Serving Since I864 88th YeahNo 82 AR WIRED NIIEPW THE TOWN OF BAm AND COUNTY OF SLMCOE CAUGIILIN of Leonards Beach Lake Simcoe was the winner with ticket NO 13945 of the KIWanis Club car draw last night He was very happy never having owned car before Winning ticket was sold by Tom New as the Chev stood on the main street in front Of Zellers some weeks ago As the car was presented to Mr Cnughlin this mornmg at the post office square Pre sident Roy Klghtley of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie and Tony Decarie chairman of the car committee extend congratulations and hand over the keys Sumo Ai Thornton to anniversary of the branch Mrs Purcell Fort William who is attending the Womens In stitute holiday at the Obtario Agri cultural Coliegegwlri week was inThorntoiIfor the oc casion and Mrs King of Bar rie Simcoe Cpunty president join ed with Thornton ladiestin marking their 50th birthday Also present were Miss Dunn presmlent of South Simcoe Womens Institute District and Mrs Spencer the current branch president dwmwmxzzummciistmmgi V14 33 Speaker for the day wasMayor Mrs Marjorie Hamilton of Barrie whotoid the gathering of close to 100Iadies of Thornton and sur rounding Institutes obvarious inci Vdents that had happened during her terms of Office as Barrie mayor At the supper in the hall base meeting huge 50th anniversary birthday cake decorated with the Womens Iristitute motto was part of the menu Massed arrangements of summer flowers added to the festive atmosphere in the hall Institute Guests Guests at the anniversary meet ment which followed theiafternoon Celebrate 50th Anniversary Founding of Branch The provincial area district and branch presidents gather ed with the members of Thornton Womens Institute at the Orange Hall on Wednesday afternoon to celebrate the golden ing were from Barrie Lefroy Gil ford Fishers Cornersrlvy Finns wick Everett Cookstown Beaten onChurihiIL Stayner T0 ronto The Ridge Adjala and Brampton Mrs Stewart of Thornton read history of the branchas highlight of the afternoon program She told of the organization meet ing of the Institute on May 1902 in the Temperance Hall where Mrs Isaac Jennetts house now stands The meeting was conducted by members of Cookstowrr Womens Institute who told the new Thorn ton group of the object Of the In stitute The Thornton ladiesfav cred the establishment of separ ate branch from Cookstown and eight names were received for membership at that meeting Past Presidents The ate Mrs Owen was first president of Thornton Womens In stitute from 1902 to 1906 accord ing to the records There are no rebords from the year 1906 to 1911 when the branch was reorganized by Miss Gilbblm and MS Turn to page two please T6 Open Quilt in Fair at Barri Womens Institute Leaders Meet Kiwanis Kamival Proves Successful Two Good Nights The Kiwanis Karnival held Wed nesday and Thursday nights this week at the Loblaw parking lot on Maple Avenue was big success The rain kept off and there was fine crowd each evening It is ex pected there will be good not in come which will be used entirely for the clubs underprivileged chil drens and welfare work General Chairman Wib Laking expresSedhtmse lfjs well plea with the attendance and especially the fine coOperption of those who patronized the event It was fine spot clean and spacious Wednesday was beautiful evening The Kam ival opened with Barrie Citizens Band parading from market square to the lot and they played short concert which was much appreciat ed There werea number of coun ter attractions Wednesday but the Kiwaniansgot at good share of the available patronage Thursday it rained heavily sev eral times in the afternoon and lightly early in the evening but c1earedfbr the Karnival and the place was packed fromnine oclock until 1130 when the car draw was made First night the attendance prize waswon by Marjorie Thorn of Bar rie RR Second night rst prize went to GordonCridlnnd of Maple Avenue and second to Mrs Potts of RR Jack MacLaren was in charge of the games There was merrygo round in boat style for the very small kiddies There was huge bingo which did continual busi ness There was the penny pitch and new one this year the bottle toss There was refrshirient booth which sold out each night and there was another spin the wheel game for homemade cakes which also cleaned off the shelf And there werevarious other games which were always busy Rev Jim Ferguson and Harry RoOke ran off movies for young and 01d Lasthyear it will he recalled the Karnival was held three nights at the Arena They rained out three nights This year VDance ait Baxter were the Kiwanians are very happy about their show and the proceeds Also is President Boy Kigiitley cemented the members pitched in and worked so lookingthe load much lighter for thivarious com mittee chairmem CKBB 25 to the ofPOXIbns um July from 930 Uhrlllarrir Wastemocha nonhumanamorous Officials Hand Over Kiwanis Car To Winner Barrie Band Plays Sunday Evening Al Fair Grounds 3th Band mot their concert of the summer new on Sunday wooing July 20 at the ricultunl put Eliu thud We Ith Ls an tmlofb on unit the first time bond concert has been held In tho new park The musicians will be locutcd on the ball diamond The concert begins 330 and will continue under the MW oodllghh There is ample room at tho Mr grounds for proplr to sit In the bleachers or park in that en near the music The bum will be directed by Buodmaster Ermst Ainlry Ith week the members are being mcuurcd for Smart new uniforms which it Ls hoped to have soon and they will make vast diffqenec in the up pmmnce of the band The band also would like to point out that there is mum for more musician In almost every section and those wishlt In to try out should attend the rcgular rehearsals every Monday night in the market building on ZIIuchter St RIDAY JULY l8l Examimr BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 95 OWJIA li PAST PRESIDENTS of the Thornton branch of the Vnmciis Institute were present for the golden onniversnrygThornton and Mrs Reid Thornton Front row left to mmmq in the village Orange Hall on Wednesday lifterriooiiE right are Mrs Dunning of Toronto and Mrs CUA Spencer Thornton 1952 president who presided at the 50th In lll billk row left to right are Mrs Arthur Halbert Thorn tun lir Stewart Thornton Mrs McQuay Thorn tun Mrs Elwood Bone Thornton Mrs Robert West Thorn Iamily Heirloomsv May Overshadow New Designs ai Ouili and Rug Fair Regattas ski trziils fishing lumberjacks lllld grist mills are the Inspiration for quilt and rug designs that will highlight the divine Simcoe County at Work and Play in the fourth July 30 and 31 and Aug But it will be treasured family lWlIlOOmS many of them 100 years or more old that will draw the biggest crowds to the event being held for the Parish Hall Of the 100 entries of quilts rind rugs which had come into headquarters here simulies on Kcmpciifeit Bay annual Quilt and Rug Fair on first time at Barrie in Trinity by the middle of this week many were classed as traditional and heirloom As the date of the fair draws nearer it is expected that new and Old rugs and quilts will come in in still larger numbers Elmvale Man DDGM Of Georgian District Rt Wor Bro Kenneth Mc Auley of Coronation Lodge AF and AM on Wednesday at Grand Lodge in Toronto was elected District Do puty Grand Master of Georgian District for 195253 This is the second time in the history of Ma sonry in Elmvale that the honor has come to Coronation Lodge The late Rt Wor Bro Sheath held the office in 1909 Woman Iaken to Hospith After Car Hits Pole Sylvia Rutherford wife of Sam uel Rutherford RR Pickering was taken to Royal Victoria Hospi tal last night with severe lacera tions to both legs sustained when the car in which she was passen ger was struck by another car and knocked out of control Another passenger in the Ruther ford car was Georgiana Rutherford 4019 Old York Road Philadelphia She was not injured Their car was southbound on Highway 27 and Was on Paddy Dunns Hill at the timewofmtrhe acci dent northboundrauto driveii by Elizabeth Daichun 185 Beverley Street Toronto was attempting to pass slowmoving tractor but on seeing the other car the driver Political Quilt The oldest quilt is likely to he again the Political Quilt owned by Mr and Mrs John Payne of Barrie around which great deal of interest was centred at last years impin Midland yTiliS qudt made in the late 1700s in Riiffin South Carolina by Mrs John Smyly wife of Sen ator John Smyly the state senator was wrked entirely by caudleliglit and bears political legend the meaning of which has been lost in the years of handing down The quilt was brought to Canada by the youngest daughter of Mrs Smyly who married the late Lt Col Robert Thompson Banting in 1853 in South Carolina They came to Cookstown Ont in 1853 when she was in her 17th year and were one of the pioneer families of Sim coe County operating farm near what was then known as the Bro ken Front The famiiy heirloom was in stor age in The Canadian Trunk on the Banting farm forja long period be fore being passed on to Miss Kate Banting eldest daughter of the fam ilWhO in turn passed it on to Mahala Caroline Banting late Mrs Payne of Barrie about 37 years ago The quilt is now in poss ession of Mr and Mrs John Payne of Barrieto be given to their daughter Carolyn Ann who is greatgieatsgreatgranddaughter of themwroman who made it New Quilts 1n Fair Among newer quilts entered in the Dahlia guilt and aBridal Bou started to pim back into tiuigiicmlLet quilt made by Miss Isabelle lane othi as result of which the Ruth erford car wont out of control It travelled considerable distance before colliding with and snapping hydro pole The two cars touched each Neilly ofGiIfordfrom tradition al designs st Georges Anglican WA of Ba idesign made from pale pink per cale and Van Vlack Womenswhi NAIIONAL MUSEUM REQUIRES LOCATION FOR EXHIBIIING collection SAYS DIRECTOR Today after mahy years offwork in which over 250000piants have been mounted on cards and 40000 specimens Of birds from all parts of Canada have beencathlogued the National MiIseImLof Canada is fac ed With problemwhere to store the collection This was statedby Dr Frederick JTAlcock director of the museum which is located in Ottawa when he addressed students gtlending the University of Western Ontario sum mer school of Indian Archaeology at Penetang On Tuesday lies and his iishmeni of the first notional mus bt Pine atom under the wing Of the Geolog outlining the history of the museum which he said needeli place to display its iSbuious collec tibn Dr Alcock told of the estab 1011 lcgsurvey Departlnent The cur mWGFvu Star WIJJIMI Logan was later wands knightedby oiieen Victoria after be Myriad led some of the wilec tiohw airthe Exposition tooouestlonasto why the out MW did not pro vldeaitroveuine $showvmmar to the Natlomli Artf Gallery Dr Ala While at leryitwas rather difcult to 85 sex the reaction of the public to any one exhibit which museum might put on display From prac Iicai point of view the question of transferring any particular speci men to location providedan ad ditional problem One could not simply pack 50foot long dinosaur into suit 5388 In place of travelling museum however they did provide slides booklets and books for the use of schoolsvand other interested groups across the country Two recent bika on the subjectcf totem poles had cost the museum $36000 to print Orders however were be ing received from practically every part of the world The book Taverners Birds 39118513 can be found on the shelves of every library in practi cahy every country including Bus Sitfthmspeaker added slilirtc Is entering Map of Canada quilt Traditional Designs traditional design that has come in from several quilt owners is the Round The World quilt Drun Kurds Path Dresden Plate Rob Peter To Pay Paul Double Wed ding Ruiz and Star are other fav orites among the heirlooms to be shown Mrs Sill Allen of Crossland has entered one of the oldest Round the World quills in the fair Ninety years old it was made of material given to her grandmother and her sister when they were quite young as material for dresses They each decided to make quilts out of the material instead and the dress him to page two please Expectant Mother Taken to Hospital After Car Crash Mrs NRiddie 19Weymouth Avenue Toronto an expectant mother was rushed to Royal Vic toria Hospital Wednesday for checkup after the car in which she was travelling was involved in collision on Highway 27 12 miles south of here She was allowed to return home Her husband Nelson escaped inlt jury when another car driven by James Bowman 36 Dufferin St Toronto crashed into the rear of their auto Bowman was taken to hospital also with shattered right kneecap Bowman told police he had been about to pass another southbound car when it suddenly slowed up He then crashed into the rear Of the Riddle car SCOOP ivyA v41 NI the fair are Dolly Madison quilt irie has entered quilt of original Ion9 Ctr ton Wm and Audit Burnu of Circuit MONDAY wrouisnhv and FRIDAY single copy I2 Pages Two anniversary celebration Mrs Willis Smith Thornton Mrs Cunningham loci AIR CADET WILL MEET PRESIDENT TRUMAN DURING SCHOLARSHIP Don McMartin the local 211 VISIT TO US cadet from Moose Squadron 102 who recently won the Exchange Visit Scholarship In addition to 24 other cadets from different parts of Canada leaves from Montreal Airport Monday July 28 on the that leg of trip which will take him to bases in various portage the United States Don whose father Charlie Mc Marlin works over at Copaco will be gone just over two weeks and will cover thousands of miles en route After leaving Montreal around am in an aircraft of the USAF he will go to Washington DC and be there in time for lunch He will be billeted at Andrews air force base but will have free afternoon and evening in the city for sieiitseeing purposes The following 1morning the group of cade will tour Mount VriiOii and the White House during the early afternoon when they will be receiv ed by President Truman During the evening they will attend tho International air cadet banquet which will be held back at Andrews Field 011 the Wednesday the cadets will be up early no doubt as they are scheduled to visit the Fairchild Aircraft Industries plant where they will also have lunch They will have more free time during the afternoon and evening but will be ghestsfor dinner at the Aero Club Bolling air force base willrbe the3 next pingOff spot From there they in fly to Florida arrivui at Turn to page ve please THE UNTOLD STORY rmunhiiuiivulneeii locum of this youngster in the but we still dontknow what it Was Ignoring stat tern tempt to get their work done at in ct his fistvunderthe misc of one IDOmLm re After briefwvislt with Pmtesoor and Mrs Wilfrid =Jury who ate ducting the summer $11601 Dz Akock his wife travelling lairammunition amino archath 90 under want the nywvim Don MOMtin he Lost Column The Names Dingmonmi By scorn mm Probably number of yolr Will have come across the name per haps in rmnvcraon or somevehere in newspaper Maybe you Have even stopped for minute and won dered what it stood for the Family Court Even if you diame come sufciently interested to go more fuIly into the subject you would probably have had quite considerable amount Of troubIhf ing to anIayze just where its work started and where it Then again some of you might have conic across the name of Frank Dingman One thing is cer tain If you have ever had 511 thing to do with any organization which had even fihe inOst remote connection with children you be no stranger to the name Frank one of the most entertuiti ing and interesting persons this writer has run into in longtime is the chief probation office for the County of Simone Tothose peOpIe who are gtne probationofficer as deadpan type Of guardian gtchm drens morals it would probdblbe bit of revelatiOn to Frank The onlydexreelnyliich he mightrmeasure up to that scription would be the in volviiig childrens morals Or their protection tom any moral danger Mention the childrpn to and he and talk foras long is munch pared to spam listen to Frank the father of stershme Will good heariiacon to his workedhothmir less you arei thoch inclined to lino