Roxy Theatre HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE FOUR BIG DAYS STARTING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY ALSO THURSDAY FRIDAY SATU RDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230 pm THE i2 TiMEs FUNNIER GROWING UP STORY OF THE CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN FAMILY EXTRA TREATS FOX NEWS COLOR CARTOON EYE WITNESS GALA HOLIDAY ATTRACTION beloved Baok TillieMonth sequel to Cheaper By The Dozen EVE snows 650 pm MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SPECIAL MATINEES 650 and 9I pm Starts Next FRIDAY July SHOWING FOUR DAYS MAKE DATE NOW TO SEE iTi CONTINUOUS snow SAT 230 pm PLUS LATEST NEWS REEL 2nd Hit TUE AND WED theewyears iiiilliieiiiliililiiii DilllllBERlSth iiiiii 230 pm No1 maqu of in Plus Reel Subject ROYAL RODEO JAMES STEWARTAHIHIIB KENNEDY JIlliI ADAMS ROCK H0030 autumnal ENI THURFRlSAT JON HALL MARIEWINDSOR 20 in HURRICANE lSLANDi mum EVE snows and 840 pm MONDAY TUESDAY wEDNESbAY MATINEES TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 230pm HOLIDAY FEATURES mWlWTlieSavagolci lNDIIlT tie Bugle plan liloill WARNER EVE snow 3577 Rs40 lilt Tiny Sta monument Midland Eimvale Penetang Absorb Township Pupils Lmftr liyiuw AilitIt unis formal adtigtni by Friday ht hunt Council on do of the June Saxon Mallow High School Elm vziiu llzgtz Sch mi out leizctanguxv Shrine High Will between tem album the pupils who pra tltbmiy attended who in the Tiny Tiiuimlizp liigh School District in the report przSiiitud by the Education Luflllilttltt it uh poml cd out that tunSidtmtaon nail been glam to subScutmn three of sec tzisi ll of the illL112 salon15 Act which provth that when it high school ClLiLlECl board Lilitli to up crate school for pcrtud of two years the donut would be ilitn timed and included one or more adjoining ilbitltl AS this gt1Cllil Ls applicable to lownslnp High School District this year the Committee rciiucsted lilt Council of Tiny to make roconinicndution with re gard to the ilbllllllllloll of the Dis tract to must Ctlllvtllltllliy serve the Chlidltfl conctiiicii the report ad dcd The Committee tclll on torccom llltlld that tho District be iitidEd according to the rvcomuicndulion by the Tiny Township Council 15 lCSCllbtd in tlic bylaw The bylaw which wins presented by Councillor Smith Campbell Rccvc of Oro Station wot passed subject to the approval of the Min later of Education UTOPIA JUNE 23AMr and Mrs Vivian McCann and 1mm McKinley cn tcrtuincd the thxchu Clul at their home Saturday evening at surprise birthday party for June Brunskiii Mrs Alcx Dcnncyxspcnt the wcckcnd with Mr and Mrs Tom Stribble Detroit At High School Convention Mr and Mrs lligginson are attending the Ontario Urban and Rural Trustccs Association convention at Bigwin Inn Lake of Bays this week Mr and Mrs Davidson Angus Flats are visiting their daughter Mrs Turnbull Mr and Mrs Arnall Muir and Mr 21 Mrs Frcd McCann were svillc Friday Mrs Mc is staying with her daughtcj Mrs Ray Mills Picnic At Bass Lake Plan to bring Ti basket and en joy Utopia Farm Forum picnic July at Bass Lake Park Conducts Exams When Mr Elie Tiarriv Emotion wEBNEsoAY iqu 25 Orr Lake Fore 332 sters Honored RAY AND GORDON ROWAT were honored recently with Ll presentation by Orr Lake Forester Joe Lea upon completing 20 years faithful service The commended for their work two shown above were highly TWO ESCAPEES USED BARRIE AUTO IN BID FOR FREEDOM RECAPTURED After shortlived bid for BRADFORD freedomtwo reformatory in mates from Guelph who escaped late Monday afternoon were finally rounded up few hours later when police cruisers from Barrie and Bradford con land near Bradford The two men Robert Patton 21 and Norman MacCaud 19 cs caped at pm using stolen car They reached Barrie later in the evening abandoned the car they had been using and stole women the property of Gordon Coulthard from the vicinity of the Clifton Ho tgl Heading south they eventually halted and broke into Slimmer cottage at Shore Acres Beach As they rested there they were sur prised by the caretaker and his wife Mr and Mrs Roy Cannon who suddenly entered the cottage in the course of their duties Cannon asked them what they were doing there one MISS MARGARET BUTLER fac ulty member of the Royal Con servatory of Music of Toronto who will conduct current examinations for the COnservatory in Barrie June 25 to 27 inclusive member of the piano faculty of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto since 1926 Miss Butler has lately specialized in teaching children She has developed new and orig inal class methods and has had marked success in this eld She was converter of the Childrens Committee of the Board of SLlld ies of the Conservatory for many years An experienced examiner Miss Butler continues as one of the Conservatorys most competent representatives SEE WILF of the escapees asked if they would be forced to tie them up or would they let them get away without any trouble While the men were talking Mrs Cannon made dash from the house and put call through to the police from nearby cottage As she made her break the two men hit Mr Cannon over the head withascrcwdriver inflict ing shallow scalp wound They both ran out of the house and broke the wiring in Mr Cannons car to prevent chase However alerted by radio call three police cruisers from Barrie and Bradford arrived as the two prisoners made break for some woodland nearby When rounded up they submitted quietly The car which was stolen from Barrie was recovered nearby before any calliiad been put in by the owner thatit wasmissing TODD STRAIN HATS $300 to $600WORK STRAWS 600 to $175 SPORT SHIRTS $395 to $695 PENMANS TSIIIRIS $125 $175 $195 Mens and Boys Wear some the music of bob Huntorand HTS Band SLACKS $895 to $1995 55 Dunlap Sh Barrio Mimis Poiiil Pavilion RESERVATIONSRHONEHOZV EVERY FRIDAY av AN To HISTISLANDER SATURDAY for two weeks vacation verged on wooded section of Returns to Barrie RICHARD flIBB MILLER is back again with Caldwell Drug Store inBarrie Formerly an ap prentice there he is now dis pensing chemist on the staff Tibb was born and raised in Cookstown sonof Mrs Miller and the late Dr Miller He at tended public school there and later Barrie Collegiate After complet ing matriculation he joined the RGAF and served for two and one half years on the East Coast and in Western Canada After dis charge he took up studies at the University of Toronto graduated in 1950 from the Ontario College of Pharmacy and had lived in that ity for over four years following his marriagertorMiss Marie Ware ham of Allandale Mr Miller is member of Manitoba Lodge AF and AM Cookstown Mr and Mrs Miller will take up residence very shortly my the Knight Block Barrie Lists JUNE 23LMr and Mrs Fred Oldeld Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Parker Holt Mrs Oldeld is rematmn Mr and Mrs Al KOlOwich Hammond Robert and Loretta Hammond and Mrs Quandt Croswell Michigan MI and Mrs Lundy Wells and mother Mrs Wells Toronto Mrs Wiliain Hami mood and children Aurora were all Sunday visitors lth and Mrs GTrott and Mrs Mervin Hare and family spent Sunday with John Hare and and Mrs MacIntyre Section 2Pages to All II IAIIIIS 5m othmuudhydchu NIGHT PRICES ADULTS 40c CHILDREN 150 Incl Tax 7mm SATURDAY JUNE 21 Strawberries were fairly plentiful at 27c box and few of the wild variety cleaned at 50c to 55 box small quantity of asparagus and spinach sold quickly Cabbagerplarnts were quite plen tiful at 10c dozen Red cabbage and cauliflower the same price Other plants were in small sup Potatoes showed tendency to drop somewhat and sold for 80 basket or $6 bag Egg prices were still firm and ranged from 40c to 55c according to size Spring chickens were 50c lb and boiling OWLAOQ lb Fresh lettuce rhu and daughter Mr and Mrs Bill Bowling turued last week from three weeksl motor trip visiting friends in Manitoba and Saskatchewan Mr and Mrs Herbert Sawyers and Jill visited relatives in To onto over the weekend Mr and Mrs Spring and daughter Joyce John MGilvray Sn all of Torontowerewee15end visitors with Mr and Mrs divid McGill Bliss Buchanan went to Londbn on Saturday wherehe participated in the provincial interscholasltc track find eld events He was gt barb and onions were from 5610 10c bunch or for lie Lovely peonies were 400 dam other varieties at various prices Home baking included pies cakes bread buns tarts tea biscuits also maple cream Cuts of freshpork were chops 60c 1b butts 55c ham 60c shoulder 40c spare ribs 35c side pork 25c headcheese 35c and cured bacon 380 Market Committee Meets meeting of the market commit tee and members was held on Tues day night June 17 in the market building with Rule presiding The mgittec of distributing adver tising matter at the summer home along the bay shore was discumed and also the question of supply it the anticipated business fromthat source should call for alaxgen weekly stock than at present Drive Out To The HURONIA DriveIn Thain miles mu we 99mm If Drive can in one of five boys representing Bant log Memorial High School Mr ande M1115 and Blake visited relatives at Brant ford on Sunday DID YOU know That Automobile mm T95I