qus SPO CALENDAR lt gt CO lt 75 En no lt Couse Decisions Constable 40 On 3Hitter lRCAF Gain Split lRun Margin Stewart Homers 1w1111 115 Win lBoost Drys Lead In Game Over Legion Powerful Ron Stewart blasted two home runs his first 11nd 111111111 MW $11111 LLJ i1 on second or the year night at Agrlcunnrul park drivel nurrruu Snuor 11 1111111515 43511111 somAlL RCAF 11f 211111 Border paced home three runs ad lead Barrie cgnadu Dryh LL ten llama Silk it ll itillti xivifitl Ls illtiltlit ulel 01 Sinc Lair llijtly thrcesmn homer In stallpacked 63 triumph over Orillia Terriers Lm h1 113com illllt 111 vino 11 m1 t1111111 11111111111Kilegiijinbzigjio wt iii Another good crowd bordering thee 200 mark watchedvmwihf mm 1111 in 111 EUUIVJlC 11 Hmwdmm30111111112111 the battle between 18 two Nnh Slmcoe baseball rivals PODl Aiil lth iliii Hilltillrvlnpigl it zllflllliiiit 31211 my The wil gave the Filters spill r1ii1i at iilur Doug Plunkett whose ezirs must ring from wiiolesalei11111111 minim 11151 110 1111111111 Mm mm ngm 21111111 in mining L111l11li Huron ki lls seventh wxeirmliml lull v11 wHk applause at this stage of the game p11 et 111 11111 111 phenom 1111 111111 111 131an 5111 cm 13 ct l1 1111 victory in as many starts and the second ovcr defending 111 tun 1111 defending enlinpmm p151 1111111 Junii Ivlilljllllyillf the Leg llil veriinu lifilV louse pure ion sent two limitr2 to the mound Champion Ormm Sim 1111 1111151Je 1nd 11 11mm Ewan 11 111 attempt to thwart the Flyers lllxtv lsi 111 11 11 s1eck1e started But Plugkett 11115 notus strong gt111 Hunk was up imumv 11 My hm 11111111131111 urrjint 1m in 111111 111111I gtfiiitlld ii 11 lnlniillr writ myd Thimms in 31 1111 1ngt lil you rinse T11lfgtgvmhn1111sLigutsfrilplziitllion Cling 111411 cracked 511111 Mittlmhl 11 111111 IN HmPM ZHW puk Gmwnhum ml mm mmng mm hurled three lanothei hunt gtiii11l1 to wow lion Norrie llairltl 111 111 111111 11111 1th an l1111 Home with r1enhuil wont ms 1511131111111 Iiri1d 111jnuv 11nd plow 11111 on 111 md sec 111 ihili 111 111 111 11111111 will 11 812331131 15h 11refmlnh1 nuwrh fired the route for RCAF 112 HNLVI 11 IV pl through the nineinning tilt the 1m Hum lililllll limit iinm two of three ICOIUJ 83y Rural mlliilnn stun hits and holding 1101111 1111111111111 5111M 31111 111 MW 41 Wl hllilm ll my Rum 1ltil in 7hr liiid 1111111141 The li the Legion xtrtit after the sixth 11 mm mikes and fmwl tony Proctor 111 lHlll Alterinvmui it 111w NM 1d mmgm 1111112111111 111mm 11111111 11 mm was mandmck V11 111 gt TURK BEIOI illd lithNtlliOlllll llmkty League All Stars 11111111111 111 Roberho 1131011 1131 ii pulp hithluiioy at 114 no lli11i11v Illlflll if mm 11W my WWI WA pummv 11 yawv 11 llilihlztiglgit fut foti ind onehalf piani Who blaze llllr brillld Of lilSibull Will DDCC again to Op ace rvlmf 1111151 2ng Enung wurnpi Ullvl 73 11111 11111gt11 Allenwimd 11111011 UlilCle two runs in IE pose 1331111 A11811115 111 11111011111131 131111 Wednesday 111111111011 up 111 1111 111111 11111 111111 11111I 3111 omitted l5111111 111111 Szuthibiilmuic 1m wwnnmng Wyn1111 cl ll first on two walks t11nd two errafs WW1 5th TIEiA 11 Mai24 ii cor in The game was 0111111111111 scheduled 101 last week b111 111111 de1 litle 12 no llzllililllb tr1iiti1li t1110rmn WW mm mwnwnill wVFqAY llnllnlltu ll 11d Hnmm NW my 11hm tuitthi Eskit Gaygart triple lt laillll 10 in Y0 Lilli 15 11 Stmyed the dmmoud and mHK Offlcmm were forced to makel neccwirv lf confidante iTly CAM WSWwed lkgtl MW Mimi LlI im if Anilirnlinli 111 lllrbtir in ll 00 Tim honiisors won slim 32 the 1111 11151 11 1111 postponement With the cooperahon of the weitlierm1ii1 W11111111111015111111111811101111111t1111 of 111111 union mp thi BASEBALL Loni 1m mm hm WNW Thumb mm Mum and many such wellknown sport celebrities IS Gus Mortson llnrry Witt1 111 button and deatleyu spllli to 11Wm1N pm 1w WM Norm 51mm gww 11111111 111111111 1111111111111111111 311 WC 11111111 111011 0111 111 1111111 111 mm 5011 mmy Thomson C111G111dner Sid 51111111 Flemmg Mac refritlor 131111ch c1111111111u1ly 11w 11 1x1i11111i 111 111114 11311131 1117iii1 Bum rt tiilllii11i=od 1K3115111m 11115 11111111 111111 81pr Allenwuod rmslluigi Li 1whcn they outscored zicdgigni 1511 11 snow kell Danny Lcw1ck1R1y linigrcn and others Will be on hand iultigu Ilhnxwt111311131112Donny Mntlloiinld who mu lltllzilbllrxx If 011114111 til at innmbis iiilisdalt 14 Wiwn 111111111t11n11 rriuiraand mm lr11Hzg Show 111911 11111511111111 1strandud the has an 11111111111 11511111 1111111 111111 11111 H611 Igimvm mt 11111 1201 11111V irrwv BAthALLw HT timmm WIM 11 WNW T1 11511015 pamde 11 newfout thinniviil 1i111ikllltllllllill lillvl 11111111315111311 lhmmun HM 10111111 1111 v111 11M 11111 8181 6011111111 M111 11 1111118 and 11m stcr wean5 tlirezi can the lllOUllllsllHII againSt Burrii in red nnlullm Mum in at lw 21 Niw Lowell the led off the mnwm singles and Perry with 11 homer and L1111 1111111 111 1111 11111 1111 111111 11 Bank 711 W1 Md and 11111111111 11111101 1mm 1101 Top Wm mmmw Mr The Hm Umqms kmka paced the lit llL utoiid 1th 1111111 1111 Md runners on and Tum Uan 51m rmhbhzmdor win 11 wort ind fin1111 111 11mm HWSHAY AuxKm at Hwan hlmv in mm mm the Midloiui 111ka mum conicted two with two Th lllili again in Wield illlm lllllku pull1 Harms Eighth luck NllllNlSIAY lilllill lit Struiid ti s1 wr the nan time Gnu 301 and Robinson uric to round out the IV wmvd mm mm 111111 1111111 51111111 1111 1111 11 Vwxnwk BHMUM 11m 1111111 Viv Crcemure in 1mm the 5mm by way 0f Bmdfnm 01 11 11 L1 11 11 Don McMurriiy Danny Miiclhinzild unstable retired the side in 111111 Penzmg 111 bl rors 11nd sliovcdrunncrs to second 1Qltlllrnulllllirgnn0st Or 111 11111 11nd 111111111911 EXHXBITION EASIBALL mksmwn 1W1 11111119111 11111 Rum Scam 1111 11111111111115 gh 011 nigh illlllllllld But bllllimt thbQlllll mm mm in 511 1111 11139 1111101 1111111 and 11111N11511111 N111 1111511 11 111111 11111111111 1111 mm Slxlli 11nd M1d1und Crocm Slllllll all $12 by OWh the tioniilly rough in the thlllth and 81x man hum Wlle 11111 11111 01111111171111 1111111 11111111 1115111115 1111111 Park seventh 11nd silllmllilll llWilli Barrio Orillizi 11 doubli inleie 1c guns me mm mm Wt nm 01 1111131hw10llt 18111111 waglnt the plate is each produced two tutted ll strikeouts 111 the itll be wnhdmwn 1mm League immune 511133 on VBradtord scored three runs in the trouble mm Rn IOMNUL 11111 111111 11101111 1111111 MCK111l 111111111141SS 11115 11111113111111 111115 Legion 20 DOGem first inning 11nd wont informtent Walks and errors had Churchill levl rUbablvinon 11 111111 um1 11 111mm Mxe gtney 1mm 111111011 11W 1111 1111011 byg 111111 112 ChurchillAiL it iiurcliill liiurs 111 1101111 31111 Bradford 1111111111 workvlil furlulwrl but HS figt 111111111 5111111 1111 mm 1111 1WU 11111 1111 1111111 101Red AVNVmywNEB An day in 11 South Snncoe bufibull chi 111101131 1111 11111111 11115 to 6111161 sum of the lm he Mt his in 0mm My mm 11mm 115 111111 WWWL WT and DraperV mm W11 gue gainc 111111113111wusimmm was big Emmi 1110 $1111 W1 10 1111 Proctor 211 0111 11111 1mm 11111111 1mm 1r M1115 111 111mm W111 1111 Churchill battling for playoff help to his own cause as he blasted 7111 J11 1111 work 33 111 mining mri iiiiixpvtltd ginwl 1111111 1111 positipn turned in 11 spectacular dc two of his teams six safeties Col jmtnllligg bp reiiEld lt 1111111111011 1b 0111 111 111111 11151 1311111 1111111 Uokmmvn Dawson 3b 130mm fensive game after the first frame tings slumpd perfect night with Johzismn ced Ron siNim to 11055 11 01111111111111111111111um1 C11111 55 mes 11 COIN memrd r1 1in but found Steve Simone reluctant to threeforthrcc nvcrngc Evans an 1110 b01101 of 1m Shah md 11 11151 11 IIIIIIIIIII 11 mpg11111111 111111114 of com 111 111111 21 wphb 1i Lem 8110 an more Lil ml Pulplled the rlmulmng Single me big Show 11111011 01111101de1 Liness 3b it l11will1w inngimp mun cf int Churchms 111111 counter arrived Paris Sinclair and Sqtiibb with greeted 011111Sn1m11m one mound Davidson rt Window of llli lllhl ffll tennclis Jilrm ll Nillly 3b paced by 1111 expmswe bat 11 The conudmn Army Ad 111 111C 1151011 successwc singles by two 1111 apiece priced Churchill candidate with his second drum qume 1r wmi Perkins and Mn but Knos111w 211 Prykp SS T111111 second baseman Rod mack $110111 Forceneedmenwimngmewc Keith and Faris Sinclair The home Frank Kell and Keith Sinclair C101 01 me ovenmu That broum Pollard who scored high Will tun Wins 111S1a1111 p1 11111d cr Nuilly Redmen 1851 week humbmd Thom anywhere 1M1 wold Honk slammed one each the 5mm 12 and The Drvs DESK Johnston 11 01111111 rumor rhuiiipsun and Mn Gr1111111 11 1119151 11 ton Stmud in South Sim youroppmmWif you on Bradford 3l 000 04 ed 1le 1o 1le 11011618 from Reading 85 it liirniiin who were second in ihl Cooksmwn 003 010 we baseball fixturev heme 17 and Oder it 1000011 Churchill 100 catcher Larry Campmu and Doug McDondm 1111111111w$1hnglze wm was the rinkl F1 1115 BIBCk paid threequn Mme men and can me my lt thkeu added another pair of of gummund and MW the second inning tworun mple reqmremenm runs in the seventh before Johnston AB it If in the third and onerun doublc chxumnc omcu of Barre 11 11111111 found his range Men1111131 SS 111 the sum mmng for totaldo SIX Due to unexpected transfers Although holding wide 62 mar MacDona111 11 KEYS Actuany every s1m11 111 Barrie Armoury on xp ess Provost AilStars will not be gin the fans remalned in Poland 2b MWde mmken 3D9iopen Here To ay former badafieid diiy at the plate DRIVEN LOW MILEAGE able to field team for 10 bleachers to the bitter end and Stewart rf 3l905 Dave Rolb Tl Provinciil lawn bowling dis Thle baseman Obi wright p0 wed 16 July 52 Outstanding Condition nlrhls Scheduled frame 333th Oriliizi compiled in the top of the Newman 11 11min lunkclt Illoinc 11111111 E11 ticnB Chqrm iomhips Open to ad homer and two Singles to have 1000 to 1200 am name soccer 1mm 31 Queens ninth with my FEMS c1 11 1111 11113 111111 Ogluiskcu 8188 mpg With entries big hand in the Offensive DANGERFIELD Centrefield Dave 055 Wl Rutherford 11 I13113 iuioioulsion Walked hv from Tottcnham Oriiiia Allandale Paul Emms buried the route for League officials state the tilt his second hit of thenigbt double Campeau 11 p11 1120 H11 budcr Pallrd and Barrie mmpeng Show and limited Thornton 10 one USED CAR DIVISION will be postponed and P133005 ghltcteglieilstiirtegtgg Taipei Plunkeu colicDonilcli Double plziv Poland The ladies of the local club also hit that was in the fifth inning later date when the amp on as 1c an 1m nes Jo Bill Hunter He fanned Brewer have re rammed doubles iourn cac er 233 BRADFORDST Dill $981 Borden my mug Nail abalolheslllnl smgle ho RUNS BATTED IN 259teigarli 3l iilallwllliiii1iriimi$itler base amentpfof Thursday afternoon here and walked only one batter sqde on ees smas Here is an unequalled opportunity BUILDING MATERIALS at exceptionallyzllow prices Prices 5075 BELOW RETAIL LIST You consavehundredsodollars on the cost of materials in building ahouse Dont delay 11 gt PIPES AND mos SASH n+y5w BOILER if Electrical Conduiti Aid mnrml 5i$9 UWSTOUSto mention Wire andFittings LTD V17 have been awarded flieconlruct for the