Wilma Minion so am on Wilson and was no um um mar auntan rd Allen and Charla were recent viaE WM Bszlo and 12 and Mrs Carson conqtvvo low and tied for ed the program July meiplace with Britannia 121 uni be Twirl 15 Clemi Fleming if home with her daughter My local bail team is doingiis still conned to hospital held very uCwl The nicest very atoll On Friday night they 511 and H73 3331 UVMW signer em rrdisthang line men may Mrs ll irl ilzcnfel min mu of 15 Im 31 599514193 Wki bol Ellnyea Vva ill rzzuzgc 11 lflr uevo 14 They have had futil Wins andilday NW wWMMMWL hurt Barl he WA 1211 at Mrs Caraunv ll ti attendance Ruii cull Our rah By L081 WEEK Contributing to the program of and imulllll solos and PQbymm was Stem were Mrs Gordon Dunlup 112m Sectle meeting of me Presf 31 Mrs Tqu byterian Church at St Andrewsi 3453 Lgmnaci mm Coidwaier on Wednesduyl3gM HQ Ham afternoon June 18 was addressed by Miss Mary Whole editor of the WMS publication Glad IidE mg 0d was lnir need by MA cld1 uxdwx when warn Stewart of Midland who presided here June lln for delaying the and was thanked by Mrs 02111 scheduled game wzln Warmmster Rawson of Barrie Mrs Lea5 in dispute over whether or not therdale hospllal visitor for my hotter was ouz lle tallied the church in Montreal also Spoke game during the Lrst half of the welcome to those present wukniil Tum9 11nd award the Km exmnded by Mm Jr Lmkgm lo vvurmmstcr who were leading president of St Andrews WMS WM 11 lime Comwamr med molest Teams and Spectators gulli cred around the official and be fed ly drbutcd the situation which Synodiml greetings we bmugh illVHt rmncdiulcly after file visitors by Mrs Ba Pnhu iud gained slrglll ead after 1111 sham 2111 throughout The Scripmn was read by MR oldwulur gurnercd four runs ml Mdmmd Hwy md the 11nd and three runs in the 4th Burgess Ofiugduzv we OW innings Wzlrrnmsfer obtained one arm by QUALITY BUILT FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE Cubic Feet of Controlled Cold Dry Cold Moist Cold Below Freezing Cold this amaz ing refrigerator has them all has over cubic feet of Controll ed Cold For Every Type of Food Yours For Only Game To Wuanstcr ljmpzrf Jimmy Hayr of Warmin sir trucked down on the league Presbyterlal greetzngs were Con veyed by Mrs MacEnrhozn Presbyterial President Orilllzl and Henry COLLEGE THESIS was re sponsible for long delayed meetl ing in Montreal recently between the Russian scientist who designed and built the worlds first diesel electric locomotive shown above and the vicepresident of the Can adian Pacific Railway The story began when Crump right now vicepresident of the CPR was studying for Bachelor of Science degree at Pur due University Lafayette Ind and was renewed in 1936 while Mr Crump was locomotive foreman Moose Jaw Sask and was working on his thesis for hi Mechanical En gineers degree His subject ternal Combustion Engines in the Railroad Field was one that quired study of facts that were ing prayer Laney and Mrs Tucker and Mrs Stewart of Victoria Hnrl bour gave the offcrlory prayer McPhco of Port Mexicali accompanied by Mrs Lloyd Lather by Benediction was said by lunch served after almost unobtainable at that time Mr Crump turned to the reports of Dr George Vladimir Lomonosoff left Russian mechanical en gineer who had designed diesel locomotive as early as 1909 and had one in operation in 1923 to get the information he needed The 76yearold Dr Lomonosoff whose son is resident engineer with the Montreal Locomptlve Works has been living so quietly in Montreal for the past two years that itwas only recently that Mr at Crump learned of his presence in the city and arranged an interview Modern CPR diesel electric loco motive built by the Montreal Loco motive Works is shown in the pic ture behind Dr Lomonosoff and Mr Crump his In re ws Mar JUNE IllTrinity WMS had very enjoyable afternoon tea at parsonage on Wednesday Mona Henry Wins Prizes Congratulations to Miss Mona who was double prize vinner at her hospital graduation last week for general neatness and showing the greatest promise professionl her training for bedside nursing Mrs Stewart Spent weekend in Ottawa with Mr and Mrs Franklin Stewart Mrs Lennox is visiting in Toronto Mrs Keene Barrie is visiting her daughter Mrs Harvey Gordon MrsR st was in Toronto over attending the gradua tion of her niece Miss Joan Cas well at East General Hospital the weeke Death of Mrs Jamieson Thornton lost beloved citizen June when Mrs James Jamieson passed away at her home after lengthy illness which was borne without arcom whose maiden name was Margaret Ann Simpsonwas born on the Simpson homestead on Highway 27 cou ple of miles north of here the eld on Saturday plaint Mrs amieson development during and to Miss Betty Ireton who was the prize winner est child of the late James Simp son and Rachel Jennett 84 years ago She attended No school lnnisfil On Nov 25 1896 she mar ried James RJamieson and they established their home on the 9111 line of Innisfil where they resid ed until about 26 years ago when they retired from the farm and moved to the village Mrs Jamie son was staunch member of the the part in the WA and WMS and Sun day School until her health failed During the two world wars she was active in Red Cross work Mr Jamieson predeceased her in 1942 and one little daughter Gladys in infancy She is survived by two sisters Mrs Grose Thornton and Mrs Currie Elmvale and two brothers Rev Simpson To ronto and HerbertQSimpson Van couver Mrs Corbett pre deceased her and also brother Hon Simpson The funeral which took place from the late residence Monday afternoon was largely attended and was conduct ed by her pastor Rev Hugh es and her brother Re Simpson who paid tribute to her service in the home as girl There were many floral tributes includ ing wreath from Trinity United Church Pallbearers were Art Black Dalton Banting James Speers Charlbs Spencer Jamieson and Roy Jarnieson Inter ment vvas in Thornton Cemetery Friends were present from To ronto Barrie Mount Albert Elm vale and Beamsville Womens Institute Therewere 41 present at the June meeting of the Womens In stitute at Mrs Blacks on Thursday evening when they enter tained their grandmothers Roll call Something My Grandmothef Taught Me wasvery interesting Each grandmother was presented ty corsage An invita tion Was received to attend the dis trict picnic on July 10 There were several thank you letters Plans were made for the TB clinic which will be held in the park on July 17 Mrs Holt gave brief but in teresting report of the branch in ting Mrs Robert Riley who rec tly mo 96 to Cookstown Was presented th at WI pin Mrs Smith read the address and Mrs Altman made the presentation Convener of the 50th anniversary reported that it will be held in the OrangeHolLon July 16 the United Church and took an active The offering was taken by Miss vocal solo was provided by Mrs Illv1 Curler vole of appreciation for the the meeting was proposed by Mm Davidson of Port McNicoll YWA Thank0ffering Special speaker at the first lhank offering meeting held by tho Young5 Womens Auxiliary of Goldwater Presbyterian Church on June 17 was Mrs Lcuthordnlc hos pital visitor for the Presbyterian Church in Montreal Mrs Greta Harvio presided and the speaker was thande by Miss Kathleen Galbraith 5010 was sung by Mrs Lloyd Lctlwrby ac companied on the organ by Mrs Clifford Woodrow Organist for the meeting was Miss Edna Loney Farewell Greetings Members of the four congrega tions in the Coldwter circuit of of the United Church Pastoral Charge met in the Ladies Parlor of the Goldwater United Church Wednesday evening June 18 to con vey farewell greetings to Rev 21nd Mrs Holden who are leaving soon for new charge at Little Current An address signed by represent atives of the churches in Coldwat er Eady Waubaushene and North River was read by Mrs Ep lett The departure of the minist er and hiswife was regretted and best wishes for success in their new were extended hill315$ Duncliffe of Waubaushene presented gift of silver end further silverware presentation the samepattem was presented by Mrs Sheppard of Coldwater on behalf of the Sunday School Mrs Griffin presented wal nut chest for the silverware on behalf of Miss Christine McKenzre of We baushene who was unable to be resent due to illness Apcup and saucer from the WMS was halted wnosc delivery is considered con the 2nd one in the 3rd one in 1hr 4121 three in the 51151 and two in 7th lholr unnished half of the There were lwu out when the game Russ Hawkins pitched for Cold water while Wnrminstvr used Ralph Muffan till the zlth 11min and then put in Danny Mellugh The latter truly in the rules by some fanned three CuldWlCl batters in success ion with three on buses in the 5th Wild Duck In Chimney When Mrs Leatherdale ofl Coldvvzltcr opened her hilltop cot tage on the Severn River she dis covered that wild duck had nestl ed in the chimney for the 13th con secutive year In the soot at the bottom of the stove four dead ducklings were found It is not believed the mother duck was able to bring any off spring from the nest as she remain ed hovering or swimming about near the collage unaccompanied Two years ago Mrs Leatherdale arrived at her cottage in time to rescue ducklings from the soot at the base of the stove into which they had tumbled from the chimney in time to carry them alive in bucket to the waters edge where they joined their parents and swam away News Briefs Drainage at the CPR crossing donfe has been improved recently by the railway bulldozer clearing land on the road 10 Medonte Station became mired in the mud last week and had to be abandoned for several days Keith Robinson Ronnie Sallows and Charles Woodrow of Coldwater will attend Glenmohr Presbyterian Camp for 10 days next month The Community Centre grounds were being improved by bulldozer this week Arthur Cornell repaired damage to Wills boathouse on the Severn caused by the recent storm Among those at their cottages on Gloucest er Pool on the weekend were Cor nells Leatherdales Kingsbm oughs Pheasants and Clarks Receive Assessments sented by Mrs Brown wllslrgrznd Mrs Holden referred to the satisfaction derived from Six years service here and expressed thanks for the gifts and for the support they had received dorm their time in the charge Memges of best WlShESW1e conveyed by other local ministers Rev Pelletier Rev Dick and Rev Carter Mr Russell Burns acted as chairman for the oc cainch was served from table decorated with yellow roses and yellow candles in silder candle sticks Pouring tea were Mrs Or ton of Eady and Mrs Levering of Goldwater Mrs Sheppard and Mrs Durnford received at afternoon meeting and supper committee was also appomted prepare program for July when the Thornton WI goes on Meeting was handed over to Mrs Cecil Harris convenerfor the ev ening Mrs Harris welcomed the grandnmthers in neat little talk Black and Jean playeda duet the Swallows Mrs Edgar Guests poem Tribute to Grandmothers The visiting grandmothers sang accom panied by Mrs Boake am Growing Old and all the grdndmothers sang When You and Young Maggie Mrs Hop kins received the prize for havmg the largest vaist measure and Mrs Speers the smallest Fletcher conducted an interesting contest Things Our Grandmothers Didnt Have MS Carr won first prize and Mfrs AICRIe1d second dainty lunch was served Mesdames Spencer tfillston Wiestra West Van Eeden Altman Bantingend Black Altair fifth wemanMVemw on gSaturday has returned You stillhove chance to Darling vtini All claim checks re lived of Wright Cleaners to 1055 on will ban Coldwarter taxpayers received their assessment notices Monday morning on the new basis allowing two installments in paying taxes if so desired Another billing on 1952 taxes will be made in October ClerkTreasurer Chester Martin said 90 of those whopaid their taxes Monday afternoon expressed themselves as favoring payment of taxes in one outlay as formerly rather than by installments 92nd Birthday Mrs Margaret Armstrong who is staying at RiVerview Private Hos pital in Goldwater will observe her 92nd birthday on Thursday June 19 Born in West Garafraxa near Fergus shelived across the road from the school she attended there following her marriage for over 40 years She and her husband then retired from their farm and look up residence in past seven years who was formerly Margaret Gibson Bayne has Spent her winters at the home of her son LeWIS Arm strong principal of Port McNicoll Continuation School The latter has taught at the nearby village for 31 years this fall Mr Armstrong Sr passed away 26 yearsngo Mrs Armstrong is active and em joys good health She can see well but has difculty With her hearmg She has four sons They are Agnes Mrs Mathieson of Moose Jaw Frances Mrs Grant of Victoria Ger trude Mrs Warner of En field Orit Edna Mrs Sipple Niagara Falls Ni George Arm strong who uids at Fergus apd Iewis Port McNicoll school prin ipal =cncswuim Mrs Chappell dhomevaftr spending the winter visiting relatives in the westem provinces Jennie erst Barrie the weekend with her for remembrch Minced Wishes near the Devine property in Me with friends in California andalm CPD FEET DOWN of REFRGERATOR designed to give you the fea lures you want engineered to give long satis factory service with Fullwidth Freezer and BIG AND ROOMY FOR 52 Drawer Meat Drawer Salad Shelf Crisper large Till Basket for storing bulky foods EXTRA SPECIAL Trade In Allowance Your present refrigerator or ice box may be used as all or partial down payment Balance Arranged To Suit Purchaser DONT WASTE ONE MOMENT See this amazing low priced refrigerat or Now TODAY Home Appliance Shop 24 Elizabeth St BARRIE PhOne 577 Fergus For the daughters and two Sets thepace in stYIe and value Jills the newest of tho modern sweptfbookstyling Ilithe thriftiesr too Lheat gng competing fullasizei cars inactiralgas mileaglin Mobilgzis EconOmy Rum it The Studebaker Champion Six is byvfarit the nest carirl the low eld on the occasion of their silver Wed ding anniversary on June 18 munonni Vanuatu the msnmpm clicks of norm