Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jul 1952, p. 7

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59 Theatre MHousr or Hirs FIRST WITH THE BEST in 3qu mTKEWEs EVENING SHOWS AT 650 ET pm JAMES urwm fAKlliUR KENNEDY JUllA ADAMS ROCK HUDSON III mt 1mm in cone to theibvthmtmlharqgte upland TONIGHT AND TUESDAY iii MUS The night of terror that sat Titian mix mic DUI IV Wot iBENDLDTJHE Rival1 frontier ml and in wild starved of merit ADDED TREATS EYE WITNESS CARTOON AND BROOKLYN GOES TO HOLLYWOOD HERE THEY ARE marsonmmmnm BACK AGAIN IN THEIR NEWEST LAUGH HIT Siaris This Wed 230 pm and continuing THUR FRI SAT ENTIRE WEEK Starts Nexi MON JULY I4 THIS PICTURE JUST FINISHED MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ATHRILL PACKED FEATURESPROGRANI HOLD ONTO YOUR SEATS EVE snows AT 840 pm LAST COMPLETE SHow AT 840 pm ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSONS MASTERPIECE or ERROR IiSIIIIIII straige door STARTSTHIS THURSDAY We mansion secret BbTHADULTEHTERTAIHMEHTrlcruriES halls six lives in its all spell BACKDOWX ON WEAPONS HALIFAX Alarmed at gincreasing Injtul hum air rifles filling shots and tar uvenik jweapons Halifax police have an riounccd crackdown on offcndl iPolice are also checking on Ill gstcirs selling such items lTrarnmg Course iProgram Leader Stirruncr is for Kids so says recruit him produced by the Nation 31 Film Board With the number of playgrounds day camps and swim hung classes scheduled in Simcoe Cotmty this summer it looks as though many people firm would agree With this title However before thcrr can be fun in safety and in an atmospherh where enjoyment for everyone is considered there need to be lead ershrp With this in llilnd the Sim leadership CUUISt it Angus ComI munity Park on Monday June 29 About 32 young inch and womeu came together for day of trainl mg in special surruncrtime rccrea tion skills and discussion Group singing undcr the reader one County liccrczition Service heldl ship of Miss Marie Burke of Barrio started the course off with smilzl and the enjoyment of singing to gether was repeated at various tim cs during the day Then came folk dancing and singing games on the grccn with phonograph to supply the music nature craft workshop and in struction in how to lash branches togetth to make uscful articles while at campsite were next on the program Allan Carmichael of the Dcpartment of Lands and For csts at Angus instructed the group The MONDAY JULY I952 for Summer Held of Angus course was under the Trio ditv cation of 31st Louisc Collcy the Slimm County lircrcation Service Maidcdhsh Sets lax Rate at 35 Matchcdash Council met in the clerks office at Coldwatcr and set rate of 35 mills The township is up about six mills over rate 03 mills schools 62 47 bylaw was passed to contrib life the townships share towards the new addition to Orillia Dis trict Collcglatc motion was passed for purI chase of two tons of calcium chlor idc to be used on roads most subI covers county general 88 roads levy public collegiate ject to dust and to be applied under supervision of road foreman Provision was made for use oft bulldozer on the sidcroad betwccnl in the latter and together they pro duced chair and camping unit including table pol hooks coat hangers and bob for holding pots over fire In the nature craft workshop the group tried out var ious ways of recording leaves flow crs and ferns One member of the group made butterfly or fishing nct out of coat hanger and fine cheesecloth Another made small wire insect cage Makng oddlooking animals out of pine cones acorns and pipe cleaners created good deal of ur terest as did the fashioning of name brooches out of small birch twigs After the lunch hour everyone gathered in the field house to view film entitled Meeting the Emo tional Needs of Childhood George Woods of Barrie introduced the film and led the discussions following the showing The film pointed up the basic needs of children for se curity and independence In the dis cussion which followed the young people brought out the types of be haviour which result when these needs are not fulfilled and suggest ed ways in which wise community leader parent or teacher could help to meet them The group took part in van of games and activities suitable 61$ rainy or hot dayslfpf and cil games council ring challenges mystery games and games of stealth and skill were directed by Miss Louise Colley Other features of the course in cluded exhibits of nature and mu seum collections contributed by Yvonne Woods and Beverley West man Many pamphlets and books with helpful recreation materials were shownfand available for sale The excellent facilities of the An gushCommunity Park wereplaced atThc disposal of the group and were greatly appreciated Thas who attended the course from Barrie were Pat Boyes Bar bara Burdette Marie Burke Nancy Cameron Heather Currie Beverley Westman Anne Baker Patricia Tomlinson Sue Walls Joan Sar jeant Jean Samsel Mary Lon Johns Lesley Harris Elizabeth Wildman Bruce Synnott John Rlccl Don Bates John Pogue Richard Fine George Renton Dalton Nesbitt George Woods and Bruce and Tom Poppleton Those attending from other sec tions of the county were Catherine Coleman Stroud Patricia Falls Orma Weatherall and Mrs Carol EI Iiott Lisle Roseanne Downey and Jean Murphy Alliston Donna Mil ler and Theresa Frawley MountKSt Louis DijvemOui To The DriveIn Thanh miles south of on CmeuionltnrivOmlloni 22 nighmytumleonfirst roadrunnerleaf TONIGHT truss IIIGel By Technicolor June Hover Wm mndjgan LUCKY mes Gammon wrap THUR lots and 10 Con and forI not more than eight hours undcrl supervision of the road superinltI fondant or if he is not available by Ray Hambly as overseer bylaw was passed to borrow up to $17000 from the bank as required by Council Attending the meeting were Rccvc Lcslic Borrow Councillorsl George Silk DcConkcy Bcr ncicc Williamson Ray Hambly Jr and Hamilton Coldwater bank manager Toiienham Sentinel And Beeion World Provide Changes Crecmore Star Two events of interest among weekly newspaper publishers of SimcoeCounty have occurred with in thc past week Thc Tottcnham Sentinel has pass cd out of existence The subscrip tion list and goodwill has been purchased by The Alliston Herald We understand The Herald which has absorbed The Sentinel will be hereafter publishing special page oLJIottenham news Ania reason the publication of The Sentinel has been discontinued was lack of ad vartising on behalf of local firms The other event was the expan sion of The Beeton World to all homeprint publication Since this paper was acquired by Carle ton less than two years ago it has an given several improvements Better advertising patronage has encouraged Ken Carleton to step his paper up into the all home print group of progressive week lies Rev Fred Berner Gives Farewell Huntsville Sermon Huntsville Forester Thirtyfive years ago Rev Fred Berner vigorous impressivr and extremely likeable minister of the Gospel preached his first sermon to vibe congregation at Madills Church which was the rst edice of its nature to serve the religious needs of the new settlers in that portion of Stephenson Township Last Sunday afternoon he re turned to bid his oldfriends and new ones farewell before retiring from the active ministry to take on special work for the Ontario Tem perance Federation In recent years he has Served the Baysville community and during the long in terval since hg had charge of the Muskoka Mission churches with Barri Exclaim Secction 2Poges to it BIG DOUBLE BILL Theyro moloring in FUN Football and the Smdcnt Body Ilium mounumlnrum Ad Mn mm mm by IIII IIIAIIIIR ammonia valimam IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFI remcandy Mn JIM Humviewf Mindfu fa ALAaria by know when his ourint was up took III wurdon Whoa III lot the In land not DEAR Hos the family friend who can do anything wrong MUG Hls taking ways got him jailed The Burts taking ways 90 Ill Ilwollfwllllllloiilr lllllll himth DEAR DAD Hes problem father but the Brat does her but to bring him up right TainanHamlinsthrumimmmtmmrrioim Dear Brat will be shown once only complete show after each night starting at 840 Starts TodayIMPERIAL headquartewirtmtsvihe filled charges at Churchill and Mactier Although in his 79th year he lacks none of the vigor and im pressiveness which have character izedhis religious Tworksince he entered the His resonant voice echoed his message of ser vice during his 45minute sermon to his old parishioners With no perceptible evidence of impair ment during his long service in the pulpit His exhortation to his con gregation to hold high the prin ciples of godly living and to emu late the honesryfbeauiy and sacred ness of the example set by Moses in his leadership of the people of Isracl was an earnest expression of the inward convictionof his soul The service was assisted by special choir of adult voices which contributed much to the musical program duet sung bytlillrs Douglas Newman and her daughter Joan was tribute to the memory otthe Spiers family runeofthe jpioneerjamilics in the neighbor cm if It was impressively render Rev CE minister in charge of Muskoka Misha of which Madills is alimembi naiv sorvico years of his touchinz ma Alocalbuildlnzcoutmctumu Nioln Adults 40 Children is inch Tax BIG PICTURES FORLESS THAN THE PRICE WEDNESDAY JULY ND License Charge on charge laid by P0 0L Sullivan on June 13 following an accident Edwin Harriett was convicted of operating motor veh icle on Highway 90 without the necessary license He was not the owner of theyehicle fine ofvrltl with costs of $450 was imposed Fined For Assault George Yorke and Barry Lever iek iwho were charged Separately with assaulting George Pike by tearing his vest after distmbance at Club 79 where the latti was employed were each convictedand his rst ned so with costs atom The agsaults occurred at dttfuenttxmes FuiIsVMokvofltofurns oil It as in women WE mm mm McClure against Eliner Shircstwas Withdrawn Case Adjourned Stuart Robertson appeared on charge laidby George Land Eng lish of theft prior to April lst 1952 or the sum of $2600 the property of the Province of Ontario The case was adjourned to later hear mg Youth On Charges Convicted of causing once on July at Club79 James Catt local youth wasfined $5 with costs of $21 on chargejlaid by P0 A5011 second chargel fo careless driving on June in Bar rie laid by P0 McClure was adjourned for trial on July Hit TownTruck The hearing at acharge ton CNB detective Evidence of Foreman Earl shall was that the young manila been founddelivering the scrim rods and platesevidently from pile near the coal storage of railwarat scrap dealersan St Afioaoocimcgids wasinalighi truckm brand the mm The class for the catacombs taken overby Stewar undcr Iczal Aidand 3de and July is Unrvlxm Heinrich of careless driving on Highway 90 which was not concluded on Wduesdw Juno lt 25 resulted in Slam tr

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