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers new and used sales and rent als Royal Typewriter cut for Simcoe County Simcoe usiness Machines 66 Toronto St Barrie phone 4824 78811 TYPEWRITERS and Adding Ma chines newand factory recondi tioned SerVIce by factory trained mechanics Special student rental rates Call Remington Rand Lim ited 70Dunlop St Barrie Phone 2758 724th FOR SALE Business executive moving away will sell contents of six room house to cash buyers Furniture was purchased with view only to quality and includes Ger hart medium pianp Stromberg Carlson combination DuBarry sectional chesterfield set with Mar shall cushions and large Wilton rug to match McClary range General Electric refrigerator and so forth Must be seen to he appreciatedd For your convenience phone 33911 for appointment 788 FRUIT VEGETABLES GLADS 75c per dozn Apply 107 Bayfield Barrio 208889 RASPBERRIES in any uantity frozen apples sliced wit sugar added fifteen pounds in pail Har ry Morren North St Phone 4510 208488 POTATOES qt 75c beets qt 50c onions qt 70c red currants and Igooseberries pick your own 25c qt Glads 70c doz 21mins 40c doz Phone 2658 298 Bay field 208788 Accommodation Wontpd Two Rooms wamed unfurnished or furnished centrally located No children Phone 4223 11881 DENTIST AND WIFE wish to sub let furnished apartment or hOuse from Aug 15 to Sept 15 Phone 3130 118788 PROFESSIONAL man and wife want apartment furnished or un furnished by September 15 Box 37 Barrie Examiner 118889 YOUNG COUPLE require 4rodm ed unfurnished or partly titrnished nonsmokers stainers Phone 4013 Barrie 118111 SMALL unronl SHED house in Barrle or Allaudale immediately lay couple with year old girl 111 guppy references Momma0 MANAGER of branch office re titres suitabloliviu accommoda onfor wife one 11d and self house or Phone 18811 in bxcllent condit on nw and clutch motor recent Alf haulod P11 21 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES spotless condition FRENCH MOTORS LTD Dodge 1395010 154 Burton Avenue Barrie 1952 Dodge Coronet Sedan Mile agc 3300 1951 Dodge Kiiigsway Couch1ow mileage 1951 Ford Convertible radio over drive one owner 1951 Ford DcLuxc Sedan 1947 Dodge Custom Sedan Drive 1940 Mercury Sedan Abovc curs carry our guarantee and are PRICED RIGHT 1940 Ford Conch 1941 Dodge Sedan 1939 Dodge Scdon $875 1938 Ford Coach $285 All those cars good transportation TRUCKS ton express Fluid 3795 $435 1952 Ford brand new 1950 Chev ton express like new 1949 Ford 14 ton express real good 1948 Mercury ton express nicc condition 1947 Mercury ton express heavy duty cquipmcnl These trucks nll guaranteed Call 5735 for demonstration evenings until 10 oclock OPEN MON Aug 1388 Opcn MORRISON COMPANY LIMITED Mercury Lincoln Meteor 3133 Bradford St Barrie PHONE 5560 Come in and compare our prices 1951 Meteor Coach dark green $2050 1951 McteorICustom Coach heat er overdrive $2100 1950 Meteor Coach twotone green white wall tires heater $1675 1951 Mercury 11 Ton Pickup mn roon $1500 1950 Mercury Sedan twotone tan $1975 and $900 1949 Austin Coach black 1388 yellow Low In Price High In Quality USED CAR VALUES 1951 Meteor Sedan very clean low mileage 1951 Ford Deluxe Sedanlowmile age 1949 Meteor Sedan radio and heat er beautiful condition SPECIAL WEEKEND VALUES no tradein 1942 Ford Sedan good body and motor $495 1939 Oldsmobile Sedan choose from Good throughout $395 31911911 1938 NasliISedan beautiful family car for very low transportation costsee this one today $195 two to condition We are specializing this week in clearing group of low priced Trade Ins CORBY MOTORS 15 ESSA ROAD PHONE 5481 1388 1947 mam Ton STAKE stake body tarpaulin and frame Excellentrubber 750173 ply Mechanically perfect Heavy duty transmission ahd rear end Heatcr Slipcovers foam rubber seat ladder rack and pipe rack tool boxes Suitable for farmer plumber or painter etc $80000 cash or sevdown balance at easy terms Barrie Tent 85 Awning Co 34 Hayfield St Barri 138789 CASH FOR YOUR CAR4 IN SMINUTES We will buy your up pIIy what you own 011 sud giver you cash for the balance sun HON EST JOE ONE PONTIAC COACH 1901 in Efair Ilhonc 2681 CHIN COACH fair condition lhonc 423 lvy for information 1388 reasonable 1387 88 1910 BUICK SEDAN small series motor body and tires in first class condition many accessories Ap ply after No reasonable offer re fused Downey RR Cooks town 138788 47 cunv SEDAN 950 no Ply mouth Coach $350 Buick Coach $175 33 Chev Coach $75 Trade and terms Cash paid for good cats West Find Used Cars Eliza beth St Phone 81lr15 138789 MW 1951 MONARCH green sedan ra dio heater fender skirts white wall tires lifeguard tubes over tllth new car condition Price $2450 or will take 47 or 48 as part payment Phone 4433 am pm 138788 l948 PONTIAC condition price Normn FOR SALE CUT STONE HOME Lovely cut stone home completed 1950 fully insulated owner oe cupled five rooms and bath down stairs finished 11 oils full sized basement excel ent oak floorin automatic electric hot water of water heat with convector radi ators beautiful cut gtone fire place laundry tubs storms large garage with overhead door large lot with shady trees Partly fin ished heated upstairs could be completed into twothree rooms BAYCROFT Paradise Comp Olive Cresc 1111 For inspection call at 781 William St Barrie 168111 ANGUS LOTS FOR SALE 13 lots in village dry good locog tion In black or swank Nearl Forestry Community Park N01 highway to cross for school chili drcn LEW TARBUSIL 108888 ATTRACTIVE LOT One only 50 ft frontage 150 ft dccp near DriveIn Theatre facing Radlo Heater Extras Excellent Condition EXCEPIIONAL VALUE PHONE 5074 13 88 POULTRY PULLETS FOR SALE months old laying well Phone 32r41 Stioud 1488 800 BARRED ROCK pullets 514 months old McLaughlin Egg and Poultry Dealer Phone 77 Alliston 148891 DOGS PET STOCK FOR SALE Two male cooker pups black also purebred mother log Phone 5470 3888 FOR SALEBeagle hound pups months old Apply Ed Robinson Oro Station phone Oro 220 388788 PUPS male female would make good housedogs or hunting monthsold May be seen at Browns feed stere Dunlop St Saturday morning at 1030 3888 BURNADEAN KENNELS 25 Registered Cookers available forimmediate sale Dogs at stud CALL MRS BEATIY 90am LEFROY 388890 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE WORK HORSE for $50 Phone 94 Ivy 988 35 SIX WEEKS OLD PIGS Apply Mr Mowforth Cralghurst 845 23 988 REG TAMWORTH boars service able age and sows due Aug 8th Apply James Leonard Stroud 988 DURHAM COW five years old due to freshen in August Nielsen RR Barrie Phone 841 33 gt 988 ONE COWHolstein six weeks fresh also calf and heifer Ap ply Jim Sacharuk RR Thornton Con 2nd lot 98788 REGISTERED SHORTHORN bull QAC Ransom A23breelng ser v1ceable age dark redsdesirable conformation Phone 222 988 ELIGIBLE for Registration York shire boar eight months old Can adian and English cross Roy Smith RR Cookstown Ont 98890 FARM COUIPMENT 28 INTERNATIONAL truck trac tor $50 Ferguson 332 Stroud 3988 CLIPPER COMBINE one year old pickup and clover attachmentsk good as new Apply Ken Burrows 71r41 Alliston 398489 FOR SALEGood Deering binder ft cut canvas like new Reason able ply McCann Utopia Phone 621 Ivy 3988 GRAIN SEPARATOR for sale al most new Ebersal Feder and Shedder on rubber Best cash of fer Apply Box 33 Barrie Exam iner 398788 WA WELL Drillers 25 years experience in Barrie and District on request Quotations and advicew an without obligation Son 829 Enroll in ollin wood puma 318 WATERLOO 28 all steel separ ator with rollerbearings Eight ft John Deere rain binder with oil bath and zer fittings Seven ft Cockshutt grainbinder with oil bath and zerk fittings Oliver Sales Service RR Essex Ont Phone Essex 148W 398893 47116111 Ferguson 14 Ford For gusOn one Massey Harris pony tractor with hydraulic low one Her 60 rowcroIzSRyl ne No 40 front end loader exce lent for load Bradford St ll1401 WW 39HUDSON Al condition Apply 24 Peel St 1939 DODGE SEDAN for sale tom new motor life guards good tires Phone 2798 31 soon Mason of compliwa and 175 Letitia ion srunanAk octiblel oat 138611 1388111 Var3 till or manure new pickup Farm old St Phone 3583 MW Clippeocomblneswitb motor and Kai late models now guaranteei Forage harvester for cor with motor nearly no sagnuns 44 Tracto use ho at son It do 30 Tractor about feed cast overlooking Barrie and beau tiful Kcmpenfelt Bay HUGH MILLS 11 Nelson Square or phone 2429 between 88 168688 BRICK HOUSE centrally located Apply Phone 2314 1688 ROOM HOUSE village of Hills oalc Calhoun phone 376 168891 BUILDING LOT 120 frontage lo catcd just outside town llmits Phone 4440 1688 NEW ROOMED bungalow fully modern large lot Apply McGlad Toys Store Thornton 168890 COTTAGE unfurnished five rooms plastered insulated At bargain price Phone Barrie 3439 1688 NEARLY NEW BRICK bungalow bedrooms full basement newly decorated Possession within weeks 26 Cotter Avenue Barrie 168789 ROOM FRAME HOUSE on Sun nidalc road garage lot 60x527 outside conveniences house vbcant Can be seen any time Phone 5102 168788 NEW 5ROOM Bungalow opposite Codrington School split stone ves tibule and fireplace builtin china cabinet in dining room oak floors piece bath modern kitchen Tel ep onei754 168588 ROOMCOTTAGE STYLE hun galow wmterized wire system lot 60x300 seventh house left hand Side off No 11 Highway Priccd for quick sale Apply Harry Bur sey Tollendal Rd RR 168788 ROOM BRICK home all hard wood floors extra toilet excellent condition garage private drdivc very central Suitable for private home or guest home Principals please Phone 5209 1688 ROOM BRICK HOUSE with two rooms built on backon about acre Price $4200 Newly decorat ed Near Lake Simcoe on Con 10 miles east of Stroud Miller RR Stroud Phone 32 T3 188788 SPACIOUS NEW five room bunga 10w on lot 50x200close to Cod rington SchoolNHA plan Bunga low near completion and Could finish to owners specifications 0p en for inSpection Reasonable down payment 183 Duckworth 1688 ROOMED BRICK house in vil lage of Everett all modern con veniences hot and cold water hardwood floors French doors deluxe bath very large lot gar ages Apply Fred Murphy Everett or Morgan Murphy Baxter 168789 10 ROOM dwelling suitable for di v1ding or large family on the cor ner lot which is exceptionally large and well freed in the hospital area this house has excellent pos SIbllitleS For further information call Coutts Real Estate Brok er Owen Street Dial 2377 71688 $380000 FIVE Acres choice garden land open winter road nearsum mer resort 26 fruit trees berry patch vegetable garden seven room house freshly painted heavy wir mg seven miles from Barrie Marshall Representativer Coutts Real Estate Broker owed St Dial 2377 1688 $4800 open to offer 31 Bay Pomt recently built win erized summer cottage four spacious rooms and three piece bathroom hardwood floor Paved road kept open during winter twenty minI utos to Barrie Good location for busmess venture Large lot Terms Hill Broker Algonquin Avenue BigBay Point 1688 GENTLEMANS country home vcry modcrn brick six large rooms furnacefireplace bath double ar age good barn Oust lion red acres of land some good landhsome poor land thirty acres 01 built Sixtyfive hundred full rice Contact Henry Elrick Re tors Barrie 1888 ATTRACTIVEHOME four bed rooms large living room lamb ver modem kitchen soot lot res for occupancy Under ten thousand We have mallet homes from four 19 six rooms well locat ed some wtth low down payments Fpi best variety contact Henry Erick Realtors Barrie 1688 le brick veneer bun owns conveniences forced hot air flled furnace immediat alon Alsoa1clioice of other Ewe tons consistingLot 50 and rooms Payments for homeroom bear CONE31913318 SI 23771 ort time Seethis MoneyI Donorth FOR rd designed with 311 SALE ROOM COTTAGE 18x22 new Hydro insulated and winterized on Highway 90 opposite Tracys Garage Phone 832r42 168789 HARVEY CO LIMITED ROOM BRICK With attacbco garage Nearly new Brick fireplace Now vacant Halllcrest School area ROOMINSULBRICK 0I September possession Nicely locall ed $7500 Bungalow type Full price ROOM BRICK Large rooms with hardwood on first floor covered floors upstairs Extra large lot with double gar age Early possession $3500 will handle ROOM BRICK With oil heating Hardwood floors throughout In first class state of repair Large lot Garage Nico lawns and garden September pos session Desirous location Full price $10000 ROOM BRICK Modern throughout Newly decor ated Possession in 30 days Full twostorey square plan Would suit particular people See this at $13000 ROOM BRICK Modern in Village of Everett near Camp Borden This home must be sold to settle an estate In quirc inspect and make offer HARVEY CO LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Phone 3926 Evenings 3990 or 4708 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 1688 FARMS FOR SALE 35 ACRE FARM on County Road good land and buildings close to Village and eight miles from Camp Borden Apply Box 32 Barrie Examiner 88788 150 ACRE FARM vicinity of A1 llston 50 acres summer fallow wells and springs 8room brick house bathroom furnace fire place Apply Ken Burrows 71r41 Alliston 88488 BUILDING TRADES Brick and Stone Masonry Plastering Stucco Free Estimats Call Collect LESLIE SARGEANT John St Bradford Phone 290 3573111 PLUMBING HEATING REPAIR WORK ELWOOD FISHER Phone 269 Oro or 3516 Barrie 3584100 CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCHERY GOVERNMENT APPROVED Oldest establish chick hatchery in Simone Cou ty known for 80 years as the place to buythose strong rigorous chicks bred for both curand meat production hatching Barred Rocks and New Iampsbire Barred Rock crossbreed 65 Clap rton St Barrio one 2320 blocks north oLthsIjlve Points 2439tf GILMORES are booking chicks for fall delivery now Chicks from Sirocco Countys Lar gest Breeder Hatchery Hatching year round GILMORES POULTRY BREEDING FARM 60 rPenetang 51 Phone 2735 Barrie 2481tf LOOKPoultrykeepets 34 week Bray Cockerelsheavles shippers choice3 week $2790 week $1290 Also pullets heavies shippers choice weeks $2590 week $3090 Dayold to order Act quick Agent Copeland RR Bee ton Phone Beeton 5512 2488 1111 Pickup on To inSimeoc County Trucks land5 ed direct pom hint byiclonvoyorfor now be piovidod mono Pilot Limited NEW ClilDltOPlizLl Gth big package seller at all drug slums and counters at 20 Now av allablc and sold through new type automatic vendor at ic and 5c CIILOROPHYLL 15 nationally advertised In newspap crs magazines radio television etc Creating terrific demand Choice territories still available Opening in this area for rclmblo men to sortlot and collect money Efrom these sensational moneyniak crs No selling Income up to $350 month References and $900 to $1200 icasli required to start SECURED nv mvmronr Cur necessary lave phone number land references for Interview with lfxictory representative A39 Vend ors Dept 110 Dundus Wcst TOT onto Ont MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own floors 11 easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander does cxccllmt work Low rates Complete line of oor nlshirltil materials paints varnish ah acs llers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new floors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton St Phone 5206 59111b FLOOR SANDING Have your old floors sanded and refinished like new We use the newest 1951 equl ment for old and new floors all WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Work done anywhere in Simcoe County PHONE 3107 EVENINGS PHONE 5759 MODERN TILE FLOORING Asphalt and Rubber Tile Plastic Wall Tile Linoleum Counter Tops Broadloom Rugs WOLFENDEN PH 5185 BARRIE 70 MAPLE 5391117 CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED FOR WRECKING For good used parts tires heaters and glass at reasonable prices see WEST END WRECKERS Ferndale Phone 811r15 533th HARRIS MAINTENANCE WASAGA Roofing Carpentry Painting Chimneys and Furnaces Cleaned and Repaired Window Cleaning and Floor Service Commercial and Domestic Work Covering Barrie to Wasaga and Surrounding Area FOR PRICES CALL WASAGA BEACH 78W AND REVERSE CHARGES 58893 NOVASCOTIA BOUND room for leavmg August 15 Phone 5261 588tf EAVESTROUGIIING and cement work done promptly Prices rea sonable Workmanship guaranteed Phone 5717 5881f ALL KINDS of carpenter work done new work remodelling cup boardS combination doors and window frames Phone 5647 or apply 40 Anne St 58091 MIMEOGRAPHING and public stenography Let Miss Cora Shels well or Mr Alvin Thompson help you wIth your secretarial work Phone 4824 5381 ATTENTION FARMERS Gordon Ypung Limited will be pleased to pick up deadand crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal For immediate service telephone coll ect Barrie 3617 Gordon Young 52140MF BARGAINS at Vernas Cloths Horse Thursday Friday and Sat 29881 ll 11 urdayfjuly 31 August landz Clearance sale ofall our Summer stack of dresses suits shoes mens wear suits shirts ties and shoes Childrens clothes are much re duced in price Our alterationde partmcnt is always glad to serve you 587 hogs con 145 mm autoea no 19