INuptials are Held Bridefolio rm llwlic loamy Mowcol were mm gAt New Lowell EEvelyn Dowlmg with wry mi in 1m Ebc liiufagd Moss Audrcy Eta Aintliu Morton titla tier Frank 31m recently 37 36 Grow Si or from Korea II and Mrs Stanley Burke and family ViSiizSd in Owen Sound dur al mg the Wckitid 3mm Ex mm mm mm 52 Wtadding of Wide interest at Trinity Wednesday KHOWMCCUlClleon lShONer HOnOlS ma fai Hidingmvud II Mr and Mrs Bldwcll and tam Ic 5ch Mr Rigith opcrmig of thdslmwcrf jiIrylthIxdjfd iaglmmy oo pour on wrir run gt Ilirdiiy 952 or Lmc oclock $1132 with limb rlfii oiligmmrs the Isiock phrazcamlus by the Toronto artist Mary the afternoon in the Unttcu rum xaeiy It ii uzr lfa writing up soucu Candie notably be Jamaicanl zlcmuj Chum New loocu Mid Du Marinu twining mczum Cm limit for it ion fit me Kents as Well as her out 1p ceirilmfly us ljcZfilftler l2 Hufflgffatvti cars permitting ship lgffdbitifl if II 23 tlzlry could cut uninvth Algmg puffy Jon SlgrillltrJ no Jlfi litirlwltlclil of ptrlblmbl foods for long Ivfeizifgn Iiltlllo lzILl AIIllxlclfzy Mm LJTVZIEgn blzt ritiarl Curllt for 33 lecliflg nilzzzl was piut ly customrs were introduced on Am $5 ilt vi ow li of ib uii 35 rcccutiy Ll Sfflilliitijmlii 010g 14 div itd 1SIlldfi it Ln JOll rarugds 181 mo nut Hi1 il MWM writ 53 lweilmm mam mm by Eiuwlal Om iulzmmlllcnt person as gzvlngI BLlllll lamps and furnzturc by Owen Emma by he mm on lmmomi iliiiuturc which resident Lil Parker and other art mm mum he Emu woo clllotvfil by all And oncollcctsucludixlg pewter work on I3rgt3l awn lillk gt3 Llik ifTIlUW l= Mint 32 June weddnu rimmp Seabed glmSI handmmk WINCH and RIP wltil Iligzstp vuii Silo tulZlrI of ilt xtl llcctrtcl if bouquet lml HISPS litr attendant is Mir Catharine the brill5 swooping lzziili arltlulzlicllie moat lithSant spot headdress in detail rndzizg wath in Tho Studio to enjoy your allotl the liiforlnzitlou that till brielc worc Loon tca any day is the big bay Dtttfflllzl of vvavmlllkct ls mufn of honor Mm Milllttl tiltlnt of III II II III do off the onlull llllg ruulnI II Alllmoml leA It mum FmS Wllkrl tlu mil pours in brightly Nr Local ox llllzltrlflllitl llll iSlUle liltLlln look 12min at Hull WW of spring countryside MM Diana Strut of New Louwil Jlffxli to My llzu Mm Ernestg Some of tlir lit tImmiLm Em can bc cziloycll illtlilg with your Id mm EIHI in WIN IIIIIIIIIII DIIIIII IIIIIII5IIIIIIII MIL DIXIIIII MIIII due 0f my MM 11 pale blue not over lttll rrlfltf Lilltl Allri Hornnw Flltllilctltm UIvzlEl Knoll of tTZoIIksburg W114 lilfulllt MH Mciurmi Vigilark wltll MI Liitl vlr Clulkz MidlilcP toll lz illil llk All Jtillllilllflc and ggllmnlnnnlll and tile llsllrru wulc l31tllll Grant and Eldon Vamplcw gtlltlll IvllIlI Misc Muriel Mricnlfc and Miss File is cuzlczltly jfllrlflgtlfl lluglns wcrc hostesses at IIIIII IIIIIIIII III Mrs FIIIIII Ken VI Tn De arhn louloday June 12 at it shower In TIUWII MIN BNIIIIIIIII humor of Misg Kay SmithI whose of litullzcotv was ring liczlrcr 34 RWFill $1M lllr wwkcnd marriage to the Rev John Morris mcwuou followed NEW vvllIll Mr and Mr gs JUMMUMII Lowell Town Hall RlltlL tile llltJE UHHlluI Mr and Mrs Orvilll Mama thcr of the bride rrccivcd wearing Rudy visited Mr and Mn Wailuch Members Honored on to soon ll it many eau is wore Ar BDCI Picnic mg wclL The guests included the Illc groonls 301er also Ullbah 31531 lilCIWLtk The BDICI Slilfl hold its annual llilv members and um wives of the cclvcd was in Riviera Iblup CrepeI IIflIIIIIIllzIIIIiIWIIIlllliCllIillb find farti ItIhLEIIcoltacf lgtss BDctI SlfffCGlTBlcadcrs 33d om Imd IIIcngcobiacK acgcsmlk RR 8Idflflff$1333 031 or er llfl c5 harp on Lake Simone on Tuesday Juli land mm mm an Mid r0505 and lllUflllunllti Jl50m rIltI II 17 After the brid0tObc had opened Im bud and 3mm Ml unlit zllllflll illvNCl ml OHdIhIS occasion gifts were pre her gifts delicious lunch Was dmg mp Mrlhcm Jami AMY scntc to those leaving the staff served by the balances asitd arm the mm awning Se navy gnbnrdine suit wztil pink ac Th liabatcum 135m mic ccssorlcs On their return Vii and busy mm pmpnmlmns mu strmvbcrry festival Friday cvcnlng this month MlssIhzly Snlltlt on by Mrs Kelly Miss Hope Ronald II hcr approaching marriage Miss 1nd MISS Ruth McLean McGill Wall and Mrs Knoll will be making their JII 00 IIIVlIlIt WIiulIlIIbL IulchinIg Hex 031 333 It 13 numblr of folk from scarI cssmcueu North York rcspccti$clv0mon Ulllly AUXIllary and Mm be Coupe of cm around bare Iatlcndcd Decoration owl EnO BOX Still Mr and Mrs Gerald Am Day 595 on Slmdal 0mm II WWW Mrs Eliggne MllTruvdgnll 111 LUHCh 8003 35Vilrdwlbercimlable if TIW nu am rs ort on SIGNING THE REGISTER following their Elizabeth Jane Badglcy daughter of Mr MW belt BACK AGAIN The annual picnic of the Unity Auxiliary of Colinr Street united wedding in Trinity Anglican Church Wed and Mrs Maurice Badgley of Barrie and Jarra Girl Weds ChurchI wni3n0tdvcry succcssful aIs nesday afternoon are Mr and Mrs William her husband is the son of Mrs Hamilton PM Tues Bruce Hamilton The bride is the former and the late Mercer Hamilton of Barrie ROberi Sheppard Jl days rain the box lunch social held at the church instead was much enjoyed planned by Mrs Forster and OShawa FOR EVERY pURPOSE Mrs Sarjeant there was Observes JUne Improvm Runway EOLDWATERA wedding 0f in iercst to Coldwater and district was novel skit read by Mrs Greer JUNE 17 The highWay from For the second successive summer Angelo Nordi inter nuilonnllyknown chef is in charge of catering for the din ing room of Delawana Inn and Mrs Sarjeant lengthy pro Gra ndmofhers Day Churchill into Belle Ewart is being solemnizcd Saturday afternoon rcsurfaccd Quite an improve June if 1952 in St Pauls United THE BEST PAINT mm unusual and interesting YOU CAN BUY Eligiceiisrgg drlgnniifiirlmm It was Grandmothcrs Day men We the 10 gm Sre ml Orilllav the Rev FloI18 cluded the abIe ev an when Centre Vesma Womens moved from the sidewalk the Webster EA BD offlcmtlng Psncx Hone Harbour ym3 enmg Painswick Branch stitute held its regular Juno mect Slliets Will be Splendid VhEIVIAmAIgeIeIz 198 of log last Wednesday at the home of TS ar KEEP K005 9001 Mrs Thompson Roll call was mm Fm Korea fall was united in marriage to 80 wont Kiss Off District residents invited Hogs which are kept cool during ans ummer Your Grandmothers Name and Mi an Plinth aadt mm be Sgpgarghlr son ofc MI LUXUFlOUSly Smooth to me famous Ddawam wen to oronto ast wee gree an rs eppard of old dining room No effort is spared to make it the finest 35 Bayfleld St in the resort area an ad ded attraction Orlo Knntzel man radio and concert artist will again be playing the Hammond electric organ for the entertainment of Del 65 wana dinner patrons To make the summer months eat better gain grandmothers provided the enter for ren their son Capt Henderson who water Mr and Mrs Lorne Polking Naturauy faster and put on weight at less tainment Mrs Dawson was in the chair returned from Korea borne of Coldwatcr wereIthc attend Mr and Mrs Harvey Saunders ants Following the very quiet cere cost Plans for an eightday camp for for the meeting which had prev children from the ages of seven to 3031st been scheduled to be held at Mr and Mrs Cundall and Doug many Mr and Mrs Sheppard motx 13 were discussed at the June the home of Mrs Dobson las Mr and Mrs Lorne Baxter cred to Oshawa where they Will Toronto spent the weekend with reside meeting of Painswick WomensIn splendid paper on citizenship stituie held at the home of Mrs and education was given by Mrs Mr and Mrs George Baxter INDIA RAINMAKERS BI BI Warnica last TuesdayI III Walton using IILOIIIIIIIIII as the MFSI AI Raymes BarrIeI Spent The Camp is to be under the lib main theme One of the most im Thursday and Mrs Bird Toron The Garpugarees credited with reservations for parties plense ectlon of Mrs Lloyd Mrs King portant factors in progress and dc to spent the weekend with their being able to make rain formed telephone Waubansbene 35 HakaS Mrs Lennox and Valopment 0f any community 15 brother Quantz distinct caste among many secs of loyalty Canadian communities are Mr and Mrs Moore Halibur central IndiaI LIPSTICK Mrs Smith Also discussed following the usual business meeting was the built around the home the school ton and Mr and Mrs Moore and the church and loyalty to those and Sheila from Minnesota wore membership fee to the Assoetated institutions is vital today as never with II Moore E51122 Eggnggr ellgeierlylglldogo belfgrsbvwon Inted that the Mr and Mrs Carson Toronto II ventInIPbeing heId In Tomato in home as the cegtre of famIIy acIIVI 313 813 Snd With Mr and 1953 Members are also consider ity is on the decline and needs 1031 MrI and Mrs HolmesI Niagara all The younger people are Falls are at their cottage here for finding their recreation elsewhercxlthe summer Father and mother are engrossedlI ing pins for charter members and trip through the Hulonla district Seventeen ladies were present II for the meetlng Group Singing 500131 and community Iactmlleb was enjoy under the leademhip at the expense Of home me In alangh gucesfioned whether Canada lar er measure this res onsibilty 0f Mrs warmca was ready lfor new Elizabethan has been handed over to the schools Mrs Lennox and Mrs Tyndale were in charge of the program Siginsvi Eggsytgfe 63322 03 131335 dgfgn3ithbglglls 501 lhlgsmzt 291 nation The world of tomorrow is 50m irt the hands of the youth of to Mrs Tyndale readI Iarticlefs regard Women of the World Will be meet ldayn mg samtary commons damy mg in Ontario To help defray Mrs Newson read the minutes cooling andpasteurization withzre expenses women3 Institute mm and corres ndence and ave an gard to mllk and butler EaCh be as hOStesses are requested explanatorotalk on the rule for of member was gwen meme lbuy membersmp and receive fice procedure and the plans for Mrs Lloyd Mrs Crosbie and badge Members paid the fee also the big rally to be held in Massey Mrs Srigiey served lunch to close madeI small contribution for tho Han in AugustI 1953 for the enter on 0ft calm memory of tainment of European delegates of the meeting and the national an erec them J35 Sung the late Mls at the ACWW Each member con 1x The tuberculosis van Wm tributed sum for the convention be in the vicinity at Dalston mm Mrs WaHWIn ted Church grounds on the amp MS give 19 Net Fem he am mee noon of July Local Citizens were Ing held at Cralghurst Attending HOSTeSS TO Dalston urgello amend this free 01mm delegates remarked on the excel Mrs Margaret Handy the dele lent dinner provided and the many womens InShTUle gate to the district annual gave lovely spring owers at the tables an interesting report on the annual It was decided to make greater The Dalston branch of the Wom meemlg at 1ng study of the handbook with ens institute met at the home of Al the COMNSlOn 01 the meet short reading from it at each meet Mrs Wallwin Burton Ave 113 Sale was held MIS Edna ing Barrie Thursday evening June Brow being the ffactorI of Plans were made for picnic and 12 with good attendance Roll Wilding P05F Wide vanety 0f conununity gathering at Spring artlcles realized good sum water Park on July 22 and pm call was Name the flower and the month of your birthday lovely lunch was served by ETEImISIthmmg ItheI Coming years Comment on the motto Resolved Mrs Wallwin assisted by Mrs achWllleS were distributed thut observation ismore educating Margaret Handy and Mrs Murray The entertainment program un than reading by Mrs Viola Han Forbes der II the direction of the grand dy was excellently prepared and The next meetmg will be held mothers included two humorous enjoyed byrall report on the at the home of Mrs Bertram on readings and two amusing contests Garden Club was July 10 when roll call will be Grandmothers were hostesse for Cillilllt Nunll CrossCanada travel has new llama new exutement Girls Home When you go thgjaspepwaymn Canadian Naonalg given by the leader Mrs Norma Name famous doctor or scien lunch The meeting closed with famohsconnenmumhedIRwihlmiouscomfw Handy Fuztller plans were made tistgt the singingof God Save the Queen at you view some of the worlds most glorious scenery IEIniby carefzeetravelinpleauntbedcoomsstaudcrd and tourist Islcepers lounges and macbesfdecicus mealsinattractivc dining cars Thlsraomorlerodulyuain links TorontoMincki Winn Saskatoon Edmonton as er and flew lllllanillllll havofupto450poundsoffastfrozenf00dmmdmm not bought when prices are to enjoy when prics are highest Fast youf chord Gleamlng torged Vmwllleh nnvu Gin mucus In ii3l cuts ofmea steaks chops and roasf tsIyour fuvouritc cerra cutting can plesandtgrtumadgmthfreshmccasonfrmtsandbemes pruning notch for cutting and cleaning meat poultry and Conudiqn Nullch now Mus nonreactive cm homomodecakecandcread magma iiiu booing Commm l1 or ecpener screw Ezrscmonigymgiziogogaag mag namImerl BIlndes come youcanpay for you W393 Iwitbmoncy untimelyI or of 21iooli23 saved on food Imagme authu food II II II II II IIIII ccmllI yreducmgycurfood liturgical Inmaon mgw moreoonveniencefbuy 1m am He II NIIC Marni II II ciwatih on Hindch ofruolmsiulamm II WWI In II II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Aomss4m WWW cm pm II II IIIIIIWM II on IIHWAVI slIIvgua it play lei II Im II gamutIulqlgngaggingnaggingv