Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1952, p. 16

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militarism mu Ion gamma Hydro Essa Transformer Station we Pickerel Run Notable Sight lNNlBVlLIJl Ont April 28 1CP Ottawa Valley fishermen are be coming more and more baffled each year At this time of the year they con verge on this village 43 miles south west of Ottawa to marvel and drool bit as they watch untold thou sand of pickete1 move upstream ccktng spawning grounds it all started few years ago when group of fishermen dropped large numbers of pickerel fry into the Eastern Ontario lakes jutting out from the Mississippi river Since then the run is one of the natural phenomena of the year The pickerel spawn as soon as the ice moves 001 They leave the lakes in thousands and seek the shallaws of hard gravel in running water So powerful is the urge that as they move in the dusk they crowd and transform an entire riv cr into mass of tossing dorsal fins It is illegal for fishermen to catch pickcrel during spawning season And the big mystery that valley fishermen have been unable to un ravel is where the pickcrcl disap THE GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS Where You Buy More for Less Fertilizer Maker Plants Grow MMRGANIIE IS ONE OF TBEBEST lbs 25 lbs pound 10010 450 SHEEP MANURE THE OLD REUABIE lbs 45c l0lbs 85c 25 50 lbs $235 GARDENIIE seem FAST SATIN IS BETTER GROWING IN Pommw EVERY DAY HAVE YOU TRIED IT IN YOUR noun EASY TO APPLY ON ANY SURFACE Quart only $195 Gallons $595 BEAUTIFUL COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM RICHMOND PAINTS For ALL PURPOSES Floor Enamels and Four Hour Enamels lbs $135 lbs for 250 HAY PORK TINIB ONLY FINE mono MANURE FOR TOO MAGIC STAR COOKER Double Boiler Saucepan Casserole Quart $125 Gallons $425 Varnishes 8r Varnish Stains same price CHILDS BASEBAII SET Ball Glove and But for the Kiddies 3195 Tim MINORA GILLETTE BLADES 10 for 25 Mixing Bowl and Crisper all for $1 With Used Blade Holder poor after they return to the depths of the lakes Angle fumed STOP 901 DO If you want sun tanned body for the luvomike protect your THIS 70000 kva auto transformer the first of two at ntario Hydros service June 1951 similar transformer is scheduled for installation at dialer date greater part of his life moving from thch to Barrie in 1944 member of the United Church the late Mr Mumberson was supporter of the Liberal Party and was member of the Masonic Order and the Orange Lodge He was interested in hockey and base ball Surviving besides his widow the FOIFIIBIIY Of New OWGII former Mary Jane Barker are two daughters Mrs Elsie Keller Fuller 50 for Edwm W05 of Detroit and Mrs Reef Wilson ley Mumberson 80 of Barrie Ruby 01 Bamaone son wm former resident of New Lowell dls jam Mumberson of New Low Itrlct was held at the Jennetf on two sisters Ml Ra lot of Funeral Hm Monday Jun Toronto and Mrs Bates bf New 1952 Mr Mumbcrson died on Lowe two brothus J05 eph Mum Flday May 30 at late reSId berson of Barrie and Fred Muni vence bcrson of New Lowell and five native of Victoria County grandchildren where he was born on Aug 15 Th In 1871 the deceased was the son of ducted bynfglaiwf $38152 d3 James mumbelson and Pallbearers were six nephews of 30de He fasla resdenl the deceased Lawson Mumberson ofNew Lowell and district for the Everett Mumbcrsbm Frank Mum berson Eric Cryderman Harold Bates and Robert Parker Intel mcnt was in Slayner Cemetery The many floral tributes were an expression of the estf in Which Mr Mumberson was held by his many friends Among the wreaths were those from Perfection Lodge Nitetis Lodge LOL 3055 the Wom ans Assqcraitionund the Womens Institute New Lowell Relatives and friends from Tor onto Dundas Cookstown Now we take oders f0 Lowdl and Caledonia were among those attending the funeral berries by the crate to 54 buy or to sell Funeral Service Hold For Mumb rson LOCKERS $1200 and $1400 Year Victor Smith Dies Suddenly In Toronto Former CPR Foreman Crossland Correspondence Victor Smith passed away aud denly at Iliahome 544A Runny rmcde Road Toronto on June 1052 from coronary thrombosis Born at Mimico March8 1880 he movedto Warmlnster thenlto Mid lahdjwlth his parents Inn1012 he joined the1CPR and for Several years hadbeen yard foreman He leavos to mourn his 1055 his wife the former RoseLeddy of Small roosting chickens while they lost Lilo Black Diamond Block Watch Cheese in good supply1 iltostediiootls =zncgiugrgscf 111101100750 you Lindsay one sonyTed three grand children one sister Mrs Annie Knapp Hamilton three brothers Edward Charlie of Toronto and Robert of California The funeral was held from the Lynett Home Friday one Rev Prltchard rector of the Church of the Advent officiated Pallbearers were Earl Davis Leddy Stephen Bell Hunt er and Leddy The beautiful floral tributes showed theaesteem in which de ceased was held including the Bro therhood of Trainmen of which he wasa member The funeral was largely attended Friends from Lindsay Elmvale Crossiand Vlgo Unbridge Saska toon Harley LondonPeterbor0ugh and Newmarket attended We Thonios McDonough 15 Dies At His Home After Illness of Three Months Thomas William McDonough 15 ycarold son of Mr and Mrs McDonough of Barrie died at his home 10 Caroline St on Monday une 1952 after three mdnths illness He had been sick since the latter part of February this year when hewas admitted to Toronto General Hospital and had been confined to bedvat home for the last month Before his illnessrthe deceased had attended BarrieDistrict Coll egiate Institute and had been in terested in hockey and baseball He was member of Burton Ave nuc United Church native of Colllngwood he was born orrrApril 26 1935 Surviv ing besides his parents are bra ther Donald and sister Joan Funeral service was held on Wednesday June 11 at the Jen nctt Funeral Homeiat two oclock in the afternoon and Misconduct ed bythe Rev Muir as sisted by the RevEugene Beech Pallbearers were snowy Grant Larry Grant William Monger Ron aid Marrow James Rose and Rob ert Hooper Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery Floral tributes included those gt from No 205 Base Workshop camp Borden the Civil Service Associn tion the Heating Department of RCE ataCamp Burden Burton enue Unitedchuicli Young 13 plefa Association and E$a 110 Presbyterian Church Anions relatives Rand friends at tenlating the funeral were Mrs Percy Hayaleadj jrimmins Mrs McCartney Mrs Mr 9000211 andfamily of MrsHttmce 1010 of Mr and Mrs13urton Taylor 01 Stlmer Mr and about onetwelfth of an When the season on pickcrcl op Ions May 15 many fishermen who dream of 10211 home good catch are left pu cd and mystified by the few fish that inkc the hook In size the pickcrcl touch 25 lpounds but that is only rare 15 pound fish is not uncommon but weights usually range between three to eight pounds The pickcrcl has many names in cluding the dorc walleye yellow pike okow blow fish and jack salmon But probably the best is pike perch It has all the character istics of apcrch and the lean body of pikc 1n the United States the pickcrcl is called the walleyed pike The eggs of the pickercl arc inch in diameter running abdut 150000 to quart fish of two pounds ripe female might well drop 80000 eggs while 20pound fish could drop 900000 eggs Strange Creature loose in Forests Stirs New lZeelan By GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent AUCKLAND NZ Aprildll CP Outsidqof deer and few wild boars there are no wild animals in the New Zealand forest which is the reasoror the excitement oVer reports of strange hairy crea ture lurking in the Maehau range The country there in the Coma mandel peninsula on the east coast of the Northlsland iswilll and rugged and covered whu ense timber Two men bun ng wild boar in the district Roy Norman and Douglas Teiwhanarh reported seeing ahairy man or possibly gorilla running along 53 forest trail New Railway Opened Montreal MONTREAL June 0A new home away from home was open ed for turnaround railwaymcn of the Canadian National Railways when the 10m Railway YMCA to be established on the CNR lines in Canada opened here last week Located near Central Station the new is combination home firstclass hotel and country inn for trainmen who must wait for al location to other trains on com pleting trip to Montreal It has double bedrooms contain ing 10 beds each having two chairs and wardrobes board room lock cr room and special dormitory for extra train crews needing over night accommodation The new quprters are also equipped with piano radio phonograph movie projector and game tables for cards andcheckers all designed to meet the needs of turnaround railway men In the dedication ceremonies held last week the new was held as mark of the close association skin with olive oil or some good approved lotion If you dont youll be sorry LAZY SUSAN WAY GLASS Ruby or Forest Green SETS OF PYREX CUSTARD CUPS These have Fluted design KINGS PLATE FLAT SILVER SET or 20 PIECES IN ANTI RUST WALNUT CHEST CHOICE OF TWO PA II ERNS MAYFLOWER 435 INSPIRATION Also obtainable in open stock WICKER ROLL BASKETS MADEIRA 30c 750 and 99c HARRY and TWO STORES FOR 98104 Dunlap 51 Phone 2801 s525 50 WICKER CLOTHES HAMPERS Ivory Greenand Yellow $895 SALE OF CARNIVAL WARE TWENTY PIECE STARTER SETS Colors Grey Chartreuse Forest Green and Burgundy The Regular price is $980 $4700 PYREX MIXING BOWL SET $159 Three Bowls in Set Reg $195 RONALD ARMSTRONG YOUR SHOPPINGCONVENIENCE 6971 Elizabeth St Phone 4946 that exists between the transporta lion industry and the YMCA Dingle vicepresident operations welcomed this extension of facilities and said the new branch assures the railroader of comfort able bed in attractive surround ings Johnston chairman of the transportation committee presented the key to Pritchard presi dent National Council for YMCAS for Canada who in turn presented Certificate of Establishment to 1W Murray chairman board of management 31 RECORD AUSTIN SALES During the week ending May 23 750 Austin Somersets wen sold to Austin distributors and dealers in Canada earning net 8250000 for Britainthe biggest recorded dollarearning by any one commod lty TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE MILBARBIE Blue Grass Lawns in Lead Another hunter Beazley red ported finding cave withevi dence of man or beastliving under primitive conditions It contained bones of animals presumably eat on raw and collections of shells resident of thedistrict Wenzliak recalls that about 30 years ago shipdying off the coast had young gorilla as mascot It 1got ashore and was not seen again He says that ever since then there have been rumors bf strange oc currences in the hills There have been reports of night rintrusions into campsdogs biistli snarling because ofsa strange pres ence mysterious footfalls in the forest and wild bestial screams Savage another recident saw what appeared to be lightlybuilt man with unkempt grey beard and long hair walking along beach The man or whatever 110785 ignora ed him and walked into the bush Savage said his dogs were not frightened He thought he might have seen an01d golcli prospector who had decided intake upa nomadic existence and live inthc forest The director of theAuckland 200 Roach discounts the possl bility ofthe creature beluga gor file but thinks itcmild easily be member of the baboonffamilyi Gorillas are stictlye vegetarian and unlikely to survive for SOLvyears ill the New ZealandforentIloach said ing Matchcdash an Friday after noonrJunola Mrs Laurens who was in her 40th year dtd as theresult of in urles suffered infer fallrom secondstorey balconyftit the home Mrs and The so ice actuated by Rev ideii at 1110701110 church Was 111010111th into 1101011 by Jari Knechtot Baytlew H111 Duteh lrnmizrantsuimd Frank Darnva Burton Ta 10 0001510110 Borrow Pallbearers7 03613 three ntetmnbkpa at odometer were noteown Kentucky blue grass which for century or longer has been grown in 15mm public and private through out most of the United States is laid to have beenbroughtito this country from Europe though defl alto records of this seemto be lack Only smhll partofthe 25000000 pounds now used annually to make and maintain lawns and fairways is harvested in Kentucky Blue grass became established in that atate during pioneer days but it has spread so widely through tileM131 alssippi Valley atvtlio harvestex nds north to thofinterntitional boundary farvesters reportthat most of the elds from which they take the seed the Wind an rorponsible for11155190810 These qualities are lnvgluable In lawn grass and Kentch 11100 pass presents nonalcuousexam plc of thesurvival 01111001103191 erbuuetinct monumental my gtsourBoianlculiGatdvntRohvrt ndon th 117 Seller wri rattle conditions that eutemtectlonof ritually bluegraiis tends to fly smutfoothold In 1011 menu numeral but tiecontinues It hyMVQI 3pm noun millennium Intent uncompetl ruseundolher as AfterlOO Peale of 11000 muslinn gram 111000115 Lawn Blue grass prefers ferl porous soil neutral auto acidit testing p111 Grass seed will germinate and grow most satisfactorily if V0 inch layerpf weed freetop soil is sifted over the newly seeded plot theseed should not be sown deeper than then In additiuntofn 1111ng the 8011 prior to odinl hence invoiy 11 0911001101 of plant food on 11011 Agodprac title is to apply epicmber in Order to in tho blue ran into winter in ytgorvan again in the earlyaprin 3111 heavy feuds CKBB 1230 on YOURPDIAI WEDNESDAY II 500 County 10 Hcortbells in Sport Headlines Operation Safety White News 05 Baseball Broadcast 00 News Headlines 900 Home 1000 Motor Memories 1015 Cnnsdo It Work 1030 News 1045 In The 1100 Pauls 1200 News Headlines Wen ther Ibmnn Time THURSDAY 600 5111 011 000 News Headlines Busc bnll Results Weather TNURSDAV 1200 Luncheon Enluo ment untll 1210 Sports Digest 1215 Market Report 1230 Nova 1250 Bulletin Baud 100 Farm Pcnturea 100 Reclonnl Weather 103 Down to Earth 130 Trading Post 200 New 05 You Were Askan as You Like Hour until Rose Present Merchandise Show Sentimental Boronldc News Borbm Wheeler Club 1230 Chapel News Headline Penthouse Ridden Town News Movie MerryOo Round Prelude to Dinner County Hour until Helrtbcnts in Sport Headlines 805 Musicl Clock 615 News 30 News Headlines and Form Market Report 45 News News Hoodlum News Penn Market Report Wstheir Report Reg 50 News News Styles 11 Son 30 Trndlux Poet 1000 In 00 Sports Roundup 33 News Hoodlum 05 Bulletin Board Ban Shop Meet the Artist News Heres Health Tales by deielight The Lives of Harry Limo News Headlines FamIIYTheDtre Platter Party News In The Chapel 1005 2e ers snonlnr Centre 1100 Pauls Penthouse 1030 Trndlnk Post Contd 1200 News Headlines Wen 1100 News 1135 El Neighbor 1155 Name the Place thcr Tom Tim FRIDAY 000 Sign On 600 News Headlines Buc bnll Results Weather 605 Musical Clock 615 News 650 News Headlines And Farm Market Report 645 News 700 New Ilende 71 News 735 Form Morth mean 740 Weather Report 50 00 30 News Hemline 900 New 05 Styles In Son Tndlnz Pact 1000 News 1005 Zellers Bhopplnn Centre 1030 Trading Post contd 1100 News 1105 H1 Nelzhbor 1155 Name the Place FRIDAY EU 1200 Luncheon tunne ment until 1210 Sports Din 1215 Market Report 1230 Time 8131131 Hollywood Oponhouu 1230 News 1250 Bulletin Baud 100 Perm Posture 100 Renloml Weather 03 Down to Earth 130 Trade Post News As You Like It Sentimental Serenade News Barber Wheeler Club 1230 News Heldlfnu Hidden Town too Vndls 30 News 40 Movie Mom0041011110 545 Prelude to Dinner 5er THE EXAMINER rokrnmrmo NEEDS Bu 1946ch CON 0010 it Used car 101 LOCATED AT 112182 Bradford St BARRIE ePlIONE 5355 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1950 VANGUARDSEDAN 1949 MERCURY COACH 1943 PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 111711100111011113 cburE 1940 Done 19135 SEDAN 1941oLDsMoBiLE SEDAN RADIO WROLEIT sEDAu 1010 Pontiac Coach 19$9Plyinonth coupe irasnuasqn seam lighttmanhandsitbut the vigor and per th rgrlitence oflthis neilonvod grassis and gleamacme 10381301111 intro was Light 0137 moisten 001 or ct to tho no r6 hint no

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