Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1952, p. 11

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summer not old enough URRYS AROUND TOWN By JAMIE The latest social event at The Barrie Examiner brought out more Of the hidden talents among the male members of film SIAII tlzirf cook III charge of the socmi clubs picnic supper Wezizit evcnin is at Innisl Park was none omer Shepherd lnlents Iiifll ring 211 liliiiiclpil was chairman Mr Slrrpliviti rtld not Eli well than Alf whose Tllt Liiitr on the ball IlLltl ZIUWLrtl ing in unc of the the oppwlug front office tram accord rciit sweltering trathernobody can say our picnic COlllfllllitcS lid nt know what they were domg when 1110 got us 11 off early on one of tlit hottcu 1155 In furl at this writing Vt that pitfllt were coming up at in today Just to keep tho record straight on the chief cooks achievements we have to admit that in 11C have feniaic assistant in Marilyn Kerr and female atlvinr Mrs MCKAI1I the only reason we wumcn didnt Show our ability at washingtiislics was that Mr Shep herd had thoughtfuin plovidcd paper plates Later in the evening at lnnislil Park llli Inc Twcniics Club end ed off their years activitis with wiencr and rziuishmaliow roast which progressed from thc park to the Iakesimrc 111 front of the col tagc of the club president Mar jorie Longllursi Mldhurst girl and Barrie boylhave passed the Red Cross swimmingy inslluclmlt lost the Orillia loni after course over two vcckcnds Flora Peacock of Mitihurst who did ex collently in thc exams and is now full instructor will spclid the astssisting with the county recreation gram George Itenton of Barrie although he passed all the tests is to be full in structor He received his lenders certltlle and will be assisting Miss Marie Burke in the county day camp program Miss Mary Andrew who is rc tgiring this year after 40 years of teaching was honored Thursday afternoon at tea at Gwen Fifes Studio by members of the Prince of Wales staff and many from other school staffs in town who have taught with her Miss And FOR EVERY PURPOSE THE BEST PAINT YOU CAN BUY 36 Bayfield St pztcizcrs froniiflstwarc was mix The best swun of tic summer lngiss Janc Sampson lzli tn the first one cgtlltjlill ill the curlentatiun 30l1011li crvicc swimming prov cv liti been mcmbcr of the Prince of Wales Idi fOr IL Pst three years and la taught in Barrie schoais for 21 years suzcoi the fall of 1931 She is not suref cl imw gtl2t Mil spend her life of luisulc after clzrcmcnt Law lllllLL Of Wales plllwi irsdsy afti crunch and the pri 2111011 Of gift of Louis XIV sit11213 ilwr 3115 And illiigznai prch mums Hen lliiicrcst principal and Snilth Kingx Eduard prlncuiii spoke on bchalf of HAL gtLllUOlS mi lilfllttltllltll of Miss Amino scr ico made by Minx Anti ey Guthrie Couple Celebrate 44th Anniversary Mr and libs Jrkc Starr of Guthrie rziibzatmi titvir ch wed ding anmvrrs at tho lltlfllt of Mr and Mrs Fred Aziscmub in Rosemount on Sunday Guests from Midland Vltlullil Harbor and Bar rie gathered to congratulate the couple and wish them many more ycars of married llilppllltis Mr and Mrs Starr were mar tist parsonage in biltiiami by the late Rev Mr Elliott Mr Starr is lifelongV resident of Om Town ship and Mrs Starr who is the former Maude Montgomery was born at St Catharincs and raised in Iay Township Six of their seven children at tended the anniversary celebration Rog of Mono Centre Ed Thomas Harold and JOgtCDIL of Guthrie and Muriel Rustmount were present Carman of Toronto was unziblc to attend The living room of the Anacomb home was decorated with pink and white stremncrs and boils Tables where supper was served were trimmed with pink and whiil streamers and ricd on Nov 17 1908 at the Bug centered with ai threetier wedding cake Hilda LOUise Jory Becomes Bride The marriage of Miss Hilda Lou ise Jory daughter of Mrs Jory of Dalston and the late John son of Mr and Mrs Hamil ton of Toronto took place in Don lands United Church Toronto on Saturday May 31 1952 at three oclock in the afternoon The Rev Perkins performed the cere mony and wedding music was played by Mrs Spence The 5010 ist Miss uPatricia Crawford sang The Lords Prayer before the ceremony and Because during the signing of the register The bride who was given in marriage by her brotherinlaw Edward Woods was wearing gown of white Chantilly lace over net featuring tted bodice with pointed collar and 1in point sleeves Her fingertip veil of tulle illusion fell from beaded coronet and she carried fan shaped bou quet of pink roses lilyofthevall ey and stephanotis Of Hamilton Jory to Thomas Henry Hamilton Mil AND MRS THOMAS HENRY HAMILTON whose early summer wedding took place in Donlands United Church Tor Onto The bride is the former Hilda Louise Jory daughterof Mrs Laura Jory and the late John Jory of Dalston and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Hamilton of Toronto After wedding trip tO Northern Ontario the cou ple will be making their home in Toronto Siaynqrs Oldest Resident Marks 94th Birthday Mrs Sarah Fisher Stayncis old est resident was at home to her relatives and friends on Sunday on the occasion of her 94th birth day She received greetings cards gifts and flowers from Port MC Nicoll Goldwater Wasaga Beach Toronto Buffalo and Stayncr and district Five generations were present for the birthday celebration large birthday cake had 94 years enscribed on it in pink and white Mrs Fisher was able to greet each of the 50 guests present at the birthday party n3 FLYINC THE ATLANTIC BOACS operationzil crew mem bers305 pilots navigators radio officers and flight engineershave averaged 110 North Atlantic cross Summer Wedding in Toronto CllUfClIVVOliidll Geologist From calilOillid lard Photo by Jim Kcnncd Toronto Tiny Girl Pipers Al NS Ceremony ST ANNS NS June 19 CPI Two tiny girl pipch provided lmu sic when heatherplanting cere mony was observed at the Gaelic College here in the heart of the Cape Breton Highlands Mora Jean MacLeod and Narnia Morrison both 11 played the Jac obite song Over The Seas To Skye in the setting reminiscent of the Scottish moors The girls belong to the Sydney Girls Pipe Band Several clumps of heather were sent from Dunvegan Moor Isle of Skye by Flora Machod chief of the Clan MacLeod for the cere mony May 21 The planting be piiri mi mi rump ui amt the Hills In Canadian Oil lidrm litliltil that litl illacr xi hr un 1V and that igmiviuint ill il=liltll snv Will work in tillltt on iitlrvllllJO pclrui ui zXtlllflil 111111N illtlltll 121 be right lilcrc 113 Hi winzti like tlllitllIIIS curling woiupy izui OHS occasionally if if lubtmml lu point will Slowly has bzwn puniugist lWil tllllt Willi Culiformu ul at Stanford Lrzivcrsxly rlic tliCliliLl to lozlvu lm Sillilltlllli be ntu priniruc lllzil tliill 585 Iliv people ill the industry Willtfllllltl it carefully slit twryomfy has Sillil licz iIlIiIIIS vvrv dubious about mun win Hun in 111 mm on so intflirt luminosity solou Does your room need new look Take these eaSy steps to new bright furniture Simple tn filli iittllilli 1m 1111 Slu ublailwti her it tiillliiitl 151113 S1ltkilcllrv1n brand he with tllttl that scrui thczu iitsricti in ii parka and standing br sidc an igniuaif Silt 11100 school Intro ipupiis ncvcr got out Of brti to go to class Profile Hat write get away in WillLD YOI LIKE nillrvilll ilnH lilt ni t=tllilril I141 tria if jmuz 114531 ilti tiiitliilllil liw smart liltiv but vt v4 rift cull small tilttill llilil if v1 mi fm ll llitlillsil li 1211 semi livuutirvsswd liipc to illiv chdlcwurk Ilcpnrtnulit of this ii itiditmzi la her izilivrint pmn pap frown2L mrinu spirit Cifgtrml Cl1gtt lt1flit Nil PC ml to loan Cahfurmm so lllltflllbliC l1lc11 she It Christmas llt will iJlCIlIft of iwrscif can find an Redecoraie Easily IFELLOW TEACHES CLINIC HALIFAX June 16 flliliiics where some Of the at in fact the teacher hursulf oper airs from whcci chair lliyiis Bent 22 has the unique job of teaching in the Polio Clinic lier patients too are either or even an here in whccl chair bcd iron lung Miss Bent herself is polio suf Classcs are scheduled mornlt mg and afternoon bctwccn treat fcrcr menis The rcguizu school curriculum is taught so that students who leave the hospital can receive credit for they resume their studies when classcs in their hometown school SAHARA BY SCOOTER Riding motor Scooter Alvin Spike Rhiando Canadian racing driver now living in Cobham Sur rey hopes to beat the LondonCapt record established Bulmanin Hillman Minx record by 20 hours body work Desert sew slipcovers with all the newest decoratorideas You need thesei fore log museum was in honor of the 1952 Skye week in Scotland CANADIANS TO ATTEND INDABA There will be 12 Canadians among the representatives from 30 unot be accepted Easy to have gay new home with Instructions C7168 Directions for slipcovers for chairs sofas Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps can to The Barrie iExaminer 60 Front St West Tor mutant nook IEILSIIEERh Youthfulde sillsuooni Classic Hours eisnnm tier WIDE onionrumor nuns isonnnmc AT onto Ont Print plainly NAME countries attending the First World ADDRESSPATTERN NUMBER Indaba for Scout Leaders at Gil NEW The 1952 edition Of our we Park near London England AlicT Brooks Needlecraft Book from July 15 to 24 Brimful of new ideas its only Twentyve cents NINETYONE illustrations of patterns of your Mrs Angevine matron of honor andthe bridesmaid Miss Marion Dicker were gowned in mousseline de sole over taffeta in shades of aqua and orchid with matching headdresses They car ried nosegays of sweet peas cen tered With yenow 3595 state organization or institutional David Shanks of Toronto was flag renders this honon groomsman and the ushers Were John Haston and George Phillips of Toronto Follovving the ceremony re ception was held in the church basement Receiving the mother of the bride was=wearing navy blue crepe and lace with navy and white accessories and corsage of red roses and stephanotis She was assisted by the grooms mother wearing cocoa Lbrown crepe and lace with brown accessories and corsage of pink roses For wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bridewore powder blue suitwith navy and white ac cessories and cogsagg of pink sweetheart roses On their return Mkand Mrs Hamilton will be making their home in Toronto at 4157 Kingston Road VOutoftown guests atrrtlte wed cling were frdm Barrie and Sar nia ings each representing 130 million miles of flying FLAG NEVER DIPPED The flag of the United States is never dipped to any person or any thing The regimental color or iiEAVIEST WOOD the blackironwood Inative to the SIX easytodo patterns printed Florida Keys and the West Indies right in the book COOL MESH Perfect for your summertime wardrobe any pair of our casual sandals soexcitingly designed for gay outlookas well as maxi mum comfort Make your Choice early Weve many colors all sizes Heaviest wood in the world is favorite needlecraft designs plus is lliul lzuwiiiug ultra uni 1w bulls Vuu last February by George Hinchcliffc and James Rhi ando will attempt to cover the 10 300 miles in 21 days betteringtha His scooter hat 197 cc Villiers engine and plastioi His route will take him across 2200 miles Of Sahara iHubby Should Help Sunday Dinner IPSWICH June to EiCli liusoax help lam gravy and 0riugs says tour of St gatmm on Sunday Brynicy Juno Mdifit Clltsldl The vicar manitd and father of four children Ills parl lzri Ill1tiillt in nothingI ignlzll could1 In Any dinner on Suntlaywbu resentful toi spend the wlmic peeling 1115 an cabbage potatoes boil ti touch lug what liich Help from llusilatitls the vator says Wulllil tiling little ngliuuniltnsn into waft Ilia 50 CHEV COACH TWO TONE COLOR ORIGINAL OWNER DANGERFIELD MOTORS ISIII AK DIVISIONI illtll 333 BRADFORD ST Ilial 1981 Although social Work keeps me busy find time to advise my daughters chn in little thing like gutting their tlnlhca really whitr Junt swish lhckitta Blue through the rinncf tell them nnd out of thc blue comes the whilvst wash Yrs Itcckittn pre wnts yellow lingo Marvelous for rinsing wliitu hair too indenitely prices STOVES 114 DUNLOP ST REDJICE F000 BARRI cosr lEillIAllll ow Fill your Leonard Home Freezer with stalks chops roasts so game fruit and berri all mugit at low in sea prices Fast freezing preserves original freshness Simplifies meal planning brings outOfseason delicacies wrthm arms roach reduces all food prices to bargain YOUR NORTHERN ElECTRIC DEAIER IS GOOD MAN 10 KNOW SMITH FURNITURE PHONE 555 lENABD mam Its like money in the when you have up to 450 pounds of fast frozenfood stirred your mallard Freezer food boom when prises mbMi to enjoy when prices are highest your cuts of meat steaks chopsand roasts your favourite pies and tents made with reshinseason fruits homeinade mailmanless yoatcan pay for yourLeonaRd mhnoy saved on food all this HDIGK ISTEELES WALLr TOBACCO POUCH BILLFOLD KEYCASEWRITINGCASE 119ch TOILET CA5 IN GENUINE gNEwroUNoLANo SEAL Smooth leathers cuban or low Wedgies perforated open work criss cross strap buckle top and many other styles ANOTHER or TH MANY our LINES mm was TWO cos nonunion 81s rnorxa an MVMulticolorsgted green blue beige and White 45 WALKEU SHE If opposes Bust Phone more

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