Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1952, p. 1

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ihtendent of transportation of Ah INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Since 864 88th YearN0 79 County Recreation Autumni Ciao iwmwwtwwm Ian Iv tho Plot Offu Dchruu tan SWIMMING CLASSES arranged by Slmcoe Ctmnty Re creation Committee began Monday at Hillsdale mill pond 0n Mondavsttiiie children from Hiiisdaie dismci receive in struction and on Thursdays Elmvale children get the lessons Above photo taken yesterday shows George Woods of Bar rie chief instructor with group of minnows that is child ren receiving their first lesson in water Bottom photo shows group of boys from Elmvale Attendance each day averages over 75 children Elmvale mothers and other volunteers drive them to Hillsdale for swimming class 135T BATTERY PHOTO Picture of the 135th Battery 45th AntiTank Regiment RCA Grey and Simcoe Foresters Barrietunlt which appeared in Wednesdays Examiner Was taken at Camp Pet awawa on July bythe wellknown Pembroke photographer Mon taigne 0NR Appointment Everyone welcome LSouth Simcoc JrFarmersAn nual Church Service on Sunday July 13 at 230 pm at Spring waler Park Midhurst 79 St rhofnas Church Guild Shan ty Bay annual gardn tea bazaar and sale of home baking Wednes day July 16 from to pm on Rectory lawn 7980 Burley Twilight demonstration and discussion of fertilizers and barley at Isaac Kings south of Bond Head at 700pm June 15 79 Raspberlry Fstiiral at nether Anglican Church sunnidaie Tues Ball game Elmvale and Wasaga Beach Adv by July 22 Supper 530to 87 Good program from mission Adults $100 children 35c 7980 Old tyme and mandamus 930 to 3111 Mac Jonesand his Heptones every Friday at Pine Crest miles north Barrie on Highwayyzz Admission one town Dancing Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Ad Oiiiarip Northlaud Railway rte TsuccedsrrR Mthiiim mic has not Sunni Mailman lhe onnmsepiembep out was ominmvard III191 he mission ladies 50c gentlemen 75c 12 Ranch Show and Dance Tuesday July 15Iat Pine Crest miles North of Barrie on highway 27 one mileWest tdwardi Arden Mills Two hour shdwctarting 3t tomOld Swimming Classes at gard to llsclale Mrand Young Soldier Charged With Arson at Camp young member of the armed forces Frederick Paul Camp Bord en appeared in the Mzgistrntc5 Court here on Wednesday morning July on serious charges of arson laid by Cpl PT Pawlich RCMP whose cvtdcncc was that Paul had been on firc policc duty on July in camp buildings When fires broke out shortly af ter midnight in two buildings caus ing damage of about $8000 the ydung soldicr was suspected and aI tcr an interview with the officer he had handed ovcr written stie mcnt on the ncxt day admitting the offences IIn court he rcfuscd the offer of Legal Aid and pleaded guilty Cpl Pavelich testified that three fires had been started in one build ing occupied as living quarters of staff personnel and that number were sleeping there at the time They had been starth by setting fire to numbcr of mattresses in different parts of the building but were soon extinguished In the auditorium of the RCAMC School however where Paul stated that he had picked up somc scrap paper piled it under some hangings and ignited it serious fire was caused in the building which is ap proximately 30 feet by 70 contain ing chairs film projector screen etc and there the damage was estimat ed at $5960 Paul was remanded in custody until Wednesday July 16 for judg ment Axlmeels Torn Off as Truck Hits Rocks at Roadside Donald Prophet 19 Hawkestone was fortunate to escape with only knee lacerations when the front of the truck he was driving last night on Highway It was completely sheared off The accident occurred about one mile north of Guthrie Donald told police he was driving along when all of sudden the vehicle Veered to the left hit the ditch and struck some large rocks at the roadside before it ended up on its right side In addition to extensive damage to the from of the truck the wheels and axle Were turn right off Dam age was estimated at around $800 MrsNeil McCuaig Now Caretakers of 0m Memorial Park Council Holt Regular Meeting All members were present for the regular meeting of 010 Council on Monday June 30 in the Township Hall with Reeve SmithCampbeIl presiding Communications considered were from Fred Hunter Department of Municipal Affairs Dingman John White Ludgate Holden Hydro EIeCtric Power Commission EuMarkon Alex Graham GGrReid Glendinning Jarrett Gray and ROberts Depart ment of Travel and Publicity Felt Simcoe County Health Unit Tracy Lemay David Garrick De partment of Planning and Develop ment Approvo Levy Approval of the bylaw to provide for the assassins and levying of membershipfees in the Federation of Agriculture wasrecelved from the Department of Municipal Af fairs John KWhite wrote that Me donte does not gt contemplate spends trig any money onf parratl Hill on the townline of0roand Medonte as thkm The Park Committee reported thot Mr and Mrs it McCuaig had been engaged may as caretakers of Memorial Park 01111 White Cl was present with of Mdonte quest from Oro tension of the Med System into Oro to or Con linens agreed to cooperate WEE resent of metro led midis regard whcgc contraction signed and sent 88 satI the report of Simcoe County Health Unit for May The Department of Planning and Development forwarded blue prints of the proposed subdivision of the property of David Pilkie part of lot 20 Con The questionnaire was completed and ordered returned to the Department Machinery Shed Itwas decided to have the mach Iall grounds in the ROM ion The report of Road Superintend ent Besse on work done during June was accepted and passed for payment Various road matters were con sidered and conunuuicatidn will goto Ward with regard to road on his subdivision Claims of Robert Aconleyv and John Caldwell for sheepkilled by dogswere ordered paid at the valuators valuation Various other account before Council were pass ed forpayment the next monthly set for August jmeotmgkwas Local Firm wru Demoliin our Victoria School Aluminum oxide powder is the raw material for artificial sapphires from which tiny bearings are made for many instruments BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY JULY II I952 Your Guess lsasGood As Despite editorial conferences at top level Examiner staffers took long time to solve the Arrowhcad mystery shown above Whilc onc writer comincntcd that it might be thr work of disciple of the Dull school of surrralistic art another vouchlt safcil the opinion that it was sailboat making big wavc Thcn again someone had heard that it Inca group were going out tomorrow morning to start excavating what might be an Indian village Perhaps this might be an old tribal sign as to how to get to the location Our sports authority thought it might have been the doodling of some of the local softball fraternity working out pitch ing angles Fortunately the mystery was solved by the writer Into whose funds It had comein the form of press release from the Public Utilities Commission It was simply the signature under the statement which was is Former Manager DomInIon Store sued Now Supervisor lCItliflgcshnve taken placerecent ly on the staff of the local branch of the Dominion Stores Manager Leonard Gallaugher who came to Barrie from Allistou about one year ago is now supervisor of store management in this district Acting Store Manager here is Eric Cowin Who has been manager at Whitby since 1948 Aclilung oft mg When Willi Orpner 28 who ar rived in Canada from Germany seven months ago decided to lie down and relax in an abandoned rowing boat which he took out in to Kempenfelt Bay Wednesday night he had little idea of the con cern he was causing ashore Someon spotted the boat drift ing about aimlessly Police were called They in turn contacted Ernie Carley 40 and Bill McBride 35 who went out in another boat When they got alongside Willi sat up and stgetched Apparently he had been asleep Later when safely on shore once more Willi said the recent heat had been bothering him When he came across th old boat as he was strolling along the lakeshore he thought it might be much cooler out on thcwatgru He1 was not no cars in the boat he simply pick ed up piece of twobyfour which Was lying nearby and used that The next thing he knew he was drifting awaymsig Bay Point 1001339951 Orange Walk Al Cal llngwood COLLINGWOOD Almost 100 lodges from all parts of the district are expected to take part in the Collingwood on Saturday July 12 Sponsored by VictOria LOL of vwwv Admin Uhrfllarru Emotion MD Chan CWJQA ind Audit lurw of Ctulml ut qrwd an mmwmmwa gt Human MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY singlc copy l4 PagesJIM Sections MANS CONVICTION llllASHEIl Bl Jll lEWaterConsumptionSTATES ETOPS MllliO Mak BE POTENTIAL DANGER TO lllltllltlll Issued by sllltb Coinruissum tth the rcccnt boon rcsponmblc lublc incrcun in umptzon TllC average daily amount pump icd into the system for the first ngck Ii July was 1259329 gniloris Thc hcavtcst days pumping was 01 Tuesday of that week twin Itotal of 1705300 gallons Thi Mary Strcct slalzon took curc of 1137000 gallons of this amount the balfiiicc being supplch by the Bayvicwl Park wcll The Tuesday total was surpas only once prcviouy on ll llttll tho Public LtllA ll is explained hot weather has for the water con lons vcic used For the month of Junc tho lttlm ago was 1182250 gallons pcr day as against It more normal monthu such as April With daily averI ago of 839660 gallons llowcwcnE the supply 15 ample to take care of the additional demand Staff Notes Arthur Marion is making benchcs for Bayview Park whcrc Instzillcd of the Commission KIWANIS CLUB AT STROUD Monday at Stroud Community Hall Barrie Kiwanians enjoyed finc dinner arranged by the ladies of Stroud Presbyterian Church President Roy Kightlcy presided for the brief meeting which had no speaker At the head table was Ki wanian Harry Hill of the South Ot tawa Club visitor with relatives in Barrie He is Loblaw manager in Ottawa No other visiting Ki wanians at the Stroud dinner were Lach Sutton of Downtown Toronto and John Sommerville 6f Colling wood contirfcr Junc 15 1949 when 1778004 galii up drinking fountain is also to be Miss Shirley Freeman who this term obtained her junior matricuw lation at BDCI has been taken on as new member of the office staff whether it Is in motion or not ue War WeaIHE CAREFUL MOTOR DRIVER which has justi Upholding the appeal of Harry Marks 42 who while em ploycd as works torcmnn with the Town of Barrie was con vlttlvfd of driving while hzs Iibility was impaired by alcohol Judge Hnrvic in qtiashing the conviction by Magistrate Foster QC CllZlClZCd the Section of the Act under which Marks was charged stating that it placed in the hands of police officers power and control over the safety and frccdom of the motorist not contemplated by the legislators On ichimzy t3 tztitc tnurt vldlli was convicted and flood $50 on churgc that he did uninwlully haw cnrc and con trol of it motor vehicle while his to drivo motor vehicle if impaircd by alcohol cuntr tho pll51ifl$ of Scction 285 LP of mg Crznimnl Code of Can iIiII riticism of Section III llln Judgment Judge liarvic tTfllllllltrllljl On tlic stibjcct of im pziirmcni would cnuirt crit iciszn us to tiic unhappy wordin of the Sitillttl undcr which tho uccus cd charged which reads as fol lows Evcry one who while his ability to drivc motor vehicle or llllUllllellC Is Impaired by alcohol or any drug drives any motor vchicle or automobilc or has the care or control of motor vehicle is guilty of an offence and liable upon summary conviction or upon con viction under indictment Judge Harvic goes on to state This obviously bristles with poten tial danger to the careful motor car driver inasmuch as it places in the hands of police officers at power and control over the safety and frec dom of the motorist not contem plated by the legislators framing the legislation It falls to provide for definite tests or indications of driving im pairment as the direct result of alcohol or drugs It means that any decent citizen COUNTYFARM EXPERIMENT SHOWS SUCCESS IN FIGHT TO ELIMINATE POTATO BLIGHT But for the fact that the flower of South American potato plant appealed to the eye of the English Court believed to have been around the reign of King Henry VIII it is very possible that great deal of the work which is being carried out by the Ontario Department of Agriculture to arrest potato blight might never have been possible From time immemorial the po tato grower has lived perhaps one of the most precarious of exis tences in the field of agriculture knowing that the plant he seeks to raise is attacked by more dis eases than any other cultivated plant In any one year if blight struck at the national cropwith out any control the 1055 would go into millions and millions of dol lars Of all the disasters which can overtake the potato grower per haps that caused by late blight is the most destructive ch do something to help arrest this scourge the Department of Agri culture both in the field and in the laboratory is actively engaged in program of research through out the length and breadth of the country Local Experiment Today through some work which Elbrldge Spence undertook in com junction with the Department on his farm at Concession Flos it can be clearly seendaovtkthe war Orange celebrlition to be held at Collingwood the committee has planned prbgram of sports mid way and dance infhe community arena in the evening in addition to the regular Orange recognitioncf the Battle of the Boyne Victoria Lodge is one of the old est in the district The warrant to incorporate the lodge Was issued to the late LLCol John Hogg found er of the weekly Enterprise news3 appropr find for weed spraying gt Papal1 The folloWing speakers will JIhe parade is scheduled to move off from Exhibition Park at heard at the park following the panda Rev JamesTaylor Mayor AMcIntosh Sister Haw son WorshipfulMaster of LTB No 18Sister Fieghen WM of the5 mm room No sir Rev BELLA for BuffaloSirocco Ferguson MP for against blight is being waged with great measure of success It was on this farm that the Department decided to carry out tests with two types of potatoes the Canso which is of the late variety and the Keswick of the early category This experiment was the first of its kind in Ontario and as result of seed potatoes which came from the crop other farmers in various parts of the country are now obtaining the ben efits of this pioneering work which took place in this district In rough outline the experiment consisted of planting these potatoes with others whyh were purely of North American variety the Kata hdins The work revealed just what farmers andothers had long awaited that the Katahdinvcrop was affected by blight but the othe two varieties were not The experiment was source of great satisfactiomnot onlyto the offi cials of the Horticultural Division of the Department and the Seed Potato Certification Sam ce who Turn to page veplease p332 In Mugzsl partaking of glass of beer or wine With his Ionchcon be he parliamen tzuian professional man clergyman labourer business executive judge lor otherwise on stepping into his motor car could be apprehended by polzcc officer and subjected toall the usual indignities of examination arrest and trial all because there was wiff of alcohol on his breath It might more appropriately be termed alcoholic breath legislation rather than solid clearcut provisidn concerning the improper uncontrdl led dangerous driving of motor car as result of consumption of alcohol or drugs Reasons For Judgmem Reviewing the evidence Judge Harvic said taxidriver named Charles Harris testified that at about pm on Christmas Eve as he was driving east on Elizabeth Street he noticed ahead of him small pickup truck belongingto the Town of Barrie It was driven by the accused and was proceeding east in front of him As it met and passed large sndtw plow it appeared to stick or touch the snowplow and then continued on almost sideswiping two other cars following the plow It wasa busy night being Christmas Eve and cars wre parked on both sides of the street making driving lane in the centre corn nativer narrow He continued to follow this car east on Elizabeth Street when it turned north into Clapperton Street almost knocking am pedestrians crossing fromTaznblyns drugstore to the Wellington Hotel at this very busy point Harris continued to follow the truck north on Clapperton Street to Collier Street and then east on car ller Street to the Town Hall or municipal buildings where it turned south on Mulcaster Street He turn ed Ieft into the parking area at the municipal buildings and imparted this vehicle to the police He there upon got into his taxi drove doom Mulcaster Street and observing the truck in question parked withits Turn to pag litre pleat The Lost Column SUMMER REVERIE By SCOIIY TAYLOR RcflectinEJmgerlng my caved in ear the othei day remembered so well the first time hadcome across the expression mind over matter My old professor had asked me to give him literal interpretar tion of it in whichever way 11032 Was completely heartbroken several days later when on present ing him with skull perched prev cariously withthe aid of somebub hiegum on top of two crossbones he let go wicked onetwo punch The first movament as the music critics would say smashedmy skull the mindovermatter one f0 pieces And it was such nice skull tool The second movementdam iter alleyOahu the other Skullll never was particularly nice skull but at least it separated pair of matched ears Today often 5e ectively finger my cavedin However to setback to the aim day had decided thatthe only way to combat the heat was to in dulge lnthis buSiness of ovr matter Consequently the invitation of colle ague Geo Storey to go out and stoke somewhere so that we could kep inCOOLHIId cmpe wallets13301331 momma ages wo mun rader dropped our letbetbox our

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