Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1952, p. 11

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at picnic Monday afternoon in We cs report after an accldenl ta experiment that spray may be fatal in potato bugsi and other lower insect types but not to canines Its effect on hum ans In still mystery except to the chemists who mixed the brew and we have our suSpicions about its effectiveness with potato bugs after its recent effect on our dog His near fatal Sip ufl potato spray was direct resultl of his greed for all liquid and solids and indirectly the result of the gardener in the truly leaving the watering can full of poison on the kitchen floor After receivl ihg several glassfuls of warm will er and salt raw eggs and firstl aid from the neighbors largel amount of puts on the hch and worried glances with an extral meal thrown in to selch the con science ofhix owners in case he died hungry he retired to bed in the dog house last minute ex aminotion under electric light dis closed the fact that his pupils vierc unusujllly dilated but another trip outdoors at dawn to examine his cold stiff body found dog briskly rooting for bone near the rc stored potato plants0r perhaps examlning the stiff cold bodies of lead pdtlito bugs null boy who lives over the fence from us distinguished himself this spring by becoming the owner of three baby field mice Discov ered nesting at the back of his yard they were given new home by their youthful admirer with the help of his father He nn swercd our query about the suit ability ofthc pets to children by saying that he felt that small anv imals were lot better for Small children than the larger variety such as dogs Last weekend we learned from the young mouse fan cier that he has graduated Into ownership ofslightly larger mem bers of the animalkingdom who occupy the second dwelling in the back yardLhe now has hutchful 011 rabbits of small variety Per haps soon hell be the proud owner of matte control the mice and perhaps dog to instill fear in the rabbits we have visions of larger and larger animals being ac quired as he grows big enough to handle them Maybe Clyde Beatly started with mice too Miss Wilma Longhurst July bridetobe who has been on the teaching staff of Hillcrest School for the past year was presented with large cornflower crystal plate by her fellow staff members St Vincents Park Her mar riage to Leighton Clark is to take Wilma Longhursl Is Entertained at Bridal Showers July brideelect Miss Wilma Longhurst was entertained on Thursday evening at miscellane ous shower held at the home of Mrs Leslie Lawrence 206 Brad ford St Hostesses were Mrs Lawrence and her daughter Miss Lorraine Lawrence About 25 friends and neighbors presented the bridetobe with an assortment of gifts which were arranged in wicker clothes bas ket decorated in pink and white which was presented to her at the end of the evening Miss Barbara Stephens who is to be bridal at tendant assisted with the opening of gifts Guests spent part of the even ing playing game which was wonby Miss Joan Bebb on Friday evening the bride elecb was entertainedjet cup apdgbauccr shower by Mrs William Caldwell at the home of her moth erMrs Dalton White Fourteen guestsfvvere in attendance She was seated on covere stpoliwlth balloons overhead while giftsfwere brought in lira decor ated basket iCanesta was played for the re Ialqar of the evening Lunch was served at table cm doll dressed as bride surrounded by peonjles Mrs Garf Millerpoured tea andMrS Frank Longhurst mother of the bridelobe poured coffee Longhursts marriage to Leighton Clark is to take place ong Saturday July 54m Burton Avenue United Church of foil at Ln lentilsism Clingln AROUND 19 CIpporfon St place on Saturday afternoon July potato bugl at four oclock in Burton Avenue Church The Bell tunnel which made isuch bit in its appearance here in Festival of Bonds Monday night gwlll won be been regularly over he air The four charming Singi 1de er were telling us as they hurriedi iy prepared for their trip bulk to Toronto but they hate sung sev cral times over the radio Slfltt orgunlmg just three months ago and starting in the middle of July2 will have their Station CJBC IIW program UH Womens Institutes Hollows Institute Hears Talk on Colorado Farming Mrs Evnns gave talk on agriculture in Colorado where she recently visited at the regular meeting of the Hollows Womens Institute last Wednesday lit the home of Mrs Phil Wright The meeting Wle in charge of Mrs Hartley Evans convener of agriculture and Canadian indus tries Colorado farm lands are vastly different to those of Ontario Mrs Evans told the mcmbcrs dcscrib ing the almost total lack of trees and overabundance of cacti soap chd sage brush and tumblcwccd in the suite There are no fences for miles on end owing to the dif ficulty of obtaining fence posts and costs of transportation Large flocks of sheep and herds of cattle are kept in bounds by herdsmcn and homes are heated by coal or propane gas There is also electricityrbut rates are high Each former has at least one gal vanucd iron storage 5110 for grain holding about 2000 bushels at the base bf which is small opening through which shovel is inserted to get grain to be put through the hammer mill before feeding the livestock and pigs Thsilo is roof ed Both wheat and corn are stored in this way All wheat is harvested by combine and hauled direct to the nearest elevator except for what is needed on the farm Each farmer has windmill for pumping water not only for use in the house and born but for irrigation purposes also Much of the land is very sandy and sticky clay in other partsnot what Canadians would consider suitable land for farming Wheat corn and some alfalfa is grown The spittie bug is quite menace to the alfalfa and spraying is neces sary to control it After Mrs tEvans had concluded her talk Mrs Carr read Some of the Glories of Farming which showed the farmer as man who punches no clock who is independ ent who feeds and clothes the world and who never goes on strike He is altogether man to be reckOned withwhose work is cause for pride Mrs Evans gave talk on the farm garden stressing the benefit derived from sowing the best qual ity seeds and using chemicals for pest control She also read an ar ticle on perennials for the home garden and Mrs Evans told of some of the chemicals most bene ficial to gardens and field crops Mrs Rumble concluded the pro gram with short poem Clover Fifteen members were present for the June meeting which was pre sided over by the president Mrs Reid Roll call was What is your beef in agriculture and the motto was Demand strong minds great hearts true faith and ready hands The delegate to the district an onenie Gloss White and Colors Decoratlfre Trim At Married at Photo by Smith Studio Burris MR AND MRS DONALD PAUL SIMMONS whose J1me wedding took place in Burton Avenue Church The bride is the former Joan Yvonne Graham daughter of Mr and Mrs Graham of Barrie and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Simmons of Barrie After wedding trip to Ot tawa and Eastern Ontario the cOuple are making their home in Barrie Wedding of Wide Bay ist Mr Leaver gave his daughter in marriage and she wore full skir ted gown of white nylonmarquis ette over taffeta styled on prin cess lines with cathedral train ap pliqued mousseline de csoie flow ers edging the jewel neckline and cap sleeves and worn with long She wore full matching gloves length veil Of tulle lusion caught nual Mrs Smith gave an inter esting report of the meeting and district director Mrs Sid Wright reported the names of the new of Toronto lnleresl Takes Place in Toronto wedding of interest to rein tives and friends ficers and other business items It was decided to have vacation library which will be housed at the home of Mrs Sid Wright who will be in charge of the books The books will be available to all chil dren in the community of all ages Those borrowing them will be held responsible for any loss or damage donation of $10 was voted for theMrs Watt memorial scholar ship fund The meeting closed with the national anthem and lunch was served by the hos singing of the tess ATNaTl to the Cottagel Dominion Day Weekend vacation time is here This summer brighten up gjour cottage withBen jamin Moore Paints and varnishes Tops for unal ity and finish Moores paintg ten FOR am RESULTS GET THESE PAINTS and Exterlorlrimer Porch and Deck Iinporvo Marine Spar for Esta telfor log siding lawn furniture 61 your 269 qt 960 gal 2120 Berry Bros Pure lead Honso Paint Exterior girl $195 of are priced right qt 725 gal qt gal Boy Shin allpaller BullpenE militia chagrin in the Shanty rind Guthrie districts took place in St Pauls Anglican Church Runnymede Barbara Ruth Leaver daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Leaver of Toronto was married to William Henry Capcl of Oakville son of Mr and Mrs John Capel of Owen Sound The ceremony was per formed by the Rev Edward Mor ley assisted by the Rev PutzGilchrist uncle of the groom at seven oclock Saturday evening June 21 1952 James Lowe played the wedding music and Carl Liddle was solo when Miss to small halfhat of the illusion over taffeta trimmed with the nlousselinc dc sole flowers and car ried ll cascade of white daisies Miss Dana McWillinms maid of homo and Miss Marilyn Hall and Miss Eleanor Hamill bridesmaids wore pleated nylon over taffeta moulded bodiccs of white lace trimmed with rhinestones scoop lace over pleated net aquamarine taffeta sashes and shoes They were small fitted hats of white lace over taffeta trimmed with rhinestones and featuring nose veils and carried cascades of white andyellow daisies Junior attendants Miss Mary Ellen Leaver sister of the bride aquamarine net over taffeta the taffeta bodices having cape neck Iines edged with net ruffles white gloves and flower crowns in their hair matching their miniature cas Robert Capel was groomsman for his brother and the ushers were Donald Capcl Lawrence Leaver and Allan Nichols rose chiffon with matching chan tilly lace bodice aquamarine ac cessories and corsage of cream roses and purple Violas and the grooms mother chose morning glory blue crepe trimmed with lace with pink accessories and corsageof pink sweetheart roses The reception washeld at Kilcooley Gardens Leaving for their island in Tem agami for their wedding trip the bride wore white linen suit with emerald green accessories white corsage of red carnations mics with necklines full circular Sleeves of and Miss Patricia Prodger wore The brides mother wore Shelly lion Id VoId shopping habits make yo gfNoplials are Held FAT Trinity Church Angllclri Clinch Barrie llttuilrll wrlh pink ltltl white Wu lrlr 31114 fur the lge of Mm Elunbelll June lliuttglr daughter of Mr and Mrs EM Bntlgley of llurrie to thlluffl illrlzce Hamilton Milt of Mayor Mrs lMallurlr Hamilton and Mtrctl the Hamilton of Bdlllc on tdfltStIJY June ill l952 at four oclock in lllL afternoon The Rev dePelelcr Wright ofillntld at the $flulllrngt wely quietly which um Milifllllllltd Wedding lllllbli wns played by itllr church organist Mrs Robert of Ortlliti Glutl2 ill lllnllillgt by tl lllt brute was wcurlng bull tlfllltflttll dress of white nylon Willi an accordion pliulwl lllct hnll ruff fold uf orchid wlltlt illk zlt Illl waist lilltl her tiny tllllill czlp style headdrms Wu cuv ciltl with lrnprlrtrlt Normandy lace Illkifl from her grandmothers wetl cling Vtll She won SIIUUIIIQI length nylon tll and carried llxllnty nowguy of Wlllll Sltpflillln tls StllltHlfltlttl by lHLllfll SIILIIIK WItI peas Her attcildnnt lliss Jenn Phillips of Sczlrboru was wearing dress of soft pink nylon nheer Willi front panel of accurdlun edged in French lncc ller while dutch clip had Wlllltl nose veil and Sllt was carrying noscgny of pink and while sweet pens Juck lllllnilton of Burrit was roomsnlan for his brother and Jack Barlglcy of Toronto brother of the bride and James Male of Toronto cousin of the groom zict Ltl ls ushers reception for immediate relu tives followed ll the residence of the brides parents Ecclcs Street which was decorated with pink and white pennies orange blossoms lllld purple iris Receiving the mother of the bride was wearing navy blue lace over navy linen with navyblue sailor lint trim med with white daisies and shnsfn daisy corstlge She was as sisted by the grooms mother who was wearing navy blue eyelet cm broidery with ll small navy blue hill and corsage of gnrdcnias For wedding trip to Montreal and the Laurentlans the bride wore natural colored tailored linen suit Her close fitting straw but had orange blossoms falling to one side and her shoes and bag were brown alligator On their re turn Mr and Mrs Hamilton will be making their home in Barrie Guests from distance were John Badgley uncle Of the bride and Mrs Badgley from Un ionville and Mrs Wilfrid Male James Male and Miss Irwin relatives of the groom from Tor onto MiseTcgfl Graham Becomes Bride of DOnald Simmons The marriage of Miss Joan cades of white and yellow daisies Yvonne Grahamv daughter Of Mr and Mrs Graham of Barrie Donald Paul Simmons son of Mr and Mrs Simmons of Barrie took place on Wednesday June 1952 at three oclock in in Burton Avenue The cere lto the afternoon United Church Barrie mony was performed by the Rev Eugene Beech and Lloyd Tuft ord played the wedding music Given marriage by her fath ride was wearing pale with tted Her ac cessories were white and navy and she carried nosegay of pink er the blueI suit styled jacket and flared skirt rOses and stephanotis Her attendant MrsDonaId Ash bee of Peterborough was wearing straw hat trimmed with green and la grey suit with pale yeuwand jwhite accesSories She carried Ive switchedtoBordens Evaporated MilklMy 11mdbrwlucci the trbertomilk avor of Bordens Next time you Shep reach for the Elsie on it nd out what adiJer therecari be in evaporated milks Evaporated Milk Where youuseevaporaredmllk in coffee on cereals in cooking you II taste the improvement that Borden true tomllk avor Makesl Just try Evaporated Milk and see for yourself lute skill The light lilting bodice of Erellch pitzltlngi Illugn unarmed Monday June id llt Lilli NEW COVER on dress Sing table and mirror can give you lift If you do not have dressing table one can ease ily be made from small ore dinury table and covered with pretty fabric round mirror covered in the some material gives you perfectly matched ensemble The one pictured here is made from twu and gsevencighths yards of plaid cotton and two and quarter2 yards of cotton in solid coll or If you wish directions fori making the BEDROOM EN= SEMBLE send stamped selfaddressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper requesting Leaflet No E23501 NEW BRAILLE PRINTING Highlight of the Braille centcnl nry exhibition opened in London June 11 by the Duke of EdinburghE was revolutionary new process of Braille printing developed as re =ult of years of research by BriI tains National Institute for the Blind and London research en gineer Groak An electronic ma chine replaces the printing press and raises dots on both sides of ordinary thin paper by squeezingi plastic ink through holes in stcn cil noscgay of yellow carnations and mnuve stephanotis Dr Simmons of Barrie was groomsman for his brother and Simmons of Barrie and George Graham of Toronto acted as ushers reception followed at Bay stairs Lodge where the mother of the bride received wearing dusty rose with black accessories and Corsage of gardenias The grooms mother who also received was in navy blue and was wearing navy accessories and corsagc of red roses The bride and groom left on wedding trip to Ottawa and East ern Ontario On their return they are making their home in Barrie Outoftown guests at the wed ding were from Renfrcw Ottawa edliic lim the vilhy Burton Avenue Church HamiltonBadgley Bedroom Ensemble BARREWWEWSY EDGAR JUNE 24kflllid Elizabeth WiliL man Borne spent the weekend at Shenrtiowns Mrs Porter of Barrie spent In dun out NIH Shirlswell Jolllpbcil Toronto spent Well moody til Lero and Mrs who were Ciiizgrnltliutlun to Rev Mortaggart the close of the Service in lllc United Church ull Sunday June 15 the clrlpllglozl present If tlit Illnclaggzlrt with lulvlng for Fri iritnn lflcl completing our years minntt on llllft llcltl StlVllCS Will be conducted in Ullllnl Church commencing Sunday June 29 Ill ltl lrn Sun rcnlml ll ltn ltvv lluctuggzlrl DD TU EMM Irlliftk BUYS WWHYS WEEVIJ MONTREALIts rare day in June when tempting homemade cake Imenl bring whoops of glee from the unruly And its rim cake indeed that isnt drillate lender and moist if its made wuh SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR Mmm Strum Down cakes make the good man really all up and Izlke noticeand in typical mule way put himself on the bark or his choice Of wile IIffltllrk you know men love Swans Down callers room will be the United Church Mfr at Ill aim The annunl school mu held Thursday evening on the school grounds of Everyone welcome Mr and hire Buchanan WW visited at Johnstons nod Bmdings on Sunday Mr and Mrs Eleanor Spent Sunday at Shanty Bay Dicker Toronto mother this week lREil lollan visited his turnip10 git lilill the ier IllU llllke tluiu Swami Down fikt Flour is especially Illllilt for livllur cake llilItlllg Its rifled and rcsllted until 27 times on fine mi orllillury flour No Fun to suffer the ligonies of painful coma Th fl why IIlruyfitlm is Ellill 10ml IltWlf llllnyliunl l3 Illtl new won derworking in re in lillli IAY Corn and Callus Pkurtem llIliI believe me it does work wonders to give relief from coma and cul lune It took ten years of achin lilic research by BllltlJlly to de vclup Illtenyllllnl And now theyve perfected it to the point where it works 33 faster and is eleclive in 95 of the crises tested can vouch for its cchctivcnexv too No more vlirriei about corns or cal luses just rely on BlueJay Torn Illlrllfd will Phonylion to keep my feet happyalways Enjoy Each Shining Hour of your vacation dont let your day be spoiled because youre not feeling just right and the only cloud on the horiron in you glass of sparkling pleasant tasting SAL HEPATICA before breakfast will make the whole world look Sunny And if hubbys feeling low ltiHive him glass of re reselling Sol Hepatica Sal Hepa tica effervescent salts are pleasant to trikegentle as can be You can count on them to keep you feeling Just ne thanks and in holiday mood Next time youre shopping ask for jar of Sal Ilepnficn the faithful family laxative for over 60 years bi mute orucnoos JAHSUELLIES We Now That Thane Tempting Summer Fruit have come on the scene in the markets and perhaps too in your own gardenyoull be making delIIlOllrl jams and jellies that the family love Of course you want them to be perfectly srt and full of fresh fruit flavour so be sure youve got CERTO FRUIT PIECIIY on hand Its so easy to make jams and jellies wirh Carlo All you do is follow the 51mph instruc tions in the recipe booklet under the label of each Certo bottle Youll find with Ccrto that you get up to 50 inore jam or jelly from the some amount of mill Whats more Ccrto helps you do your jamins and jellying in about onethird of the time of the old longbail method How come Well you seeCerfo is the natural jellying substance of fruits in concentrated form So when you use Certoyimltcnd of boiling down your fruit mixture until its sufciently concentrated to set you simply add Ccrto and reduce boiling time to just minute for either jams or jellies And just think how that preserves the colour and avour No matter what your favourite fruitsetrawbcrry raspberry plum or cherryjams and jellies have it deeper more satisfying appeal Erin and Toronto when you Mike them yourselfwith Certo Fruit Pectin pi dmmlmh nonrandom Khomemade Itd like money in the When have up 66450 pounds of fastozn food stoned Leonard Freemfood boughtwbonprioeearelom to enjoy whenprioes are highest Fact cuts of mat steaks chopsand

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