King Mr Donald McNiven harness Hardware MR AND MRS HAROLD GERALD TOWNES whose wedding took place in St Johns United is the former Muriel Louise Turner daughter of Mr and Mrs Clarence Turner of Elmvale andrher husband is the son of Picnic and Mrs Cecil Townes After ti wedding trip to Southern Ontario and the United States the couple will be making their home in Elmvale BARRIES THREE Continued from page eightil lM Dan McMillan Buck Craddocks Somerset carriage builder JULY 11 rm laws of JULY PM Simpson left Melton airport on Sunday morning for Abbotsford BC where she wtll Later she will visit her daughfer in Mooseinin Sask WI On Radio Program In honor of the coming celebra tion the president secretary and six inunediate past presidents of Thornton WI put on the program over CKBB on Friday afternoon July Mrs Holt read the minutes of the firs WI meeting at Thornton 50 years go and Mrs West gave some exCerpts taken from paper prepared and read by the first President Mrs Owen on Home Management at the second WI meeting which was held in the Thornton Temperance Hall on July 1902 The different past presidents Igave sortie of the work accomplish led by the WI during their term of lattice Mrs Spencer Presi ideiit at the present time spoke of ithc coining anniversary and thank xed CKBB for the opportunity of broadcasting Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Franklin Stewart Ottawa on the arrival of son on July ii 1952 10L To Church Thornton LOL 16 attended service in the United Church on Sunday morning when the pastor preached masterful sermon on Peace Mission Band Regular meeting of the Mission Band was held in the church base ment on Saturday afternoon June 21 The meeting opened with WCTU is Held At Springwaier Approximately hundred mem Church Elinvalc The brldelicounfy bers and friends of the Womans Union from the County of Simcoe and the districts of Muskoka and Parry annual Swiihin King and picnic at Springwaier Park Mid Christian Temperance BIG FIRES orton Hamilton coroner aitoii Connor photographers Sound gathered for their Thomas hurst on Thursday July ivrsit her daughter for some time Thornton Ihymn followed by prayer by LoisiI Black The Scripture lesson was trend by Brian Altman Readings ere given by Ted Moore and Don Ejna Gilpin Brian Brethet played piano solo Next meeting will be picnic when the members of thcl Mission Band will entertain their mothers MrsMaw told short story after which games and can dy were enjoyed Meeting closed with hymn and short prayer by Mrs Carr Mr rind Mrs Altman and child ren are enjoying holiday at Bass Lilkr Recent visitors included Mr and Mrs Wice Cornwall Mrs Lawson Mr and Mrs Langdon of Clifford iii McKenzies Roi ert Spencer and Tom of Toronto with relatives Mr and Mrs Armstrong Toronto at Mrs Armstrongs Mr and Mrs Sheridan and family of Creemore have moved into thi house recently purchased from Campbell Xray ilnlc July I7 free chest Xlli clinic is being held on Thursday July l7 from until pm in the town park beside the arena instead of at the school as in previous years There will al so be free diabetic test Just pick up kit at the xraying bus and fol low the directions The unit is null suitable for xrayirig children under six years WI Golden Anniversary Plans are progressing favorably for the WI 50th wedding anniver sary next Wednesday July 16 in the Orange Hall They have been fortunate in securing Mayor Marj oric Hamilton oi Barrie as the spec ial speaker Mrs Purcell the Pro vincial President and Mrs McCul lough Provincial Secretary will probably be present and all former members are cordially invited FUDGE IN ENGLAND Candy means only fudge in tile confectioneryshops of England if you want other candy you ask ioi sweets ToBeiiiiiarried in WhitbyJoly ROBERT CHANNEN of Whitby formerly of Barrie and Bradford Their marriage is to and MrsIWilliain Duncan of Osh take place in St Andrews United own and her fiance is the son of the Church Whitby On Saturday July Rev and Mrs Gordon Channen 19 at pm Photos by llornsby Studio Oshawa mss HELEN DUNCAN whose engagement is announced Miss Duncan is the daughter of Mr CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING GllFORD JULY YMrs Luck Toron to is spending Week with her daughter Mrs George Nesbitt The sympathy of the community is extended to Thomas Griffiths and family on the death on Tuesday morning of his dear mother after short illness in Newmarket hos pital Friends in this district of Alma Comer will be glad to know that she is much better in health and is now at home in Newmarket with her mother Rev Sanders occupied the pulpit on Sunday morning for the first time since coming to the Churchill charge on Wednesday last and on Monday called on sev eral of his parishioners Little Sharon Gorham is visiting her grandparents Mr and Mrs Wil liaii Gorhani for week EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 best personal Investment Plan TRY AN The ladies enjoyed the beauties rodeo will be found operating in either the United States Canada Mexico COMPETENT EYE CARE BARRIE RON High Street ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS In this connection it may be of interest to mention the names of thoeleassociated with Barries com mercial life almost 25 years prev ious to most of those just mention ed and they include Alexander and Edmund Lally insurance IA Boys Andrew Graham McConkey John McWatt postmas ter Angus Russell Bingham Sanford William Mann and Nathaniel King general merchants Jonathan Lane bookseller Robert baker Cunio barber Aaron Burnett Palmer hard ware Thomas Fox Davies publish er of The Barrie Magnet Henry and Hepkins Dalton McCarthy James of the park before gathering in Patton Pcpler Radenhurst John Strathy Lount Boys James Morrow barris ters William Gibbard Hugh Savigney surveyors John Farragh er ploughs Aitken Wilkie wood factory Patrick Rodgers painter and James Knapp boat builder the pavilion for short meeting Following lively song service led by the county president Mrs Adams of Barrie the lst vico president Mrs Poole of Col lingwood opened with prayer Mrs Ambrosie of Hamilton pro Ancong the hotels were Far raghers Barrie Hotel Frasers Ho tel Burrs Smiths Miscampbeli and Binghams and Queens Royal Joseph Rogers was Chief Constable and Benjamin Smith was Sheriff As left Barrie in 1889 and was living thousands of miles vincial president of the WCTU was thespeaker of the day She spoke few words encouraging the young people to become members and speaking of the curse of ii quor in our land Mrs Annie Lennox of Barrie was the oldest member present at the picnic Mrs Ambrose of One based on Life Insurance FIRST FOR PURW anocosfs so 7173 When you nave through life insurance you put your saving on wand regular basis You are sure of saving net sum each year through your insurance premiums This money iii invested by your insurance company skilfully and safely For long term protable results plus am one On at least 300 days of the yearl The OFFICE HOURS 9mhipm COMMON ma whitetaiied most widely dtstributrd and best known of the three groups of deer in Canada STEEL FOR SALE LAWN MOWERS BLACKSMITHING HARPENED ALEX CLELAND Proprietor Phone 4l09 Johnston Ro OPTOMETRIST l5 Clappcrton St Barrie over the Bell Telephone Office ORKS Phone 5046 deer PHON 2511 HUREA LIUIM at it This sign is the symbol of BALANCED FEEDING AT LOWER COST In yom community SIIURGAIN Feeds manufactured at your local Mill and sold direct to you allow no middleman 10 take profit If there is no middleman to take profit the follow ing chain of events result SHURGAIN Feeds are of excellent quality The Feeder Gets Rapid Growth High Production SHUBGAIN Feeds are sold direct from the manufacturer to the feeder The Farmer Gets Highest Quality Feeds At Lower Cost family protection in the meantime saving through Mutual Life of Canada policy cannot be excelled David Dougall William Graham John ONeill John Pearson carpen ters and builders George Bail Garton William Moore Ran kin Cairns David Dougall and Sons Henry Hatch ByrnesFrce mans factories James Edwards Hamilton lived the farthest dis tance away Mrs Redford of Bar rie and Mrs Truax of Midland had birthdays closest to July the day of the picnic Little Stephen Whiteside 13 months of age from disfant for alm0st 60 years uri tll 1946 am making no rc rferenoc to those business men who came here after 1890 as many of their names are quite strange to me even if they are SlIURGAIN Feeds are low in cost for this high quality The Feeder Achieves More Profitable Production NHn You can lower the cost of livestock production with SIIURGAIN Feeds w4deiieioalaacll and William Root saddlers David Morrow and EL Meeking auction eers Robert Simpson Anderton Brothers brewers Warnock watchmaker Drs Cruikshank Pass McCrnkey McCarthy Wells Oliver Christ Church IWA JULY BReguiar meeting was held at Mrs Claude Bantings on July Mrs Howard presi dent opened with hymn followed by prayer and scripture reading by Mrs Jennett Mrs Howard gave report of Deanery Mrs Claude Banting read letter of thanks fromIndian School secre taryforIbale The program was in charge of Mrs Jennett who read very interesting item about Archbishop Renison entitled Still Loves Woodland poemwas read by Mrs Davis Prairie Church also contest on Animal Nuises Next meeting at the home of Mrs Davis on July 31 p11e Meetingiclosed with GodSave the Queen and Benediction by Rev Howard The hostess served Mr and Bruce McVaiieli and Shirley visited Mr and Mrs Al Wil liams in Shelburne on Sunday Mr and Mrs Field Toronto are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Carmthers Mrs EarlReid Mrs Ham mac and Mrs Banting attended the district Orange service in Stroud Presbyterian Church on Sunday July Mr and Mrs Roy Wilson are hol iday visitors at Mrs Maude Wil III sons We wish for Bert McQuay and Speersa speedy recovery from lluess and Mrs Hannah Mr and we IMcClung and little daughter Cedar Harbour visited with Mr Mrs Lee Banting on Tuesday MrIaudMrs Lee Banting and mold spent Siiday witth and Mr Hannah at Cedar Harbour La Simcoeon Sunday equally important as were those do remember All these sketches of mine in The Exam incr are merely personal rentin iscences and not just items re printed from the three local papers posted in some scrap book of Barrie happenings written by someone else 5001 75 years ago Thats why there may occasionally be uninten tional errors as memory is not absolutely right Continued on Monday BOND HEAD JULY Mrs Percy Reynods spent the weekend in Toronto Mrs Latimer attended the rfun eral of her brotherer Murphy of Everett in Allister on Monday Clarence Switzer is spending some holidays at his home here Mr and Mrs Orr enjoyed motor trip to North Bay Pem broke and Algonquin Park last week Mr and Mrs Jack McLean have returned home and we age pleased to report that Jack is much improv ed in health Yisitorinduging the past at Mr and Mrs John Brode were Mr and Mrs Chris Tupling week Honeywood Mr and Mrs George Metcalfe Detroit and Mr and Mrs Bullock Brampton Charles Brown is sporting new car Little Joan Broderick had her CollingWood was the youngest there and Marlene White four years of age from Midland was the youngest girl At the supper hour Thomas Ward of Collingwood was honored with birthday cake on his birthday Mrs Ambrose again spoke of her joy in walking through the years with Christ and of victory with Christ She referred to the poWer of liquor but of the greater power of God to save and to cleanse She quoted the words Little is much when God is in it vote of thanks was rendered to MrsAmbrose by Mrs Carr of Cookstown on behalf of the members of the unions As the ladies journeyed hOme were enibyed just before and after wardthey all felt that it was good to have been there Lively and interesting games the supper hour under the cap able direction of Dr and Mrs WCarr of Cookstoivn Friday evening to bid goodbye to their minister and hisIwifeIand family prior to their moving to Montreal Rev and Mrs Meliwaia were presented with hddIeS woof money and aeocialtime was spent tonsils removed in Newmarket hos pital last week New Minister Arrives IAuumberfrom here attended the induction service for Rev Mr Newell in Newton Robinson United Church on Thursday evening welcome is extended Rev Mr and IMrspNewell andfariiily who mov ed herefromBeacbburgand took overthe services here and at New town commencithrJuly 1I Bid Goodbye to Mollwuins The members and adherents of the United Church gathered at Mr and Mrs Gordon Brethetjs on Branch Ofice Mississagast Orillia Ont RALPH LANG CLU Branch Manager Representative Arthur Johnston Barrie Ont Whetiyoure in the mood forreal refreshment enjoy chill glass of the worldfamous Canada Dry And remember Canada Dry is famous for purityjust right for the UNMArcueo we RjERFORMANc ROBINSON ELEVATOR and FEED MILL Phone Stroud 52 Collect or Barrie 2687 2271 FREE DELIVERY Iinvestedmy loan in new machinery that cutmy Operating costs aiildhese hw increased my yield perlacre prots are payingb my loan now and building truestegg forthefutured II than ramming ionic minimum turning out across in country to put Furmlrripmumt Loans to work Find out we his IMWL loin can lulu you buy new lmahmonts or bacilli stock or develop yourtum volitional Bank of loronlo memo willgladiy ivdyou tantalum you can in its Quorum ind ibir editor townie