Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1952, p. 10

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San Francisco in lacs was the headquarters of the Picific winding JUNE 16430 Anderson andtne Miss Merryl Spratt of Toronto Spent weekend recently with Mr and Mrs Lorne Gallaugher W030 Ti Fuun WWu MUSICIANS WANTED war 31031 unto STAMNS There are more radio cations in Mr and Mrs Raymond McMastaavana Cuba than in any other to and children visited friends at my by warm All Hornby Milton and Port Crtdit CONCE II II WI mm mg sands spxisa fgglelg AMY andd Mag Ziq3 BAND an F0 Greater Understandin When boating make sure the craft is 588 if J09 Roumon and roomy Bowmanvlue INST RU MENTS worthy and do not overload BM 11187 Wight muff Visd On Sunday with Mr and arrie vuue on Lil By Mrs George Sqmbb Went in connection with the de Change posnlonx boat Mm William cowhnd Mr and Mrs Dee Coburn Cooks Town council to expropaw When boat founders because 01IeakSI MEI Jack Hume Thornton IOWIII Sued on Sunday Wm Mn PERMANENT POSYHON the ground behind the Victoria School will passengers should sit on the botmmwdles Epelltma dgdyslaermk RZIItIlyhe and MW Joe Roumom er awaim keen interest everyone in are and the boat not sink lbwer and Mn Bud Bell and Mr iltaffnrffxgggilfng in to vis tbc community particularly those members than neck level th M359 Oakvme Mr and Mrs Fred Bright and You Office Box mm the Cannon and the Public School Visited Sunday Wllh ML and daughter of Sudbury visited last OTTAWA Wheeler week with Mr and Mrs Jack Mr and Mrs Orville Marllng Murray WIM and children visited Mr and Mrs William Way at Caledon on Sunday IMt Board Editorial Notes Just what the next step will be is uncertain but it is regrettable that two public bodies The borrcnest of all mortals is the senti should be getting reputation of being civic mentalist Thomus Carlyle ML and MEI Ab Marlins whenever either one 115 visitin friends in Toronto for sparring paltn Canadas university graduates hava never IE or weeks cusses any quesuon men anecm the Other coup had more glittering Opportunities pusnea at ME and Mrs new pailkg and Est 1919 boys spent the weekend at Niagara Member The Toronto Stock Exchange Falls Howard Pearson Kem Comm Egalmogigggerilmlfgg weRmaSo them on platter than the Class of 52 now emerging from 29 universities across the referred to the cross feeling which seemed to exm betwen the two homes and then went country says The Finaan POSt Starting Orville Matting Oswald Jones and um mat the action Council were salaries job prospects and security offered by II Harold Parker spent last Thurs 9t Dunlap Shed some on lndUSlil in the shrinkin oun raduatc They not paying he enough for one thing day Guelh when they hav Id at Week 99 met TeephOHC Day EVCHIHQ Mr and Mrs Elmer Graham vis about to mke passing me bylaw up market have never been brighter Average riatc the ground would only aggravate the giman starting salaries are $285 against last years ed wands Guelph on Sunday BOARD ROOM FACILITIES DIRECT WIRE $245 Student reaction to the boom has been Mr and MS CDChmneI Crcemorc visited on Sunda with Rt to KNOW LETS GO FISHING Haber ea wards 80 n8 Ont Signific Mr and Mrs Chalmer Mayes Wowm sense in that the passing Of the bylaw l0 tint minority Of this years grads have not and Ileana ML and MrSI Bruce proprlabe would discourage bidders who did taken Jobs yet Many object to going far Mayes and Barry visited in Guelph um many want the property He malfel it anew lasltlrgaovrlldasgon Toronto spent the 18 MULCASTER ST onmue rom cnesa II quite clear that the passmg or the aw Learn the sweet magic Of cheerful face rshl holey past week with her daughter Mrs Amllated Wlth the Pentecosml A3embnes Of Canada 500 Norrie Coulis Services will be held as follows until the arrival of the new pastor would not necessarily mean that negotiations NOlI always smiling bill at least serene speckled trout was the pond whlch Miss Jean WaIsonI ToronmI spent would be prevented and even went on to say Flo Min th if it were the wish of Council expro 01 Walden Homes moi the weekend with Mr and Mrs SUNDAY SERVICES Ellzablh power Norrie Coulis and Mrs Watson prlatlon could be abandonedI OPINIONS OF OTHERS It wits suuatcd way back in Ithe Mude home Sunday School for all ages 10 am It is at this point however that it 118 Ellesagigg 31333332 TlnlMcggghl Of MterrillIK BriItII Morning Worship 11 am comes slightly difficult to appreciate Coun deIep in some places and co nected cgugIIISI gnyMgewm Evening Service closed in co operation With cuts line of reasoningwml certain amount Read News and Editorials llh Elle 11 Iby mev ha Abrams mic more ong emphBSlS was Clearly indicated during London Free press one bIOY was drowned the in ltgrlelgfgsrsiqilig $31512 1875 while paddling raft made of For Transportation Phone 5575 or 5379 rt their meeting that expropriation was the Judge Lang of Perth granting Canadian only solution to their plleem as negotiations citizenship certificates to new Canadians at Sarnia with the School Board had broken down This suggested that they read the newspapers both news and editorials as means of education Such reading is difcult reconcne With the suggesuon he said is duty fulfilling of the responsibilities now that couIncn might abandon the idea Of of citizenship Judge Langs words might be address expropriation ll they WlShed t0 resum n8 ed to many Canadianborn too Reading the news gotiations In other words it is possibility provides the facts reading the editorials interprets that after having framed bylaw and gone the facts Together they offer very fair picture of ones community and of the philosophy and desires to considerable thought and trouble to ar rive at one conclusion Council might revert pm logs and that necidcnt was used by our parents to keepilut least The Mary Street Gang Ilium sh ing ihcrc probably withthe idea that the place was so isolated that there would not be anyone on hand to effect rescue in case any of the juveniles got into deep water But undoubtedly the most convenient and popular place to go shing was Kidds Creek which ushers in desire to start all over again with animal health that makes him want to rush away and kick up his dusty heels He doesnt need to look back everything is ahead of him the world is wonderful place and that fully satise him man may go long way to ward reaching position of wealth or fame or ambition yet when he FRED GRANT to the Situation as it originally existcd Pays for The Roads up 0rd gown Eton when probably me 5393 bunch of happy carefree crosse to b0 on their wa to some sbi Gleam mighthave been fill come Financial peso cm the Queens filihofilaficllfdm exleamon or rorya session at $5 BelIllst Chm CHURCH or mm Gown had heede 01 mi lglngm mm ads 0IT aarlhlmcgiinmla wlib their chcsts sticking out 010 swimming hlenhe glad REV AluLlrllftlBA an new dePENCIEn WRIGHT bers who felt the matter should cussc mm Mayor Lamp made the Statement that an nIg clIIIvar er and Wm pointedcout to 1y change places With any of them MISS CLOUGHLEY Orgamst II mm 383m Wlth the SChOOl Board conmtmg taxpayers pay for the roads whether they use them or oiuiheasblgognesnoufoggz less experienced fish as ne old $313 hxlst Chance91d fnyllxng on and fans to uure con er thats why we really are envious SUNDAYI JUNE 22v 1952 InHOLY COMMON 10 ismSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 innMORNING PRAYER qu HELP YOUR BROTHER pmEVENSONG Sub ect ow Jesus Filled The Church $31 his seclusion under the culvert brldge some farmer would drive his team through the creek to give his horses drink or lighten up his wagon wheel fires and the sh would be all scared back out of sight points at issue could then have become con not few weeks previously he advocated new and special tax on all Toronto motorists slderably clearer than they lure at the pres cut time It has to be remembered that both ImlIfIIIslgmpotrIfastegndggIstgn rigasgrzecgmb homes are bound to be looking at any problem ing nothing to the upkeep of our highways that these from an entlrely dlllerenll VleWPOlnt on the long and expensive strips of asphalt and concrete are one hand there is the municipal outlook and being provided entirely by the general taxpayer ll amJESUS AND JOY pinWORSHIP STEADFASI SPIRIT St Andrews Presbyterian their honorable stripes for many successful fight with the unseen opponent up above And doubtless the young ones went to them for advice on how to approach and appropriate the bait at the expense of tbir of the ordinary normal boy and his carfree life One of the greatest attrac tions of shing is that it takes one away from all the business worries and you forget for on the other the educational perspective Nothing could be farther from the truth In the last 50 years owners of automotive vehicles thgnd Offrhosiswloipeii 21mm time that you are yll It is The pointis however that frequently both have been taxed hundreds of minions of dollarsI IherIgIeII Ivgrayyearsmago IIJruev IIII But it is evident they do not also great levlrellcr of chum are concerned with one specific tODlC as in probably much more in fact than the total amount of aim and in the intervening years always follow the advice that b01200 money Spent on hlghways the same pemd From have grown at the same rate that however hungry may may be twlnfmlm 12 RM lms EEFGUSON hammer urch of England never to Iushat swinging worm or fly because then their days are over And some day the battle ALLAN WINSLADE Organist and Choirmaster or combination of dilapldstcd this particular case At the present time onequarter to onethird of what these people pay equipment meets on equality mere seems be certain amount or con for gasoline is provincial tax or for an average car they dld from the me we almosn caught them until we had got home ALLANDALE msmn as to What the em Step Will be There about half cent for every mile travelled 18111th commonsense in bOth organizations Without the car and truck owner and the special 230311 thgur tiggpatrw motthetfs scarred old walrior departs never pmslem 5hrm Wuh worklng in an aura of lsolatlonlsm and never taxes they pay on the fuel to Ioperate these vehicles many therme now th usizey $131181 to return And another series of gggeflzepfgg$h SUNDAY JUNE 22 1952 RECIOR getting near solution It would be far bet there would be no modern highways In Canada cruising up and down um weuI stories of landlng whopper is 2035 amMORN1NG WORSE Rev Newtonsmnh remembered turbulent shing SlXdIIIlhe way ll amTHE CHURCH SCHOOL SUNDAYy JUNE 22 1952 later years Its queer And often It Is the hatless bare meEVEmNG WORSHIPI 830 ampnon Communion aimSUNDAY SCHOOL SER VICE MILEVENING SERVICE stream Every time they draw in good long breath or givja heal The Minister at both services foot boy who hauls in the sh while his prosperous companion wonders how it was done But it old codgcr who doesnt wish he could be boy again and swing along barefooted through the dus ter if both groups just sat down and had good oldfashioned talk over their difficult D0 canadlans Talk TOO MUCh fes and found out just what the other side Peterbomugh Exammer thy swish to their fins should had in mind Korean forco the ich to overf ow th ir girl who recently arrived to study at the vI II Ih United Church Trainln Schooii Toronto has some Conflmng banksr yra WI lomemade Shmg does prevent them Swapping In the final analysis it IS the man in the thing of me at to about ganadians Se says Simpsonvs Creek was the most eqmpment on his careless way to experiences some or which de mg some favored shing hole 313er are absolutely true to The Salvation Army popular place for minnies It will 60 COLLIER ST Street Who is anech by the daemons Of bath that we talk 00 much we are too busy with mect Council and the Board In the past he has ings and parties in our churches to hear the voice be YIfoldembeYhed that hel W63er IINb allellwi high Tan may IlIIlIllggllelnhc he Stem TESPECl seen the Work 0f the Ummd Nations Organ Of Gad through quiet meditation all trrlacgkesS gnarelhcnztlgrtfgrrlli Icilcllls pfngwtvhgnwlfgsseee callus Continued Monday major Pr Lleut Mills 1294mm being mowed at every tum by the We thinks 59 istightllwzare babtbngg ha teams hauling lumber and millwootl of youngsters starting out on such The Home Of andly worsmp ern eo mre we im an was into town from the sawmills thh trip as he used tilmake When SUNDAY JUNE 22 1952 REV EUGENE BEECH BA 11amHQL1NEss MEETING Minister the world was most glorious old place and it was even more glor ious if on the way back he had string of fish forbis doting mother to supply the Ibundatiou for that evenings supper Russian veto Today he nds Similar Sit dull the quality of our thinking by our foolish gobble anon With the communism Wrecmng 5115 we make ourselves nervous and sometimes actually gestions for the peace talks at Panmunlom ill by it Dr Edmund Jacobson the celebrated American He does not want to see minor parallelof III II II III no on on nervous ension an is resu says this sort thing on his wn door Step too much talk is sign of nervous strhln and that pool between and it was from the railing of the latter one we OrganisgIMRI HAROLD mm fished And many time has rattling train or lumber wagon crossing those bridges scared out some big trout from his hiding 239 pm$UNDAY SCHOOL pmSALvATIou MEETING WHOSE WEICPME SUNDAY JUNE 22 i952 10 ansSunny School 11 amBegiuncrs Dept when it is characteristic of 21 person it is nervous Hazard bad hszit Too many people he says talk when they ggicggmhgw gogzurdegg And thats what makes us all 11 anIMominx Worship have nothing to say and when they are not talking mob with sudden 16mm to Shel so envious of boys for we are uh 53 cm their throats are tense because theyare waiting for renvlous and might as well ad at em fer IGI lute llldl Wlth schools letting out and more and the first break in the conversation in order to begin mil it Childhood isnt always OW Can Start 1mm LEWIS MA BDW no on 955 more heading for the or swimming hole or again Most of us would be better off he hints if We And then look what happened happy time for chlldrcn tum Minister Holly e10 3km to the lakes it is wise to pass along few would confine our conversation to those occasions The pool was also popular swim ihelrI disappointments cud An Investment LLOYD TU RD when we really have something to say and if we mins place and some impatient heartacheslusiv as adults have 0ganlst and Choumum misc Ye Trip Lord But probably the reason that makes boyhood seem to every nor mal man the one period to which he would gladlygo back is be cause boy has the secret that most of us lose as we grow older he is able generlly to forget all those troubles after good nights sleep and awakes to new SUNDAY JUNE 22 1952 II aimMORNING Slutku Some Very Practical Rules For Living Together Broadcast OKBB rt THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 cumJunior Intermediate and Senior Depts cumNursery Beginners and Primary Departments pmEVENING scum Programme water 85ml mnts would keep quiet on purpose at certain times of day youth becoming tired of waiting the disinclined fish to bite That It may appear that Dr Jacobson is merely saying II more smmmers than non swmlmem what we have all known for years but this is not WW Chum to em aredtowning victims may seem paradox th quite the case he is saying that talking too much 15 9y we icaljtlement bat Dr Av 332m Chalk really symptom of nervous strain and it is now mg he hmseut 39de the man of the Water Safety Committee of the known that nervous tension gives rise to variety W33ml SWImmlng Wuld lt out of his clothes and kerfloli Red of other often severe illnesses 519 or 55 gives this easqn smmmem take Let us ponder on the criticism of our Korean friend lhal Plt lgnmmg hallmipelple Wm Wimmuanlill What Miami world it would be if we all talked meWWW SW8 95 regard reach shore if that boats overturn Non just little less And Itpve developed taste for Silence There were b015hevlks Numbers cling to overturned bimtgand silence what interesting thbughts might we not think among the boys then just as we have better chances being saved $235332 there amongme Herc are mm ts for carer Manning Keep Pe9pe workmg Essa Rood Prcsbyicrian Church mm cwuumm Minister mrnngxapgfcnm 13 SUNDAY wildcat 1952 via amcnuu on SCHOOL 11 amSaorsment of The Lords By Planned Savings Through And who of ihai old boyhood planin moist canon should be lifo luluVance It meets in IcoundIand reg my the coal obleeum of hwestmont Welcome Wagon vrolillrllrllneil i1NoIIswlmmlnclfor at least mums after twbuvme us Acadian can hm Life Insurance is Realty meal We just cant afford to have alloui older people haPW day worldem inesloggglggg 5ng sum stop working Tb glve all old people comfortable union Iymklnl 08mm Yummy Sum from moat every creek empty Tholmic of In inveslmcnt Juno 20 pm We REV mm uFREE MEIHQDIST enameled Olnisi and Eliminator WARREN Ii 103 sunbuqu 22 that furinto the Buy And any one who has felt thc fusiof hulkyfocmah at tho and or his line rcmcmbcrchc was wing puller You didnt need can of wormtu guy of thc highclan onto loud tnu It With Iomc loomotcl ulc 2ch away fromean that latoolcoll or pension contributory or otherwlscrwculdbreak the wka of the Canadian economy would also shorten ll etcmm Ir III many lives Every doctor can lineal of the killing $3194 WI IthQ Show and never effect of retired idleness it would also constitute bug waste of potential productlon Work for the Control Unit Church majority who areIlium to work andvsuitable pen swim at lllhlumml 13mm felonsfor those unubleis the only practical answer to theprablem money oiyour fumin cth anythinl happen In horrific the tinny tribe all Whack more life in He always meant business and tbuc end mgwdwgggk PREACMNQI Ewimm hemwooytung that looked Supper and mpium rimvaan Worship lit Baltic Emmi good to eat he grabbed it hock ilinanIIiI sinker grit hast timeo In III Icatcht cm was us or crab em WWW mom mag All are use II II shed Maddy Frido clmd III esh was not edibleIIbut II II II II Mmdumnm am Collicrgkdhpticg Church mm Mm elm by Ill blldalmi 3E 33 To Town tilmtMnd 1mm noon mm mm cuntunq A1332 mvmr SecretaryTreasurer blhimbf WMMIM WW SWIMng shaman cull Rumor mulled were many nail no so as may MI opu 13le lhr AM no II 377177Wa57n0twthe mlretmuhl NNWIOIlf0Irk9W IV to mm Skim Wtan 10 WWW took mos Nhmhlmg pcoplc out shing It was the um IIWIGQIMII NW It II iccrtalntyotthcgame ma pitting TOLlCFAITll lm your wits patience te er and cm II pm mum li mutilation timer ctt tau tislllnluhglc who Im 11M II II Mltgdahggk II II II view wrong

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