Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1952, p. 2

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the 11th of ill the boats 15 passed through each summer lt me name of the cngmccrs bi mman from page our gtrams going north and south on 2cling catbnd in lhc early sumtmi gringo mm mmely 5mm mcr with liquid mic that are gt bit ltocbc lmmm vulth it 015 pnughiiou much upon treasures like 33 land oihrr little cm 117 WM pay keep mm lbors Ui in tho spring flit twin of mg up ltwo rcdwing calling to each otiicrIllfrgfex get arrow at gitn from the trtctups frum some sort of an egg and In boyhood day what fun waismry had Willi some othcr ltcuatlfcsg twiccn mother wasnt aware of at WY If Eggs in It big Skilltl and lllllllllltd tin voluminous hoan draining up in 85 She cracked mew on my PM Perm M36 Pm maof Parsons woch visitors to brother of Mrs Fred Ellis of Barrie Frederick Young Scott died at his residence in Oshawa July l9 Funeral Iicllo liomemaers Long frosted drinks on warm summer days need is president of on Saturday Bulk of Commons Kr Mm Arthur Hughes To Irish of Mr Parsons unloadrs It Teller and sons sud Bruce of Paris were Sunday visitors with Mrs Morrison Bayfield St lube 27 snl mg 321 Mrs Guam will bc visiting had as Mfgqu for the put two weeks her friend Miss Agnes Ed monstone of Hamilton Ont Mr Ind Mrs Trcvciyan King iting this week with their aunt Miss King and cousins Mrs George Webb Mrs Oscar Shank liowcll Partridge George and Frank Pow ell Mr and Mrs King made the journey by Ill and at the end of the wek will go on to Richmond V1 to visit their married dangli tcr Mrs Ross Cameron was visiting for few days this wcck lll Pct crborough Town Council Briefs Continued from page one communication from the Min ister of Travel and Publicity rc questing to know if Barrie wished to have rent controls maintained or removed was referred to the Chamber of Commerce licch Hart said that lot of thought would have to be given to the matter as there were ad vantages on boh sides In addi tion copy of he letter will also be sent to the local branch of the Canadian Legion and the Bar rie and District Welfare Council Council on to ask the Town En gineer for report on why some shrubs belonging to Mrs Hart which were planted on the Worslcy Street boulevard were choppd down until only hide ous stumps remained No notion token on request by Thomson postmaster for permission to place mail box at the front of the Municipal Building letter from the Post master dealing with the question of the Victoria School property being used as parking lot was receivcd and will be acknowlcdgcd Bafn hospital notices and the report of the activities of the Simcoe County Health Unit for the month of June were filed Council approved bylaw to lease on area of ground to Super test Petroleum Corporation Ltd so that they might extend their sidings atiMain Street The lease on yeartoyear basis was in consideration of nominal fee of one dollar WhenAldcmn Mcholl crit iclzed the fact that there was only about one seat in Bayview Park Mayor Marjorie Hamilton drew attention to the fact that work was already in hand and that benches were being produced Council agreed to grant the deed for Lot 17 Innisfil Street to Denney subject to the approv al of the Building Inspector 35on by Robertson asking for an extension of time gt to gudon Lot Wellington Sootvis granted WW about to supervision of the Town Engineer Machinery lglill Supplies Co may erect Sign at their place of business llanDunlop Street to which they arein process of moving subject to the approval of theulown Engineer White way granted permission to erect agslgn at his tam stand 59 C011 lcrStreet while Levits Trading were also granted permission for topic signat 31 Collier Street lter lleninx toa report on the condition of town swimming crops by Dr AScott director it service was held yesterday 22 in Oshawa Formerly of Minesing Mr and momzm tb ruests of Mr and Mrs Alex mum of Edmon Rim Km Hugh Laiton celebrated their 50th wedding lannlvcrsr on July IL Goddcn wrnt to Belleville ilast wcckcnii to bid bun voyage to his mother Mrs Goddcn who sails for England on board the SS Atlantic Sunday July her sister whom she has not soon for 45 years Mrs Phyllis Moody of Oshawa of Auckland New Zealand are vis former assistant rccrcation director when made mm mm mm mat There was in Barrie for the week and Jack Buchanan has arrived in Barrie from Calgary to join his wife and Sun Pctcr who conic hcrc scv cral weeks ago to visit Mrs Buch ranans nmthrr Mrs Wattcrl worth and slstcr Mrs Mc Nubia Mr Buchanan is manager of =tIIe Industrial Acccpiancc Corpora Itlon branch in Alberta position he formerly held in Barrie ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Elmer Wood 0r illin announce the cugngcmcnt of their sister Fume Elva Wood to Wollcslvy Keith Attwell youngest son of Mr and Mrs VnrrenAtt vcll Nanton Alberta The mar riage is to take place Saturday August 2nd in Udney United Church at pm Mr and Mrs Wilfred Cockburn of Edgar wish to announce the en gagement of their oldest daughter Phyllis Pearl to Gordon Murray Cooncy son of Mr and Mrs Philip Cooney Bancroft Ont the mar riage to take place in Edgar United Church at oclock Aug Simcoe County Health Unit Coun cil agreed to ask the Health Unit to place signs on the waterfront if the water is unfit for bathing Council will write the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation to Mcertain whether or not there have been any amendments of ren tal agreemcnts for the years 1948 1949 Their action follows receipt of letter from that body in which it was stated that no considera tion was being given to amending agreements at the present time Considean Is to be given to amending the Taxi Licensing By law following discussion as to methods of operating The matter will be referred to the Traffic Committee for their views Council are toask for further particulars about an offer which was made by contractor to buy 11 lots on North Newton Street Muicaster at price of $500 each The application was referi red to the Property Committee Alderman McCarroll brought to Councils attention the present pos JUU no recommendation Just make them so that they do not disappoint grout expectations thirst quencher shouldnt be too sweet or sour or too sharp Also it shouldnt be overloaded with ice chct beverages tcnd to satiutc the appetite making this thirst quenching job vicious circlc However there are many nourish lug mixtures that fill the nutri tivc needs good suggestion from the Poultry Products Institute to the addition of beaten raw egg to chilled fruit juice Meantime we hope you havent forgotten how much an egg mug is appreciattl an egg heapitigspoon of ice cream and truevfrlut flaVoring or chocolate syrup Then too anyoncnviil perk up at the mention of lemonade yet tastes and circumstances vary in the prev paration of this cooling drink hurried pitcher of lemonade made by simply squeezing lemon juice and adding sugar and water to taste is perfectly satisfactory flow chr it will be easy if you memoro izc our method mix the rind of minced lemon shells cup water and cup sugar Boil these items for minutes then cool Add cup lemon juice and cups cold water to the lcmon syrup Pour the lemon drink over ice in pitcher or tall glasses Makes to servings Rhubarb Delight 2V2 cups cut rhubarb cups water 13 cup sugar cup pineapple juice small gingerale Cook the rhubarb in water for 10 minutes Strain then sweeten with sugar Combine rhubarb juice with pineapple juice and chill in electric refrigerator Add col oring if desired and gingerale be fore serving Makes about glasses lccd Mocha tbsps chucolatesyrup cups coffee double strength cups milk Vanilla ice cream Blend chocolate syrup with cof fee and chill Combine with cold milk and serve in tall glasses Makes about servings Tea Cocktail tea bag cup boiling water cup grapefrth juice tsps lemon juice ice cubes Add boilingwater to tea bag and steep for 55 minutes Remove the teang and put tea into jar with tight fitting cover add fruit juice and cubed ice Cover tightly and shake vigorously Serve immediately into glasses Fruit Punch For 50 quarts strong tea cups lemon juice cups orange juice cups sugar quarts grape juice quarts Water quart gingerale Mix tea fruit juices and sugar WHEN rIIonNTON WOMENS lNSll TUTE observed its golden anniversary on Wednesday July 16 Willi suitable program two of the interested visitors were left Mrs James WHenry und right Mrs Or lando Lwis Mrs Henry was the oldest member of Thornton WI to attend the celebration She had her 90th birthday recentl gcrulc and pour over ice cubes in punch bowl TAKE TIP Usc syrup for sweetening cold drinks instead of sugar as the sugar often remains undlssolvcd in the bottom of the glass twist of sliccd lemon or or ange sprig of mint or few whole berries dress up fruit drink drop of peppermint or dash of cinnamon makes pleasant variation for chocolate milk drink Minced cucumber in to nto juice is pleasantuntil so is 61 chcstcrshire sauce Lemon or lime juice uddeddto almost any fruit juice makesa drink more satisfying For vatietya can of tomato soup diluted with quart of cold milk may be served as Sprinkler with minced olives and senqt hard water If you use tea pot nourishing beverage with peanut butter sandwiches THE QUESTION BOX Mr asks If milk is sup plied from an accredited herd is it necessitry to pasteurizc it and if so at what temperature Answer Yes pasteurization of milk is cheap health insurance on the farm or at the cottag Aiken mometer reading of 138 degrees should be used for 30 minutes Efren chill as quickly as possible Mm asks Can gelatin moulds be allowed to set again if they become watery in worm plce Answer Yes gelatln mixtures will become firm and the flavor will be goodif chilled quickly on the same day Mrs II nslis What makes cloudyiced tea Answer When the lemon juice or fruit juice is added too long ition at Johnson Street where he chill Just before serving add gin before serving iced tea becomes said water running down the street after the rain was washing away the beach at the foot of the street Council agreed to write the railway authorities requesting that they place pipe or provide some means for the water to pass under their bridge there An outline of housing statistics was given by Alderman Bibby who said that as the housing questioni had been under Consider some definite action was taken 60 IT ALONE Judging from the comments in the press since the United States sonata turned down resolution authbrizmg Ariierlcan Barticlpation in the St Lawrence Waterway and Power Development it would ap pear that gmost Cdnndians haye characteristic pridie and confidence in their ability to go ahead with this project on their own Campbellton NB Tribune My my AN mcamugn WANT An mum murmur sIIIIIIIIII lt CLEA ation forwsoimEth itwaswtlm INcI Canvas Rubber soles Red Lineri Green Whit Wedges and Low Heels LSizes to 10 195 295 395 onIenls Sandals Toeless Heelevss Rod IBIue TanfwMultidolorl Leothcr Clorance Price MENis iigr Goodrich your Canva OxfordsWin Bloc tramwn SPOUSIPNCHIUSOPS Is to I2 damn closdjo 195 2951 gt Ir drum sanausesoap Psalm All Colors Red BIue Multicolor Brown Drssy bud Sturdy loading shotgun with the ptfCilSSlOlI Photo by J1me limrv Thornton of her daughter Mrs Estcn Davis Ivy Mrs Lewis is the oldest member of Cookstown WI and was one of those who assisted in the formation of the Thornton Brookttulo Avenue Torontoshe received the first Womens Institute piuvthat was made at the home in Ontario CANADIAN TASTES Canadians generally have rcpu tntiun for being styleconscious and llkc to appear and feel wellsdrcss ed 51in report of trade prospects that puts tall stories into the mouths of fishermen are populat ing the Stewiacke river to such an extent that it now ranks tops in Nova Scotia as an anglers paradise More than 400 stripers averaging eight pounds each have been tak en from the river this year con sidered poor season because of high waters landed This river along with the Shu bcnacadie is at the head of Cohe quid Bay and the run of bass be gins about May 10 lasting for month Bass weighing as much as 40 pounds are caught in the Stewiacke river with both plug and fly local man Who has been fishing in the river since boyhood says the best bait to use is Hermon river runt plug with fourfoot steel casting rod 20 to 25pound test line and sixinch fine steel ny loncovered leader compiled for the UK Board of Trade The report which covers every item of mens apparel from hats to handkerchicfs and from shirts to socks gives general guid once to UK manufacturers on what Canadian men look for when they go shopping for clothes cloudy However clouding has Last year 600 were no affect whatsoever on the taste of tea Mrs Mc asks How can we prevent an oily film on freshly made teawe have tried numer ous brands Answer This film frequently forms on steeped tea made from with long spout instead of con tumor with round lip the film will remain in the tea pot CALL THE EXAMINER F08 PRINTING for British goods in tire CanadianI TRURO NS JulY 14 ICP mcns wear market which has bn Striped BBS the SIOCkY ham IHIs Bio illY CllAg BIG SAVINGS slitr Sun Dresses and cool round ncbk sleeveless dresses styled by Coles of California in popular Cnlifqrnin Woven Cotton 09 Chagall $1995 Summer cottons in organdy pic olsy eyelet and broadcloth in whitc blue and yellow to We At $5406 33x Jlertll junction Iiyvscquonnnimt cil 7W0 Sleevelwim mm allevmin wide colorchoice dic 0935 mm wiuII an comm rerunmy white rod nor coding mmg skirt made with wire rings that held ll out in thc true crumiimof lewdll fmd 30le Linn In form and made the wearer sccmfbu iiT 33 UmfWC wit Sttllltll to spread at once all own um 81m along the 90f Mn Wsurface and didnt look right Mqu pedal propulsion VIIbIL ihtro we bllil pmownny snow went up in tm at my sac spooncd the Offtllltrl With strings llluI gate iL Iy 25M wmnwmed mm dc ht laugh mu lsush did hcstate mm pow There are other treasures thalllong tam to she done loan speak of Infill lifc In the grcag 31g outdoors on ancient shot horn wit thumbplute to adjust the amountg 03 they arc of the charge for that other tombgmlg f0 Wonder If Timur panion treasure thc old muzzlem TOWN fathers mtch In treasurc that new culvert at Min powder ets Pomt which for over two Wold5 thas been lymg in the crcck lithl ilikc an uninterrcd casket of sum Most valued of alla little sturdy Colossus while the heavy truffu logbook of days spent as bridguof the past week has llmupd trndcrun lllftllll Northern Rnilwayfhalf mile east and west to roar1 bridge from 1878 to 1890 It bearslthe beach cap nipple and thc brow 35k that also belonged branch 50 years ago Now residing at 42 TREMENDOUS SAVING HUNTSFANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL SERVE CHILLEDHUNTSFANCY SPECIALI TOMATO JUICE vol 9P TERRIFIC VALUE AYLMERIN TOMATO SAUCEBOSTON SPECIAL BROWNED BEANS 222229 BEST YET DOG FOOD CULVERHOUSEFANCY SPECIAL ne FEATURE 3255 CULVERHOUSEhCHOICE GOLDEN DICED CORN 235tsrris limit Crushed PINEAPPLE FANCY PEAS Juror20 SAUERKRAUf uq7 SALAD SUMMER MENU SUGGESTIONS com 2002 FANCY LIBBYS FANCY MIRACLE WHIPSALAD PLAIN 0R PlMENTOVELVEETA Dressing 127 Cheese If 33 LlllBYSIII TolnoIo SauceCool PICNIC SWEETMIXED Spaghetti $3327 Pickles CLARKES Meat Pauesz rt 29c 43 29c DOMINION PeonutButter 113 Gurzrdhleozl mzlla Prune IIIII Roast 23 35c Bonmns MAPLE LEAF on swmrs Wiener MAPLE DEAF 45 Luncheonituiiouu65 gruff tcantalnupe Importmous No WHITE 134120vaj Rich Mello BREAD Si 5c Plain 4c REFRESHPNG DOMITNOJ GINGER ALE 21 9c coon not soup =91 TOMATO 42723 CHRISTIE sluosEITocITIoThursday Friday SHTUHQY casino Emilio of with in ricer txr for that 5mm 027 wwwmwmmm ran

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