=iIl M1 surge 535mm is known insect lrfc exists 1113 as rt lOlii 2m inc Scull Illcl four miles above the surface 11500 Untied Staten farm ii Lslry gum cairn luff by 1960 Garden Party Draws Big Crowd St Marys Church annual Dar ish garden party on Wcliliesday af ternonn and evening was cliioyedi gt by the large number of people who patronizd the booths on the church lawns while an estimated SIX 01 11 scven hundred Vihlltils llifd supp WW llilrltl Willi didiu in the basement of St JosephsiIrizb Ll ucr fiuwrr sbe Auditorium Dull lb and ms lllllllls Ille lllllll people turned out in large num am Whol When Rn clinigc tJlll the 11136 pcratcd cc mzxtzlilit kritizd goods bouila flail Luna gtrxai car vii grifmnizcai lilfill tubics fl al111 Ibe fins 36 yum of Thornton of fur Instizufc Womcns Institufc Wrlv 1415 Ll yrars vg ih in lx chnrsduv officers and mcmbcrs WritX hm IWllid inf lnstitulcs from several parts of the iOlh anliivrriury gulhcrlug in in mum Mqu Wm the Thorn the ylilugi Oran 1111 Munmdu izhn liiiIlLj mushram he anmver afternoon Down through inc yours of mm branchs 08351 Illum hi llilllld Vim liltlfl and to look forward tomanv Kilililel Nil lln Will mori yems of achievement and pro illbill ll 7lblgtllllilll are for llmrnfun Institulc and play lnu In it puzk 111 forin wuntry wow throughout the anon of Illt Iliuflllull public library world and tho mvmbvrs bought first Lllfl program over the bets along with scvcral outof town visitors and summer resi dentn itiizlslltllln of basic rock in lllL Highlight of the evening events 11 Wm wwmbnm was the dlraw It llledandl 31clli brought illl cl copper lcuti $25 lIUl ar dul mu arir null tJl Smith of Utopia Vinfltl of truly iflrst prize ccdar chest was Wl =8 Shutc of London Thc second new ML lTS STlLt BETTER kIlS wash sfnnds basins and pif clicrr for ihc four local schools During 1hr WU world wars Much the Institutc has lprilfIittfI 5151c lls formation Ill 1001 the lznilcs llllvL knit cmnforls for ilu boys of 1111 Village who won in war and huvc packed bums for Soldich overseas Iluy llllpl 11 With 11 Jilin for Britain campaign donutcd moncy to hospitals and liclpcd with sewnlg for various hospitals This is the time of year we reap 11 the vegetables of our carly Spring labor In May it seems buckbrcaklng job to llltuk up thc lumi lumps of tililli info nczlt fur rows to drop in pen and butter bczin Mtdi hui in the middle of July it ducsnf take much effort at all to pick thc tcndcrcst pencil pod bonus from lhcir storm and taste lllt grccnncis of peas out of the garden and on to our dinncr plate Hurvcsting isnt all joy how Wlivn tinx district hold mumc fos tivzlis which mcntunlly grcw lic yond Illt lnslllutcs ability to liundlc thc brunch took kccu in fcicst and now hclps with the Essa School Ari1 music fcsllvnl much your Help to ncedy families tlu Rod Cross thc Hospital for Sick Chil drcn the Salvation Army the In stitulc for lllt Blind the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital and community lclivitics all wcrc part Sieve Brodie took chance YOU cant do that with your car ignition Have us check if ovcr now for summer driving WE SPECIALIZE BRENNAN Auto Electric Service BARBIE ONT Fine qualify of both serv ice and merchandise is assured in funeral we direct The helpful qualify of our service is fully main tained in every funeral regardless of how simple or how elabbrale the fur nlahlngs may be Providing answer to ev ery question is an estab lished purl of our service we OMELME FUNERAL HOME Milli scmmlcn vfiih 355 07 can IRIEND To Conixton fluorine in cvcr llic cabbage worms bcrii us to it on most of the sccdlings and our parsley bcd got mistaken for new growth of weeds Mrs Lorne Ncy If Freder ick Strcct cabled homo Wednes dziy telling of her safe arrival in Sydney Australia after splendid trip by air across the Pacific She is in Australia for long visit with her daughter Mrs Gordon Gates the former Audrey Ncy who has been fucking her home there since the war JMTS Nay left Malton Airpjort at three oclock Sunday morning and arrived in Vancouver around noon From there she took BCPA plane to Australia Womens Institutes Garden Club Tells Dalston Branch Of Peierboro Trip The Dalston branch of the Wom ens Institute met at the home of Mrs Bertram on Thursday eve ning July 10 with good attend ance After the opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect roll call was an swered by naming famous doctor or scientist The motto Good luck and good health are two of the worlds greatest blessings who inspired all with her sincere words LLprlzc bicycle went to Edward MIL VD mm JOSE LYA Laws of 27 Sampson Si and Tim Hamilton of 98 lbsa Rd wasii winner of the third prize pediE Marylgrccd blondc cockcr spaniel McLEAN who were married at the home Of the brides parents NILE and Mrs Harold Broiley at Ivy The bride is the former Elizabeth Broiley Her husband in the son of Mr and Mrs Bert McLean of Ivy After wcdding trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo the couple are making their homc on the grooms farm at Ivy 20E Nun Coldwaier Couple Have Lovely Home Sprucecrofi COLDWATERAlthough both Mr and Mrs James Lazonby haw reached advanced years they con tinuc to spend many hours in their beautiful gardtn and their home Sprucccroft on south Main St Goldwater is again lovely spot with its rose gardens and finely kcpt lawns and hedges Among the many recent guests at Lazonbys were Mrs Auldenlfob ins of Oro Station Mr and Mrs Don Robins and two children Carolyn and Eric and Mr and Mrs Paul Robins On recent evening Mr and Mrs Lazonby were guests of Mrs William Wylie Sr at the Elgln House Port Stanley on Sparrow Lake and on July 11 they accom panied Mr and Mrs George Kent of Eady on motor drive to the flower gardens at Port McNicoll and Little Lake at Midland The true horned toad of South America lives on birds mice and frogs and will attack humans everyone young and old is invited to attend Cake recipes wcrcgivcn out at the conclusion of the meeting Re freshments were served by Mrs Bertram aSslsted by Mrs Ross Bertram was The Garden Club reported de lightful 4H trip to Peterboro The 4H members voted todonate two dollars to the Dalston Church organ fund The flower committee were instructed to send flowers to sick members of the community and bank book to Baby Coward The annual community picnic was planned to take place at Bass Lake Cooperative Park on Saturdayfaf ternoon July 26 good program of sports and races is planned and Russian Splendid Now if the scheme is really going to come off you Will of course have to learn APlG IN mm Superior Propanc lnvires you To drOp in andkbake Batch of Cookies JULY l9fh Bring Bug and Take SomegHorne TEST COOK ON THE LATEST BOTTLEDGAS RANGE SEE HOW ANYBODY mm FIRST TIME OAuTbEnN Exclaim COOK OUR RANGES DONT TAKEsOuR WORD FOR CIT TRYle BEFORE YOU VBuvu fiwkzoimcucnror irlisuionwmrz nibnmwrinu Given away FREE with every Gas annualPurchased 1724 DUNLOPTRELETJXWIE Thule 54101 Ensy Budge fremis iron 5404 Current Account The doll drcsscd in one dollarE MISSES DURHAM MEMORIAL ARENA CERTlFiCATES LADIESI Dont Miss This ANOTHER VALUEPLUS Sheers Cottons Ny londresscs in all siz es and colors 1A3 SIZES T00 Save many dollars on this lovely assort ment of Shorties and early fall Long Coats Here are GREAT SAVINGS in won derful collection of Suits jinn0km range of Illlllll ll llllllll llllllllll II Ii Here is your big chance to get the things you need and yet SAVE MANY DOLLARS Dozens of Other Items and non blouses tskirlts sportsvvearvg OUT THEY GO REGARD LESS or cofsr