Nvaqrin mwwnmwmw my My wwwywwmwmnww ed new BANK or TORONTO BUILDING ERECTED 1943 mm mm voice or to mom if OWN brimmg an mtg by NESblll polls for the ctr was we may Fred Stevenson after some Not long afterward be was back pect as much surprise ror the mo pummuc fem 35 SZSlZRUH ilnsiilgimgedit 11 crs The one bad feature thel years Wllh the Bonk ofITuronto rc on duty With the bank of ms htlflu fired on Jun 30 1912 of that Village of Bradford and unite Every great rrlngorlly held WEI 53 5population This onesldcdnesn 13$ time he had been 18 years at lc Illatlugrr ll 1933 He was mome Allandalc branch as manager to Wcnarw in 1930 as manager foot conducive to good governl ed was born and raised in and in 2934 to Allandale the mem Wummlm nk mum xsjfbndalbdxtfrgfh32lhlgf $1M gag d901e mdfik FMMMWhmmgw PO Ml HIU ll be How can 31132111681106 be given to movie censorship and the some linings be allowed Lo run througbr lhe newer type magazines lts nul CBHWShIQ its an ex enoi slvc way of fooling the public raka wen zwk this Zing parents believe that the sugy Wu neer De human by me lgcstlvcncs has been taken from 19311733 salesmen 3331 leverytlllng Old A1131 Gazettcf Current Account of tbc Bank of Toronto branch office in the imrthwcst corner and there iron at first as 5Ubbr3llth Allll He was transferred to Gananoquc Barrie fullllbkillg the days of the in April 1912 and in October of old CTR pay cur the anac year to the Toronto 11111 Early Days All lI lc Alllung lliosc ull the stuff in tth II early 133s wort Ntlllvli1l now manager at Barrir who had charge ill 1911 With Vin Lynch 11 Son of the lzltc Lynch whol VI of Allalldglli lllvll was superintendent of the Glll out Mz tevelrsun succeeded the lillt Hurry Modelzllld who died sudden ly at ziuckcy match in the To ronto Mutual St Arena and czlr rlcd on until the new blink bulld Powder Room ing was erected 111 1943 at 263 Brnd AT torll St when he moved With but staff across the road and had bcclr ill charge lhcrc until rclircmcllf Jams Slum and an Another name for toilet is water closet and Frcd humma is no of the bYE more elegant term for the same thing is Powder stander temperament and is nowl lullhIIMcssls StcwnIlt Iillld Errol 00m 11W 1H 011 5130131111281 W0 lnl lCmlnecijn lllhI sucftssmn duml mu Any SlIlClII Spun mm Fwd SUM Toilets may not be exactly the nicest subject to 119an lunsop has is taken up by memberl in mixed company But when theyre done in pole rau mm bu Dulce Thu year 1913 saw him at lEgrrliugillxucbfa 31ml The Bank of Canadas suggestion red tile floor we cant help bagging about them Vancouver and he also did sumllreugurer of the Active Servicc lthat band cruditcould bu unscdl mcr relieving in Victoria lClub 193919 and has been Elm lducsn 93 mm is it lb Ems In ms XII IlIltrglIImIfIIgIIid lTllL Banks dLllUll should be token Such mum not only add to the appearance they mun 1H 1915 he enlisted with theian officer instructor during the lunly menu that Inflation at better sanitation better 1mm protection Tim ls why 0h Originals IofIthe 72nd Sen war years or 194245 gleam temporarily has been halted We feel that they contribute to higher stande of $3igifjggiedshomallff MFS Stevenwnlls 31 flmm and free economy can get bucxl 56m Sim mm ward to Barrie where Diff com 33 erflanritirdatljgrllelf grim mar lime Herald pally 0f the Battalion CEF rledI Kenneth living in Vexnon II II drawn from all 0VI9r Canada was 30 and Betty now Mrs formed quartered in the old Arm Martin of Penetanguishenl oury on Mulcaster St now the Barrie market and drilled on the Market Square under Capt Mac Prlc Donell then town engineer Lt ll 74 Jack Morgan singer and choir gIIlI II much master who was killed overseas Ir II until 81 and Lt William McClinton ll July 12th They were then under the com ll $31 mond of CIoloInel 8le of Beaver mnv Where comm was As bl scruff or mdlsfe faltn mg was at lagaIra an no Ie Worthy that M330 Trim VJ 33 Cap wounded Overseas Mr Stevenson Served 85 Ser geqnt through the tough years the war until 1918 when he was gassed and wounded andwas sent back to Canada in IDccember Iof that yeler and received his 115 lI charge in January 1919 THE NEW BUILD ING at 263 Bradford Street erected in 1948 he Mn lifebuoy from Amund is of the most modern type with much attention given to safe seals shlpI The Maude ty deposit accommodation with modern equipment and furl After reaching the South Pole BI NESBnr IA II the NothI nlshmos and is much Similar in desrgn to those recently erect mun 59 IPOIEI III faIIedI Shortly mere Hmschell Nesbltt newly all ed in many busmess segtmns of Toronto IIeII he adopted that gIrIS from pointed manager of the Allandale branch of the Bank of Toronto is also from Bradford was born and raised there educated at the public and high school and when young map was taken on the staff in Bradford in 1925 by manager Fred Stevenson retired on June 30 of this year Thus Mr Nesbitt suc ceeds the manager who gave him his start in the bank This was Mr Nesbitts first posi tion with the bank In 1928 he was transferred to Feversham where he spent one year and up to the start of the Second World War had been at various times with the bank in Toronto Church Street branch Dorchester Oil Springs little Eskimo village at East towers Then the Ontario Departl Cape Siberia He never married ment of Lands and Forests lakesi In 1928 he flew north to look overdo Cheek lhe malt ifor fellow explorer who had Sometimes re overtakes the relbecome lost He perished in the watcher Hull still remembers Vivl attempt idly being pulled from the path did once want to go back tIo of re one hour before the tow1 my own peOple the Eskimos said er where he was posted was razedi Nita But circumstances made if Hull lives in neat threerooml lml551ble cottage at the base of McKemvn1I bachelor he has acquired ta1 ent for cooking that is the equal McIcormlcks Summ of any womans He keeps no gull maintaining lbzgc that if man doesnt bother the Solid Light Meat animals they wont bother him 7oztinzlc He recalls the night bear peered Sultana Forest Ranger Has lonely But Vital Job TIMMINS July CP John Hull is one of he watchdogs of Canadas forest wealth Atop the McKeown tower 30 miles from here the forest ranger has lone ly job but he likes it Porcupine resident he says Its good life It can be good or bad depending on how you take it 550 lawmanM DELUXE MODEL ONLY oowu lona AClaridge of Cbeltenham and their son RodneyT are remaining in 10 means they can sometimes squeeze Yukon Club Contents only an em day mwn mm 30ozbtl525c Special Blend 2mm 39 Pkg II omi Stratford Sudbury and new lh AND $1490 MSNIIHLY 1nD19lglgtaIChl llvlafogzgloesbitt en ggnsllogazlslu 23 ehfsrefmg 1503 rgzpltllg If st zoozlln 1602i $01114 M0 UPI YOUR zs alfd gigging served for 27 He is in constant contact with oth for him Last year he had but one 1150mm monibs in Westerlt Europe er rangers in his 398 Immedi caller logger wh was followingl Globe Standard 13 roll Canada in 1946 was ately smoke is seen he and the the hydro towers to towllI we come ago as 21501 31 at th Tbronto main ofceuntil his Others get on the re by Tower keepers given one dav Lynn Valley Standard appamtment as managerIat Allan locating it by apple from their month leaveI Ramy weatherI Snow Queen 29 dale m1 gait III Doreen they consider good because it 16ozlaw 1543mm Mrs ormer ronto until August when they have 10th on mica or alresulence 3164 Hol II SIS Phone gate st purchased from=James Amundsen 15 Mlmm Lido coca Van Ansel Eskimo Girls scans bcebzc VWrlg To II mam Fancy Tomato lt mommy me 2mm Luck Two ado ted Eskimo dau hters ofl If RoaldI gnundsem lymlclgIIfalmuS If you are newcomer ANN PAGE PLAIN Jewellers NorwegianArctic and Antarctic ex to town or if you know II plorer are living in British Coln town much Canmd Meat HAVE THE mama They never manned to newcomer FINEST VALUE IN their far north native village coll Eriol McNobb SMALL each 25 DIAMONDSI THAT Nita works as cook in Van REGULAR PRICE I29 newer and her sister Mrs Olav louvre bonorarymember and presented MONEY CAN BUY Amundsen lives 80 miles north of hem ct sued in ilawas recently honored the WI Pimy 90 mud Rm Sims of Norway who made bgr an Obvhgononl musk ll II itrewzlol5svldzcb fihe oddiluly thudombotver cork Fl II osII int lt WWW ROUNDBONE SHOULDER POTROAST Sm ls hm d0 theworrying foxyob URI CVER EATON ocean Orice