Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1952, p. 5

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District Lawn Bowling Winners Enter Provincial Playdowns By LORI LIIMLBY Injured In Tl Yuri laizry Kitty 38 Toronto CPR brakauan suffered compound leg fracture and bead lnjultt in fall at Mrdoiztc yard about noon July 32 lie was working in thc yard tlfi at the time He is in Soldlem Mun orial Hospital Orillia was tdkcn by arrtbutancc where he Orange Walk On 12th John Lovelace 88 member of lCuldwnlcr Orange Lodge now lrcsldunt of Orillia wan the uldcut imaii in the 12th walk at Culling lwuud on Saturday Mr Lovelace has born in 55 parades Harry Ma till vctcrun Orange leader of Cold iwutcr has picture of the Cold water Lodgc tnkcn on main strccti in 1906 Prominent in the photo With his swallow tdtl coat but and flowing mtmachc as tho late John Irccmiin who was director of con monies 47 years ago Others in thee picture are WM Rev ll Shepg pnrd DM William Orr holding lhc Ludgr warrant Ab Shaw and John Riggs Jr carrying the banner Mr Shaw now of Orillia paraded withE oldwntcr Lodge at Cullingwoml this your Ilarry Martin Frank Orr and John Biw Sr Toronto Man Buys Gauge Archic Galbraith has sold Hunts garage and sorvicc station to Wil llian McCrnc Toronto who obtained possuxsion on July 15 Mr Galbraith who ptlrcllilhtd the businiss about two yours ztgo intcnds to continuc nsi nicchnnic The now owner moving to Coldwattcr following rc tircmcnt iftcr trinity years service with CGE Fatal Accident TlllCt Toronto womcn were in volvcd in un uccidcnt which provcd fatal to one of them when their auto wcnt out of control on the new Toronto in Barrie highway on July llth They were on their way to their cottagc between Little and Big Chutes chcrn Rivcr Mrs Mary Abcll 84 died in Barrie hospital as the result of numerous fracturcs zmd shock Mrs Emily Barclay 80 who was rushed to Toronto hos pital was suffering two broken legs and other injuries The driver Miss Bcssic Abcll 58 was taken to hospital and then to Barrie nursing home with facial lacera tions bruises shock and possiblel internal injuries The Indies are well known to the summer colony If Mr and Mrs William Angus Cold TIIE PROVINCIAL LAWN BOWLING districtl3 cham pionship rolls staged at Barrie greens Monday afternoon re sulted in one local rink winning honors and qualifying for the next round Mrs Bury top left and MrsIIF Rayner members of Allandale Lawn Bowling Club defeated Oriflia 207 to cop the ladies doubles event In the lower picture MrsliM Claridge of Tottenham cenQ tre indicates jubilation in her singles triumph over Mrs Amy Vair right ofBarrie in the finals Mrs Anderson left Tottcnhamrvicesecretary chairman of district 13 con gratulates her club mate Tottenham also copped the trebles event as Mrs Hammond Mrs Whiteand MrsWalkem edged Barries Mrs Mitchell Mrs Fran Walker and Mrs Alberta Stewart in the finals scoring one point on the 15th end to break tie Rink from Tottenham Allandale Barrie and Orillia com peted in the district 13 eliminations adios TroUnce Winless Flyers Threaten Lead Barrie ladies moved to within one full game of first place Mon day night when they trounced cellardivelling RCAFAof Camp Borden 223 atAgricultural Park The victory moved coach Doug Hedgers squad to wlthin tvvo points of leagueleadmg New market Dixons who have played two extra games Dorothy Miner who has th unfortunate circumstance of be ingth only hurler on the club had comparative breezelagainst the winless Flyers She fired four hit ball and fanned 12 while issu ing only single walk Miller came mighty close to chalking up shutout but two mis takes cosl her the chante homerun 7ball was given Jesse Zanussi in the secoudinning and then Dee Schiffner poled triple with one on in that fifth and later scored herself Onn Empey who started on the mound for RCAF pitched excellent ball until the fourth when clip tir ed and needed reefrom Lillian Wideman Widcman Was no pro blm t0 the Barrie girls as she wasmicked for ill runs in afifth inning uprising and six more in the sixth frame In all Barrie xplodedcfor 28 hits against the losers Included in the Barrie attack were circuitSmashaind three base blowgDot Miller was theing sattam Spark atjtriq plate wiiiiihreefhus wh lrincliided ailzriple while two apiebywent to Robbin Lounox Lorna Mclian Beth McLean Ming MacFarlandand Bowen Jesse Zanussi DeeScbiffnfer Ed ith Nellabn purlJean Gulndonulct cried one bpieceifor the Fixers RCAF MacRaeJSi Perry Ember Forsythe 11 Zanussi 2b Guindon 3b Neilson cf Ditnock Ill Scimitar uwldepian Ailcn 3hrISmithrf wBAiRRIEvLennox 33 Wright 11 Clem ct RchLbant 11 Miller At Collingwood Barrie Canada Drys re ceived quite surprise Mon day evening when they 31 rived at Colngwoorl for scheduled North Simcoe Insc ball engagement against th Ieaguelegding Cbevs The park was practically empty and only one or two Collingwood players were in sight Due to awmisun er standing in thcschedule Col Ilngwood officials lblllcd the same for Tuesdayn Barrie manager Gil Robert son contacted leaguc president Bert Richardson of Midland and on relaying the stamina president announced Calling wood wereat faiiilt uStlie sched ule called for Barrie against the Chevsbn July 14 Instead of taking the tw points by default Roberkon said the game would be re arranged and announced at later date weicomewa9h 1niiENDSa Hirorowu Iliuhreihwcsiu VIo town much it not Mlldb Slflrlitl water friends motored to Barrie on learning of the accident Local News Briefs Lumber for new stables for race horses at Huronia Fair Goldwater has been delivered to the grounds St Matthias Anglican Sunday Schoolrpicnic was held at Midland Park July Henry iWorrell Sr and Keith Robinson are cementing the exter iior of Murray Johnstons garage Mrs Walker To Matchcdash Mrs Albert Walker Grenard was presented with an electric kettle when she entertained the WI prior to her departure for Matcbedasb where she is having new home built The Walker home and prop erty have been in the family since 1860 It was Sold recantly following the death of Albert Walker St Andrews Presbyterian Sun day School picnic was planned for July 16 at Midlands Little Lake Park As many of the congregation as could amend were invited to be present Gloucester Regatta Annual regatta of Gloucester Poll Cottagers Association is to be held FEDERAL STORES lGray pint pluycrr Coltlwntcr suffcrcd tin llll tltltlll 1r Jarrutt in cCuough GROCETERIA 4t Whlifittc Lodge White Fails oft August 21 flllry Tamarind Ctlvttf Olllcf Lungmg met water sport and or erupts are ll Billltl Kelvin lxstcu MCltltflltstllltl Dawnth El Huchc John Kniczztuclxr Bach and umbert wrinc uranium ll ll When Judge Louring Lived It has titcu jiullllld out that an carticr ripiirt about whom Judgtf ILgcilon Lovvrim intit Ltilrlwat or IIYCilflitl Julgc Luvcrmgsl pundits Mr and liI John Lover tng rcnldcd Li ltc Collinr rcsi tltfltjt on Gilly St cccntly sold to Leo Swailc Biluic coming to the Villugt tlic JtitlgtI ltlitlll occu thc Mntchrtlush form now owned by Jiidgc lioniii nrphcw IIticy Lovcring Ilarvcst Notes Many turnipr5 in tulilwitir d15 triot linvi bccn gutting Illllr hay in It has bccu it good crop locally Full whcnl will soon llt ltlltl It linrvcstl and produce gcnirnll 13 in good cnntlition Jurrntt lloldwotcr Illill regular oltbull ninc Locking mimic of LI xcliidiilid rtllill ltllilt fixture at Jurrntt on Jilly ii Ilywnzir llltl Lil tiny WtlC innuniixincn for the WI ncrn huck Wndizi um pitchcr for Coldwntcr Minesingitomp Undefeated in Barrie District Mincsing Ctllllllltlttl ilunguliticnt on ways Monday night as they dc fczitcd Angus 13 ll Angus to in crcnsc their lead in the Barrie dis tridt softball standings Wcrt Downcy who is dcvcloping into our of the better pitchers in the district limith Angus to six hits and fanned fivc Jack Plaixton startcd on the hill for Angus and worked comparatively well for ch on innings But he nccdcd relief from Don McMastcr in the eighth when Mincsing Till wild for six runs Up to the eighth It was closc ball game The winnch broke fast and Scored four runs in the first inning Angus narrowed the score to 42 in the third but fell behind 72 as Mincsing added two runs in the fourth and single in the sixth It wasnt until the seventh that Downcy showed signs of wcakcn From little Lake EMBRYOS AND Lt=l3i mystery cw LEAECJDCE inch utilt utiaik triill litli is liaruztn iim piiltti cliiigtt chick rriiirrym All lIVE CHICK VIRUS RESEARCH mun rims mun run It In glory microscopesthe common cold tritium Vitrl Wilullifcltll encephalitis fiblf ulsr fever parrot fetter atriailpox chickenpox mumps viral and pburltk fevers SUMMER SALE WOMENS Canvas Rubber Soles your ago bring attackctl ltitk ill mi mtfd abort kiwi ltihntiltltil tlnmr triflil muse viprl Itcft lfny tlnc xzi mini 15 mum of gtuw 51 21 flat iiitl t1tgt which ilxt iiii4 twin ili lllr fitIlrJii lllllt llilll illll lllt mi IIIEE sludy llllll Lillllt 1hr cg Willi wm Hill ttlllffll iuliiig tf1$ttllllb vhout tin= provincv in tho dia of iii iiiwnw tiv blood liiiliilwin itl my llltx tiliidsi thi body nt litmills control tho lllltclll and llllt prizxtznv Ill llllllttllvt sub lblilllttli in tho blood prowd by In thornlory Ithlh tltlllltt of Virus offir pttltllt of Ontario llltm itsils IIftCIlllll th 1111 to lllt lthrougli tiiv lilitIlLill iofihMon Ilrt VlluS dis public can bc Zlic iXItllI to which was cut Jiffcct lllt lllllltllfS ittriliutitl to thaw minutc urgnnisms which cannot bc sccn through ordinary powerful labour BY THE EN of IlllS wcck timxlis lylts of liockwcll Tools in Litilllllllllb Ohio is doing to llln liv xiirurisr of Illf llit thcu ho finds that jtlttlll ltlliillk lll intuit lli bicitinc nullity ll ill lit giriSiitliii Willi lllc LTll curt won ill1lt living lltltl lid lllIIlV who work for llllll lhc whole thing tnztod whom Mr lltlli loft tor his zitriiiion Cour Illtllliil Mr lylcs Brim liti back Curr its my favorttc fish COVERS liavc them made up while you are away on your vacation CALL Barrie Tent Awning Co luisdny iftcrnoim vlulv fishing li Litlic Inikc Jim Liivci of Vc inn lnndcd llll pcclmin scvn hcrc flu prcscntcd it to Mr llcnry who was in thc party And now it gOcs buck to Columbus blushes 11b Butlcr lb Ifziton Dex tir rf McMzistcr Bush i7iiIw tiltllllJfy bdr iiultiply on form of will Lot multiply or body of bus chick 12 lltllr ill the labor xiiit 11 ll of lowoping iiid thus litE Wini human is uttnck sciii in l2lilill lint of iufcctious Wedge Soles Pumps Ties Straps L95 295 395 ubnn heels high heels closed the lllld open toe patterns In high grade shucs all greatly reduced 695 to 885 SIZES AAA To L0 ill13 Womens Whites Spectator Nylon Styles MENS CASUALS Camp Oxfords loafers Canvas Outing Shoes All on Sale Savings on the better quality for leisure wear CHILDRENS SANDALSStrap Patterns Open Toe and Closed Patterns White Red Blue Multicolor Your Choice Is Here 95 295T395m oun SALE is regular sibcx LINE5 GREATLY REDUCED MOORE SHIIES Better Fitting Footwear gt DUNLOP ST BARRIE Mincsing 400 201 man 13 34 Bayficld St Ph 4314 Angus 001 000 Iillt ti ing He gave up rimscoring singles to Bob Elliott and McMasier which pulled Angus to within two runs of the loopleaders But apparently determined to show their true power Mlnesing took advantage of everything and snowed Angus under with sixrun sprint in the eighth The rally which was more than enough to assure victory was sparked by tWorun homer off the but of Bill Adams Leaders in the Minesing hit de partment were Durnford with three Bill Adams Wen Downcy and Glen Adams with two each Bob Elliott and Jack Plaxton with two apiece paced the sixhit futile attack of Angus MINESINGDurnf0rd rf Beilby 2b Adams 55 Adams 1b Win Downey Wen Downey John ston cf Adams 1f McCartney 3b ANGUSEolanger 3b Geurges cf Elli6tt Plaxton Hill 1f Cor Mayo Elizabeth we Deliver Whitby CHOICE BLUE Block Short Ribor Boneless Shoulder ROASTS Fresh Ground BEEF MAC coarse LOAF yuan CHICKEN LOAF lb Bologna my Juice 22t1c 5f V49 49m BRAND BEEF Fresh Kiiid BOILING low 3495 T49 ibissc sipisciALcRQCEitYvhtues Liquid boiiie 27c 20 pann use Geno Standard Teas Wattles lop mung bunch BEETS about 15v GREEN 0NIONS3MIIS17C Goklen nip synfuel mg ll inks ltkBRlCIlt PIPES ALL SIZES AND KINDS BEAMS AND COLUMNS RADIATORS ELECTRICAL CONDUIT VICTORIA scuooi WIRE AND FITTINGS Pueblo15 HOME BUILDERS FARMERS CONTRACTORS building material at exceptionallylow priccs You luls inbuilding in house Dont delay see how you can scv today Carnerof Om ALL PURCHASEsARD twinIEroom THU CORNER OWEN COLLIER STS irMERY ENGINEERING the SASHV BOILER PLLIMBING ElXlLJRES And many other articles too numerous to mani tion lhere is an unequalledopportunityltobuy urged can save hundreds of dollars on they cost of motors Meier

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