Hills Terrmce Hyhnd Bruce Jenkins Carolyn Kelly Sharon Kelly Lyle Knowleis Pull ml shall Muriel McClure David 3h Continued from one one edith Virginia Morrison Donna son Ronlld Wilson Douglas Moth Billy Pattendcn Minuet Wright Pigott Jane Roche Philip Rowe HALL COUTIS Teachers Allan Scott Dianne Scudamore Gail Shaver Bron Smith John Pflmow Smith George Svetkoff Allan Tenny Carol Varcoe Carol Willcr Gm FRANCES BESSE FERN Peter Cook Barbara VJardine REWEV Teacher Shirley lndouceur Barrie Met Mm 11 Ml km NM 33c Belly mus Tom melam COOL coal mm 1RANCS BESSIE FERNF george Lynn Botchlldci Astrida mfm GCHCTGH CONTCI Rmva TeachersV Bone Judnh Brandon Van mm Cliantlcr Charlie Diblcy Comc my HIS Harshnll during her coggsggau of Itiecigxiy undo to Gnde Dyksth 0m Dyng Ralph four your of teaching here nevizr had one complaint and this is some thing for teacher to be might of There were no dry eyes Robcrt Arnotl Chlstina Cameron DyksuaV Michael Emer Sand Carla Courtenay James Courtenay can Adrienne plookV Frank MUFWY Feldllani WWW Ga Guest Patsy Glenn Ronald Girard rctt Earl Hart Melvyn Hertz Erica John ayesV Sham HayV Shem were invited to Barrie where the staff were at home to them They were taken on an escorted tour of the Canadian General Electric Very mm Monies They no cool And dealde for summer comfort The price in the pup WM ugyirprfcsiggzdr There they were greeted by the Hay VBarbara llerringwn Craig is bargain to Mrs W18 general manualV John Mucmnsgm Hutchinson Katle Jones Dormer Whom they mull mm who spoke briefly to them in thc Johnston Tcrry Lame Patricia GREAT mumul we lamp forage afctcria before thcv Lowry Andrew Malcomson Gaul pwee VALUE WWW and table ommm were assi ned to guides who con JUNE 30 large congregation McCrincr Bonnie McKee Gay rs NutShun wm take up macmng VP ducted them through the plant in ulitllflttlUllllt hulcn uiida at iuson rule ling June 29 and were pleased His Roger Nicholson Billy Noblc to have Rev Clements Brian Pouchman lclcr Sinclair former pastor conduct the service Billy Smml Jlldy Smith WCk The vocal solo Crokslng thc Bar smith Tim SHOWNWI Klnnmll by Mm 13cm writth was very lhorogwd Dorothy Vcitch Ken much enjoyed ncth Watson Jim Wilson Cory Recent and Sunday visitors in Umlme wrgm Kare chided Mr and Mrs Plowright Mmcsing with Mr and Mrs Elmtr FLYNN REIVE AGNES lrzitt Mr and Mrs Alex Johnson and son Donald Port Arthur Mrs Grade to Gde 1v Stewart Mr and Mrs Camp vuldu AbolinSV Cam Agnew bcll llughcs and family of Toronto Laurie Barron Barry Bouncy Mr and Mrs Roy Bcnnctt and Joyce BawlcsV Bany Boyes Januis daughter lttl RMF With M1 and Blendick Cziiol Brandon Collecn MIS HWY WINS Compbcll Marion Emms Jon Fcll llnrold Forricr Kcniiy Flcm MorrisSmith Wedding Congratulations to Rev and Mrs Gregory Gdrnt Donna Gnrncau Vicky llunkiii Morris on their marriage Bm VV Hurst Pamela llills Jack last week Guests from Stroud dt Hugth Gary IrelandV Delmar tending the wedding in Midland on KenyV Betty Keen Barbara LBWSV June 25 included Mr and Mrs Roy Bum Lcmay Ethel LumlcyV John Goodfcllow Mr and Mrs Gordon Meyer Carol MCKCCnV Gary MC Mason Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cum Learning Ross Mitchell Carol ling Mr Fm Mu Moth Sandra Murphy Lennie My holland Mr and Mrs Black rs may Ncsbml Evlyn Ohm MiSS M30 Felgusonv D0 Wicer Jmk Danny lzlllc Elaine Pearscll Brizin Mmfllis and MCWJV B001 lomfrel Garry Pratt Ronald Rob As Mr Morris will be away for crlson John Robinson Tyson Smith thrcc weeks the church service MargoRoy Stuigcss Douglas Brampmn in sepembcr was parties of 10 This was grcat cx great 155 lose Mrs Malsmu pericnce to the group many of mm 15 district bl She Wm be whom had never been inside this Bramptons galn we MS Mrs modern factory whcrc every man uusmu the very be her new nor of equipment known is used to SUM and may Good Lord makc the working time of the per bless ad kep her mm is sonncl solo and comfortablc pupils WiSh from 58 Everett in the lullch room it was found MT and MW Hams Millet Shel that 5c mugs of coffcc were avail idan spent the woekvnd with Mr able not the little taperedoff Cup and Mm Hiram wallWln that came into vogue when 5c cups Mr and Mrs GUY Lmon TOTOD were on the way out and now rc to spent the weekend with Mr and main at the 10c price Many of the Mrs Roy Laking visitors enjoyed coffee while Misses Olive and Clara Jcnkins awaiting the party assembly Toronlo called lends EV After touring the CGE plant the ET 0n SundY party of some 45 were taken by MT Md MYS Frank 005le private cars and taxis to Baystairs Siayner visited Mrs Crosbie Lodge at Mincts Point whcrc they Sunday rested on the cool lawns until din Mrs Bocchk has returned from nor was served in the spacious din Alliston hospital feeling much im ing room The visitors were intro proved and is able to be out again duccd by The Examiner president Mrs George Alklnson returned Ken Walls who with the sales from Hamilton where she had been manager Robert Chittick Scotty convalescing at her sons home Taylor and their wives togcthcr Mr and Mrs William Moore with Miss Janc Hinds were seated spent the weekend at their parental at the head table home here Mr Walls told the gathering Mrs Hall and family who have about the problems of news copy been living in the McCrackcu and circulation delivery of MISSES JEANS Metal studded Inns in sturdy drill Thls ls the lan that an and wears Our price low MANUFACTURERS CLEARANCE SALE WE Regular $598 cotton dresses made by one of Canadas lead lng makers The factory was overloaded so we made scoop CHILDS COTTON purchase and you save $3 on every dress Its real bargain cardlgans EXTRAORDINARY $15 mfvizllisfmxfgcmii thickly knit cotton Plain Colors also fancy designs Sizes to yrs apartment mOVC t0 Sail Sle Marie lime mes weed lips 10 53 Sunday July will be conducted Thorogood Ralph Tuck Ronald GREAT this WCER the 90qu one by Rev Mr Judd and on July 13 Turner Barbara Vnrcoc Patsy VALUE congratmalimls Mr and MTS The EXHWC ayxa by Mr Kenneth Gmy Walker Wayne Ward Dennis Wilmer Lawson who were married spccml happening in their district Your currcgpondcms Mm RV wmerV Elmore woodV Gareld on Saturday June 23 at grecmorc so that special writer and photo Black and ms WV CV Ham had Wood0wV Lam Wright Those attending the miscellanc graph Could be hgd to cover the pleasure of attending the an CALDWELLV AV FLYNM the slow The difculties EC GIRLS ous shower on Friday June 27 for nunl conference of The Examiner BURKITT Teachers Mr and Mrs George Skilllngs re 1mg Paper to those vmg com Fida pon an We yr 511 mm Twit g9d gm lillillrazlllesalsze digging as pup June 27 when most enjoyable gin Jumor Dmsron all many use ll receive H0 ether 35 guests of 10 our new Sum miscellaneous shower was held Fonfwg the mm to Tm gas Spegmmginer Grade IV to Grsde This the Wee to in the Hall on Monday June 30 Examner plant the Omslmmells amc Dmnc Appletonv B11137 Amouv mer dress and Walkers IS the Store for ML and Mrs Jim Elder who were taken to see the Dapcrhbellng Donald Bloomeld Dale Butcharl Delightfm Styles of remarkable ow were recently married Those at the press after wmc itTfly Denms Bumhmt Elspeth Cameronv cris Girls will like these cool tending report good time with gfg Qs fuetrmthmm Eleaior Camilla Joan CerSWC PrlceS Hundreds to 0059 mm sham The are mg 11 me bride and groom receivingmany 10 ring on Beth AYPA Lynda Cotton Mary Ann Daw koysl slubsl VOISI Chambroysl celanese are any hmer mt meeting adjourned son Marguerite Dore Jimmy For guson Sheila Forster Anne Jean pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs 151 crepesplque Shop this week for best colors See our low price beautiful gifts At this time your correspondent nms cqulres cite Gable Gail Gray Helen REA wrshes to take the opportunity of wood wipes on June 18 when He 5e ectlon thanking Ml Walls and The Barrie Citizen thel AYPA paid surprise visiL G1 OCDSldC Larry Guest Davtd Hy VALUE Examlner for the wonderful time Baseball was played at first with laVnd Richflrd Jones Mary Ladc accorded all their correspondents wfdneSday June 25 meetings games following in the house The Lmda LCWSv Jill MaCLaFW Janet on FridayV June 27V could not be arranged That was purpose of the meeting was then McPherson MarionMereditli John Mills Janice Morley JonParka Rev John Morris wedding day Weare gaining citizen in Mrs Morris who should contribute much revealed to Mr and Mrs Wines when Audrey Gllpin read an ad drcss thanking them for their help On Sunday afternoon at oclock June 29 Jones of Barrie held Larry Seaman 90m Shave Gary Smith LindyLei Sturgss Others 695 to 1295 special service in the Orange Hall with his text being The War to riggifymgggnggy Eggncgfeg in the 4va an cofn 331 ggvrgiseysigbn Sign elr if wvlfgwvllllexllnn Be Fought Wice to the youth or our county lenxgprzeifistlngskliliirilfcr to accept the gdv Andy Tumbu Lynne Walls for many years Her former pro Donna Whitmore Joyce Wood lsa ft lam as token of ap Mr and Mrs AIL Hanbury and men as high school teacher Wm gt be woodSV John WrighL preciation Mr and Mrs Wines thanked the group and lunch was served LUCASBOND BURKIII Teachers Grade to Grade VI Sandra Bakogeorge Heather family Toronto spent the weekend have qualied her as leader with Mrs Murphy among the younger people and Mr and Mrs Currie and MISS should be an influence which will Edna Collins Collingwood were be apparent as her life among us Sunday ViSIlOIS at Mr andMlS 30 continues We feel we are ex ls THE STORE FOR FOR SUMMER COMFORT Cains Corners WI Regular meeting of Cains Cor bert Whmeys ressln the wholehearted feelln Us WI was held at MFS Ste Blogg Loreen Brandon Marilyn and MW 11 Nightingale Bf evergyone in Welcoming he go phensons on June 18 With Ed Burdette Dian Coles Brian Coco Guelph visited Mr and Mrs Frank our midst attendance In the absence of er Dick DibleyV Lenora Exen pater on Sunday VV president Mrs Gordan took the Floyd Ferrier Mavis Flear Car July agreat month for Slacks Miss OliveJdnklris ldronto has Chan no cl was answer by men Gable Gary Garrett Barbara retired from the teachin Verse mammg the word Fa Holloway Mary Herrington Larry ther It Was Voted to send quiltVto the Quill and Rug Fair in Hughes Susan Johnston Marilyn fession and was presentedwlth McKinnon Jean MacLennan Mich watch from Dufferln Public School Attend Examne conference them months ago to get this SUITS These are very good quality and very well tailored We purchased NE 30Your cone dent Barrie to be sold Memberswere 61L VD Toronto hdUthe pvnege of attengfsg The reminded of the pie and we cream Ellmtchgry Kegneih Iii32 Carggh price Wide color range Prmhes Farewell Sermon Barrie Examiner correspondents 500 the onowmg Frlday at Mr Olmstead Wayne Peachnian Nor farewellsermon to the congregation long remembered day of pleas Mary Sinclair Peggy smith Lyn The meeting was Vthen turned over to the Avening W1 whose members displayed talent in putting on the program Lunch was served by Snelgrove Karen Taylor Doris Thurlowr Jack ATwiss Blaine Tyn dall Carole Walton Clarence Whit tn Everett United Church Sunday ure After registration at the of morning which was largely at lice 40 correspondents were taken tended by car to tour the General Electric COTTON Two suns itedgMnnnd Mrs Ellerlngton Fri day Mrs McNutt Mr and Mrs John McNutt and children and Mr and Mrs Fincher were recentlvlsltors in Toronto Mr and Mrs Harvey Baldwin Jr Barrie visited Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwlnduring the week Mr and Mrs Francis Shanahan were in Tomctobnlhursday to see their baby at Sick Childrens Hos and Mrs Lorne Boyle vlslted Mr and Mrs Cecil Jenkins over the weekend neth Myers Jim Page Michael Redmond Allan Robertson Dora othy Shaver Terry Syvcrson Roger Tomlinson Carole Turnbull Brian Ward Carol Watson Robert Wag son Donna Wood Carole Woo row VERA WILDMAN ROBERT HALFYARD Rev Gear Le has take th lent This was wonderful ex Wl ll amintmentgfor MUImV Cl gerience and ding 0f Pride gm gastgssels MrSHN amesVlgWrILDlllAllfoMlog 31 gntited ghuicht agd gm 12 31233 uctgoa 125 $2 Mrs Fpirlihcmrsn LUCASBONDV Teachers See the new Gorden Mac Iwo piece little bogs Sgllglln 81 nc ueseas unay in WV we drove to Baystairs Lodge at Grade VI to Grade VII kay radiant sun top suits es to yrs Col 11 IV Kristina Bachmann Billy Baker Wlth broadcloth or fancy 536 Mr and Mrs Kldd Sta Mlncts Paint and enjoyed de in to my June Blendmk Jean Bloombld up pre net visited friends in Everett on llclous luncheon followed by the Treva Brown vTony Burger G01 es and beautiful colors sucker waists SundayV best roundtable conference we have Death of Francis Home die Cha um Mi e1 ver ended iron out man onne You ll simply adore them Nwww Mf and NM Gordon Kicker and JUNE 29The ath of the 12 ha El family of SUdbul vislted Mrs prOblems of both editor and corre 1c 00 spe urr yv 18 This d1 ssion was Vlllage is extended to Mrs Home Kathleen Danis Frances Dore 00$ 31 ISunda ignbinthe genial mugging editor of Crown Hill in the death of her Donald Dykstra Douglas Fleur Pnced rs van ne an Mr and Mm Firth mama and Ken Walls At 230 cars were walt 3ggmgraregienioraethis $1323 iilear RiiLalgsonGalggl VV ML and Mrs Earle Lemon an ing to take us on tour of the lage ricia urst Gordgn Iregland Bon Stayner called on friends in Ever printing plant At pm spec and Mrs Frank Reid and me Langbrd Peter LewisiVBm Catalina suits ett on Sunday and also visited Mr he was provmed tea at The children Hamllton are Spendlng Mandl Dc 1d Meredth Sh mm or corduroy Studio Codrlngton SL and 53 am amr Pad Mm Herb shepherd of Aumon view of their charming rooms and the bondays With Mfs Dunn M9319 Faye Mlles caml Mmst shorts Popular for good materta on Sunday Mr and Mm Hicks Toronto vls Dennis Mitchell Em Mom Kem WondefoI Paintings by 10031 altlStS lln After our afternoon tea Mrs4Rob and em ert Boyes on behalf of theuorreci spondents thanked Mr Wa an 1M and Mm Truman Mquue The Examiner staff for perfect and dauahter accompanied by daywk Ml Muriel wukinsonr spent the Visitors at Lou Neillys for the Weekend mDetwit weekend were FL William 50 1mm 14th Nellly and Mrs Nellly on short not so well at time of writing and leave fromYellowknue NWT Miss We wish him speedy recovery Nellly Colllngwood Graham Mr And Mrs Edwin Pearson and Bennett Ottawa andlane Robin SUMMEk SUNSHINE For slats SMARTCOTTON DRESSES Print or Chambraw Really Intermediate Division daysln Toronto and Cornwall The Sunday School picnic to VMldannd VonFriday waswell at tended and much enjoyed New Storekeepon Hero are sorry to lose Mr Vand MrsAlex McMurray from the vil lage They have bought home in Slayner andsold thelrstore here to Mr and Mrs Vause of Stayner and we extend hearty welcome to them ll Uto Barnaby Donald HurStv Nor sermon an tareWe mm mace Jermeyl Elam Km VV ed crudeWimp PeacookucamletGllshnki gt Evellllo 13 McFadden Mary June Milne Jim Morley Russell Moreton Douglas Morren Helen Robertson Shirley Robertson Donald Thorogood Ar lene Tyndall Marlene Ward Mad ellne Woods GLENN Grade VIII to Grada rx Erlc Bowles Velva Carter Jae guellne Lou Corby Nancy Craig Keith Cripps Vernon Farrier Maxa lne Fleur George Greenalde Willa Congratulations to all the pupils at our school in passlng their final exam also to Jean Nesbitt and Alan Griffiths on their successful casing of their term exnms at radfdrd high school Mills Ellibbeth Rothwell is home for the Miner with her sister M185 Reba m5mClarence Irwin To faults Mr and Mrs Hubgrt Cockatown worefSTiriday VM and Ms Harvey Everett la holldays in booth limit Newmhfketi Spent the son Toronto wonderfulxdressesfor Such 16W weekend wlthVVMrand Mrs FrE Mr Vand Mrs Fred Jenkins of pllat and mundsome improve lamde to Gm price Vi garrison Edmdutonynre having weeks mg4MVR0 IVictom Hospim eager VVBendlck Helen EonIV VnersVFEPearson attend visit with thelrdaughter M35 Lou Bar Jun 2331952 am hter e3 901 wmani Jamil Bur wearer reunion onsaludall Nemlu Jr fr Mrrand Mr Tom Gowardgandlon lfdilmgidgycabimgh Ellielllaftdt lift litMono Mills Rev Newcbmbe preached TV rigid Mrs ArthurMaundrell his farewell sermon Sunday momgt 21Goawggrtihtfge giggling3 3333251331 Baggyggcfmg ON IQUR IIOLVIDAX VTAKVEV ALONG 13353 n1idMrsvMorley McCut log It lswlthV deep regretfthat Bati Mrs Jess1McKlllicun everyone said Vgoodltilye tugllgrhfend gflmvglscbmcmn and Mr szmfarfdrsaige Jisnoggle SSS ttump NT wise $323333 Visitm mspegxmmbe and Mrs WODdWMd Spent few Jones Harold Kemp Mary Ann 86th656 councillwa iiucnn gtowel counterthls weeh 01411 duets Boycott tho sun Good Nightand Good Trailing the Pres 331 SMOKE sans id met at Miss lam HanklnGladys Hart Edward